
79 thoughts on “Glow”

    1. The back lighting was perfect for this shot, Dan. As I stood there rooted to the spot (again) the awe grew to such a height, I had to sit down just to absorb it all. It was as though I was under a canopy of orange and Mother was just reaching out to me giving me such brightness to lift both my weariness and heaviness of Heart.
      And of course I really played with this image to make it really glow. 🙂 So glad you enjoyed!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  1. It is beautiful Amy! I would love to see what the picture looked like before you edited it to get a perspective on what all you did. (Not that I know that much about it!) LOL! Just think it would be fun to see the difference! Keep on enjoy the beauty Mother Nature has to show us!

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    1. Jodi, this area was just so incredibly breath taking, I had to sit down in order to absorb it all. The back lighting really made the orange leaves glow. It was as if I was surround by a canopy of glowing orange leaves. My breath nearly stopped as I felt my sorrow of recent events evaporate. It was truly one of those experiences that will stay with me for a long time to come. So glad you enjoyed this, my friend!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Jodi, I am SO grateful for those experiences because I have been walking through some very challenging times. It seems Mother is working over time to show me a Show of all Shows this year! I am so enthralled in rapture at times. Mother knows how to truly touch my Soul and heal my Heart. Have a great weekend! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. I saw that too, John!! Especially the orange leaves towards the bottom of the image … they look like flames of fire. I hope you are having a great weekend!!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Our world is splendid, Dawn! One must have eyes to see it and because I do, I get so much pleasure in sharing what I see. Thank YOU for sharing on FB as well as the reblog. I am truly touched. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Aw, Ame, thank YOU!! The colors this year and what I am capturing are intoxicating! I am crossing fingers that this “Bliss Trip” I am on stays well into Winter. I have yet to buy snow shoes but that is my plan so that I really document Winter’s Glory. It won’t be long now. 🙂 Hope you are having a great weekend! Love, Amy ,3


  2. I’m glad you had fun with them and it is so well worth it. I’m noticing that with a lot of these fall photos, you seem to be actually darkening the shots and it’s just enhancing the colors. This one is just terrific.

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    1. AW, Julie, thank you! I really am playing around just to see what I can do. Whenever I am involved in my photography my problems disappear. Your comment put a huge smile on my face. Bless you! Love, Amy ❤

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  3. I’ve noticed, if I turn off my bathroom light, my teeth glow… Yes winter is almost upon us, and I still have these damn boots that make my toes stink! Maybe this year, I’ll just rent a camel. Do you have any camel rental agencies where you are? That phone of yours is quite the gizmo! Are you thinking of going out for Halloween to capture all the gouls and such? I think I’ll dress up as a Nurse, and try to find a new home. LOL!

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    1. Hmmm…. Halloween I have yet to even think about. I was thinking of shooting a hay wagon with the Harvest Moon. As for camels, nope can’t say I have seen any lately. Winter is not here yet thank goodness! I am still enjoying Autumn. Much Love, Amy ❤


      1. Don’t worry about completing the circle of communication in writing. Just say a little prayer of love my way, and we are connected. Happy friendship day!!!!!

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  4. I’m happy you can enjoy the perfect glow of the autumn colors, dear Amy! And I’m glad I can see that glow on your blog, as we don’t have much, if any, of that at all with our evergreen trees 🙂 Have a beautiful week ahead. Much love, Tiny ❤

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    1. Tiny, I am thrilled and it gives me great pleausure to share with you what my eyes see. I have SO many shots of Autumn that I honestly don’t know where to being showing them. I know it won’t be all of them … there are just too many. It won’t be long now that the leaves will all be on the ground, for it is really cooling off. Much Love to you, my friend. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Thank YOU, Eliza!!! I think I shot my last Autumn series today. I am seriously tired, aching from walking miles and carrying equipment. And now to post and blog. Whew!! But, the colors this year have been mind blowing! Those leaves will be coming down shortly for heavy rain is coming this way. Then I can relax and work on my images to post on Petals. IF I can stay awake. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. This Fall has been outstanding in colors, Alexander! I have been enthralled. I believe all my shooting for the Season is finished for now I must concentrate my efforts on continuing to close up my gardens. I hope you are enjoying Fall!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Amy, Fall is my favorite season! No matter what weather it is I love it. I am right now in the big home project. And all of that make my life full and happy. Some gardening is in my plans as well.
        Have a nice day!

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      2. Thank you, Alexander! You have a great day too! I have been out in my gardens finishing up on the closing down process. I am just about finished. I hope the high winds that are predicted for the morrow will not blow away what I made today for my roses. Keeping fingers crossed. ❤

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