Star Of Success

70 thoughts on “Star Of Success”

  1. Gratitude and love dear Amy. It fills our hearts ❤️
    So happy that this crisis is passed. Be grateful for the highs and graceful in the lows … and find contentment in your middle ground my friend. xo

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    1. Dearest Val, going through such a Passage leaves one depleted after giving and giving and giving everything that one has and going beyond that. My one wish for my Molly is that the rest of her days BE of quality as she is surrounded by those she Loves and who Love her. Now I put on my Patience Shoes as I wait to see what these herbs do for her. She is going nowhere, staying in this home of Love and of Peace.
      Already medicine is bugging me to bring her in for an ultrasound to see how bad her heart is. WHY? Do they have any more answers, any other solutions? NO! I was told this was a “drop off and pick up procedure” as though I was dropping off dirty laundry. REALLY??? I NEVER leave any of my cats when they go in for a surgery or procedure, plus, Molly would never tolerate something like this. In fact, just the STRESS of something like this might be the very catalyst that kills her. What IS medicine thinking, besides dollar signs???
      I wrote this comment to you because you are the first commenter on this post, and I HOPE others will read it so they start thinking twice before they just “do” what medicine tells them to do. Every effort of mine is for Molly’s welfare. And this Mamma Bear is not about to put Molly through something that would stress her out so much that it would severely set her back, or outright kill her.
      Now that I got that off my chest, I INTEND to settle down on my Middle Ground. I withdrawal from the world and immerse myself in flowers and Mother.
      Sending Much Love to you this day, my friend, Amy ❤

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      1. I hear you roar Momma Bear and I feel the love that best so strongly. I agree. We need to be there for our beloved pets. Patience, love and gratitude for every day Molly is here and not in pain, becomes such a blessing and gift.

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      2. She had a tough morning for some reason but now with all I did for her, she is once again comfortable. The most I can hope for, Val, is that one day she closes her eyes and just slips away in ease. Until that day (hopefully) arrives, I do everything I can to keep her comfortable and above all else, surrounded with LOVE. Thank you for your support. This Mamma Bear is having a tough day as well, who is about to step outside to go for a LONG walk. Love you, Val! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you, Dan. She is still a work in progress, I knowing what she really needs is a heart transplant. I don’t have my head in the sand. I’m just trying to make what time she has remaining as quality as possible. Surrounded by Love and taken care of by Mom and Dad, I am doing the best I know of for her. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  2. Dear Amy. I’m very grateful to know, that Molly now is so much upstairs again, that she can start teasing the others again 😀
    It is great that you got so much support, while you really needed this Amy.
    I would like to learn more about Ayurvedic meds for cats too. I already started searching to find, where I could learn more about both these and Homeopathic meds for cats. I have used Homeopathic meds for humans, but not for cats.
    I have also used other kinds of natures meds with good luck to both my cats and my dog.
    I’m going to the vet this afternoon, one of my cats Hvide has problems with his teeth. I think they need a good cleaning, which also will be first time for him. He gets dry food to avoid these problems. But okay he is also 12 years now.
    I hope that you and your family had a peaceful and restful weekend.
    Much love ❤

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    1. When the dust settles, Irene, I plan on getting books myself on Ayurvedic herbs for cats. I am not sure if there are any books out there but I will look. If not, I will get some books on Ayurvedic medicine for humans and hopefully I can apply what is in the books to cats.
      I hope Hvide is OK. It is just so scary when our beloved animals go through any procedure. Here the cats are put under anesthesia to clean their teeth, which I avoid as best I can. I also feed my cats good moist food, only giving dry food as a snack once per day, made by Royal Canin Oral Sensitive Formula, made specifically to help with tartar. I would swear it works.
      Molly is having a challenge day today. I have been sticking close to her just to reassure her that she is OK. An Ayurvedic herb I have been waiting for arrived today, one that is a powerful diuretic. Keeping all fingers crossed it works!!
      I really don’t know when my next post will be up. I have zero motivation to do anything with this blog or my camera right now. My whole focus right now is on healing.
      I embrace your well wishes for a peaceful week. We sure could use one!!! 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you Amy, I made a post about Hvide’s visit at the vet today, but write now from my mobile, so can’t give you a direct link. No anesthesia were needed.
        If you find any books, please share your knowledge with me Amy.
        My old boys get Royal Canin for old cats no. 2, because they are so old. Only dry food also to avoid cleansing of teeth. They get a little wet food as snack one time daily, but free access to their dry food and fresh water of course.
        I will have Molly in mind when I’m in short time meditate before sleeping and send her healing.
        Much love to all of you Amy ❤

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      1. i love it when you come… i was staring out the window at my little garden and your green light started swirling around my head 🙂
        you are welcome anytime 🙂

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  3. Hello Amy,
    I haven’t been commenting a lot because I didn’t want to add too much to your inbox. But I’m so happy to hear this great news ❤ 😀 Hope you can all relax and enjoy the summer 🙂

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    1. Bless you, my friend!!! Thank you SO much for your support while I am going through this with Molly. I hope all is well with you and your Loved ones!!! With Peace and Love, (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  4. May god be with you in every footsteps… May she get well soon…. Im so happy to know that she is going to be strong again…and bless ur mamma heart…ur love for them is priceless… And ur determination more than any medicine…salute u dear…!!!

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  5. Wonderful news Amy. I’m sure it must have been a hard weekend for you and I’m so glad you pulled through. I love the image. It is truly a star and I credit your artistic eye for finding it. It’s almost snowflake like as well with the lacy delicate buds. Terrific tribute to Molly. Here’s to her!

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  6. Dear Amy, you are the ultimate scrapper, never giving up no matter the odds. I am blessed knowing you and always glad to help in any small way. It is hard when our Family isn’t 100% and when it seems the obstacles are stacked in our way, but we never have the luxury of giving up or giving in to hopelessness. It’s just not us and I am proud you know to listen to your heart first and foremost. I pray the positive energy surrounding you continues to grow and grow so you can “coast” a bit and get some WELL deserved R&R&S ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀 All is well here in TN, tomorrow the new “outstanding warrants” list comes out, maybe I can dodge an entry again. Or my friends in WPP aren’t doing their job.
    ͡• ♥ ͜ 👄 ͜ ♥ ͡• ͡• ♥ ͜ 👄 ͜ ♥ •͡

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  7. Bless you, Amy! Thank you for the beautiful post. I love you and we walk together on this Life Journey. I am blessed to call you, My Sister!!!

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  8. It can be an up and down road for a while Amy. Peace, quiet, being in nature always helps my cats. Just like us. CoQ10 is excellent for the heart. We offer our animals fresh and dried herbs to eat as they will. They tend to choose what they need at times. Big HUGS for all you are doing!! Your love alone can heal her. ❤️❤️❤️

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    1. Thank you, Denise. It has been an up and down journey. Today has been a challenge day for both Molly and me. I’m much better now after a LONG walk and Molly is better after Rescue Remedy. My cats do the exact same thing with both herbs and Homeopathy. They tell me what they want. I offered Molly this morning an herbal combination for pain and she said no to it. I honored her decision. I know it will take a while before the Ayurvedic herbs kick in … so my Hope is still there. My deepest desire for Molly is that when it is truly time for her to go, she will do so easily in her sleep. That is the way it was meant to be. I Love her so much it hurts sometimes. I’m sure you understand that. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  9. This is such a touching post, and to read about what you have been going through these past weeks is sad and I cannot imagine the strength you (and great Molly) had during that time. Wishing you the absolute best right now and I think that is what you are feeling. Take care ~

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    1. Dearest Freind,
      I am not replying to many comments for I have just about completely withdrawn in what I do here through my Petals and at WP, and turned my entire energy and focus into assisting Molly. You are one of those who have the “higher understanding” that where energy is focused, thus is the Power.
      This situation will have one of two outcomes. One, Molly’s heart is just too ill to turn around and decide to heal, so I assist her to the best of my ability to have what remainder time she has surrounded by Love and in comfort. I trusted allopathic medicine with her condition because truth, I thought we did not have enough knowledge to sustain her health on what we do have. More then likely I am correctd in this assessment. For just recently, an Ayurvedic Doctor from India with a Heart of Solid Gold, has stepped forward to assist me in helping Molly. With this added knowledge plus what I do know, is more then likely, what Molly needed in the very beginning, 5 years ago, when she was first diagnosed with CHF.
      The second outcome would be that with all combined efforts and my Love, Molly’s heart will mend and her health will become better. I can only HOPE for this outcome. Today was a tough day as I figured out more to the picture as why Molly had such trouble with her breathing today. If I told you word for word the conversation (inane at that) with the vet who is “caring” for Molly, you would not believe it. Suffice it to say, the reasoning, the rationale, the suggested more “bandaides” all had absolute no value in the Art of Healing. With eyes wide open, I am shocked to the degree medicine has fallen and how difficult the AMA makes it to get any real healing medications outside of allopathic meds.
      This Journey I have been on has been extremely difficult as I contend with an insane organization that cares more for the dollar then a life, as I continually with the aid of the Doctor from India, give Molly hopefully life giving herbs, and as I live and breathe each and every day for Molly.
      That, Randall, takes a mountain high worth of energy. I have nothing to give here now, so for me to be writing this length to you, will mean something to you. I really connect with you, your energy, and I just had to validate this incredible learning experience I am having right now with you for reasons I cannot explain.
      Bless you for reading my words. Bless you for BEing who you are, Randall. This world is in such need of those of your Heart, so please do not allow this cruel world to take from you your Preciousness.
      With Love, Amy ❤


      1. This is such a beautiful passage, and I can hear Molly’s purring as you write this ~ such meaning and love with your actions. As exhausting as this all sounds, you still move forward as deftly and bravely as before. Wishing you all the very best and thank you!

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  10. Amy I am so sorry I have been silent lately. I’m struggling here with some issues as you know not to mention I’m on a very old computer right now while mine is in for repair and it is SO slow! Sometimes I just give up and close the laptop lid lol. But I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and Molly and hoping she would pull through. Love is SO strong and that combined with your research has allowed Molly to stay with you. Evidently you have more to give each other and that’s a wonderful thing! Oh how I know those ups and downs with kitties only too well. It is NOT easy. All my love to you and your entire family (paws and all). 🙂

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    1. How odd that neither you or I are really blogging right now, Laura. I am SO focused on doing everything I can for Molly and some days, like today, I really see her getting better. Western medicine has NO answers and in fact has written her off as good as dead. I have been lied to, taken advantage of, manipulated all by this new animal hospital all in the name of MONEY. It is disgusting and how my eyes have truly been open to how bad medicine has gotten, for both human and animal alike. I thank God for this woman in India (Sneha …PLEASE check out her blog …. she is a really gifted artist! Her link is on this post.) who is an Ayurvedic doctor, guiding me and helping me as to which herbs to give to Molly. I am stunned that a woman with such a Golden Heart, asking for nothing in return except my friendship, is helping me to the extent she is. Without her help, I don’t think Molly would still be here.
      Laura, how I really miss you (and others) but right now, I am SO focused on getting Molly strong and well so that she can spend the rest of her Life as best as I can give her. I too have begun taking an Ayurvedic herb for arthritis and already I am seeing a huge decrease in my inflammation. I have lost so much faith in western medicine …. and here I used to be an RN. I am just so shocked how low medicine has fallen in this country. Yes it is great in an emergency and in some cases managing an illness. But, this huge push to give drugs that kill life, all these expensive procedures that are really not needed …. all for MONEY. It disgusts me! What I have been through just with this vet hospital you wouldn’t believe if I told you.
      Anyways … I hope you get your computer back soon. There is nothign more frustrating then a SLOW computer.
      I Love you, Laura. I’ll be back in the saddle when Molly is well on her way to health. I still have HOPE especially on days like today when I see her looking better then she has in the past year. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you for taking time to write this nice response Amy. 🙂 I will check her blog out and that herb! Western medicine definitely has taken a nose dive all in the name of money and pharmaceuticals…oh and quick in and out and data input. I can’t stand it! Food also contributes greatly to inflammation and imho inflammation is one of the biggest culprits for a lot of things wrong in the body. I’m so glad you’re focused on Molly and don’t worry about responding. I love you too Amy! Please take care. In the meantime I am poking along with this old computer lol.

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