Molly Chooses Life (Long Post)

95 thoughts on “Molly Chooses Life (Long Post)”

      1. I will, Erika. In fact, I am preparing her last meal for the day and when I pick her up, I wlll make sure she gets hugs and kisses from you and Gigit. (smile) Another one who wants me to do what you asked. *tears* Molly is so precious and just to hold her melts my Heart. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. We are lucky to have her, Laura. She is teaching us so much on how to believe even when all seems hopeless. You have no idea how hard this was nor how relieved I am right now. Much Love to you, my friend. Love, Amy ❤

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  1. Amy I am so pleased to hear this news to date.. Such a wonderful devotion you have shown both you and your hubby.. She is a beautiful girl.. And is a little fighter who isn’t going to give up.. Just like her Mom.. x ❤ Love and Hugs Sue

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    1. That she does, Amy, and that is what she has been conveying to me even during the times she was suffering so much. I made calls twice to make arrangements to put her down because I could not stand to see her struggle for breath, yet each time Molly stopped me. I did NOT get the OK from her. And that is the truth!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I understand, Amy. Our sweet dog, Mackenzie, was like that. She tried so hard, I don’t remember how many times when we decided to put her down, until her liver failed… (((Hugs))) ❤

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      2. That decision about putting an animal down is excruiating. It is THE most difficult one for someone who Loves an animal to do. I am so sorry to hear about your dog Mackenzie. It is Heartbreaking to watch an animal struggle and hurt and go downhill. My Love to you, Amy! I’ve walked that road more then once, and I have so many to go. You have my deepest empathies!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. We are going as far as we can with Molly, Raewyn. She has been sick for so many years, and to see her right now comfortable and sleeping in a postition that tells me she is really really relaxed, is such a Miracle. I want to bring as much health to her as I possibly can!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Eliza, I just found you in my spam folder today. Bless you for sending healing to Molly. She is looking better and in my opinion, improving. I am truly wiped out, and I honestly don’t know when I will be back to blogging. When one is involved in saving a Life, blogging just seems so pointless. I just question if I am making a difference for the better. Sending so Much Love to you this day, Amy ❤


      1. Bless you, Eliza. I’ve just lately been through so much and I’m questioning things in my Life. Pulling Molly from death and keeping her stable was major. Blogging in comparison seems so trivial.
        I just came from a park photographing tiny waterfalls. I think I captured some majic for there were dragonflies (blue) all over the place. I had to get out of the house today even if it was just for a few hours. I feel renewed.
        Much Love to you, my dear friend. Thank you for your reassurance about my blog. I really mean it!!! xo Love, Amy


    1. Molly is far from a fat house cat. She weighs 10 pounds. Where on earth did you get the idea she is overweight? She might look overweight in the picture but that is from sitting the way she is. Your comment really took me a-back. This post is all about the incredible extents my husband and I went to in order to save Molly’s life. And yes the reason we work so darn hard because all of Life is precious!

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      1. Certainly didn’t mean to upset or offend with my careless use of the term “fat housecat” as a kind of nickname–spoken with love. It’s always the worse that people take away from what is spoken in innocence. I too am very weight-conscious–and robustly healthy at age 76. May Molly and her family be well and thrive.


      2. Toni, this cat has congestive heart failure and I am presently fighting for her life. My nerves are raw as I have been working around the clock. I work outside of the box of mainstream medicine and it is so difficult especially when we are self taught. If I came across as brusk, your comment really took me by surprise but then I realized you haven’t been aware of the super human effort both myself and my husband are making to help this cat live. She really is not overweight. Her problem is accumulated fluid in her pleural sacs and abominal cavity because her heart is not working right, She needs a heart transplant but that is not about ot happen, not for a cat.


      3. AmyRose, I do send Light and only Love Energy to you and your beloved companion. I too shared my life with two of the most miraculous felines known to humankind. I know the devastation of human and animal illness. When it is time, the animal will know…be at peace…I know…easier said than done…but not impossible even under the most challenging of situations. I know that you know that all of life comes to teach us something. Blessings.

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      4. Now you have me in tears, Toni. Western medicine has so little to offer, and yes we ventured down that road with Molly, but now she is in need of alternative measures which we are addressing. She has yet to tell me she is finished so I and my husband are not quitting in helping her until that time arrives. We have seen miracles with some of our other cats, so this by itself motivates us. The not knowing is the worst and I have to constantly bring myself back to Center and Balance so as not to fall into worry (which I have). That state helps no one so it is vitally important that I remain steady. I just lost my Dad a few months back and now this with Molly, and also another cat of ours that I am caring for as well, is truly a test of my maturity and where I really am on the “spiritual wheel”. We take care of special needs cats so it is a lot to take care of everyone on top of caring for them when they are really ill.
        Thank you so much for continuing this conversation. You have Blessed me. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  2. Keeping my fingers crossed while my hands are together praying for all of you and more continued success, dear Amy. Take the break between the rollercoaster rides and rest, you deserve it in abundance. ᕙ(💓▿💓)ᕗ

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    1. I have been resting today, George, and I shall continue to do so. I am not blogging (again) …. [I cannot believe how many times I have said that recently!] but I will be back as soon as I am really ready. Slow and steady she goes!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Good, you need rest, dear Amy. Patience and faith aren’t easy, but better than worry and dread anyday. You’re welcome to email me anytime you need to do so .
        ͡ ͡• ♥ ͜ 👄 ͜ ♥ ͡• ͡• ♥ ͜ 👄 ͜ ♥ •͡

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      2. I am resting, George, and I plan on doing more. It has been one thing after another with my Life. I have got to get on cruise control. Bless you for the offer of the email. I may just take you up on that offer. Thank you, my friend!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      3. PS I just saw you email. You are the same age as hubby is. The difference between the two of you is like night from day. You LIVE. He does not. I LOVE the kisses by the way. 🙂 ❤

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  3. Molly looks so good now Amy 😀
    Now we can keep up our hope that she will be even better than now, so wonderful. I feel so very happy for all of you. I keep on with the healing and wish you all the best.
    Much love ❤

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    1. Irene, Molly looks the best she has in a very LONG time. Karma through me for a huge curve and in taking care of him I more or less lost contact with Molly. Then all of a sudden I saw how sick she was right on the tail end of taking care of Karma. I didn’t even get a breath in between. May you BE Blessed for your part in all this. Now we wait for those herbs so that I can begin to encourage Molly’s body to continue to heal as it is doing so now. 🙂 ❤

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      1. When I contact Molly, she is not asking for so much healing any longer, which for me is so very positive. She seems more happy and more relaxed which is understandable, when her breathing is much better again.
        Much love ❤

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      2. No, she is not “pulling” on me either, Irene. I was giving her massive amounts of Life Force energy but not today. It’s a good thing because last night I dropped. Literally. Now I rest and get myself back together. It’s been so long since I have tended to my gardens and really enjoyed the outdoors. Tonight is cool so I have the windows open, much to my husband’s detriment. He doesn’t like windows open at night, I do. I win tonight. Too bad, hubby. Fresh air is good for all of us. (He has phobias about night due to Vietnam … IMO time for him to get over them and begin to enjoy fresh air!) Anyways …. I must go get Molly to give her the last meal of the day. She has been sleeping for the major part of the day. I Love you, Irene!!! God bless you!! Love, Amy ❤

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      3. Great that Molly is so well now Amy, for that I feel grateful.
        Rest is important not to become ill yourself and you have had a tough time, so just rest and recharge your batteries Amy.
        Yes, fresh air is healthy and hubby needs to learn to look forward too, even it is not always that easy.
        I love you too Amy ❤

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      4. Molly has again retained her fluid, BUT her respiratory rate is normal right now. I am again giving her Homeopathy (strong) to encourage this fluid to come off. These Ayurvedic herbs from India are taking forever to come here. I am glad you order Life Gold. I say a difference right away, then that difference wasn’t so noticable. I am still giving my cats this remedy. ❤

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      5. Thank you for telling me Amy. I feel, that she has been sleeping or resting a lot, which is good for her. I hope the herbs will arrive very soon. I will try to contact Molly again.
        Much love ❤

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      6. Molly has been sleeping a lot, Irene. I just took her respiratory rate and it is the lowest it has ever been. I will just keep on doing what I am today with the Homeopathy. As for me, I rested yesterday, got a good night’s sleep, and today feel OK. If I allow the exhaustion to take a bite, I will fall. I rise above and focus on the Strength that comes from Source. ❤

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      7. Very good news Amy from both of you.
        I hope you will find help to rise and recharge your energy, when you see what is inside the CD for you and your family.
        I fully understand you with the exhaustion, but it is okay to need to rest too.
        Much love ❤


      8. Molly accept the love and seems very happy, which makes me very happy too.
        She seems to need you to stay not too far away from her, maybe you better understand that message, than I do. I hope so.
        Much love to all of you ❤


    1. I will hug and kiss her shortly, Gigi!!! I am getting rest and I will get more, I promise. I’ve been through more hells lately then I can count. Sending much Love to you! ❤ Amy ❤


    1. Thank you so kindly, Herman. I am very touched by your thoughtfulness. Now we need to just recoup from the extreme phase we just left and get on cruise control. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  4. Amy that is precious. I personally will not give my cat any Allopathic meds ever, I research and ask Dad (The ONE) for strength and guidance, and help for the precious soul in my care. I love what you and your husband have done and I send prayers of healing with tons of love your way.

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    1. Angel, my goal is to get Molly off these allopathic meds. I am getting help from an Ayurvedic Doctor in India who has volunteered to assist me with Molly AND myself. I met her through this blog and to my utmost delight and gratitude, she is willing to help me any way she can. The GOOD people I have met through Petals astounds me!
      Bless you for the continued prayers of healing. Many more decisions have to be made as Molly’s meds are adjusted and herbs are given to provide healing to her body. Then me. I live in chronic pain and this doctor again has said she will help me heal totally. I am SO grateful, I have no words. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Dearest Amy my Internet has been a challenge these days with only dial-up speed, it makes it hard to truly write what I want and send out the information that so many crave.

        I have recently been turned on to MSM, it is a much needed mineral that our body requires. It has many up sides. I also give it to my dog who in her late years suffers pain in her hips. I also add ground glucosamine, diatomaceous earth, and black walnut tenture, vitamin B, and tumeric to her food. I give her vegetable juice from our garden, no potatoes or foods that could harm her. When we cook beans for example, I make sure that she is included. I also feed her eggs (cooked). All these things have helped our dog. I also put colloidal silver in her food and on any wounds she aquires outside.

        I will write more later. Be blessed


    1. I try not to hold grudges, Cate, and not to develop a negative attitude towards them, BUT I have been at the receiving end, as have my cats, of some pretty horrendous actions from these so called professionals. Heart has gone flying out of medicine, at least for the most part. How sad, for healing is all about Compassion, Caring, and LOVE. ❤


  5. You are doing the right thing Amy and hubbs. Offering her love, hope and healing. ❤️💖 Love and prayers, Denise and all the furries

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  6. Lovely to hear such good news, Amy dear! Your hard work and sensitive “listening” are paying off. I’m appalled to hear what the vet said. So insensitive. But happy you’re listening to your heart instead and relying on what you’ve researched. Here is to Molly’s continued recovery 💖 🐈 🌹and a big hug to you. Much love, Tiny

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    1. Tiny, the callousness I have witnessed lately in Vet medicine is criminal. These are precious animals and to be spoken of in such a manner yes is appalling. And what I witnessed over at the other hospital (animal) IS criminal even more so … and I get kicked out of the establishment when I told the owners what was going on. Now you have a really good idea why my husband and I work so hard for these precious animals. Molly is the only one on allopathic medications. My goal is to get her off completely as an Ayurvedic Doctor from India who I know through my blog is going to help me do so with Ayuvedic herbs. Then me, Tiny. Yes, I have health issues and darn it, if it is the last thing I do, I am walking away from western medicine! It is deplorable what is happening. People really need to WAKE UP to realize the dangers that medicine presents.
      I am listening to my Guidance, and I shall continue to do so. It is not easy, and at times terrifying. But to see Molly all curled up sound asleep brings tears of such gratitude and JOY to my eyes. I just woke up as I took a catnap with Molly. Now I must begin to close down for the day …. chores, and taking care of those cats that need attending to. And then me … shower and bed. Love you, Tiny!!! Bless you for your support … I am so exhausted!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. (((HUGS))), Julie!! Thank you SO much! I am the lucky one! Molly has given me so much LOVE over the years and the way she trusts me brings tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. The way she looks at me with those huge deep green eyes when she says thank you, Mom, twists my Heart into knots. To know the Love of an animal the way I experience, is a Piece of Heaven. Really!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. Dear Amy, reach out anytime. Glad you will rest. 💞🌈🌈 My Clan won’t let me spend wasted Tim on past, too much present and future for us. ⛅✨🌌


  7. Awww sending much love and healing to Molly. I am a caregiver to my cat (Yasmin) so I can relate to parts of your post. You are such a great kitty momma Amy 🙂 ❤

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    1. I’m not sure if this would be useful to you but I thought I’d share it anyway… I bought a book a few months ago called You can Heal Your Pet by Elizabeth Whiter and Dr Rohini Sathish (two holistic vets) and found it incredibly empowering in caring for my cat ❤

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      1. Bless you, Lisa!!! I am getting this book right away!! I just had the most shocking day as I attempted to do research on line for ayuvedic herbs and to my horror, I could not find any sites that were of any real medical value. Researching like I used to do a few years ago I was able to pull up real sink your teeth into medical sites and excellent products. Today? YOU CAN NO LONGER ACCESS THESE SITES!!! I don’t know where you live, but please start bookmarking your valuable websites. I am planning on doing a post on this. This is too important not to write about! Our right to education is being taken from us and it has been done so in a way, most people dont’ even know it. Again Bless you!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      2. I live in the UK and always bookmark useful sites. Thanks Amy 🙂 I hope you find the book of some use. I went to a workshop in London run by the two vets who wrote the book and loved their energy. Just meeting them reassured me about the choices I made for my cat and to keep trusting my intuition. I worked with an animal communicator a while ago too which really helped me as well. Love and hugs, Lisa ❤

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      3. Lisa, I would truly be grateful if you would tell me the name of the animal communicator. To have some guidance in what I am now presently going through with Molly would be such a great help.
        I also refollowed you. I could have sworn I was following you.
        As for research, I found out through a dear friend the search engine to use is I tested the waters yesterday and low and behold I could research just like I could a few years ago, with real bonified medical sites. Google is junk. I found that out the hard way.
        I really thank you for your book suggestion. I can hardly wait to receive it. If you are more comfortable with referring me to the animal communicator via my email, it is Thank you so much!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      4. Hi Amy I just wanted to let you know I just e-mailed you and also sent some healing energy to your cat while in deep meditation last night ❤

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  8. So happy you went with your motherly instinct and stuck it out with her to get better…your husband and yourself are great parents and I am so glad for Molly…Much love to you all ❤ and to your other babies! you are always in my thoughts!

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  9. So pleased for you and Molly. Animals let us know when they are ready. My dog Gizmo is sick but hanging in here at nearly 17 years old, with Cushing’s disease. I took him off prescribed medication last December, with no ill effects and possible slight improvement. We have to do what we feel is right. Much love to you Amy and your household of cats and humans. xx


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