
90 thoughts on “Resurrection”

    1. I’m doing my best to rectify the matter, Amy. Gardening in today’s world is so difficult. I have so many flowers that attract hummingbirds, bees, butterflies. All except for my Roses are chemical free. Now I have to maintain vigilence with my Roses unitl that chemical is out of them. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I know, Amy. I know. This is one of the reasons why I have made it my goal to be free from chemicals on our entire property. It has been hard. Downright impossible at times. Finding the site that Mary Rose gave me with organic products is a life saver. Not only does it have organic sprays for Roses, but for weeds too, as well as for mosquitos. I’ve been at this for years and it seems I make headway and I crash back again. To see Robins getting worms from a lawn without weeds on it, makes my skin crawl. At least here on our property Robins have an environment free from chemicals. I plan on learning a lot from Mary Rose on her site on FB. It was a Miracle she even found me last night. >3

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      2. Some of my neighbors have to have a perfect yard, and not shy about using chemical spreads. You have passion for plants, flowers, bees…. ❤

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  1. Wherever did you find this candle? LOL! Intricate shot! Difficult angle! Interesting how the pedal looks almost feather like! You’re a very creative Photographess… If I wore a hat, it wood bee off to you, for beeing so environmentally conscious! You’re quickly becoming my favorite person, next to myself :O)

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    1. Ah, you understand the difficult angle! Thank you, Darrell! I was on the ground looking up and in the process of that shot, I now have a sore neck. But I got the capture! LOL I saw how the Light was coming through and it just took my breath away. I was not about to let this go. I am SO glad you enjoyed this post. I made a grave error in judgment about my gardens, but now am doing everything I know to rectify that. (((HUGS))) and thank you for making me smile. Love, Amy ❤


      1. I went for a massage today. SMILE!!!!! Oh, Kathy, I have found a woman who has tremendous healing in her hands. I floated off her table, and she removed pain that I had in my neck. You can bet I will be going to see her on a regular basis. The best part is, her office is right down the street from me. Amazing that I have passed this building probably a thousand times, and almost every time, my gaze was pulled there. For good reason. I found me a Gift from Heaven today!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      2. Oh, Amy so happy to hear that you got a great massage. That is so great. Found this great woman chiropractor and went to see her today. Feeling so much better. On the road to recovery for both of us. Lots of Love and Smiles ❤

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      3. Kathy!!! I am SO happy for YOU!!!! Now what is the chance, think about it, that around the same time, you found someone who is helping you as I did. Just wow!!! Lots of Love and Smiles right back at you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Bless you, Melissa, because I really am overwhelmed and discouraged today. I am about to head out to my gardens to continue gardening, and there I know I will find Peace. Sending My Love to you, Amy ❤


    1. Thank you SO much, Tiny! I’m happy too that I got some advice. Angels were involved with this, as was my Dad. The chances of this woman, knowing next to nothing about WP, coming to Petals, the first blog she ever went to, is like probably a million to one. So you bet, I am both thrilled and amazed! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. They zonked out hours ago, not sure if they’re coming out for snacks or not. I never wake them unless emergency, their little bodies know best. ));<))
        ᕙ (๑̀ᴥ๑́)ᕗ

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      2. You are one of the smart ones who understand that the body is always right and it is of the highest priority to listen to it. Small children use up SO much energy that it is vital they are renewed in sleep. Hope you are mending, my friend. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      3. Good thing about reaching this age, I’ve learned from all the wrong decisions and foulups, at least in some areas. The birth of my Nieces, and the explosion of Grandchildren in a short period of time has accelerated my re-learning curve, indeed. I wouldn’t wish some of the last five years on anyone, but on the other side of the coin, I wouldn’t take a million dollars to change anything we’ve gone through. It all has made my Clan and I closer and tighter, and in small ways a lot more appreciative of just what we have together without worrying about competing with people that we don’t know or don’t know us. Being the Parkers beats being the Joneses and Smiths anyday, I have enough to do with keeping up with Kiddies, so the Jones and Smiths are on their own.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
        No time for games or wasted energies.
        Where’s my wall socket adapter for my energy lift??

        Ш☤ṧн☤ᾔ❡ ƴ◎ü α ẘøη∂℮ґƒʊʟ ⅾαƴ

        αηⅾ ґεṧт øƒ ẘε℮к

        ḟїłʟ℮ⅾ ẘḯ☂ℌ ℌαρ℘☤ηεṧṧ,

        ʝø⑂, αηḓ ṧмḯℓεṧ▣

        It’s Wednesday already, taking an extra day away from Parkerville has turned my schedule upside down,
        no worry,
        I have it on a dry erase board, I can turn in around or write a new one quickly.


        ❤ (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3.

        bigs hugs from Neverland/Parkerville, TN boonies



      4. If smarts were measured by the bumps created while hitting head against the wall, then I’m the smart one or is that I am the one whose head smarts when overused??????????????????????????????????????
        ❤ (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3.

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      5. George, your sense of humor does not cease to amuse me. I am laughing out loud. You know what I meant!!! LOL You are just so funny! No wonder those wee ones LOVE you so much!!!! ❤

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      6. We all make choices every day in Life, I choose to laugh even if no one else can hear me, they can feel it through my smile and see it in my eyes.
        scribbling on my dry erase board drawings and
        my inventory
        Cops love stopping me.
        Had lunch with motorcycle policewoman today and she was single. She asked if I’d like to go out on a date later on, I told her I wasn’t sure if my Parents would approve.
        She looked at me and said I looked well over 21 and what does it matter what my parents approve of or not.
        Then I told her my parents were Father Time and Mother Nature.
        She roared so loud, I’m pretty sure the whole place heard her laughing and choking and spitting her drink.
        Sometimes you just can’t let a little thing like being Mute get in the way of having fun and making people laugh.
        Told her to text me with her nights off so maybe I can fit something into my Opa George schedule.
        She reads fast.
        thankfully and has patience while I write
        She’ll probably run a background check on me next.
        ❤ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


      7. Old, not dead yet. I’m not searching for a new wife, just enjoying life and meeting new people.
        Plus, a woman with a motorcycle, bullet proof vest and GUNS,
        now that’s a recipe to kill boredom if I ever heard of it.
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        I adopt
        Doublemint gum.
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        ❤ (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3.

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      8. Now, George, pull up a chair and let’s talk, shall we? One, who said anything about marriage? Two, you are a grown man who as you put it, is not dead yet, and if you decide to have a relationship with a woman outside of marriage, who cares? Really. No church, no organization has the right to tell you that um sex outside of marriage is not OK. Hmmmmmm …. really? You have been married enough. Yiveh!!! I think a woman with a bullet proof vest would be perfect for you to play with. Hehehehehehe Just sayin’. I am giggling as I write this to you …. and blushing a bit too ….

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      9. Dear Amy,
        I’m still thinking about dinner or coffee or lunch, haven’t even gone further than that yet.
        I’m pretty sure the voices in my head would be a lot more influential in making any decisions about more than that. I think she’s trying to figure me out, but hasn’t started asking any questions yet.
        Maybe after she runs my background check and finds more questions than answers ???????? hahaha
        We’ll find out how quick she understands acronyms that are in my civilian, military, and foreign governments dossiers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        She just might change her mind, phone number and address before she’s done.
        I have had some Weird friends before in previous life, they’re very protective of me and mine. I once applied for a postal position which required a background check, pretty in depth. I turned in the appropriate forms and waited for the call(s). I had already passed the exams for management and non-management positions(city carrier/clerk/computer operator). About 6 weeks later, I was called in for an interview by some young man, acting postmaster in a small city .
        He said I’m not sure if I should hire you or run like the dickens. I asked why he was confused. He said he called the numbers I left for references and the next day he got invited for an IRS audit. Two days later he said he was called by a contractor for the FBI wanting to schedule a visit to update his security clearance. On the third day, a man who refused to identify himself using a restricted, local phone number and inquired why he was using the number I gave him and that he should remove any info about this number from his files and if I needed a reason, then I was supposed to ask the person who gave him that number, or just forget he ever dialed that number.
        He was sweating profusely as he talked and said he liked and needed his job, so whatever I needed or wanted, it was mine for the asking.
        I started laughing so hard I couldn’t hold back. I then called the numbers on my phone and told my “friends” to cut out the cloak and dagger games and just verify where I worked and for how long. After a hardy laugh or three, all was good in this young guy’s life again and almost normal. He asked why this happened? I told him to remember to not judge a book by it’s cover. He was confused again, but I played back the first part of our interview. Then suddenly, he heard himself ask me “Are you sure you’re not a little old for this type of work?”
        He decided his discomfort was a lot less painful than me filing an age discrimination complaint and him losing his job over a stupid mistake on his part.
        I’m very forgiving when folks are humble instead of arrogant, but I do enjoy “teachable moments” every now and then.
        Should I warn her ahead of time before she stops snooping?
        Nah, this might even be more fun.

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      10. Nah, let her snoop, George. If she doesn’t run, you know the kind of stuff she is made out of, she don’t scare easily. If she does run, well, she wouldn’t have fit into your life nor your clans’ life. Who knows? The woman just might be up for a challenge, and a lot of fun, and for heaven’s sake, she will never be bored with you around.
        As for your friends ….. hmmmmm ….. I don’t scare easily, and so far I haven’t run. If any checked me out, they would find a relatively quiet, “boring”, definitely different woman who prefers cats then to humans most of the time, and they would find out I used to get into a lot of trouble in my younger years, being a rebel and all, but for now, I live in a fashion, that one would assess, not a threat to society. Besides, I’m caring for a Vietnam Vet and that ought to say something right there about me. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      11. She won’t scare off easy, I have a gut feeling. Dealing with a Mute is new for her. I told her she needs to learn how to read lips, and the best way is up close.
        She blushed and then grabbed my dry erase board and drew a big smile. She has a sense of humor. In a few weeks, I’ll know how well she shoots, friendly local competition for charity. And bragging rights, also. “♥‿♥” 👿
        My friends from in later life aren’t a concern at all to most people. It’s the “old” “friends” that aren’t exactly fit for public appearances any more. They are a bit past the weird and 1 buckle shy of a straight jacket full body installation.
        We agreed to remain in contact, but mostly LONG DISTANCE. together we are probably not welcome in many foreign countries and a few selected states here in the good ol’ US of A.
        FBI back in our days stood for Fightin’ Brawlin’ and Instigatin’

        Caring for a Vietnam vet entitles you to my everlasting respect and hugs and either of my ears as you need them, my dear Amy. Two of us are on site now, and I’m pretty sure we’re exceptions to most Vets, including the Animal docs. ❤
        I know that everyone deals with stuff differently than some others. We've never grown up, just old, indeed. Kids at heart indeed unless provoked into Adulthood or any of our Clan is threatened by anyone or anything.
        Most people aren't suicidal at heart really, especially if they've heard any old war stories about South Koreans and Australians we served with back in the day. Crazy is an understatement, but we are Survivors exemplare. trouble is a lot different than TROUBLE as my old Priest named me. He was ex Army, now moving back closer than Nebraska, yay. He's a hoot and takes nothing off of us. Thankfully I don't play golf. So he can beat me at that without a problem. His chess game sucks, easy prey. ❤ ❤

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      12. Have you ever wondered how many people read our books, George? ROFLMAO!!! I’m supposing that both of us have reached the ripe full age of we really don’t give a hoot what others think. Now isn’t that refreshing? LOL
        Hey hey, you!! You still got it, making a grown woman blush! Hmmmm ….. my guess it is the Irish in you. 🙂 😉 🙂 Totally get that ’cause I’m part Irish. LOL
        I must brag. OH I must. It’s about Karma. This is the cat that was involved in the incident that I wrote about to the owners of the animal hospital, stating in a very clinical way a, b, c, d, etc …. about what occurred on said day. Still have yet to hear a response from my letter.
        Anywho …. It was getting to the point with Karma I thought he might be choosing to start transiting. It just about wrung my Heart and then some, because this Angel has been with me for 16 years. He was just not eating, so weak, and oh man was he loosing weight.
        I zoomed in my observation powers. I watched. I listened to my gut hunches. I came up with he is suffering from Irritable Bowl Syndrome, and has been for years. Now it has gotten to the stage that nothing is staying in him. No matter how much I fed him, he still lost weight, and I was finding evidence of diarrhea in the kitty pans. Now mind you, Karma would not actually allow me to see him while he was having a BM so this was all guess work on my part that it was him.
        I observed some more. I kept feeding him, weighing him every day. I saw he had an appetite but when he went to eat, he barely had any strength to do so, plus some of the boys would actually bump him out of his bowl, which in turn, found him just walking away from the food. Now when cats are ill or weak, it is the nature of the cat to bump the ill cat out of the food. Mother Nature.
        I sat down and really thought about all of his symptoms. I listened to my Heart. I diagnosed him with either Colic or IBS. I told hubby and he immediately researched for hours for a Homeopathy remedy to give him for extreme weakness, debilitation, and diarrhea. Within the first dose I gave him yesterday he perked up. He looked better and started to act better. I still fed him, allowing him to go to the food dish and guarding to make sure no boys bumped him out. He again made an attempt to eat, but still did not have the strength to do much eating. He lost a total of 1/10th of his body weight. That is huge in a cat.
        Today. I weighed him. From all the food he ate yesterday he is up in weight .8 of a pound! That is because the food he ate stayed in him. I gave him one dose of the homeopathy remedy today, and he already is able to eat more. His strength is coming back!! Along with his weight!
        So my brag is that my husband, even though he is on my do-do list today and many yesterdays, hit on the nose the right remedy for Karma, which is extremely difficult. What our Vet did not do, WE DID! Karma is not ready to transit after all, and I feel like I can breathe again! So …. that is my story ….. And when Karma is really stable and I KNOW 100% he is OK, this story is going on Petals along with the letter I wrote to the animal hospital. YOU are the first to hear!!!!
        Whew!!! That is MY BOOK!! Now we are even !!!! LOL LOL LOL

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      13. Device froze up during my slow typing before, uhggggggggggggg
        Now I’ll keep it short, well, you know me, short is a story, just shy of a book.
        Great news about Karma. You’ve both done well. Found a hammer for Hubby yet. Oh sorry, that’s not homeopathic rememdy, but with some old hard heads like me, sometimes only option to get our attention, except for VS ads during Super Bowl, maybe.
        Or riding lawnmower ads in middle of golf broadcasting. 👌(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)👌
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        Motorcycle gun toter texted, she’s meeting us for lunch, yep she’s crazy, as we take Kiddies into town for summer clothes and shoe shopping. Best way to see how I do crowd control, I guess. hahahaha

        Sometimes even men can find answers to problems, especially if it involves an animal other than ourselves. We’re not great at admitting we have ANY problems or taking advice for something we don’t see as a problem. After observing addicts for way too many years, tracking drug dealers and being a recovering alcoholic, I’ve seen way too many hard-headed MEN who need a kick in the couch pillow to get them working on their problems which became family problems after so many years of denial. It is possible to fix some of us, I know my 2nd wife did and later when I relapsed, my Siblings held together and banned me from any contact with my nephews and nieces until I straightened my act out. Some lessons I taught them early on I wished they’d forgotten or ignored. Actually, I’m blessed they paid attention and knew how to get my attention when I strayed from the straight and very narrow path I belonged on.
        not even
        dear Amy

        But then among friends, it’s not a race or competition, it’s sharing
        hoping it helps someone else along the trip through life and all it has to throw in our way of happiness and joy.
        I wish you a wonderful Friday and weekend
        ❤ (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3.
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
        👌(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)👌

        yes I'm playing with symbols again.
        (✿❛‿❛✿ ̶̥̥)
        (✿❛‿❛✿ ̶̥̥)


      14. Do you really expect me to answer a BOOK???? What in the heck are you flying on???? And hey, that police woman …. do I hear romance around the bend? Never too old for that, George. Fling some my way, I’d love to have a sprinkle and dash of romance. Yep, surely would! Laugh? How I laughed so hard as I read line after line of your words. You are a nut, do you know that? And boy do I LOVE nuts cause they are modeled right after me. Hehehehehehe Could you take it a LITTLE easy on me, keeping in mind I am up to my elbows in dirt planting flowers, have some ill cats, a husband who is cranky for reason number 28,364,987,448, and the fact I am taking SO many photographs right now even with the garden disaster and all. Whew! I’ve been like in a whirlwind these days and you are writing like you FEEL that whirlwind.
        You have become so dear to me. You totally amaze me.
        When the going gets tough, you find out what you and who is around you, what you are made out of. Now, I know I have not adequately answered ALL aspects of this book, so with that in mind, guess what? I did my best and now I am getting off my tired legs, take a shower, and hit the hay! Nite nite, my friend who loves to laugh and makes others laugh too!!! Sending much love to you in Parkersville ….. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. You are welcome, Shrimp. Apologies for not visiting lately. I’ve been very busy with Karma and Whispers and gardens and photography. Don’t ever furget I LOVE you until I can get over to see you and talk to you. (smile) (((HUGS))) Mom BonZo ❤

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  2. Wonderful you are caring for our future and saving the bees! In the meantime we benefit from these amazing pictures. Seriously Amy…your macros have gotten really incredible!

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    1. Thank you, Laura, for your encouraging words. I am really focusing on different aspects/angles/lighting with my macros. And I am also learning new techniques in the darkroom. (smile) The bees are very important to me. I deliberately grow flowers that attract them and yes they all are chemical free. (smile) (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Mary Rose doesn’t have much there yet, Sue. LOL She has a FB page and has done that, knowing next to nothing about WP. I am so indebted to this beautiful soul, for helping me out with my gardens. Angels and my Dad were definitely involved with our paths crossing, because my blog is the very first blog she went to on WP. How she even came to me is totally beyond me. A miracle. An outright miracle and a “phone call” from my Dad. (smile) Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Big smiles as I read this Amy.. I am sure your Dad and the Great Spirit have their hand in there somewhere 🙂 and she is blessed to have been guided in your direction.. 🙂 ❤

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    1. I KNEW I missed you!!! It is turning out, Marissa. I ordered an organic spray and am cutting off flowers once they are photographed so the bees wont’ be harmed. I will do this for a good month and when I get the organic spray I will use it when I see insects on new growth. Lesson learned … I do my own research from now on, as I normally do. I have just been SO busy lately …. a post might be coming to enlighten all that it is just not my gardens that I have been contending with. I have some ill cats, and a situation with an animal hospital who I am going head to head with, waitiing for an answer from them. It’s been a real whirlwind lately …. did the energy meter go up or something? Everything seems to have speeded up!!! YIVEH!!! Welcome back!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Oh wow. Well I hope everything turns out well. At least you don’t have to do away with the roses completely. It must be hard to cut them off as it is but knowing they will grow back is some consolation!

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    1. So do I, Mithai. Apologies for the late reply and not blogging, but I have been extremely busy. This is the first time in over 2 years that I am not blogging as my per usual. I know you are new to Petals and it is my intention to got to others’ blogs who come to Petals, especially those who comment. Just be patient with me until I get everything that requires my attention done. Thank YOU!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  3. I never know what to get to keep pests & nasty buggers away without harming what I want to stay. It’s all so confusing. I also have kids & a pooch to consider too.

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    1. RoSy, I ended up buying an organic product that I believe I listed on this post. It really works, as far as I can see. The further I get into the Summer season I will know better. I even put it on me to keep the biting flies away, and yep, it worked. There are no harmful ingredients in it. None. Hope this helps ….. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. And I also have sprayed this product on my shade plants that succumb to rust. It is working for these plants too! I was stunned!! We are getting a lot of rain right now so as soon as this rain passes, I plan on spraying my roses and these plants again. With anything organic you have to reapply more often then with the chemicals. I’m willing to do it. And I think you are too!! 🙂

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