
82 thoughts on “Ouches”

    1. Thank you, Gigi. I am SO happy you like this. T’is the season flowers, my friend. I saw my FIRST ROBIN today!!! Oh, Gigi! I am dancing around in cirlces in sheer and complete JOY!!! YAYYAYAYAYAY!!!!!


    1. Oh, Semra, how your words speak such beauty to me with softness and gentleness. It’s been a long harsh winter for many of us, and this week at Petals I plan on posting bright colors to celebrate Spring. Bless you for your kind words. Love, Amy


    1. My Heart was really strong that not only do I post this second one today but leave comments open. I have goosebumps now knowing how powerfully this post spoke to you. Hang in there, Amanda. These words were born from a week of hell last week. I came through the storm stronger then ever as so shall you. I have every confidence in you! BIG (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. I am praying for you right now, Amanda, as I clean. I really was just keeping an eye out for anyone who immediately needed my reply. Why don’t you just take some time out to chill, to watch a good movie, or read a good book? Spend time with your kids. Rest, Amanda, just rest. You won’t believe what a small break from the world will do for you. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      2. I was thinking the same thing. I do need to rest. My brain has gone into overdrive these past few weeks – I need to step back and allow myself time to breathe.

        Thank you, Amy. Your words mean a lot to me *HUGS*

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      3. You really are welcome, Amanda. I was where you are last week. I had to get off of this computer and just chill. I’m still trying to take it easy. My exact words … step back … are yours. If you don’t care for you, no one else will. I am carrying you in my Heart. Just BE for a while, Honey. You have been through a lot lately. Love, Amy

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      4. Amanda, try to deep breathe. I will walk in the gap for you until you can get your feet solidly back on the ground again. Honey, know you are Loved by me, and I will assist you as you get yourself back to Balance. (((HUGS))) Your True Friend, Amy

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  1. That is so true – and what a lovely photo! Love the vibrant colors! (I won’t nibble on this one)- I think..(*sniff /sniff).*…(looks over shoulder)..*sees Mom Bonzo with hoe- DASHES AWAY AT SPEED OF LIGHT *😹

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    1. You, rascal! Of course you cannot be trusted around flowers. In fact, these very ones, I attempted to put out on my kitchen table, and what did Karma and others do? Immediately they begin systematically tearing my bouquet apart and chewing and munching on the delightful petals. Back those flowers did go in a safe spot. *sigh* What is UP with you KATS anyways? Yeah, you bet I have something to keep you away from these petals! 🚜

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  2. Love, love, love the colors in this one Amy, the rich blue-purple is officially me favorite color and I don’t even really know what color it is!! Amazing how you present breathless scenery and still manage to wow us with something as simple as a flower.

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    1. A simple flower proves the complexity of Mother. Infinite in expresssions, perfect in every way. I’ve been adding a something new to my capturing technique, Marissa, buiding on to what I have done thus far. My eye is now being drawn to shapes, shadow, contrast, and color. I’m also playing with digital art so that will be coming soon in the near future. I’m so glad you are enjoying what I present here at Petals. Thank YOU for supporting that work. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. My heart goes out to you. I hear your heart’s cry. These passages are enough to make us want to just quit. But you are a warrior and though wounded you will prevail in the end.

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      2. Bless you, my friend. There are some who I would not wish to be in their place come time for them to leave this world. What I saw my Dad suffer because he could not forgive himself, because of the guilt he hung on to, all when his Eyes of Truth were opened, I would NEVER wish on anyone. Yet, those who hurt others deliberately, whose words are like bullets, whose attitude is superior over you, and those who discourage and tear down, those are the very ones whose ends will be horrors. And so I pray …. Love you, Susan.

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  3. WOW! As always, I’m in awe of you! This photo says sooo much without words- what beauty there is in what appears to be a somewhat “ouchie” flower! Mother Nature is always teaching us the most valuable lessons, right? As a side note, I saw THREE cardinals over the weekend in our tree- and was so excited! I wish I could have caught them on film, but alas, they flew away 🙂 xo

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    1. Melissa, we have Cardinals here all Winter long as well as Blue Jays. I’ve seen one Robin, Grackles, and a greyish hued bird that I really don’t know the name of. And yes I have heard actual birdsong. Nature is my main Teacher, my friend, in ways I really am not able to express. Thank you for always being here to support my work. I Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. The purple flower was incredibly challenging to get satisfactory light for. It came out dark, even though I had the DOF right on that flower. It took me awhile, but I finally managed to get Her in view. Also, my macro muscles (wrists and hands) are not as strong due to not using them. I’ve noticed with many of my recent pics the clarity is not right on, due to not holding steady enough. Makes for a nice effect though. (smile) Thanks, Amy, for the beautiful comment. I’m in quiet mode. I have some problems I must get resolution with and I have really become discouraged lately. Just a rough patch, so don’t you worry. Just please if you would keep me in mind and say a prayer or two. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. That purple baby took quite some time to bring enough light in on Her for Her to have enough to see Her by. Snapseed did the trick. (smile) Thank you for the oooooo and your comment. You’ve brought a smile to my weary face today, Laura. Thank you. Love, Amy


      1. Oooooh – I’m sorry – I am off my brain today. You did mention that. If you ever shall see me in person – you can smack me upside the head as hard as you can.
        Take all the time that you need. All the same – take the time that you need. One day at a time.

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      2. Honey, that is all I can do. Some days are better then others. I haven’t had comments open for a long while, and I really have missed my friends. So again I am trying to blog. Much Love your way, and please don’t smack yourself. (((HUGS))) Amy

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