Two Drips, One Silhouette, Two Sepia (5 Images)

82 thoughts on “Two Drips, One Silhouette, Two Sepia (5 Images)”

  1. I do like the reflection but you have a better formed drip. If I had to choose, I’d go with yours which is technically a better drip. I’m imagining the Olympic judges holding up 9s and 10s.

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    1. Hehehehehehe Thank you for the support, Dan, even if that means giving me the credit versus hubby. Hubby still has to learn he needs a polarized filter and to shoot more frames. He will. I’m blushing at the 9’s and 10’s. My shot wasn’t that good, IMO, due to that wind whipping those drips. But thank you! (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. All are lovely shots, Amy. I’d have to say for the drips (the photos), I believe I prefer yours since you actually managed to capture a falling droplet! Your dreamscapes are lovely. But I have to say my overall favorite is the one hubby took of you in your zone! Hugs! Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend! 😀 ❤

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    1. He has yet to get a polarized filter, Laura. He has NO idea the complexity of digital photography, and he keeps on insisting he doesn’t really need a polarized lens. OK. Let him learn ….. (smile) Love, Amy

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      1. I still enjoy going off on my own too. Between photography and now yoga (OH YES I went through with taking pics of hubby in Yoga …. coming soon LOL) my personal space is um getting smaller. I enjoy my own company. 🙂


  3. I love these shots that you and hubby took. Almost an added bonus of insight to your lives sharing art. So the raindrop pic…I like yours because you have that drop that’s splitting in it plus popping colors but I really like that silvery texture captured on the top of his. Oh gosh Amy, I might just have to be a really good politician and call it a draw!!

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  4. Okay, where to start. Well, YOU WIN HANDS DOWN, the drop, flying away from the drip is amazing and wow! Hubby’s feeling might be hurt but the best woman won:) Oh yeah, happy dance for the winner!!! I LOVE your sepia color trees…they are SO beautiful. You have to take a picture of your hat. I know I saw eyes and an ear. You like a very serious photographer and I expect to see your photos on the cover of a magazine in the future. Thank you for letting me know that spring is coming because I can barely stand this any longer. This whole week is going to be freezing cold, with highs of 7 degrees, and the highest 19 degrees expected on Monday. It’s 9 right now. 😦

    This is such a fun post Amy. I enjoyed it so much and your pictures are wonderful. Congratulations and I know that when the votes are tallied, your hubby will have to ask you for lessons:)

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    1. Hehehehehehehe Hubby may know film photography but he has a LONG ways to go in digital photography. LOL Thank YOU for your praises of my work *blushes* and as you say, my DREAM is to see my work in magazines as well. And a book I want to write. For now …. Petals and Dreams.

      It is freezing cold here too, Gigi, all of ZERO out right now. I’m grasping at the last straw lately, just COME ON SPRING!!!

      Again, I really thank you for all you said here! I am SO thrilled you got a big kick out of the way I wrote this post. It was written in FUN and my goal was to make all who read it to laugh! LOL

      I have another FUN one coming this week as I snuck my camera into Yoga class to get shots of hubby doing Yoga. You want to laugh??? The captions I put with the pictures will have you rolling on the floor. Ya gotta give the man credit, he really is trying!!! Hehehehehehehe

      (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. You misundertand Amy. I start panicking when I am sweating at 9:30 in the morning. I thought I was going to make it CO LAST winter to live and I’m still not there. I love snow, miss having winters. I understand you have been hit hard with winter and are tired of it, I understand that.

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      2. LOL I would trade your heat any day for the snow we have! How funny. You wanting snow, me wanting heat? Are we ever satisfied with what Life has for us? I like snow too, at times, but our winters our just soooooo long and soooooo cold. I am really looking forward to Spring and GREEN. 😀

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  5. What a great post and enjoyed the pictures. As far the drips although both are great I prefer yours. The color in yours makes the drip pop out more. Love the shadow picture he took and glad only 4 weeks more of Winter..LOL. The landscape with the trees does have a dreamy feel to it. First thing I thought of is how beautiful that would look framed on a wall. Great Job, Amy ♥♥♥ HUGS ♥♥♥

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    1. Ah, Kathy, beautiful comment, one that went right to my Heart. I have so much of my work on my walls already, so one day I would like to replace those pictures with some of my present day work. Yes, these landscapes would look gorgeous especially on my special room, due to the colors that would flow with that room. Hoping you are staying warm. It is -3 degrees here right now. That is COLD!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Thanks, and bet they look good hanging on the wall with the ones you have. You could rotate a few at a time in your special room possibly. Yes, staying warm but it was 6 above earlier when I woke up. It’s rising this evening and we are up to a balmy 15…LOL. HUGS ♥

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  6. I like both shots . . . yours a touch more, mainly because of the almost rust color contrast of the building. In any event, both beautiful! Peace . . .

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    1. Thank you, so much, Raewyn. This really was not easy to do with the wind whipping as it was. If it had been a still day, I would have been able to get a clear focused shot of the falling drip. I did my best and I am glad you enjoyed it!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. LOL Thank you, Resa. Every time we go out on a shoot together, hubby is pointing the camera at me. Our last shoot (not shown yet) we shot each other shooting the other. LOL Too funny!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. (smile) Thank you, Melanie. Hubby only shooting once got a great shot, yet he has much to learn about digital photography. He has only known film photography. So glad you enjoyed this post. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. It is, YellowCable. I really am doing all I can to keep him motivated to keep on doing what he is and to learn as well all that he has to learn. This evening I hope to watch photography programs together to inspire, motivate, and to get each of us thinking of what we want to shoot next. For now it is so cold here, I am not going anywhere! xx Amy

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    1. Shrimp, is your human still sick? I’m deliberately only “liking” comments because your human needs to be resting. But I just had to answer this … to say thank you. *blushes* Those colors were already there …. I just deepened them a bit. MOL (((HUGS))) MB

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      1. EWWWWWWWWWWW! That stinks!!! PU! Poor human. No wonder she gets blown out headaches. And poor YOU! No wonder you have your suitcase packed and ready to go! *sympathy party* Tsk tsk tsk …. How sorry I feel for the both of you. Deepest Condolences, Mom BonZo

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  7. I like the color contrasts in yours better, Amy, but your hubby’s drips have more dramatic shape. Yours is a better picture, but his is pretty close. He’s got a great eye.

    The shot he took of you working your thing is very cool. Yay! Teamwork.

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    1. LOL I just read your comment aloud to hubby and he said, “Oh yay, there is one for me out of about 100!” Hehehehehe…. I agree with you, he does have a great eye. I plan on getting him back outside again once this cold front is gone. It is SO cold here!!!! Brrrr …… Stay warm, cousin to the east! Love, AmyRose


    1. Ah, Will, the diplomat. Hehehehehehe I agree hubs has quite the eye. Can you imagine what he could have done IF he had attempted to get several more shots? He needs better camera equipment as well as in lenses, tripod, and filters. Come on lottery! Come ON!!! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


  8. I love the sepia tone! And while I like both drops, yours is a bit more dramatic and caught my eye. Just slightly more 😀 My hubby used to be the photographer in the family, but really didn’t want to make the transition to digital…

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    1. Hubby is dragging his feet with the digital. I had to apply Tough Love recently and told him I will no longer edit his images for him. He must learn, for this is part of digital photography. Keep fingers crossed with me, Tiny. So far, I’ve seen no “study”. Hmmmmmm ….. OK, then, that means I will no longer post hubby’s work. Simple as that. (smile) (((HUGS))) Amy

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  9. Dear one,
    both are from the same spirit, but different perspectives they are.
    As you know there is no better, just what works!!! They both work!!!!
    Also your last photo in your series was a keeper!!!!
    Where is that Global warming when you need it!!!! BRRRRRRRR
    hearts and flowers always!!!!!

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      1. You get more snow then I who isa little more south then you. While we both get the cold together!!!! Brrrrrrr!! Friday could be eskomo weather!!! Keep warm!!!!!!

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      2. Monday I saw -12 degrees. If that is not Eskimo weather, I don’t know what is. I have not ever seen it this cold here. And I have lived here a LONG time!!!


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