Greatest Gifts

98 thoughts on “Greatest Gifts”

  1. This is so meaningful. I appreciate this because we go through tough times and need to remember the outcome is usually positive in the end! Hope you have a happy new year, friend!


    1. Robin, I am going through a very tough time right now, my Dad it seems is getting ready to transit to go HOME. I’m out of state from where he is, and to get me to he, is a major undertaking due to all the special needs cats I care for. I have to train hubby (who is reluctant) to step in for one day. I would rather say goodbye to my Dad when there is breath in him versus going to the funeral. SO yes, this post has a lot of meaning to me personally. Happy New Year, my friend! Love, Amy


  2. I believe this to be true. Seeing the gifts often requires an adjustment of attitude and an appreciation for challenges always being in ones best interest and growth.


    1. Thank you, Marissa. This is why I really like manual focus because it allows me to really sharpen an area of the image just where I want. It takes a very steady hand and a keen eye. I do this free standing, so there is a lot of holding of breath involved, and “get ready NOW!” sort of thing happening. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Oh, how interesting! I see these shots and it never even occurs to me how selective the photographer must be to decide what should be focused and what not. It takes a keen eye to figure that out, not to mention artistic talent and creativity!


      2. LOL! I have learned SO much this past year just with hands on experience alone. I am really wishing it would snow here so that hubby and I can do snow shots together. It is just so darn ugly right now … grey and so lifeless looking. Ugh! It looks like I’ve gone out with a bang with 2014 cause the flowers that popped out at me wanting to be posted were really drop gorgeous … my last few posts of this week! I’m so excited to see what awaits all of us in 2015. I have a feeling it is going to be a very good year in so many ways. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      3. Oh me too! Ironic that you should be wishing for snow after all you’ve been through. Did you ever think you would wish for snow again, ever in your life??! Ha, yes I know you will thrive in 2015, it’s just the way you are!

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    1. When a person is walking through the flames of hard times, that one can barely keep the head above water to keep from drowning. Afterwards, when the sailing gets smooth again, that is when the growth and the Gifts are seen. (smile) (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Yes, Chris, even though those lessons are really not wanted, they do make the path for the greatest growth in us. Or at least that is the point. Some people don’t seem to catch on. How sad that they keep repeating over and over again when they could choose to move forward. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. I too have my doubts, believe me, Chris, for I “see” and I “see” a bit too much. Just sitting here shaking my head. What will it take? And then I ask, if I can do it, and still am, why cannot others? Hmmmmm ….. Why? It’s easier to stay in darkness and dysfunction because is it familiar. Yep, sad but true. Love, Amy

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    1. As well as with me, August. This is not an easy one to get nor to accept and to grow from those lessons we tend to fight every step of the way. Yes, I honestly have been there, and at times, still am. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I thought I wrote here to you somewhere about the latest. GROAN. If you knew how many comments I’ve answered today. Tee hee … Anyways …. no cancer, my friends. The docs are still trying to figure out why he has swallowing problems and left sided weakness. Dad seems to have inhaled some food and now he has a small infection in one of his lobes of his lungs. Antibiotics will be given. I am SO relieved. I tried calling to get a plane ticket today and almost fell off my chair at the prices they are asking. I won’t be able to go to where he is unless I book about one month in advance. Knowing my Dad he will wait until I say my goodbyes to him before he leaves. All GOOD news …. thank YOU so much for asking. Love you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Thank Cats it’s no cancer! We’re so relieved to hear that! We’re so happy for you and your family! All the best to you all! 🙂 Much love, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


      2. Turns out Dad has pneumonia due to aspiration. That means he inhaled food into his lungs. He is now on antibiotics and steroids. My brother who works in the hospital where Dad is, texted me saying he is very weak. I will be putting up a post asking for purrayer. If I told you this, please forgive me. My head is whirling right now, plus we are now getting dumped on as in SNOW. Same circumstances are again happening as they were in the Winter Storm Knife. Buckle my seat belt … you guys will be now getting snow pics. Oops, I asked for snow. Now look what I have gone and done!!! Love, MB

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      3. We’re really sorry to hear your dad has pneumonia and that he’s so weak. We’ll be praying for him to get better soon! This must be so hard for you and your family. But know that we’ll be thinking of you and sending you strength and power to get through this. We hope the snow won’t be as much as the winter storm knife. All the best! (((BIG HUGS))) Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    1. This image blew me right away, Tiny. It still does. The grace and the beauty held in this image takes my breath away. This is one of those images I would not have gained IF I had not lost all my photography. See what Blessings do come even in the darkest hour? Great comment, my friend. (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. Bless you, Susan!!! Good reports from the docs today … no cancer. They are now trying to figure out why he has left sided weakness and so much trouble swallowing. Also has a small infection in his lungs that can be cleared up with antibiotics. God is good, Susan. That man in all seriousness is ready to go HOME. He just turned 90 and yes, he is very tired. Love to you! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Happy New Year to you, Melissa. Most years I fall asleep before midnight, LOL. Years ago it was hearty party. Not now. I see the New Year come in with my Dreams. (smile) Love, Amy


  3. The details are beautiful in this photo such fine little details and such beauty, too. Hope you have a vibrant, colorful and beautiful year in 2015, with much better health, too. You are so special, Amy! Hugs, Robin


    1. Oh, Robin, you have put tears in my eyes. I am going from one to another of your comments and with each one my eyes are filling with grateful tears. You are very special too, which I truly do hope you realize. Bless you, my friend, for all your glorious kindness and Love you have extended my way. I Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. They do indeed… we often do not see them as such until later.. But each obstacle is a gift to overcome..

    Sending you my thoughts Amy.. and here’s hoping your Dad is recovering well.. He and your family have been in my prayers.. Hugs Sue xx


    1. Bless you, Sue. The next couple of days will tell us whether he will get through this or not. Everyone is holding his or her breath so to speak. He is a lot more ill then first thought. Thank you for the prayers. (((HUGS))) Amy


  5. Oh yes they do, and we do not make mistakes, w have a life time of learning lessons, and some of them hurt so deeply.
    Once again TY for these words and beauty.

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