What Was Lost Is Now Found

127 thoughts on “What Was Lost Is Now Found”

  1. I am so happy you were able to retrieve at least part of your treasure trove Amy! Tis a thankful day indeed! Have you thought perhaps to double back up your work, say the portable hard drive (when you get it) and something cloud-based, or even just as private on flickr? I hope you find a solution that works for you soon! (hugs) Cao


  2. I am glad you found some photos but even happier that you refuse to be defeated by technology and gravity. You’re the only one who knows what we’re missing. You’re still sharing beauty here.


    1. Dan, truly what I did get (running around like a mad woman in October) after that hard drive broke, is incredible. And now to have some of my photos (about 2,000) back, is more then enough. I pondered why this program seemed to pick and choose, and I came up with, what I received IS what IS. I am really grateful that I did manage to get some of my photos back. There is always next year to do water falls. I still have pics from Glen Falls Trip 2 to show. So all is not lost! (smile) Love, Amy

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  3. This story, in itself, is so emotional, but the way you have chosen to portray it and respond to everything is beautiful. I love you Amy. 🙂


  4. That would be so disappointing! I started backing up my stuff in two places but I lost one of the “places” when we moved! Now I have to find another place lol. Sometimes memories are sweeter than the actual thing y’know? It creates a mystique and a wanting of more. And we are happy to see more Amy!


    1. Thank you, Laura. I know what I shall be presenting throughout this winter will be based on Love and Beauty and Truth. As well, this winter, I plan on getting shots of the season. I already started with that with our blast of snow we just had. I look at those pics and even I cannot believe how much snow fell. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I will really look forward to seeing your winter images. That’s about as close to that kind of snow I’ll ever be unless we drive up to Lake Tahoe but even then, they haven’t gotten that kind of snow.


      2. I’m still getting my hands back to norm after being exposed to the extreme cold. I want to buy some really warm gortex gloves to protect my hands. I have just about everything else I need to stay warm. Love, Amy


  5. Have you ever thought of partitioning your hard drive to have storage on your hard drive away from your computer’s operating system in case it crashes? It allows for access and doesn’t attach it to your computing system, only data storage unless your computer is CRUSHED BEYOND RECOGNITION. I back up to both my partition and my WD, personal and work computers. (unlike IRS, I can access all my drives)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    1. Is that something like i-Drive, George? I have iCloud on my iPad, and yes there have been times I have had to erase everything on that thing, andswas able to bring back all my photos and work on Petals with iCloud. I was thinking of getting i-Drive, plus buying a good hard drive, AND use the flash drives I have. Three sources for my pics. That way IF one of those fail, I have the two other sources. Yes, this way I too will be able to access my folders and drives! LOL Love, Amy

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      1. I don’t know anything about I-anything devices, only Windows(((;((
        This might help explain what I mean



        I am grateful, my WD passport, OLD, apparently is GeorgeProofed, just sometimes needs new USB cables, it’s picky what it accepts))))))))))))) I’ve named it Princess, after the Princess and the Pea for obvious reasons, but it’s been dependable for 9 years))) Nowadays they make huge flash drives, but I don’t trust anything over 16GB, asking for trouble, small drives too sensitive to other electronic devices we end up sticking together in our pants or jackets’ pockets((((
        sometimes mine would confuse my debit cards, they’d work intermittently if I left them together.


      2. Thank YOU for these links, which I shall read today. I too don’t like big is better, and my cut off point is 32GB. I just bought a few 32GB flash drives. And even with those, I will NOT go full tilt with them. I am definitely splitting up my work from now on. Your OLD Passport is GOOD, George, for the Ultra THIN Passport is the one that breaks so easy. It is small, can be put in a pocket. I won’t put anything in pockets because that is how I loose things. I have a box to put all my flash drives and that is where they will stay. Brief TRUE story … I had a pair of glasses I used when I use my camera so I could really see the LCD screen. Now these glasses had a really big and good secure thingie you put around your neck. In taking them off one day, I put those darn glasses in a place I normally do not …NOT in a certain spot designated for those glasses only … and because I did not, I lost them. I’ve learned when I put things in pockets or in places that they normally do not go, I either forget where I put them, or I loose them. Anyways … I am going to educate myself with your links today. Thank YOU! And the only card I own is ONE credit card which stays in my wallet in a certain slot designated for that said card. It is too tempting to use that darn plastic! LOL Love, Amy

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      3. I understand. I’ve linked my Clan’s accounts to where I can transfer monies for emergencies, and I can reload their cards or lock them. We don’t trust plastic, but use them sparingly. Can’t rent car or make reservations for air or hotel without debit/credit cards, so they are a necessity, sadly. We still use cash for non emergencies. Sometimes people look at us funny, yep it’s those Eccentrics))))))))))))
        No big thing, they don’t understand what’ll happen when the electricity or communications satellites konk out. Lessons they’ll need in future. Tornadoes and Hurricanes taught me lessons I never wanted to learned, but after Sandy, Clan was glad we were prepared.



      4. I had a wake up call lately. I did a “test” to see if I could withdrawal a certain amount of money out of my bank account. I could not. I was told TWO WEEKS it would take to receive MY MONEY. Believe me when I say the amount I wanted to see if I could have, was not all that much. I was shocked. Really shocked. We have no debt, and we pay our bills immediately as well. As for the future and “money”, we are planning that too. It is a scary world we live in, George. I remember a day back in the 70’s, I wanted to empty a bank account. I wanted to buy something. I believe it was something like 2 or 3 thousand dollars, which back then was a lot. (at least to me it was) No problem. I got every cent the day I asked for it. What’s changed here? Yep, big wake up call. And as for being eccentric, I was born that way. LOL This recent snow storm we had was the closest I’ve had to living through a catastrophe. That too was a wake up call. I never wish to relive what we went through. I’m still recovering, and it was nothing compared to Sandy.

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      5. I just perused the info you sent me. I admit, I am passing this info on to hubs. Techy savvy I am not. To some extent yes I have educated myself. I will sit right next to hubs when he does what these instructions say to do. And then I can say I have learned again. 🙂


  6. Simply Beautiful Flower. Glad that you were able to get some pictures back. I knew you had mentioned it and forgot to ask if you had any luck. You sure did a great job with your pictures of Knife. I think you have the right attitude and sending much love my friend ♥ ♥


    1. We shall together see what can be created through my camera and my editing room this winter. It should prove to be interesting. LOL Attitude is 99.9% of the quotient to success. The attitude that says I CAN DO THIS, of course. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy

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  7. Congratulations on retrieving some of your beautiful work. Understand your great loss dear Amy as it hits close to home. Had total computer failure without external hard drive and you might imagine what that meant. Now, everything is duplicated many times.
    sending blessings, Eddie


    1. Oh, Eddie, my Heart truly does go out to you. Yes this was a big wake up call, and the gratitude I feel that I was able to get some of my pics back, I am not able to describe. I am thinking of iDrive, I am using flash drives now, and still researching for an external HD as well. This loss was just horrible, and to think it happened to you too, brings tears to my eyes. Yes, now everything will be duplicated several times for me as well. Peace, my Brother. Love, Amy

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  8. I am so glad you managed to retrieve some of your photographs. This IS good news! I couldn’t imagine having all my work erased. But Amy, you have such a wonderful attitude! I know things haven’t gone your way later, so I am sending over some good luck 🙂


    1. You think, Amanda? I mean about things not going um my way? Gee. What gave you that idea? Seems as if a dark cloud has been hanging over my head. Perhaps this Blessing is the Light at the end of the dark tunnel I seemed to have crawled into. Perhaps. At least you and many other followers now know I do not give up. This is not an option for me. But I mean, really, ya think I’ve had enough already? I do! Come on, Blessings, and Lightness!!! I am HERE!!! ((HUGS))) Amy


  9. Awww, we’re so glad you were able to get some pictures back. That’s good news! 🙂 It’s a shame that so many of your beautiful photos will be lost forever though. You’re a true artist. And each of your photos is unique and precious. But we know that there are many more to come and we’re REALLY looking forward to them. 😀 Have a wonderful weekend, dear Mom BonZo! We LOVE you! 🙂 Kitty kisses, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


      1. Hey Amy! I am looking into Flickr for my photo storage. Maybe you could too. Here is an excerpt from the ad:
        “On Flickr, everyone gets 1000GB of free storage, enough space for more than 500,000 photos. Our powerful search technology means you can find them anytime you want. No matter where you are, automatically sync your phone’s photos to Flickr. Now you can save a lifetime of memories in one place.”


      2. Hmmmm….. That is another source I am looking at. Thank you. Another one is iDrive. (like iCloud) So many options and I want to make sure this time around, my photos are safe. Really nothing is fail safe, yet to get what I think is the best, and take my time in choosing, is the wise thing to do. Bless you for your suggestion. I am definitely checking it out. (((HUGS))) Amy


  10. I am glad to hear you’ve regained some of the pictures. I would also looking for backup strategy if you have not had one in mind. I have heard that you should also consider more than one alternate backup i.e. 3 or more and potentially consider different location to keep the backup with rotating them around. Could storage might not be a bad idea if you start from scratch again instead of doing it yourself.


    1. I have several alternatives in mind, YellowCable. Right now yes I just have flash drives. It is a solution while I do research which HD to get. I’m also looking at i-Drive and another option how to divide space on my computer HD. Lots of things yet to consider. One step at a time. I also think I figured out why only certain photos were recovered. Most of my photos I deleted from PS after I uploaded them into PS right from my camera. Those pics I did not recover. The pics I did recover I deleted from my camera. So, with that in mind, I will ONLY delete photos with my camera, never from PS, from now on. Perhaps I will write another post about these thoughts so that others do not suffer as I have. As of right now, I have iCloud that backs up all my work on Petals. I have flash drives which I have begun to use to back up all my existing photos I have now. I will have a good 3 sources, my friend, before all is said and done. And even with the flash drives I will not put all my photos on one. 32GB is the highest I will go for external storage. I don’t believe in bigger and better. That could lead to a disaster. Love, Amy


  11. I’m so happy you could retrieve at least some of your pictures, Amy. And you went out on mission right away and didn’t sit down just whining about your loss. This one is gorgeous! I’m a little silly I guess, as I use large SDHD cards in my camera and I don’t delete the photos, but keep them for extra storage just in case everything else (hard drive and external drive) fails. I have almost 9000 on my current one. Love, Tiny


    1. I’ve been thinking about doing that too, Tiny. Just buy the cards and not delete the photos. Yet I like to organize and put pics in folders with the date and what the subject matter is. Call me a bit anal, hehehehehe. Comes from when I was an SICU nurse, I guess. I’m so happy I could get some photos though most of my Rose pictures I couldn’t. I have a theory about that too as to why only some photos were retrieved. All I know, what I have is more then enough, and Petals WILL flourish this winter!!! Love, Amy


    2. One other thing. Most of my Rose pics I couldn’t retrieve. I only have a handful. So when you see a pic of a Rose on Petals, really cherish it. OK, Tiny? So much grief has happened over this. Love, Amy

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    1. Not right now, He doesn’t, Eliza, not in this area. We are frozen with snow. IF I run out of flowers, I can always buy a bouquet at the grocery story to photograph. There are always ways to get to flowers. 🙂 Love, Amy


      1. Yes, I know of this place yet during the winter there is not much flowering. I will put the Botanical Gardens in my schedule because there is always fascinating plants and fish too, to photograph there. Thank you for thinking of me! Love, Amy

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      2. In winter I often get my live-plant fix at a local college’s conservatory. I esp. love sitting in the jungle room, all steamy and warm, perfect on a cold winter’s day. 🙂


  12. My treasured Friend, I am so pleased to read this post. And so happy for you that you have some of your precious photographs back…what a marvelous, remarkable gift you were blessed with. May you continue to be blessed with a lifetime of colours, blooms and natures beauty to add to your life. With so much love and abundant gratitude. ~Matthew


    1. Matthew, I am Blessed, truly I am. There is still a tinge of sadness as now I know most of my Rose photos are gone and every single photo shoot I went on over this past year is gone as well. All early Spring photos gone. Yet, this too has taught me something, a “theory” as to why only certain photos were retrieved. I am planning on publishing a post regarding that theory, and some other things of value I have learned through not only the loss of my photos, but throughout all the events related to my camera. It’s been a very enlightening time for me and since I believe what I have learned is of value, I will share. My Mind has also gone truly deep, asking and seeking in ways I thought not possible before. All this from the “adventures” related to my camera and photography. And then let’s not forget the storm I just survived. So many still will not acknowledge a Miracle occurred, and sadly, I see those around me back again with their techy toys acting as if nothing at all happened. So much on my Mind as I ponder, and wonder, and seek. I am Blessed, my friend, foremost because you are in my Life. I pray you feel well this day! Love, Amy

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      1. Amy, I look forward to this post regarding your theory just as I look forward to all your post for they are always my place of peace. As for those who can not see or choose not to see the miracle of what you lived through…I believe there will come a time when even those who do not see will look through eyes of wonder and amazement at such wonderful gifts that come in all forms…if only one at a time…after all, it begins with just one! Peace and love to you my friend. ~Matthew

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      2. I can only see for me, and all others must see for themselves. How much so many miss out on when all along it is right before their blind eyes. I work tirelessly to bring to the world my message of Truth, Beauty, Love, and Peace … with HOPE that someday all who do see my work, will have eyes that SEE. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Zia, I have a post in my head regarding why only certain photos were retrieved while others were not. Within that post will be other things I have learned NOT to do regarding my camera and my photography. It’s still in my head, waiting to be written. I hope you see it, because everyone who is a photographer, in my opinion, will be interested in my findings and my “theory”. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  13. Oh, Amy, I’m so sorry you lost so many of your photos but like you I’m thrilled that some have been retrieved. You do take such splendid photos and I’m so glad I’m able to see them now. The one above on this post is exquisite as are the few others I’ve seen. So I hope you can find a very reliable back up in case something like this should happen again. Hugs, N ❤


    1. Natalie, I have backed up all my photos as of this writing on a flash drive. I am looking into 2 other ways to back up as well, so that I have a total of three back ups. This may be a bit much, but I will not ever go through loosing my precious pictures again. I am thrilled you are enjoying my work. It brings such pleasure to me to share myself with others. (((HUGS))) Amy


  14. Rejoice that you have recovered at least some…..and before you know it, Spring will again arrive and you can capture many more exquisite photos!




  15. You have scared me to the point of wanting to buy another external, backup drive for all of my photos! Oh, I would be in shock, as you were, if this happened to me.

    Maybe I’ll backup my photos onto DVDs too. Whew! Glad you were able to retrieve a portion of your treasures. New ones will be right around the corner with the next Spring! ❤


    1. Honey, I never thought my external HD would break. The thought did not even occur to me. I have another post coming as well regarding my theory as to WHY only certain photos were retrieved while others were not, and other tidbits I want to share about things I do NOT do and why when it comes to photography. I’m still researching so that I have a total of 3 back ups. I’m thinking iDrive or Flickr as one, and then an external HD as another. I have flash drives right now that I have all my work backed up on, yet that number 3 sounds good to me. Three sources for back up just in case one of those 3 fail. I am willing to share what is happening to me, because I would not want anyone to go through what I have. Good luck with getting another external source for your back ups!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  16. I know exactly how you feel about your photos. I too have lost photos, my ex-hubby stole my Mac computer when he threw me out of our home. This meant I had my Time Capsule and a hard drive but can’t access them from my daughter’s old Windows computer. The good news is that my daughter has a Mac and I hope she can put at least some of my photos onto a Windows hard drive. Ex-hubby has done this to punish me and to still try to control me. He is holding it to ransom so that I wont ask for money as a settlement. i think of it as a chance to gather new photos. 😦


    1. I LOVE your attitude, Raewyn. I saw this opportunity in my Life as one to gather photos I would not have and I really did find some awesome Treasure. I am really touched you told me your story and I really do wish you all the very best. I will keep you in my prayers. Love, Amy

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  17. Well, between your HD problems and the unmatchable blizzard that you suffered through, I’d say you’ve had one hell of a fall season! I can’t help, however, but heap accolades on you for your persistent and positive attitude in dealing with all of this. I am so pleased to know that between the new photos that you have now taken, combined with those that Recuva managed to retrieve, you have a whole new store of tresasures — that I can’t wait to see and enjoy!


    1. Aw, Mary, truth be told, it has felt as if a dark cloud had and I am saying HAD been hanging over my head. What I have written on Petals is NOT the end of the story either. I shake my head in wonder and ask “what IS this all about anyway”? To show you all here that I don’t quit? Or am I on a huge stepping up process on the Path of My Life? I dunno. I do know I have learned A LOT and I will be sharing some of what I have learned, pertaining to how I use my camera and computers. A post is coming soon. 🙂 Love, Amy

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  18. First this photo is absolutely beautiful and you are a woman of great patience and emotional strength.
    You have walked through all of this and look at you now.
    Much stronger and wiser.


  19. Dear One,
    If you remember each click, each image, each feeling, each connection with the Divine. That is Beauty.
    Right now you are the sum parts of those and future shoots to be taken.
    Since evolution is benevolent, each day forward is your adventure.
    The past if finished, the now is your creation expressed.
    What photo’s you are making internally for your external image taker you/camera. They will be wonderful, you won’t go back!!! ❤


      1. energy of love sent to you Amy.
        After the Gathering this weekend.
        Most are feeling like you…. spent.
        Love to you and more love !!!!!! ❤
        Rest, these days it is Avalon in folks dreams!!! 🙂


      2. Michael, the wall of bone crushing fatigue I thought was from the aftermath of the storm we just survived. Perhaps it is more, I don’t know. I have officially stepped away from blogging for a few days, just catching up on my comments. This wall is a crusher!!! Thank YOU for the “news” and the encouragement! Love, Amy

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  20. I’m very glad you were able to recover at least some of what you thought was lost, and that you had the foresight to grab up as many photos as you could before there simply were no more photos to grab anywhere. That was a brilliant thing to do. So I know it hurts, I’ve worked intensely with computers far too long not to have lost far too much over the years, but, even though it may be a cliche, the fact is we learn valuable lessons from these types of tragedies, and hopefully, the ones you so sadly learned here, will serve you well somewhere else along the line. Best wishes, and high hopes for the future. God bless, and keep you safe, happy, and healthy. We’ll read you later.


    1. Bless you for your wonderful and kind comment. You are absolutely right for I have learned so many lessons throughout all this. This may sound strange, but in a way I am glad this did happen, for it taught me how to do certain things so that I have better control over my equipment and computer, and how to be better organized. There really is good is everything. Love, Amy


  21. Dear Amy,
    What a positive and joyful post. Not only have you retrieved many of your original photos, but you have discovered unusual places in which to take new ones. Your glass is not half empty, it is half or even more full and I will look forward to enjoying more of your glorious photography.


  22. Devastating!! yet your response, inspiring.
    Yes, we will treasure the few images that you share, knowing we are fortunate to see them.


    1. Brenda, IF I allow myself to even think about what I lost, I would still be weeping. No system is foolproof, yet I am learning through all this what I can do to help myself better my chances of this never happening again. I am truly sorry for your loss. I have a post coming that explains things I am doing to improve my photography experience. I hope you get to read it. I am also still researching what other two sources to use as a back up. Within a few days, I will choose. BIG (((HUGS))) Amy PS!!! This loss gave me an OPPORTUNITY to obtain photos and create in a way I would not have otherwise. Instead of sitting around crying (did that for 2 days) I grabbed my camera and ran to as many places to get flowers and such as I could. I would bet there is a learning curve in all this for you too, Brenda!


      1. Yes, I am more diligent in backing up. The frustration was — I thought I had been backing up. At no point did the procedure make clear that iPhoto had to be closed for photos to get backed up.


      2. Oh, wow! That is awful. That is one reason why I am being very careful in my research. I’ve had many suggestions, and I am just going through them all plus doing my own as well. Right now I have flash drives and I just had a scare yesterday with one. One of my programs was not closed, and I could not figure out which one, so the safe ejection I could not do. I had to take the flash drive out of E:Drive without safe ejection. My Heart was up in my throat, believe me. All is well, thank goodness. Sometimes we learn some very valuable lessons through a lot of pain. Why this is so, I don’t know. So we remember? I know you will be OK. I just know. (((HUGS))) Amy


  23. I am so sorry this happened but applaud your attitude. I would be the same. Wringing your hands and giving up would not bring them back. The best thing about Mother Nature is that for now her miracles appear each day, giving us new opportunities to enjoy, capture and share their magnificence! Hugs.


    1. Agreed 100%. Once the initial shock lessened, I insisted NOT to feel sorry for me and to fly into action. INTENT + ACTION = MANIFESTATION. Voila! I found Magic when without this event I would not have! It is so good to see you again!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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  24. Dear Amy, I was just wondering if you were ever able to retrieve any of your photos and her in a recent post you speak of them. Any photographer can understand what a huge loss that is for you and for those that cherish your work. As with the end of summer I look forward to the new flowers that will be in the the coming spring and all the beautiful photos you will capture of them. I can see them already waiting to burst from their slumber and open to the beauty of your lens. Much love to you Amy! ❤ Denise


    1. I have GOOD news to bring to you. Before the cold weather settled in, I planted HUNDREDS of bulbs. GRIN! So, in a few short months from now, you will be seeing glorious flowers I planted. Now cross your fingers those bunnies don’t eat the bulbs. I have to buy Liquid Fence come this Spring to spray to keep those bunnies away. Thank you SO much for commenting, Denise. I hope all is well you way!! Love you! Love, Amy


      1. Oooooo tulips! Lovely! Can’t wait! I planted a few too, wish I could put them everywhere! 🙂 I am already looking forward to spring. Like you I may need to move further south. Stay warm! Love and light to you! Denise


      2. Yup, south sounds good to me. I feel so much better when the weather is warm. I planted so many tulips hehehehehe. I am SO looking forward to March. (((HUGS))) Amy


  25. So glad your loss wasn’t total and permanent, Amy. I really do know how frustrating that is! You will continue to take new and beautiful photos, and that will take some of the sting out of the still-lost things over time. Sorry for your loss. Better things ahead!


    1. Better things are already happening, Kathryn. I’ve already taken stunning pictures that I would not have if this accident did not happen. So GOOD truly does come out of everything!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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  26. Amy I am pleased at least you have been able to retrieve a few photo’s if not all.. But you know what??.. I am certain that nothing is ever lost… While the images may be lost from view.. Just think of the countless Images awaiting your own lens ‘Your Eyes’.. All Gods gifts.. each awaiting the pointing of your camera.. each with a new frame and focus upon the True Magnificence of Nature’s Wonder.. Tomorrow is ever waiting… as we allow that which we had to go as we make room for the New to enrich our lives.. 🙂
    Love and Blessings Amy..
    Sorry if I have not been able to catch up with all your posts today.. I really must write a blog post now of my own..
    Hugs and Enjoy a Peaceful and try to have a relaxing one.. I know.. I guess its asking the impossible.. But remember to Breatheeeeee! 🙂 and feel the Peace among the turmoil which often surrounds us.. xxxxx Hugs my lovely friend.. xxx Sue ❤


    1. Sue, believe it or not, this truly was a Big Blessing in disguise. This event spurned me on to find Treasure I would not have otherwise AND I leaned a lot about my camera and file management. I have a post coming where I share what I have learned not to do and what I am now doing instead. I am not blogging so I will see your post when I get there. And do not be concerned if you cannot catch up here, my friend. I post many posts during the week. I do not “expect” you to read every one of them. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  27. What a shame for you to lose some of them, but a wonderful opportunity which you took to take some new ones. Well done to you for being positive, and it’s a timely reminder to us all that we should make as many back-up copies as we can of those which are precious to us. A beautiful photo here from you. xx

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    1. Chris, I do have a post coming that explains what I learned not to do, and what I am now doing. Many Blessings came out of this so called disaster, and I am sharing what I have learned with anyone who is interested. That post is coming next week. (((HUGS))) Amy

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