Swirl and Twirl (4 MACROS)

74 thoughts on “Swirl and Twirl (4 MACROS)”

      1. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! I know why you are sad!!! Oh, Audrey, YOU made my day!!! Number THREE person to do so!!! Lucky THREE! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. OH!! Thank you, Linda!! That is because they know they are LOVED. Some are struggling, those have yet to be seen …. but now they have begun to grow. YAY! But, the ones that have shown, their form, and their color and the way they yes, are just SO perfect, they are blowing me away. In fact, there is another Rose right now from this same bush that is begging to be photographed. And She shall!!! I have yellow and purple and white (again) and multi-colored, and red, and pink ….. all coming! Bless you for your comment, Linda! YOU are number four response that confirms something for me. I was really doubting this morning about Petals …. NO MORE. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Your replies are as poetic as you are Amy! Yes, you can tell those roses are loved…and they are so perfect. It’s amazing how we grow and thrive with just a little tender loving care.

        How have you been Amy? I haven’t gotten to chat with you in a long time. It looks like you’re doing well. Have a most GRAND day friend. ~Marie


      2. Marie, life has been hectic to say the least this summer. That and I have been chasing waterfalls like WOW! I have taken a good 8 thousand photos, and SO many have yet to be seen at Petals. I have not chatted as much as I like to, so I guess that will be coming when winter gets here. Now is the season for me to get out, get those photos, so that all year round, I can bring beauty to Petals. I hope ALL Is good in your life, that you are well as your Loved Ones. Bless you for your comment. Yes, I do miss you. Yes, I do miss my talks with many people. At least this new keyboard is lasting. Tee hee …. My last one gave out in 6 months! Can you imagine! THAT is how much talking I was doing. Anyways…. Bless you for taking the time to chat a little now. And I thank you again for being a part of my life! (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. No worries! I’m so glad you are out there taking those photos!!! They are so beautiful, and you’re making the world a better place.

        That’s funny about the keyboard…we can chat in the winter. (I’ll really be needing those photos then. I’m more of a summer fan.) I will have to keep taking my photos too…. Glad you’re part of my life and making it a better place. (((HUGS back!))) Marie


      4. Marie, you have put tears in my eyes. You are my FIFTH confirmation that I am making a difference at Petals. This morning found me with my heart just about breaking, for I “saw” how so many just want more more more. My intention was not to be a part of the illness, but to be a part of the healing of this earth. And so I am. God has answered me more times today than I thought possible. Your words, “You are making the world a better place” is a direct answer to my prayers this morning. I am so touched, so honored, and so humbled that I am Loved this much and that my goal at Petals is not all for naught. Bless you, Marie. Know you have really played a major part in my life today. (((HUGS))) Amy


      5. Oh, Marie, I have tears again. I am meeting the most beautiful people through WP who have the same goal and intention. Through our work, we ARE healing this earth and ALL who live here!!! Now if you told me this was going to happen a year ago, I would have said NO WAY. God’s Ways are never ours. This is one reason why I leave my prayers open ended, so to speak, just saying the outcome to bring me my Highest Good, Happiness, Harmony, Abundance, Love. God most certainly knows much more then I do, so I just follow my Heart, doing what feels good and right. I am so honored to know you. Now I must come to see you! LOL I was going to do most of my visiting tomorrow, but I go to you now. Love, Amy


    1. I know. I just stare in wonder. For real. These Roses this year have been exceptional from this bush. And a few others as well. Still waiting for the ones that have been struggling to show me their gorgeous faces. And they shall!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I know, Neha. I know. I just stand in awe in front of this Rose bush, like “pinch me” because the Roses she is putting out this year have been spectacular!!! I am in AWE! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Aren’t they, YellowCable??? I really am in amazement how gorgeous these Rose are this year!!! I am panting to see the others that have yet to show. Some bushes were hit hard by insects. Now that I have taken care of that problem, they have begun to grow. OH OH OH!!! More beauty coming!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Why thank you, Chun!!! This Rose Bush this year has produced amazing, and I mean amazing flowers. I am in absolute awe over Her! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Photos looked very beautiful.
        It was thought that there is also a condition of light, but it comes from beauty of the subtle colors of the petals of this rose.
        Very beautiful flowers.
        Very beautiful photo.


      2. It is very good for you. 🙂
        I want to see these beautiful rose.
        Thank you for your sharing!! 🙂


    1. I’m right there with you on this, bro! I am spinning in circles of delight as well. I stand before this Rose Bush and I go into Bliss. The flowers on Her this year have been exquisite! I am in awe of the Master Artist! No words … just WOW! xx


  1. Oh, so so stunningly beautiful she is!! 🙂 And I love that sweet poem!! 🙂 Oh, I have missed your posts so much lovely Amy! 🙂 You and your gorgeous roses always make me smile!! 🙂 Lots and lots of Love to you! ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Thank you, Lena!!! So good to see you!!! I know you have a new post … I’ll be over to read it as soon as I can!! I really enjoy reading your work! Love, Amy


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