Sometimes …

63 thoughts on “Sometimes …”

  1. Amy, I know you are not in the “faint of heart” club! I “know” that you have faced the gullies and obstacles in your life with faith and truth and climbed to the top of the next hill! I, too, have done my best to do this. And, as with all of us, gullies and obstacles will continue to be in our paths, but with support and LOVE we will always make it to the next hilltop! Thank you for your wonderful words of WISDOM, Amy! Much love, Phyl


    1. Dearest Phyl, I again am ever so grateful to you for your words to me. Coming out of one of those tough passages, yes, this is where this post came from. I was back in some beautiful woods and this scene just pulled me. Later the words which fit so perfectly came, and that is when I knew why I was “called” to those woods. Bless you for your courage! (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. What a lovely post Amy and I love that you have comments open! ♥ I think when we get to those gullies, it’s always wonderful to connect and hold hands with someone else who has been there, done that, or at least, hold hands so that together we can cross the gully. Love, self-love and loving life always lends a supportive hand when the terrain gets murky. Great image, great post! ♥


    1. Thank you so much! Just a few days ago I was “pulled” back into some woods and this scene really spoke volumes. Of course I snapped a photo and then when I downloaded it into my editor, the words effortlessly came to match it. This represents WHY I had my comments off as I faced something in my Life that required all of my attention and energy. I have forged the gully, and I climbed over the obstacles, and now I stand firm on my Path once again. Bless you for your Presence here at Petals. It means a lot to me. Love, Amy


    1. Oh, Sweetie, it’s been a rough passage for MANY lately. I’ve just gone through one, and this is where this post came from. Hang on, stay strong, and do what you must to stay Centered. I couldn’t stay Centered. That is why I had comments closed. I had to pull myself together and address something in my Life that had to be faced. I am with you. You are NOT alone. Yes, you truly are one of the Brave of Hearts. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank YOU, Dan. These woods pulled me and I was determined to get the light just right. It took a few tries, but I got it. This was taken without a polorized filter. Just a UV-haze one. I honestly was surprised. (((HUGS))) Amy


  3. We all have our obstacles for sure. Take that first step moving forward with the conviction of conquering that obstacle. This is a great post it’s so relevant to everyone… We all have our obstacles. Luv you Amy! ❤️


    1. Thank you, Michelle!!! This came from what I just went through in my own life. Now I am firmly back on my Path. I Love you too!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. I Love this Amy…yes the choice to continue walking is ours. Now I am into creating a lovely walk…with the beautiful flowers and mother nature as a guide!!! Love to you ❤


    1. Thank you, Lorrie. So many freeze when the Journey becomes challenging. I am SO glad you can relate to this, and enjoyed it!!! Thank you SO much for being a part of Petals. This post actually arose from my most recent challenge on my Path of Life. I was “called” to these woods then the words came to match this photo. Afterwards, as I ususally do, I said WOW. How my Heart guides me is just so powerful!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Ahhhhh! Yes. It is most beautiful, Amy. I understand what you are saying to my very soul! Thank you for your beauty, for your honesty, and for your words that always strike a chord in my heart!! ❤


      2. I know of no other way then to be honest. What is the sense, what purpose does it serve, if I hide behind lies? Many do, for to see self in the Light, without conditions, is so far from easy. Yet, to avoid the Truth is self defeating. Bless you, Lorrie, for being who YOU are. Love, Amy


  5. Sometimes…..I wonder what life would have been like without the scraped knees, the dirty shoes and sore muscles. Sometimes …. I wonder if “The Lady of The Rose” our own dear Amy would have been such an inspiration if she has not personally overcome trying moments!


    1. No, Purplerays, the Lady of the Rose would not be who she is without those gullies and obstacles. Those are her learning curves. Bless you, for your comment and understanding. This is why I had comments closed, due to a difficult passage. This post is straight out of my Life. Love, and (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. The most you can ask of yourself, YellowCable, is to try. IF you don’t at least try, you will never know IF you could have done it. (((HUGS))) Amy


  6. beautiful light and greens, amy. like!
    such a restful place to contemplate over things.
    i would just add that no matter what challenges the journey brings, we should never stop until we reach its destination, makes it all the more sweeter ans rewarding. have a good week ahead.


    1. Thank you for your extremely thoughtful comment. And I also thank you for your compliment about this photo. Yes, this forest was so pretty, so peaceful, so tranquil, and spoke volumes to me. The Light was just perfect as It created the shadows and so I captured Great Beauty. Bless you for being a part of Petals. (((HUGS))) Amy


  7. Love this picture, Amy. The words pulled me in,also. Faced a lot of obstacles in my life the same as others. I have walked in the woods and it is a great place to think. You captured it perfectly. Hugs ♥


    1. Thank you, Kathy!!! Thank you SO much!!! Yes, this definitely was a magical place. I am honored that these woods allowed me to capture Her Essence. I could almost hear the Fae. (smile) (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Aw, it has been a rough passage for a lot of humans, Shrimp. Be extra kind to her, OK? This is a magical place and I am SO glad this forest allowed me to capture that special effect. I Love you. I’ll be right over. Love, Mom BonZo


  8. I am one who will keep on plowing through, using my best efforts to pull through things and sometimes, when it seems really bad, all I have to do is look around. Then, I realize I have it much easier than others! I liked how you opened this to discussion and the words you used in your post, like ‘the Brave of Heart!!’ Smiles, Robin


  9. You hit that one right on the money. Life throws us a lot of fast balls, but it doesn’t designate how to deal with them. Love you girl!


    1. I LOVE you, too, Susie! Know it. I will write when I can. It’s been a sleep day for me, and then run. Hmmmm….How does that work? (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Amy, you get some sleep. I have no time limits in which I expect replies from people I love. I write to you because I love you. Hugs to you and sweet dreams, Amyster


      1. It is hard at times, Linda. It seems it has been well over one year of “hard”. All I can do is keep those Shoes of Faith on, and walking on my Path. It’s got to get smoother somewhere. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Isn’t it though? Many have been having a tough time, including me. No matter how challenging the Path gets, just keep walking it. And know you are not alone. Love, Amy


      1. You posted that you would be closing off Comments for the foreseeable future due to something on the domestic front, Amy. I hope this means that something bad has changed into something good ?


      2. Yes, M-R, something bad has turned into something good. I didn’t see this coming, I honestly thought the bad was coming. Things turned SO fast, I was stunned. Yes, M-R, this is VERY good! I am still tired, yet I am getting there!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  10. Dear Amy – beautiful and true. I had very similar sentiments last week. Just remember that the path, however rough, is paved with hope 🙂


  11. Great post and thoughts Amy.. Yes the roads are often fraught with obstacles to climb over.. we do so one step at a time.. other times we lake a leap and jump over them.. and at other times our way seems blocked we can neither move forward or back… But one thing we can be sure of dear Amy.. what ever road we find ourselves upon.. They all lead us Home.. 🙂


    1. Beautiful, Sue, and yes, such Wisdom. For this reason I often say, “But, we do not know this person’s soul purpose for being here, so who are WE to judge?” Hmmm….there is that judge word again …. Thank you for taking the time to comment!! I’ve missed you! Love, Amy


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