Creator And Created (3 MACROS)

82 thoughts on “Creator And Created (3 MACROS)”

  1. Hello Amy,

    I liked the way the post has unfolded with the change in perspective of images.

    Nice style and this color combination, light pink and white is always very pleasing to the eyes 🙂


      1. That’s an incredible comment, but seeing your flower images, I don’t think you need any more lessons in this craft 🙂

        One and only one thing I do with flower images is increasing the shadow level in Picasa, that makes the bright colors of the flower even more attractive 🙂


      2. I have learned to do the same thing! I am finding that “sweet spot” and when I get it boy do the colors come in! I am also very aware of the background, even if it is blurry. I went back to put black behind the same tulips, but I didn’t like it for some reason, the way the images turned out. I will keep experimenting. (smiling) That’s half the fun.

        OH! Too funny. My neighbor told me he saw me laying in the grass face down and was ready to call emergency. I started laughing because I knew I was photographing something amazing I found in my grass. That photo is coming Monday. But I thought I would share that with you to give you a laugh!!! LOL xx


      3. Lol, it used to happen with me too 🙂

        I used to crawl or sit motionless in our gardens and farms. The mosquitoes here then have a great feast but I don’t mind donating a few drops to these Draculas, in exchange for some nice sharp shots 🙂


      4. We have No See Ums and squeeters. I have an all natural spray I put on when they are bad, and darn it, if those No See Ums bite me on the spots I missed. Usually at the hairline, close to my eyes, or under my arms. All in the day of this photographer. Hehehehehe I was oohing and ahhing over weeds last evening like a kid. My neighbors who heard me, must have thought I have gone nuts. Now I am talking to weeds. LOL This is just too funny!!! xx Amy


      1. I did, Kathy, thank you!!! Now I INTEND to get that Big Mamma done today!!! Here I go to do my best! No posts today. My full attention is on this garden!!! Love to you!!! xx Amy


    1. Oh, Laura, THANK YOU!!! I am on my way outside right now to get more photos maybe of this Tulip and I know of some others. I have to set up shade in order to get the images right. Wish me luck!!! Love, Amy


      1. Thank you!!! I had a really tough time with the tuplips. Darn it, and with the wind, I again had to go manual. (sigh) I don’t think the images came out too good but again I could be in for a surprise. I haven’t edited them yet. (smile) xx


    1. Thank you, Jewels. If I had the time, I would have learned how to change the background to a prettier color. I am still up to my eyeballs in gardens. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank you, Amy. I just came back from getting more. I like unique perspectives and I think I got them. I have to see when I edit them. I am still not finished with Big Mamma. When I am, I’ll be sure to SEE you over at your blog. Love to you!!! Amy


  2. i see “the thinker” line has blossomed into a beautiful post of petals, light and inspiration!!!! Another enjoyable post that ties into my studies in ACIM!!! Love, love, love. Be well Amy.


    1. I know I answered this, and darn it, my reply didn’t come through. I’ve been having some problems with WP regarding reader and now comments. I hope you received the first reply I sent you. Anyways, very touched and so honored that you have been coming here to Petals. May each Petal touch your Heart deeply. Love, Amy


    1. Oh, Becca, it is people like you who spurn me on to continue bringing to Petals Tresures from Heaven. Thank you so much for your ocmpliment. Love, Amy


  3. Lovely shots. I had to look up the thread to see there is the name of the flower mentioned. It is Tulip. I was guessing but I was not sure it is because it is not what I normally see how a tulip unfolds.


    1. Yes, I am beginning to say what the photo is, because a lot of my work is from an unusual perspective. Which is exactly who I am. So my photos match my personality. LOL Love, Amy


    1. Thank you. Are the ducks behaving? I’ve been up to my eyeballs today in STUFF and just only gotten to a minimal of blogs. *sad face* Ask your ducks if they would come over to help me finish my gardens. Now that would be cool beans! LOL xx


    1. Neha, just today I was thinking of how I am going to change my header when my roses begin to bloom. I don’t have a white and pink one like this Tulip, which would look so pretty. Maybe for now I’ll take these petals and put her on my Header. Hmmm…..something for me to think about. As soon as I am done with Big Mamma, and then crash, I’ll be on over to see you. Thank you for being HERE, my friend. Love, Amy


  4. Amy – you always bring tears to my eyes! When I see these flowers I see in them me, and I see in them you. And I see in them the wonderful friendship that we are creating! Hugs to you my dear! Loads of love heading your way! Jane


    1. Yes, Jane, YES! This is the Truth and it is SO powerful that when understood fully, can take you anywhere. Even to full health. I know it, I believe it. I too walk a challenging path in the health department, nothing like you by far, but I will not give up my HOPE that I am healed and on the Perfect Day, will manifest. It is already done, that too I believe. You keep surrounding yourself in Beauty and in Truth, and that IS your reality, Jane, NOT a doctor’s report. You have brought tears to my eyes knowing that my work is really touching Hearts, especially someone as special as you are. As soon as I get my Big Mamma done, I will be sure to come see your blog like I usually do. Know, please know, that no matter what I am doing or where I am, I carry you with my in my Heart. Love and (((HUGS))) Amy …. GOD is with you, Jane, and in fact, IS you. Please think about that little gem. That will be posted on Petals at the right time, but my Heart urged me to share that with you now. I leave that with you with no more said, so that your Heart can tell you the rest. Peace, Luv. Peace. 💞💞💞


      1. Jane, yes I really do carry those I love and care for, in my Heart. That is the way things were meant to be, to live in Love and Peace and to be connected to one another regardless of “distance”. May you have a glorious weekend!!!! I am not posting today so that I can really focus on this Big Mamma garden. I want to finished it today, IF my back and knees hold up! With so Much Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      2. Is Big Mamma done? I worked on mine yesterday. Trying something new with wine barrels! Have two left to plant and trying to figure out what will go in those! Hugs!


      3. I’m DONE, Jane! I’m done! I crashed yesterday and when I stepped on the scale today, I am down 5 pounds. Oops. I don’t need to loose weight, I am thin as it is. Now I must EAT! Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Linda. Thank you. I probably won’t be back to blogging “full time” until Monday. I’ve been through the wringer. Now I need rest. (((HUGS)) Amy


      1. Thank you, friend. Thank you. I am headed for the couch right now. Life sometimes can kick the stuffings out of ya. I’m getting those very stuffins put back in. (smile) Love, Amy


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