Finding Treasure (12 Photos)

31 thoughts on “Finding Treasure (12 Photos)”

    1. Jen, um, I don’t know what bling is. But I am SO glad you enjoyed these!!! I could not believe my own eyes. IF you could see how dull and brown and yucky it is outside and for me to find what I did … miracles! LOVE, Amy


      1. Hehehehehehe Understand completely! LOL I’m not awake until after my second cup of coffee, and then sometimes not even then. (((HUGS))) You are in good company! *Laughing* Amy


  1. Dearest Amy,
    It is with much gratitude in my heart I come here today to thank you for sharing your greening gift from Mother Earth. For today in the new spring light I became a Rose.
    Forest Joy

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    1. Forest Joy, you are making me cry. OMG! YOU do not know how badly I needed some kind of confirmation about something. Bless you! Oh, BLESS YOU!!! How I do Love you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. It was all of your beautiful roses kissed by dewdrops sparkling in quickening light. More tears with more love,’morrow’s dew in dawning light.


  2. the macro world in nature is always “Amazing” any time of the year !….I look forward to just what you will do with that lens when the tiny critters emerge…you really can’t appreciate a BEE, a dragonfly, a butterfly or any other until you experience them up close & personal !….Happy World Water Day dear Amy !….Love, Bev~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, Margaret Rose, thank you. If you could see the barren, brown, ugly muddy landscape right now, it is a miracle I found what I did. (sigh) Spring is taking forever to get here this year! %^#$ Yep, that’s right! I know that word too!!! LOL


    1. Fascinating is not the word! I could not believe what I saw. I could gaze into the ice crystals in of themselves to see the swirling patterns. What a mind blower to discover things we just take for granted like snow and ice. Have a good day, Mom. Love, Amy


    1. Lor, I still stare at these photographs and I am stunned. I see symbols and shapes in the ice and the way everything IS, is so graceful and powerful at the same time. Mother Nature is THE greatest Artist and I am just the humble photographer who has the honor of documenting Her Work. Bless you today!!! Love, Amy


      1. You are the second person who said something. I wanted BRIGHT so that people SEE me. LOL Thank you, Morgan!!! Love, Amy (Perhaps I am blossoming brighter as well!)


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