Sweet Simplicity

49 thoughts on “Sweet Simplicity”

  1. Your cat family are lovely Amy, and looks like you are in a good place, as you clear, clean, repair and heal.
    Wow, too, to those pictured from your new camera phone.

    Your title hits the mark for I feel we are all of us moving towards making our lives sweet and as simple as possible.
    As we disconnect from the crazy outer reality being presented everywhere.
    Enjoy your new camera and getting to master it.
    Sending love and well wishes Amy.
    Hugs your way. 😍💕🙏

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    1. Thank you and bless you, Sue, for commenting on this post. I’m not certain all are moving toward sweet and simple for some are holding onto control of the “old” resulting in plunging themselves into abject misery. I do know what I AM being directed to do and in so doing, my life is blossoming in such beautiful ways.

      I still prefer images from my Canon yet pictures from my phone will come in handy, I’m sure of it.

      Hugs right back at you, dear friend!! Have a truly glorious day!!! xoxoxo

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      1. Thank you Amy…. Indeed yes, I witness many who are still in fear, who cling onto the familiar.. Who are stagnant in resisting changes which are about to emerge.
        I remember a quote, from Carl Jung which says:
        “What you Resists, Persists,”….
        Which is why I am often in the flow,
        Wishing you well with your camera and I am sure we shall see more delights soon..
        Much love your way Amy. ❤

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  2. You’ve been a busy young lady my friend and looks like Autumn is a coming too with the coloring in the tree’s. And thank you for showing your fur babies and of course Karma, a powerful animal. And I’m amazed at the Samsung’s quality, you have done well considering its ‘newness’. Enjoy the journey Amy, a new pathway has indeed opened 😀❤️🙏🏽

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    1. Yes, Mark, life as I now know it to be flows from one thing to the next. I follow my heart and each day unfolds easily. You are very welcome for me showing you my fur babies and yes my best friend Karma is one very powerful horse. Today she is full of spunk and vigor trying to eat my sweatshirt when I went over with carrots and apples. “Oh no you don’t, I told her, laughing!!! You are full of beans today!!” She just threw her head back and whinnied.

      Many new aspects are opening in my life and I AM so so grateful for each of them. I feel as if I have been on a starvation diet and now the flow of abundance in unusual ways is like a dream come true.

      Lots more practice I need with my camera and video and I have to get my pictures smaller as well so they fit better on the screen. Always there is room for improvement.

      Sending you much love today!! xoxoxo

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  3. Dear Amy, I adore all your pictures, your precious fur babies and your barn friends. I loved looking through all your photos and it really did feel like a diary as you gave us a glimpse into the many different aspects of your life. You sound at peace and I’m so very happy for you. You’re right, the world is spinning at a breakneck speed but it seems to me you’ve found the peace and space to just BE and BREATH. Enjoy it all my friend and especially your new Samsung as you capture all those beautiful moments. Much love ❤️ 🙏

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    1. Thank you, Miriam! Yes I have been in great peace as I sink more and more into a Flow that is so heavenly. I did not ever know how incredible life could be especially at at time like this when the whole world is topsy turvy. I have for years and years done for others and this time I am presently doing not only for others but more importantly addressing me. I stopped to think of how much I have given throughout the years and as I have now learned to chill on the couch, I no longer feel the need to jump up and do. I’ve learned the beauty of rest and have overcome my childhood lesson that if I don’t “do” I am wasting God’s precious time.

      Hope all is well your way and your new life is unfolding graciously. We’ve lost touch but there again that’s OK too. At the appropriate moment we will come back together again. Sending you rays of light and so much love!!! (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxo

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      1. Oh my dear friend, I’m so happy you’re in this space of flow and ease. It’s our natural state to be in isn’t it, though we’ve been conditioned to think otherwise and that we must always “do”.
        We may have lost touch temporarily but I often think of you. I’ve been blogging less as time speeds up and I find my focus on what needs to unfold next. But all is good in my world and of course we will come back together again, of that I have no doubt! Much love back my friend 💗❤️ xx

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      2. Oh yes time is speeding up and the days fly by to the extent when I do focus on actual 3D time, I’m like …. Huh? September just started! LOL I’ve been in the Flow for many years yet I came up against many inner fears that required healing, many stop signs from physical situations where light was absent to the which I was asked to transmute to light, and many losses I had to live through in order to gain the Compassion I have today. I’ve been on cruise for a while, finally, and I AM so so very grateful. When you live through the tough times only to arrive in Heaven on Earth consistently, you do not ever take one moment for granted. I know I don’t. Have a great glorious day!!! xoxoxox

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    1. The OLD must fall for the NEW to be birthed, Rob. This madness is the result of this old crumbling bit by bit. Hold on to your hat for the speed at which things transpire is going to increase hugely. The Light has truly won …. now we will begin to see just that. In the meantime, I do my best to navigate around the crumble. At times I run into people who I look at not even knowing what to say as they speak. They are so far removed from my world, I no longer have anything in common with them. However, I do not send them judgement. Nope. I keep my heart open and listen with love and neutrality.

      Sending you so much love today!! xoxoxo


  4. There has quite a lot been going on in your life. And the way you share it shows how much you are going with the flow, which is why this all is coming to you. I have been simplifying my life as much as possible. I want to feel that flow more intensely again too. And I am in a very good way. A lot to do though but my kind of flow. Enjoy the ride, dear Amy💖

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    1. Erika, it is a choice to experience that flow. You are the Master and the Creator and no one else. We all have to learn how to steer our own lives to the pace and tune to the which of what we want. It is glorious! It takes time, it is a process and it is learned behavior. If you want it, do it. I have every confidence in you that you can. Much love to you!! xoxoxo

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      1. It does take time but only to sustain more. The more patiently we listen to ourselves, go with the flow and grab the moment when it is right (while walking towards it), the more fulfilling it is what we experience. I am definitely on my best way like you are. Life is good when we begin to trust. Much love to you 💖

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      2. After all I know about you, I am proud of you too. Life teaches but how long it takes to get the lesson is unknown. What a blessing when we “get it” and understand that happiness lies in us and not somewhere ahead.

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      3. Erika, for some reason I am unable to post my reply to the post you have up now. WP has been having on again off again hiccups with me of late. So here is my comment on your latest post!!

        Oh wow, I did NOT expect that! I have a huge grin on my face. I LOVE the boots you paired with my saying ….. completely perfect!! Thank you, Erika!!!

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      4. I am sorry WP plays games with you. But thank you even more that you found a way to get back to me. Your words are so powerful and I thank you very much for letting me share them with the community💖

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  5. If somebody advises you to stay in a place that is simple and sweet, you would be a fool not to! Indeed, you may well finish up being in the world you portray in your beautiful pictures.
    I really like the little snake, too. He is so graceful and his colours are just beautiful.

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    1. Thank you, John, for your kind words. I helped that snake cross the road, making sure he didn’t get killed on it. That made me feel 10 feet tall!! I am in a world of my own making and it feels just so wonderful!!


    1. Thank you, Scott. I’m so glad the moon was where is was in order for me to “capture it”. Practicing with my new cell phone has been fun, yet I still prefer my Canon. Have a great day!! xo


    1. You are so very welcome, Dan. I wouldn’t have my life any other way …. going with the Flow, being the present, and having Gratitude in my heart for all I have been given. Hope you are having a truly blessed weekend. xo

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    1. Thank you, Hien. I really didn’t think most of these pictures were up to my standards but I did my best with them and for me, that is what counts, not perfection. I’m so very glad you enjoyed this post. xo


  6. What a great little romp through your world, dear Amy! And wow…with a phone camera!!!! Stunning shots. Isn’t the technology amazing? I love the energy I feel from you. I love how you look at life…not just through a camera lens…but through your soul and then you are able to capture it all in a shot…just beautiful.
    Sending lots of good energy and love…have a great week!! ❤

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    1. Lorrie, there is IMO a lot of room for improvement with my cell camera but I am learning. I still prefer my DSLR for there is a huge difference in the outcome. I’m learning as well there are different uses for my cell and my DSLR camera.

      I do look at life through the lens of my heart. I have for years and it is only getting stronger. Is this not the way we are intended to live? My husband who I have been married to for 36 years is finally catching on to my methods. That is speaking a lot! LOL

      Much love to you!!! Welcome to my world! xo


      1. I LOVE Amy’s world…everything about it!! And you are such a gift to all who connect with you!! I also love that you always try new things and you are always ready to take on a new project…and continue to learn…both how to do things…and all about yourself!!
        We have much in common in the way we were raised as young innocents and it is a gift to connect with someone who KNOWS me!!
        Keep on keeping on, friend! Much love 💜💜

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