Around The Long Way

75 thoughts on “Around The Long Way”

    1. Thank you, Hien, for complimenting my photography! Not sure if I am back back but we’ll see. Life for me has been extremely challenging. I’m still recovering from the horse kick and will be for some time. Have a great day today! xo

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    1. Thank you, Thattamma. Our backyard is my paradise and every year the trees and bushes keep getting bigger and bigger. When we first built our home in the 80’s, there was nothing on our one acre except for some scraggly bushes here and there. Mother Nature created what you saw except for the trees in the forefront which we planted. Have a great day today!! xo

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  1. Amy, you’re an overcomer! From the look of these beautiful pictures, and precious place of rest for your dear loved one, it seems you rise above the circumstances to still find the beauty. God bless you my friend! It’s so good to see you. And I understand about the “let’s see what Amy can take” agenda. Love and hugs! 💚❤️💛💕

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    1. Hi, Karla! Oh yes I am surely that …. an overcomer. This June has in many ways beaten me up so badly yet has taught me no matter what life swings my way, I am able to get up! The energy this past month has been rough and there were times I just about gave up. However, Jesus showed Himself in such a way before the BAM’s and in hindsight, He reassured me He would be with me despite me being unable to feel His presence. That is another story!

      I am surrounded by so much beauty this year in my gardens that my walks through forests have become minimal. My pull now is what I see in my gardens. Oh friend, the power and the love and the very high frequency emanating from my gardens at times takes my breath away!

      Oh yes finding the beauty I do as well perhaps not in the midst of turmoil and pain but I sure find it shaking off the “test”. And my heart truly goes out to you if you understand what I wrote, “let’s see what Amy can take” agenda. God bless you!!! Oh how I know in spades what I went through and my compassion for you is there! (((HUGS)))!! xo
      Sending you much love and peace this day!! Again, God bless and be you! xo

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  2. Karma would never have done that without great need dear lady, I do hope the message was heart sent. And since it was only one of many, you appeared to be being blocked from doing something, I hope all turned out well, even if a painful ride (so to speak).
    And as usual my friend, the beauty in your pictures are also heartfelt, they too give a message of the love within us all. And I do love the little part of nature with Mary for your Mother-in-law, it is indeed a lovely, peaceful place. Thank you for sharing it 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. Hi, Mark. No, Karma would never have kicked me unless she was desperate to get a message to me. I got it. I’m still recovering from that kick and the deep bruising will probably be evident for weeks.

      This month has been extremely challenging and yes it would seem I came upon either blocks or an obstacles to “test” me as the Universe waited to see what I would do. A couple of times I just wanted to give up. However, I did not.

      Thank goodness you see the reflection of the love within yourself as is shining in my flowers. I look at them and my heart just flows and opens more and more.

      I often talk to my MIL as I look at her garden. And, Mark, I do “hear” her, believe me. My backyard is paradise and it shall remain that way on my watch. Sending you much love this day!!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  3. I’m sorry to hear about the sting and the kick.. I’m glad that you didn’t break your leg. That must have been a pretty tough time for you, Amy. I’m glad that you were brave enough to venture out into the garden. And thanks to that, we got such beautiful pictures to gaze at in wonder. That garden looks amazing. It’s such a beautiful way to remember her 😃

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    1. Thank you, Shweta. I’m still recovering from the horse kick and those stings took 72 hours to heal. Regarding fear …. once you face that fear, fear can no longer stay. My gardens this year have been glowing with beauty that leave me in awe. It was such a pleasure to share my flowers with all here. As for my MIL, it just felt “right” that she lies where she does. I send you much love and peace today. xo

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      1. That’s true, my friend – once we have faced fear, it doesn’t stay with you any more. Your gardens are truly beautiful indeed. Much love and hugs to you, my dear Amy ❤️

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  4. You had a bit of a rough time with critters. Happy you didn’t sustain a serious injury from the horse or a bad reaction to the sting. Really beautiful photos.

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    1. Tim, yes I had a wee bit more then a rough time with critters and I’m just so relieved it is behind me. My injuries were bad enough and I’m grateful they were not any worse. My gardens this year have been exceptional. Hope you are doing well and staying cool in what looks like to be a very hot summer.

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      1. We installed water irrigation systems in some of my bigger gardens, Tim, and the rest I run with sprinklers to keep my flowers going. It is a lot of time and effort but the work I put into my gardens this year I refuse to have the weather fry. So sorry to hear your gardens are suffering this year. The heat has been a yowza!!

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      2. It’s cooled off a lot the last few days and we are getting little bits of rain. I have 8 drip systems and dozen soaker hoses, but those don’t come close to covering all the plants I irrigate from the ditch.

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  5. You are one tough cookie, Amy. Hope you are on the mend. Wasps are horrible creatures, but I guess they exist for some purpose. Your photos are like a dream. The colors in that image of the tiger lilies…unreal. What a beautiful resting place you created with the most loving angel. Sending love and sunshine and joy to you, beautiful one.💕

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    1. Life has made me tough, Julie. Yet I am gentle in nature for the most part unless I am righting a wrong. I seem to do that a lot but there too I am learning peace and diplomacy go a lot further then “fire”.

      These wasps attacked me for no reason and to this day I am not pruning certain bushes for it is within bushes that these wasps came zooming out with the sole purpose of hurting me. Never before has this happened … my thoughts on that the energy itself is provoking odd behaviors in the Natural world. My sister’s son’s GF got stung too by wasps in another state for no reason.

      My photos …. Oh, Julie!! I am surrounded by so much beauty and so much power and so much love. The vibrations in my gardens and on our property are such that they take the top of my head off at times. I am stunned by all my eyes see. I’ve rarely gone to the forests this year …. my draw has been my gardens.

      I put a lot of effort and sweat and tears into my MIL’s garden, making it only with a spade and a shovel. It is heart shaped which you cannot see in the photograph. This garden is situated so that every time I am at the kitchen sink looking out my widows, there is her garden. I talk to her a lot especially when I am troubled.

      Thank you for the love and sunshine and joy! June’s energy was a rough ride for me and it finally “feels” as if it is calming down. Thank goodness!!! Sending you much love and peace this day, dear friend. I think of you a lot. (((HUGS)))!! xo

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      1. You are often in my thoughts, too, Amy. Just not able to communicate via normal human means, like email, right now. All is very well, but I’m in silent mode.😉 You know what I mean.

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      2. Julie, I totally get you. I’ve been going through “I need to be away for me” stage and have been very quiet. This post today is my way of showing the Universe I will not go down nor will I be stopped from my Purpose on Earth. You are loving you, and have my respect for doing so!!! xoxo

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  6. Life is full of ups and downs..
    The horse kick and even the waso stings are real painful…but whateve little I have known you through your blogs you are not the one whom will give up…specially of your passion of being with nature.
    Beautiful pictures as always..
    Stay blessed Amy.
    Keep blogging.

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    1. Yes, Krish, life is full of ups and downs yet lately I’ve had more then my share of downs. I’m breathing, still alive and willing to continue along my Life’s Path. I did want to give up a few times and there were days I’d rather not be on this earth experiencing such misery. It is Mother and God who always bring me back to my zone, to my love of life itself.

      You stay blessed as well, dear friend. I’m so glad you stopped by to view the incredible beauty found in my gardens this year. Much love and peace to you! xo

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    1. You are welcome, Francis. There are times life is difficult and I just happened to step into a very difficult patch on my path. Thank you for the well wishes …. I am taking very good care of myself. God bless you! xo

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  7. Amy, I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a rotten time of it lately. However, I’m glad you’re managing to survive … and, from the looks of these gorgeous photos, thrive! Here’s to healing and calm.

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    1. Thank you, Debbie, for your compassion. I’m so very relieved that June is almost behind me and with it the tortuous path that I had been on. As for my gardens, they are seriously flourishing this year with all the hard work and TLC I’ve given them. Sending much love and peace to you this day!! xo

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  8. You are a tough woman dear Amy but you have the strength and fortitude to go ahead everyday and that is very good. Lovely and gorgeous flowers and loved the garden too where you mother-in-law is. Stay blessed and take a lot of care dear.

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    1. Thank you, Kamal. Life has more or less formed me into who I am yet sometimes even I question how tough must I be? My gardens this year have been mesmerizing and every day it seems I see something else in them. Our temperatures have been so hot that just about everything popped at once and ahead of schedule. I hope I can keep the flowers pretty as I run around with the sprinklers to keep the ground wet for them. You stay blessed too. Much love to you this day! xo

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      1. That is so nice to hear from you dear Amy. Your gardens will surely blossom 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 because your loving presence is always there. You are always welcome. Take care and stay blessed ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  9. I am so sorry to hear about the stings and the kick. Ouch! I hope you have recovered, although I imagine the horse kick can take quite a while.

    You photos are lovely, Amy. Such amazing beauty. They truly are a pleasure to see.

    Take care.

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    1. Dan, yes ouch indeed!!! This being the third day since the kick, happens to be my worse. I’m seriously hurting. My entire right leg is swollen with deep bruising covering almost my entire thigh. Today I am laying with my leg up while hubby does research with homeopathy. Ice, liniment, and rest today and when I get antsy I’ll scoot over to my puter chair to answer some more comments. I’ll be over by and by to see your latest. June has been one extremely rough ride …. and I only mentioned some of what all happened.

      My gardens this year are mesmerizing. I haven’t been pulled towards the forests this year …. it’s been my gardens. I’m so happy you stopped by to see some of what I have glowing around me. And if it is as hot there as it is here, please take care!!! xo

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  10. My confidence is back yet my awareness is higher – this said Magic to me very loud and clear :)) You did deliver magic truly – each flower and picture just so exquisite peace and soothing beauty. So much Love oozes out only from this pure courage and acceptance you model through such difficult detours. I am so happy to know that it wasn’t worse than it was and hoping you recover fully and soonest! I loved your sentiment and the garden you created for your mother-in-law.

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    1. Aw, thank you so much, Prag. My gardens this year are magical and every single day I stare at them in wonder. I am surrounded by love every way I look. Even though my life has been extremely challenging, I have still managed to see this beauty and even get my camera to fulfill the yearning in my heart to connect deeply.

      I am recovering still, my friend. The bruising and swelling from that kick will be with me for several weeks. With each day I can see improvement so that is encouraging. Sending you so much love and peace this day!! BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  11. I’m very sorry to hear of your wasp stings and the kick, but you are right to interpret things like that in the way you have. What is important is the beauty provided for everybody to see by Mother Nature.
    Incidentally, if you have an extreme reaction to a sting like that you should perhaps ask your doctor to carry what we call over here an “Epipen”. I’m afraid that in the US, an EpiPen has a list price of about $300, whereas in the UK, it costs roughly $70. Or you could always carry some anti histamine tablets.

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    1. Actually, John, when I looked into the side effects of the epi pen, I said no thank you!! One has to be hospitalized after getting an epi pen injection to get more drugs to counter the effects of epi. My reactions for local, bad yes, but still only local. I’ve had a discussion with my doctor about all this and it was concluded an epi pen is not for me.

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    1. Hi, Michele. So happy you stopped by and not only viewed my images but listened to the music. Hubby gave me an interesting fact about Bach, in that, how it embraces all of Nature within the music. With that thought in mind, I smiled knowing again my Intuition or Guidance was right on that pointed me in the right direction, connecting the music I choose with my pictures. You being a musician I know will understand what I just said. Sending you much love and peace this day!! xo

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  12. Such passionate and emotive images Amy! Sounds like you’ve been on quite a “ride”. I relate to clusters of things coming at you and continuing to need to get back up and keep walking.

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    1. Thank you, Cathy. Yes I have been on a ride and I am much relieved that particular ride is behind me. Many blessings came from out of that cluster and much good as well. Sending you much love this day!! xo


  13. You will have heard the word Beautiful countless times to describe your photos and words. The 2nd last flower has a special place in my heart and I don’t know the name of it. Please enlighten me!

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    1. I’ve been in my gardens since March, Molly, putting a lot of effort and work into creating paradise after death and destruction hit my gardens. I just haven’t been here on WP much for I am no longer willing to burn the candle at both ends. I’m prioritizing in my life and nurturing myself as well. Sending you much love this day! xo


  14. So sorry for the mishaps Amy. It’s very inspiring how you bounce back. The images have me in owe, stuck dumb. I’m not posting this month but if you may, with due credit, and your story in mind, I’d love to write some poetry for these images as my first post back in August.
    I missed your work. 💜

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    1. Hi, Jude!!! I am honored that when you come back you would like to use my images and my words as inspiration. Please do!! We all have two ways of approaching life …. as a victim or as a victor. I herald victory in my life regardless how many hurdles I have to leap over, how many obstacles are in the way, or how many mountains I have to climb. Those incidences make me stronger and give me many golden blessings!! Much love to you this day!! xo

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    1. I’ve been in my gardens more or less, Julie, but life it seems has been incredibly challenging. Now for those weeds and pruning that need attending to. Amazing how fast those weeds grow. I blink …. they are there. As for my MIL garden ….. it is special. Much love your way and big hugs!! xo

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  15. Thankyou for flowers Amy, always appreciated! So sorry to hear about your stings! I suppose they are very busy this time of year and we all need to be aware and give them space. We had 2 and then 4 sleeping on my Chrystal chain hanging on the balcony last week, it sent us inside, but we enjoyed watching them for a couple of evenings! Then I felt the need to look up their behaviour on the web and it said they are always looking for relocations to build the next hive and you can expect a swarm to come! I’ve never moved so quick and dismantled my Chrystal chain ❤️🥰 sending love❤️

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    1. You are welcome for the flowers, Barbara. I was not aware that I now have what seems to be a wasp nest in one of my bushes so I am now avoiding that. It is the horse kick that still has me recovering and in a lot of pain. That too will subside in time.
      Smart about dismantling your chain. I don’t know how I will remove this nest so I will be doing research online for that probably come this Fall. There is a lot of other places these wasps can nest in.
      Sending love!! xo

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