Freedom Under Siege

73 thoughts on “Freedom Under Siege”

  1. You know that I stand with you my friend, in mind, body and soul. Putting faith over fear and knowing that the light always triumphs over the dark. Yes, through these turbulent times I am praying. And holding onto that vision of a beautiful new world. Nothing can stop what is coming. 🙏🌈✨

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    1. Shaking as I write this …. Miriam, God bless you. This post was not easy for me to write. NCSWIS. True. Yet it is time people drop their swords to come together as sisters and brothers so that healing can come forth. I know you have a new post up. I’ll be over when I can. My mornings are seriously busy with cat care. Know I love you and honor you as a soul sister!! BIG HUGS!!! xo

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      1. Amy, I felt the conviction and strength in your words and I couldn’t agree more that people need to come together in unity. It’s time everyone dropped their judgements and looked into their soul. It will happen. 🙏
        No rush to read my latest. You take care of you and your fur babies. Sending you much love. xxxx

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  2. Very thought provoking post, Amy !!

    As you said, we are all undergoing similar feel, in India, in US and in many other countries …

    Totalitarian governments and rulers in power and our freedom is at stake …

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with a very catchy image …

    Have a peaceful weekend 🙂

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    1. Bless you, Sreejith, for seeing clearly. It is not easy to see yet once seen you cannot unsee it. There are times I feel so helpless as I continue to watch our freedoms here being taken away more severely. People are really hurting in this state yet the devastation continues. Stay safe and strong and please do your best to not fold to this evil. Do whatever works for you. I have to get back into Mother with my cameras. My sensitive nature is saturated with the “seeing” with my heart just crying for all of us. Sending you much peace over the waters. xo

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  3. We are living in terrifying times. I believe organizations and politicians are using this virus to push forward their agenda on the little people of the world. They don’t adhere to the same standards they want the rest of us to follow. Thankfully, I live in a red state. I fear we won’t be able to have the freedoms we enjoy now after January. Stay strong until He comes.

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    1. God bless you, Molly! I’m in tears. Thank God you are awake and understand what is going on. It is so bad in NY and is just getting worse. I am staying strong and I pray the very same for you. Yes there is an agenda and it is exactly as I stated in my post. Yes it is terrifying, hence the nights I am awake with fear twisting my gut. If I did not have God in my life and the life I lead, I don’t think I would be sane. Thank you for taking the “red-pill” that deciphers truth from the FAKE narrative. I will keep you in my prayers and I ask you to do the same for me. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxo

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    2. I totally agree with you. These are terrifying times and I fear will become worse if Trump is not able to retain his presidency as he ethically should. I, too, pray for the healing of our country and that humanity will unite in freedom.

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      1. Trump won. No doubt here. He won and he will be sworn in on Jan. 20th. I pray for the healing of this Country and the huge damage on humanity the torture devises called masks, social distancing, fear, and lockdowns have created. I pray humanity can come back from this horror. xo

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      2. I so agree with you. Wish others could see through the hatred that has blinded them into ignoring the good Trump has done and the ccp control in America. Perhaps if/when the truth is revealed they will understand but it may not be until more damage is done…and I hope not too late to reverse. I continue to pray in gratitude for healing America and the world at large. 🙂

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      3. Thank you for praying. I’ve been doing that a lot lately as well. Hang on for tomorrow is going to be a huge day. The rest of January is going to be quite the ride. Just to relieve your mind, I know military have been strategically placed throughout our Country to protect us. No worries. All is good. Cabal is going down along with MSM and Big Tech AND Big Pharm. To be alive at this time is a big wow for me! As for those who are blinded with rage and hatred, they are about to be shocked to their core. The Great Awakening is truly happening!!! Oh for the JOY!! xo

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  4. The issue is big and the answer lies within us… Fortunately for me the freedom still remains ..freedom to connect …to do what I desire…
    Yes prayers are a must and the humanity has to unite ….there cannot be divisions on political lines to fight an evil..
    Stay blessed 🙏😇

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    1. Krish, I am happy for you that you still have freedom. I do too to a certain extent. We are in full lockdown again in NY and Gestapo techniques have worsened. That is no exaggeration. This fighting and division were deliberately contrived so that we would not unite for in uniting there is power …. we far outnumber those who are attempting to take this Country prisoner. This is why I am writing what I am …. we have to put our differences aside and begin praying and uniting. All this fear and division happened so fast and still is. The shock as a result and the massive fear is what is hampering people to stop the insanity and to remember how to be neighbors, how to be family, how to accept others in love. I have FULL confidence this evil will fall, yet living in the state I am, it is extremely difficult to stay in calm waters. Today I go out to a park for hours to heal myself and to climb back up on solid ground called GOD. Sending you much love and peace!!! xo

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      1. I do believe there is power in prayer and in nature. Thankfully, you have a park to visit to rejuvenate. Yes, the ccp has wonderfully orchestrated a demoralizing of America. Lock us up, silence us, keep us from uniting and our loved ones, take away our livelihood, religion, and joyr, make us government dependent, censor us with only the propaganda they want us to hear. To those of us who are aware of what is transpiring, we need to continue standing up and speaking out…hoping to wake-up the sheep. Refuse the false narraatives. Turn off MSM, FB and Twitter. Read The Epoch Times. Boycott businesses profiting from the ccp/covid virus, and encourage others to do these things as well. We are freedom loving Americans. We must fight to keep that right.

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      2. Try buying USA labels. It’s shocking to see how many made in China labels there are. This must stop! Since I figured out back in March of 2020 that the “pandemic” is a huge scam, I’ve been both seeking truth about the “more” and standing up for what is right. I’ve been bullied, threatened, harassed, stalked, barred entrance from entering a business, and more. ( I live in commie land aka NY) I carry the EO in my order that states I am exempt from masks and a doctor’s letter stating why I am exempt, but here in NY NO ONE is complying. Force masking regardless of your medical conditions. I’ve raged, yelled, spoken truth …. all to no avail. I’ve stopped. I barely go anywhere right now just waiting for this CCP nightmare to be exposed and I can freely walk anywhere I want to without bringing harm to my body with a mask on. I’ve been fighting back in so many ways and some days so exhausted I cannot see straight. TOO many have been drinking the coolaid. Hell no! Stronger then ever I am finishing this along with millions of other Patriots who know what is at stake. I wish I could go to DC but I’m not able to. I’ll be there in spirit however and you bet I will be watching what happens. As I stated elsewhere, I have stopped trying to red-pill. I did it for a long time and now my heart says ….. let it be. What is, IS. What shall be, IS. And so it IS.


    1. This is no joking matter. This comment is from Wendi at, “Oh I just wish people would look up from their phones, their TVs, their electronic device, open their eyes and just see what is going on. My husband’s family is from Cuba, although he was born here, he knows all the stories of what it was like for them once Castro took over. I have heard all the stories……….those who have lived in communist countries are seeing the signs.”


      1. I’m waiting for the gray water lines to thaw so I can do laundry. One of the few drawbacks of living in paradise.

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  5. Count me among the Prayer-Warriors, Amy! I pity those who haven’t the ability to see what’s happening (or perhaps the heart to care). We live in evil times. Our world is broken, but I believe if enough of us fall to our knees, we just might save it. Keep the faith!

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    1. Debbie, I believe the very same as you. God bless you for praying. I had just come from praying in fact, for those who still refuse to see what is happening due to their hatred towards our President. As more and more of us have the scales fall from our eyes, I’ve been seeing more and more people mention prayer and God, like never before. I see a huge awakening with many returning to God knowing now how far away they had been. We are living in terribly evil times and as God is my witness, I will not stop praying. Thank YOU for encouraging me, Debbie. I’ve been walking this walk in “real life” with my eyes wide open for a long time, with so many who are blind. Oh yes about that too …. more and more lately are finally SEEING. I carry you in my heart as we Prayer-Warriors come against this evil that destroys. I send you my love and HUGE HUGS!!!! xoxoxoxo

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    1. God bless you, Kamal. Regardless of conditions here, I shall keep on praying for the world and my sisters and brothers who are suffering so much, and I know you will too. May we all someday soon look back and understand how important our prayers have been. Much love and peace to you this day!! xoxoxo


  6. Oh I just wish people would look up from their phones, their TVs, their electronic device, open their eyes and just see what is going on. My husband’s family is from Cuba, although he was born here, he knows all the stories of what it was like for them once Castro took over. I have heard all the stories……….those who have lived in communist countries are seeing the signs.

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    1. Wendi, you have given me the goosebumps. My eyes are wide open and I SEE and I’ve never been to a communistic country. I’ve read history, however, and yes I see the signs. Our state is truly living under communistic rule. It is terrifying and yes there are still those due to hate in their hearts who refuse to see. I have been praying so hard! I have faith that GOOD shall win this battle. There are just too many Patriots and God fearing people in the right places who are fighting for our freedom! God bless you, Wendi!! Keep the faith. When those with blind eyes see, their shock will know no bounds. This must be terribly hard on your husband’s family because they know the terrible danger we are in. I pray for them. Please tell them that for me. BIG HUGS and am sending you and your family love!! xoxoxoxo

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      1. ” When those with blind eyes see, their shock will know no bounds.” you are absolutely right! I just hope it is not too late when people wake up. “Everyone” is happy until it affects them and too many people are happy with the status quo. But this won’t remain for long. Thank you so very much for your prayers, each one is very precious and much appreciated.
        May God bless you with peace, love and strength……..and may God hear our prayers. Amen.

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      2. Wendi, I questioned everything right from the beginning of this nightmare, seeking answers from within. I got some then I went searching on the bread crumb trail looking for clues. God told me HE is the source of Truth so I no longer look to man for answers. God does lead me to creditable places that yes do give me answers but it is with His guidance. I don’t understand how people being treated so horribly don’t see truth. I do not get it. Took my husband a long while to understand and now that he does I am so relieved. This truth is so shocking it really is easier to hide in your phone or your computer. I’ve literally walked through hells upon each unfolding the deeper I went into truth. It’s been a tough journey but knowledge is power as the saying goes. God has got this and yes yes yes SOOOO many people are praying. Our Country is returning to God. YES!!!! xo

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      3. You are absolutely right, God is THE source of truth. I could write so much more now but I won’t here……….but I have a very strong feeling that you and I would agree on almost everything we discussed. 🙂 Please know you are a HUGE blessing to me!

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    2. PS Wendi, I copied your words and used them as a comment to someone who came here and was not open to the FACT we are fast heading into communism. I THANK you for commenting what you did. God bless you!

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      1. it is my pleasure. i wasn’t sure if i should write about it but God made it clear i was to share it. I could say so much more………they were one of the lucky ones who got to leave! There was a small window of time and a church sponsored them.

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      2. Always follow that voice, Wendi. See how your words were perfectly timed? I’m sure you could have said more yet the words you did share were perfect. I am relieved for your husband’s family that they are here. I simply will not let go my faith that this Country will not fall to Communism, no matter how hard the enemy pushes. (((HUGS)))!

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    3. I’d add they need to stop watching MSM and get rid of Big Tech. It’s hard because they’ve become addicted. But, do you know of any healthy addictions? If they took only a portion of TV/SM time and devoted it to prayer, just think how much clearer their vision might be.

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      1. Oh I’ve had other posts saying the same thing but I’ve more or less by the majority been brushed off. They are going to have to find out for themselves what the truth is. There is so much disinformation out there right now that alone can drive a person nuts. I focus on the NOW, my life, and Mother. That is why I can and do see beyond the illusions.


      2. Yes, this sounds wonderful……..I gave up watching the news and “regular” tv several years ago and I am so very happy that I did……..I thought it would be a sacrifice but it was so much easier than I thought it would be.

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  7. Hi Amy! Joining you in faith and prayer! We have freedom for prayer and faith as they are inward experiences and actions. There isn’t really much else to say besides prayer and having faith! I trust my Divine plan, I trust I’m here for something even for an experience of current events and awakening. This is trial by fire and the outcome has already happened – we are from the future – so I know we’ve already made it! A bit of sparkle in the dark times! Thank you for continuing to bring us home to Mother!! Much love, Donna

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    1. Funny you should say we are from the future. That somehow feels right to me. It would also explain a lot. Because I am an Empath I tend to feel the heat from the fire and believe me, it keeps me awake sometimes as it did last night. I know what the outcome of this Battle is, yet actually being in the Battle is at times terrifying. I’ve also made a decision this will be my last post attempting to get people to wake up and smell the coffee. I’m just heading as quickly as I can straight back to my cameras. I’ve contributed enough. I know how valiant you are and how huge a light you are, Donna. The Light has got this!! Much love and peace to you this day!! xo

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  8. I have known it for a long time – we are completely controlled and we have no freedom. I too have had sleepless nights. Yes Amy, prayer is the highest we can do🙏 That is the only way out

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    1. I’ve known it as well, Ashok, but because of the “political climate” and the “brainwashing” involved, I’ve very carefully went into the back door here on my blog with Truth. Now, however, it is critical those who still do not see begin to. Now I am going in the front door. I’ve never prayed so hard in my life so I am stating for all to read Truth that is so important for all of us!! These devisive tactics have been done on purpose to tear the American people apart, but it is TIME now for the eye scales to come off so we as a Nation can come together in unity and prayer. I’ve made some decisions as of yesterday so that I can focus even more on prayer. God bless you for being one of the Prayer Warriors. My faith is in GOD. We are one is spirit. Much love to you! xo

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  9. Amy dearest friend, living in the UK I totally understand how that fear can grip… You would not believe the things that have changed here in 2020.. And I agree this is far bigger than a virus, and the tyranny we are seeing happening both sides of the pond is real.. I could speak of many things which would have your readers here also perhaps disbelieving…. But we are seeing the taking of our liberties and freedoms like never before..

    Those with eyes to see shall see. And there’s none so blind as those who will not see… You will never be able to make some understand or accept something if they are too stubborn or unwilling to learn or notice.
    Your prayers Amy I know are joined by many more… We have to realise we are here for this very time here on Earth.. Sending our Light, our love into those dark hearts have no compassion other than their own greed..

    We need especially this month of December to hold light, love and knowing, that the Light has already won…
    Because dear Amy this battle is not just a political one, or as some would have us believe a war on a virus… No… this is far FAR bigger than either.. And we unknowing have been held prisoners long in this dualistic Material Battle within this Matrix for thousands of years.. As we have been pitted against one another through separation, by those manipulating the masses through war, division, religion etc..

    This is a battle of Light vs Dark… Its about our freedoms and our Sovereignty as Human Beings..
    And on the Solstice of this month Dec 21st, we have to keep our prayers our love, our light in tact… This is a huge portal of Planetary Light codes which are assisting in our raising of frequencies, to which these Dark Lords do not want us to open and reach, so they can practice their parasitic rituals of suffering and control..

    I truly believe Amy there are many Rainbow Warriors standing shoulder to shoulder with you… I believe it may appear darker in the short term, only because we are seeing those now being cornered with their backs against a wall… Soon Amy… not this year… But going into the year of 2021, we will see exposure of a magnitude that will have the whole world reeling in disbelief..

    But those who still as of yet have not eyes to see, have to see it with their own eyes to believe it..
    And this is why it has to unfold the way it is…
    Keep your prayers strong Amy… As are mine… for we have got this….

    Much love and Blessings dear friend.. Sue ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Your words, Sue, mirror those from within me. This has been such a long and difficult journey yet I know the battle has been won. I will not stop praying. I will not step away from love. My husband just last evening came into full awareness and I am so overjoyed and so relieved I did not give up on him! Prayers and persistence do pay off. Sending you so much love and God bless you for your integrity, your intelligence, your strength, and your endurance. We’ve got this, dear friend. (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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  10. I live in a deep blue state, too. It’s frustrating to see how many people become sheeple and then become statists. We live in a land of individual liberty and freedom, and how so many are willing to relinquish those freedoms is deeply disturbing. My prayers sent not only for our republic, but for the rest of the world, as they are feeling the weight of oppressive governments, too.

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    1. God bless you for the prayers, Rob. Oh yes I do see what is happening in the world and it is increasingly getting worse very quickly. I’ve had some here who still refuse to see and I can understand for the seeing is shocking! But once you do see, you cannot unsee. We can no longer keep our heads buried in the sand. We can no longer be silent or stand aside while America is under attack. To witness still so many who are unaware sickens me. All they have to do is look beyond MSM to figure out 1+1 does not = 2. Hold the line. I have a feeling this week is a huge BOOMERANG week. Thank you so much for joining in with the Prayer Warriors of the World. I love you for it!! (((HUGS)))!! xo


    1. Michele, I understand how difficult this journey is when we have our eyes open. Once open, you cannot un-see. The ONLY way I can maintain my peace is with God and prayer. I know you pray and I thank you will all I AM for praying for not only this country but the world at large as well. Hang in there, stay strong, and know together we will survive and vanquish this evil. Much love to you!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. I haven’t lost hope nor will I let go of God. I don’t think I have prayed or fought so hard in my life for our country and world. Thank you so much for this comment. It meant a lot to me! God bless you! xo


  11. I totally agree with hon!!! And I’m actually scared for everyone that doesn’t see what’s happening OMG!!! I’ve soooo been praying for everyone’s safety health and freedom!!! May GOD bless us all!!! (Biggest Hugs)and lots of love 💕 GF xoxo

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    1. Hi, Luv. So many are still not seeing this and more. Yes it is terrifying to grasp realizing how hard our President is fighting to not allow CCP to own America. Their hatred outweighs everything. I’ve never seen anything like this, nor the fact how mainstream media are fabricating fiction. I haven’t prayed so hard in my life. When the TRUTH comes out, and it will, those who still refuse to see will be shocked to their souls. God help them!! Yes may God bless us ALL!! Much love to you, StacyAnn! Stay safe. Make sure you have everything you need and more …. it just may get dicy this week. xoxoxoxo

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