Brimming With Joy Part 1

66 thoughts on “Brimming With Joy Part 1”

  1. Oh Amy, I can feel the joy in your words and your gorgeous pics. That yellow warbler, what a stunner! And those fields of yellow are so beautiful and uplifting!
    All I can say is that I feel the shift and I’ve had a very similar day. Today, on the Spring equinox here in Oz I woke to a glorious sunrise, I walked in nature passing happy people and children playing. Back at home a beautiful red and green parrot landed on my decking, I’ll have to send you a photo! I swear he was speaking to me! And then tonight I saw a beautiful rainbow. Something has definitely shifted.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful post with all of its joy. Much peace and love my friend. xxx 💖🙏🦜🌈

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    1. GOOD!!! Miriam, I’ve been feeling this energy for weeks and when I asked for example my chiropractor if he is feeling it, the look of puzzlement I got told me “no”. This energy is high octane and will give you so much energy but …. we have to adjust. I’ve run with it feeling like a teenager but then I hit the wall. It’s going to take time to adjust so don’t be surprised when you have days all you want to do is chill or sleep. We have to pace ourselves. This is a BIG jump in energy. I am SO thrilled to see others feeling it too now. Oh for the JOY!!!
      Enjoy, dear friend. Enjoy! Drink in those sunrises and clean air. Be aware of the messages Mother will send you and the parrot sounds exactly that. Get into a quiet place and discover what that parrot was saying. Look up what parrot means metaphysically. Oh yes something has shifted and if you recall my interactions with those two young girls, the energy was evident then. Ride this Wave. There will be ups and there will be downs until we get a handle on how best to BE in this energy. It’s a huge change!! Much love and peace to you, Miriam. May you BE blessed!! xo

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      1. Yes, you’re so right Amy. There will be ups and downs, I’ve been aware of them over the past few weeks but lately the ups are far outweighing the downs. Which is great. The parrot today for sure was a sign. I’ve already looked up it’s spiritual significance and got major goosebumps. Shifts and changes, oh yes, it’s happening, for many of us.
        You enjoy too dear friend. Bask in nature and your gift of photography. Relish the changing vibes. I pray for the day when this positivity spreads far and wide. Big hugs to you. xxxx

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      2. Here I am SEEING this energy, this shift ignite! This brings with it so much hope that this shift will be as nothing we have ever seen. Will there be those who will not connect? Yes. I’m seeing that too. There is a clear division between light and dark right now, even more so with this high frequency energy. All have a choice and I know what mine is. Great to know you already looked up what parrot means. That is so cool!! Way to go, dear friend. You’ve got a handle on the New Way of Living. YAY!! *Happy Dance* xoxoxoxoxo

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      3. PS Hubby is feeling this energy too. He’s become “manic” and I just have to go with it until he realizes how to handle this energy better. That man can go like no other person I know. Along with this energy, so much has broken within our lives. The “shit is hitting the fan” and it’s like …. you’ve got to be kidding me. Right now we are getting our furnace and AC replaced (huge job!) and getting a new generator. Whew!! We are most definitely in for the Ride of our lives! LOL

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    1. As long as I stay connected to this Energy, Dan, the pain of loss is minimal. I actually can “feel” Cookie and at times when I soften my gaze, can “see” her laying on her chair in our eating room. To flow like this is pure heaven on earth. That park’s beauty right now is unparalleled. As I told someone that day I wish I could paint. I would have loved to have sat with an easel to paint that field. Have a great day today! xo

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    1. Agreed, Rob. It is however, letting go of fear, a process. It just doesn’t happen and then boom you are free. Many many days and nights I wrestled with fear. When I feel that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, I look at what is causing the fear and face it head on. Sometimes there is action that has to follow to put that fear to rest. (heart pound!) I have one such “event” coming up in a few weeks where I will be coming face to face with people whose energy are fear based. Do I purposely look for these kind of situations? No. But in order for me to move forward to eliminate this fear, this is what I have to do for myself.
      As for those photos ….. this park is right now unparalleled in beauty to any other, IMO. This park just radiates complete freedom, something I’ve never experienced in any other park (so far). Hope you have a great day today!! xo


  2. Thanks for the lovely photographs.A real feast for the eyes and also for the mind.An ideal place to rejuvenate,recreate.I thank the creator for creating everything for all of us to use freely for our satisfaction.Take care.🌷👍🙏

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    1. You are welcome, Francis. Yes this park is a real feast for the eyes. Mothers’ Art is unmatched by anyone! So happy you stopped by to see this post today. Many blessings today!! xo


  3. Such joy coming from your post Amy!! Feels good! I love those blue flowers at the top of theist – their color is beautiful, I love them!! And the vastness of the fields – what a picture! People are enjoying the enlightenment and feeling good. More to come! Thanks for spreading so much joy!! Much love, Donna

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    1. Oh yes, Donna, joy feels so wonderful especially after being exposed to such cruel harshness exhibited by this world. The wide open spaces at this park are what is drawing me ….. and those pictures were not taken with my extreme wide lens. Yes people (not all) are enjoying the enlightenment and IMO once known and felt, will not want to go back to the downward pull of the dark. Once experienced, that light state will be one that will be sought after. How awesome! Oh yes much more to come! This energy is high octane and takes some getting used to. Plugged in is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.
      You are welcome for me spreading the joy. Not all will feel it, experience it, but that is OK. Everyone is on his or her own journey. Hubby is feeling this Energy …. it is making him manic, which truthfully is driving me nuts. He’s got to learn BALANCE. When he read my post this morning, he was so effected he told me he couldn’t catch his breath. Yep, he’s feeling it! LOL Much love to you today!! xo

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  4. Oh, Amy. Those are some gorgeous shots. I’m glad that you had such a lovely time in the map of nature. That yellow warbler is very tiny indeed. I’m so happy that you managed to capture it. Such a beauty! Thank you for sharing these pictures.

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    1. Thank you, Shweta! I was in photographer’s heaven that day! What a surprise I was given with those birds I came upon. There is a story connected to them which I will share in my Part 2. My bird muscles I haven’t used in months and I wasn’t sure if I could bring those birds in clearly. It takes extremely steady and strong hands and wrists and an eagle eye to capture what I did here. More birds and landscape shots coming ….. Sometime this week. May you have a glorious, joy-filled day today!! xo


    1. THANK YOU, Stacy Anne! I’m sharing with HOPE this JOY spreads! However …. due to our bodies not used to this high frequency it takes some getting used to. I fly so high for days on end, then all I want to do is sleep for days on end. LOL Sleep is my day today but I’m out gardening. Big hugs to you!! xoxoxoxo

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    1. I know, Erika. That field is like nothing I’ve ever seen and I stood there for a LONG time just gawking and drinking in the sight. I have goldenrod here and there on our wild part of our property but in my actual gardens, no. Hope you had a really great day!! Much love to you! xo

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      1. That goldenrod is expanding beautifully. I had one plant appearing last year and this year there were at least 10 of them. You know they are helping for any problems regarding kidney and bladder.
        Thank you, Amy. It was a good when even another very busy, hectic, and long day. But also this week is slowly coming to an end… hehe. You enjoy your day, dear friend 😊

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    1. Thank you, Sylvia! So happy you enjoyed this post. As for the Energy, I’m feeling much more energized too and am learning how to balance and pace myself. Some really good things are coming from out of what we all have been through for months. Hope your day was a good one!! xo


    1. Thank you, Mark! You are so very welcome about me sharing this magical day. I pray we all experience this Energy and on a regular basis. I’ve felt it for many weeks now and what I am finding out, due to the frequency being so high and pure, I can only take small doses …. a few days, at the most a week, then I want to just sleep. This is such an exciting journey we are on!!! Much love to you! xo

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    1. Thank you, Jude! I’ve been here …. our paths must not have been crossing for some odd reason. I’m in a very busy season right now closing up my gardens, dealing with one of our babies’ passing, and catching up on cleaning my house. I haven’t been here as much because of life. Hope you have a great day today! xo


      1. No, when we last had a brief chat, you were recovering from being ill but you had whethered the worst bits. The rest is new😰

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      2. You have to be thinking of someone else, Jude. I have been well. I’ve been very busy healing from the loss of one of our babies (cats) who died a little over 2 weeks ago, and getting my gardens closed up for the winter. See? I’ve been well and strong and healthy. It’s easy to get confused these days with everything that is whirling around us. SMILE! xo

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      3. Oh, okay, I don’t usually get these things mixed up but glad you’re alright, I’m sorry about the cats, I wonder how you close up a garden though?

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      4. Hard work. Pruning, weeding, adding mulch, adding fertilizer, building cages for a bush the deer would eat, digging out dead plants, protecting my 20 rose bushes for the winter, trimming bushes …… and it goes on.


    1. Thank you, Randall. I happen to agree with you on what you said here. I am not able to explain what happens, but truly magic does. Mother allows me into Her World to a degree that leaves me stunned and humbled. Hope you are having a really great weekend. xo


  5. This is beautifully written 🤩
    I enjoyed every minute of the read and your writing style is just amazing…
    I also have a blog… Don’t forget to check it out… Make sure you like and follow too
    Thanks and more power to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! Part 2 is still in the making. I’ve been so so busy I’ve not been able to put it together. Hopefully sometime this week it will be up. Have a great day today!! xo

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    1. Aw, another thank you, Linda. To even be able to photograph that tiny bird in clearly to me is a miracle. Shooting conditions were not optional and I really had to work with my AF to get the shots I did. I agree about this bird being precious. And what joy it was to have the privilege to capture him. Much love to you this day! xo

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  6. Thanking you dearest Amy, as I read backwards your posts this late evening.
    Beauty surrounds us daily, our great Earth Mother provides us with an abundance of magical nature within every moment of our existence.
    Your words, your captured images hold testimony to that Grace and beauty.
    The world being dualistic in nature holds two sides. Light and dark, life and death. No where in nature is that more mirrored, as our animal and insect kingdoms survival depends on those flight or fight instincts.

    We as humans now hold within us choice. We need to choose the light the beauty, goodness and truth. Often that truth of beauty only comes when we have traversed those shadows.
    Our personal journeys have led us to that beauty as we’ve stripped away the dark layers.
    The world now needs to see those darker layers stripped bare, exposing them to the light. So that more souls will be freed from the tyranny and fear, and who will also then find freedom in mother earths garden of Eden .
    Just as you have Any.
    Thanking you for your love, your beauty and the grace in which you share your heart.
    Much love dear dear friend.🙏❤️🙏❤️

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  7. I can certainly feel the magic in this post and my own feelings as I walk amongst the outside world now… it’s as if we have arrived in a lull, a sort of neutral waiting station, getting used to different pressures❤️ Thanks for sharing your local natural beauty, it does my heart good🥰 sending love, Barbara x

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    1. There seems to be a lull, a very deep peaceful place that radiates from the very air itself. Pressure you brought up …. the last 2 weeks have been brutal yet upon praying last night, the pressure has been released some. I plan on going with my cameras to a park today to soak up this New Energy. I’m glad my pictures spoke to you, Barbara. I send you much love this day!! xo

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