YOW, Surprise!

81 thoughts on “YOW, Surprise!”

    1. Roses carry the highest vibration, Andrea. Did you know that? Yes they are a symbol of SOUL and of love …. when you are aware you can feel this. SO happy you enjoyed my roses. I believe more are about to flower ….. YAY!!! Have a great day today!! xo

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  1. Ouch! The cheek of that Yellow Jacket to attack you after you’d rescued a fellow wasp! What a picture you painted and I had to chuckle a little at your description of hubby trying to make up that paste. But, in all seriousness,that sting sounds very painful so I do hope you’re feeling better.
    Your roses are exquisite and Meaghan is such a cutie. I can so understand your desire to give her dignity, love and care in these declining days of hers. We all deserve that. Yep, there ain’t no cheating death that’s for sure. Thank you for a very real, raw and visually beautiful post my friend. And thank you for your last couple of emails. Lots to take in right now, everything feels heightened and a bit overwhelming but know that your words are very much appreciated. Much love and big hugs to you. xxx ❤️🙏🐝🌹

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    1. Honey, nice and easy does it. I know I sent you a TON of information but just go slow. This cleansing process and healing process must be done in chunks. If you took what I do as I do every day, your detox process would be horrific.
      My sting is much better and I will be relieved to get the blood work results back.
      To give you hope …. I just read a post of blogging buddies getting together and it is somewhere in EU. No masks, no distancing, just NORMALCY. What is happening to you and me is tyranny and horror yet I PRAY this resolves soon. I have to keep my head immersed in MY reality or else go mad.
      My roses ….. some have been outstanding this year while others have struggled. I have to try to figure out why. You are very welcome for my REAL post, another day in the life of moi.
      Remember to breathe and to get involved with those things you can pore your passions into. I am here for you, that you know. If WE, THE PEOPLE don’t begin to say NO in NUMBERS, this deliberate control and tyranny will continue. I’ve got faith in HUMANITY.
      Sending so much love to you!! BIG (((HUGS))) xoxoxox
      PS I just saw last evening a video of a sheriff from Florida warning the protestors that IF they come to his county his people love guns and they will be armed and ready AND will shoot anyone who dares to break into any home or. YES! WE, THE PEOPLE are fighting back this evil!!! xoxoxo

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      1. Yeah I know Amy, nice and easy, I get it my friend, I really do. And that’s what I’m doing. There’s no way I could do all you suggested, lol, but I appreciate it. Today I got out for a couple of hours and just walked and walked. Just me and Harry and no mask. Just us in nature. Very liberating. Like you, I’m trying to keep immersed in my own stuff here. Every now and then when I think about things it gets to me, until I snap out of it. I’m up and down like a yo yo but trying to be kind to myself in the process.
        Glad your sting’s better and I look forward to reading that post. Thanks so much for your friendship Amy and your support which means the world. I have faith in humanity too. And we WILL get through this. We won’t go down without a fight. Big big hugs to you xxxx 🙏🌹

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      2. NICE!! Walking for a “few” hours. GOOD FOR YOU! I actually wake up at night with my stomach clenched in knots and my mind going to which I start praying, saying words of love as a mantra over and over again. What is happening if I allowed it, would keep me in intense fear. I will NOT go there! As for all what I sent, keep in mind, I lost my health twice and still working on boosting my immune system today. May the Angels hold you while you sleep tonight!!! xoxoxoxo

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      3. Thank you my beautiful wise strong friend. We’ve been hit by more storms, literally, overnight. Winds in excess of 120kmph, trees down, power out, 4 people killed and this morning we were informed that 88 suburbs have had their water contaminated. BUT not us here, thank the Lord we are in a valley and were spared. Still, I’m boiling my water and giving thanks. All quite astounding as we were only discussing water and stuff the other day. Amy, what can I say, we’re in the eye of the storm, in every way. But I’m holding on, tight! I too go to bed and wake up reciting words of love in my head. Thank you. Sending you my love and gratitude. xxx 🙏

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      4. Oh thank goodness you are OK, Miriam. We are in the eye of the storm I so agree. Everywhere I turn there is something major going on. It’s so hard to grasp at times. Hang in there and know truly you are in my heart. I think of you often and pray for you as well. Just watched a movie today filmed in Australia and OH what a beautiful continent you live on. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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      5. Oh Amy, we do live on a beautiful continent, there’s no doubt about it. And yes, we’re definitely in the eye of a huge storm although today the sun is shining and the blossoms are heralding spring. Looking out for all the beauty and blessings. Yesterday hubby and I cycled (out of our area) AND I walked so I well and truly doubled my exercise. Thank you for your beautiful wishes and thoughts my friend. Know that they are very much reciprocated and you’re in my thoughts as well. Big hugs xxxx ❤️

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  2. I am so sorry for you, Amy. Those stings are painful and can be dangerous. You were wise to get tested. The flowers are beautiful.

    I almost skipped this in my inbox. It came from a different source. It appears you changed the name of your blog.

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    1. SMILE! Yes I changed the name of my blog, Dan. It is my way of saying I rise above the madness and the insanity displayed in this world by refusing to participate. My life is MY life and on my blog you will both see beauty and hear truth.
      As for that sting, I should be getting the blood test back today. Crossing fingers I don’t need an Epi-pen!! Have a great day!! xo

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  3. Ah my heart goes out to you dear lady, to see and feel one of your babies so dear to you release this world is indeed a heartfelt journey. Mind you, her energy and color are very high even though she isn’t well ❤️
    And I think these absolutely beautiful pictures of roses are for her, they are so lovely they are an honor to a journey well lived…and in truth, that life connection for you both ❤️ 🙏🏼 🦋
    My heart goes out to you about the wasp sting, I too have been stung by what we call a paper wasp (yellow and black too) and you most certainly have my full sympathy, they sting like blazes. Thankfully many years ago, I don’t think my body would be overly happy if it happened now 😀 ❤️
    🙏🏼 🦋

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    1. Meaghan is being very well taken care of, Mark. She’s got a ways to go. These things usually stretch out into years sometimes. I just have to be there for her and others who I’m caring for now every day. It’s part of the job called Mom.
      As I was saying to someone else, some of my roses did fabulous this year and others not so good. I’m going to try to figure out why some did not do well.
      OH yes they do sting like blazes. It took days for the inflammation and redness to go down. Three days total until all the pain was gone. I think it would be wise for me to carry on my photoshoots an epi-pen, just in case. Now that I know how awful these stingers are, I do not want to be alone in a forest without able to get help if needed. Hope all is good your way!!! Much love to you! xo

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      1. Going well dear lady thank you. This time has given me much beautiful space to catch up on some quiet reading and enjoy the warmth in the sun. We are just 3 days away from the first day of spring and nature is beginning to stir. Love and light to you also dear lady, may your pheromones give a warning to the wasp next time that you are a good girl 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏼 🦋

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  4. Yellow jackets pack a powerful sting, I’m sorry you got stung, Amy. And nervy, considering you had just saved its comrade. Your rose photos are spectacular. Gardens have a full spectrum of visitors where there’s stinging, thorns, and luscious scents and serene sights. Hoping your days ahead contain more of the latter.

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    1. Jet, I agree NO doubt about that sting! Nothing like getting stung when I had just rescued one, right? My roses ….. what a DELIGHT this year! I thank you for your wonderful wishes …. bless you!! Hope your day is going well!! xo

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    1. I spoke to my Chiropractor today and he told me of a natural way to prepare in case I get stung. I’m not crazy about using an epi-pen so this information I am very grateful for. And yes from what I heard these pens are outrageously expensive, much more then the “original” price. I believe that would be called price gouging. No surprise there.
      My roses …. John, this year the colors and form have had me gaping. My Rose of Sharons this year as well have got the most incredible amount of blooms on them and they are staying in bloom a long time. Last year they barely did anything. Funny how things change from one year to the next.


  5. So sorry to hear that you got stung by this bee, Amy and that in the nick of time your husband made the paste and all was good. But do take care dear and such lovely and vibrant colors of flowers that adds cadence to our Soul. Great post. Stay safe.

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    1. LOL I had to laugh at your “nick of time”. The main thing is all turned out for the good. Kamal, there are no guarantees in life but that being said, despite the despicable conditions this state is in, I live fully each and every day. I also have become quite the activist speaking up against the many illegal activities going on here. Just today in fact I spoke to our sheriff’s department and yes it is confirmed what I have been saying I have every right to say. There truly are some really good people in this world who care what happens to this country in the midst of so much tyranny and crime! Hope your Hubby is recovering well. Much love to you!! xo


      1. Yes Amy we have many people who are good and helpful too and you must voice whatever you are feeling and see that things get better. Hubby operation went great but this time he is feeling very depressed and dejected. My children and me are doing our best to keep him cheerful and positive. We are praying for his wellness too. Much love and light to you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  6. My heart goes out to you with Meaghan. I have admired how you care for your cats and the whole process of accepting the end of life and not resisting that. Gorgeous flowers – I can believe the color intensity. Amazing!!! So interesting about the bees. I was stung twice on my face about a month ago as I was trimming a large hedge. Glad you are okay!

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    1. Aw, thank you, Cathy, about Meagan and what you have said about how I love my babies. It is a lot to handle both emotionally and physically and not only that I am problem solving as I go along.
      My roses this year …. yes the colors have been intense and let me tell you I cannot tear my eyes from off of them at times. They look at though they could glow in the dark! Sorry to hear you got stung. That is a big OW and good to know you are all right. Sending you much love today!!! xo


  7. We just destroyed a Yellow Jacket nest in our back yard, Amy. You might consider having someone carefully check for a nest around your humming bird feeder as they are most aggressive when protecting the nest. I would hate for you to have any more trouble with them. I’ve been stung before and I know how painful it is. You’ve probably already researched this, but don’t discount the possibility of an underground nest. Feel better soon!

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    1. OOOOOO Scott!! That sounds dangerous! I doubt if it is a nest per se that is the trouble, because every year at this time bees in general become very aggressive. Every gardener knows this. That and the sugar water feeders are known for their swarms of bees in mid August. I’m just blown away that one actually stung me. That never has happened before. They know who feeds them. As long as we have hummingbird feeders we will have a bee problem. Hubby figured out a way to detour the majority of the Yellowjackets to another dummy feeder so that the birds have free access to the real feeders.


  8. Sorry to hear about the Yellowjacket painful sting . Hope your better now. The worst sting I have was a fire ant sting while removing debris in the garden preparing for Hurricane Ike in Texas. I also developed hives head to toe . I took 50 benadryl and was knockout part of the hurricane’s worst. Beautiful roses . Nature and gardening is a joy that heals the heart. Thank you. Stay say & blessed always.

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    1. Yes my sting is much better thank you! I’ve heard fire ants are painful and no thank you I do not ever wish to experience that. Thank you on my roses … this year their colors have been outstanding! Bless you for stopping by to see the beauty I have to share with you. xo

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  9. Oh Amy. I’m sorry to hear about that. I hope that the test results came back ok and that you are feeling much better now. The yellow jacket must have felt threatened. It definitely misunderstood your intentions! The sting does sound very painful. Your husband must have been so freaked out. I can understand your feelings about Meaghan. Yes she deserves dignity love and care. Those flowers are extremely beautiful. Take care of yourself. I hope you are feeling much better now. Much love and virtual hugs to you, my dear.

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    1. Thank you, Shweta, for caring. My tests results have yet to come back but in speaking with my Chiropractor today he told me of a natural way to treat myself if I should get stung again. I’d rather do the natural way if possible. I do not cherish the thought of using that epi-pen. I have many allergies and must be so so careful.
      My Meaghan as all other of our cats are given extra special care when they can no longer take care of themselves. I’ve been doing it for years and thank goodness have gotten better at it. Sending you much love this day. Bless you! xo


  10. Beautiful rose photos, Amy Rose. Excellent portrait of Meaghan.

    Even though it was not the yellow jacket you saved that stung you, your yellow jacket story reminds me of Esop’s Fables about the farmer who finds the frozen snake, take’s pity on it, and brings it inside. Then the snake warms up it bites him or his family, depending on the story. The moral of the stories include “Take care how you entertain traitors.”, “The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.”, etc.

    I’ve been stung by yellow jackets, they are extremely painful. The yellow jackets come and steal food off our plates when we eat outside. They are not aggressive away from their nest, but near their nest they become very aggressive.

    You might want to keep an Epi-pen on hand if you can get one. I had a cousin who had no known issues with bee or wasp stings. He got stung one day, went into an anaphylactic shock and died. He was on his farm with no one around. I was talking to a friend who is an MD who specializes in toxicology. He said that a person who has never reacted to a sting, can end up reacting like my cousin for no reason.

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    1. Hi, Tim! Thank you on my roses and Meaghan. Epi-pen …. I asked my doctor for one for the reasons you stated. However she came back either I get a blood test or see an allergist. I sighed. No way am I going to an allergist. For what? Even if my anti-bodies don’t come back within range of having an “allergic reactions” I will insist I do get a pen. All I need is to be out on photoshoot alone, and get stung. I am NOT taking chances. Why my doctor did not see sense of things and KNOW what you just wrote, is beyond me. I am SO sorry about your cousin. That is just awful to hear. That only makes me more determined to make sure this doctor prescribes a pen for me. I won’t quit until I get one.
      I’m not at this point going to look for a nest. Every year these Yellowjackets get more aggressive as the month of August goes by until I finally take the feeders down. As of today all sugar water is down. DONE.

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      1. Doctors don’t always get it. We don’t put out feeders. We have lots of roses and other flowers for the birds. Yellow jackets build their nests underground out here. It’s extremely difficult to destroy yellow jacket nests that are underground. I friend told me about having to hire an exterminator to do in a yellow jacket nest on her property. She said it was a complicated process, which involved capping the hole and injecting insecticide into the underground nest. She said they could feel the ground buzzing underneath their feet from the thousands of yellow jackets trying to get out of the nest after the insecticide was injected. We only see a few yellow jackets at anytime.

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      2. Oh that description just turns my stomach. I do put out sugar feeders for hummers and orioles. They’ve come to depend on those feeders now. We only have probs with Yellowjackets in August for reasons I can only guess …. they know the cooler temps are coming and they need the fuel to hibernate. I don’t know. That was just a guess. I know very little about these giant insects.
        Believe me. By the time my doctor and I are finished with the subject “stinging insect” I will have an Epi-pen. I’m taking NO chances.

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  11. The wasps sting real bad…hope you have recovered and feeling good now…
    The flowers are so beautiful …such vibrant colours…
    My daughter is taking care of a stray pup…was in a bad shape but now doing good…it’s great to see their bond..the excitement he exhibits at her sight…
    Stay blessed 🙏😇

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    1. Yes, Krish, I have recovered. Thank you. Everyone is saying how vibrant my roses are and I couldn’t agree more. This year I am stunned by their vibrancy and form. There are times I just cannot tear my eyes from off of them. My life is SO busy that when I do get the chance to see them, I drink and drink and drink.
      Ah, your daughter sounds like a very sensitive and loving soul. That pup knows his life has been saved because of your daughter, believe me. The gratitude will never fade! I know. All of my cats I rescued and the gratitude they show me today especially when I help them on days they don’t feel well, has tears in my eyes at times. I’m just so touched so deeply!! Much love to you, dear friend!! xo


  12. Hi Amy! Ah Meaghan – whats a beauty! Exquisite roses, beautiful flowers! WOW. So sorry to hear about your sting – sounds horrible. Hope the swelling goes down and you are ok. Just think, how weird – saving one to get stung by another?? Take care of yourself!! Much love, Donna

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    1. My Meaghan Muffy is special, Donna. There is a sweetness about her and at the same time an aloofness. She has never lost her wild side and still to this day has a healthy fear of me. To see that fear fading as I gently and consistently work with her 3 times every day 1-on-1 is the greatest gift one of these cats could give me. For her NOT to run as I slowly approach her, just writing this brings tears to my eyes. I’ve gained her trust in ways I didn’t think I ever would. I am so humbled!
      My sting …. all better. SMILE! And yeah the thanks I got for trying to save another. I’ll remember that next time and pass the urge to save a drowning YJ.
      My sis agreed with me this past week energy has been very heavy and it is just today I’m feeling reprieve. SO much has happened in just today! My head spins sometimes at how fast my life unfolds. LOL I spoke to a young woman a few houses down agreeing with me about the gym and who I hope becomes a regular appearance in my life, speaking to a Sheriff who told me hands down I am RIGHT about what I have been “protesting” about and told me what to do to protect MY RIGHTS, AND my Chiropractor told me of a natural way to treat myself IF I should get stung again. I’ll go natural over allopathic any day if I can. Oh don’t forget the fact that while driving today down a road a truck coming in the opposite direction threw a big stone which hit my windshield and cracked it. NOT happy about that but what am I going to do? Sending MUCH LOVE to you and yours. Have a glorious weekend, Donna. Find the JOY within the tyranny!! xo

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  13. Hornets and wasps are the worst! You get anywhere near them this time of year, particularly within a few yards of their nest, and they attack, defending their space. Did you know that chewing a leaf of plaintain (most lawns have them) or some yarrow leaf (I know, bitter) then applying it as a poultice, bound with gauze will take the sting away and heal super fast? I just learned that this summer. 😉
    Your roses are gorgeous!
    I have done the same with my kitties as you are doing with Meaghan. IV drip, shots, whatever it takes. We take our mothering seriously! 🙂

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    1. I did know that about Plaintain, Eliza. Baking soda stuck in my head as well as one of our Homeopathic Remedies that I took. Sounds to me you got stung. Oh no! Nasty!! So sorry!
      My roses …. agreed! Gorgeous!
      And God bless you with your big heart. I know what it takes emotionally and physically to do what I am and to you I extend a huge hug of recognition that you deserve! Moms don’t abandon their “kids”. Hubby and I don’t believe in heroic measures but giving them a quality life until I know their time is done by feeding them, giving LR IV boluses and herbs, CBD oil, Homeopathy, acupressure, massage, Rescue Remedy, etc I will do. So much love to you!! xo

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  14. Oh that’s awful you got stung, Amy. Hope the tests come back okay. As for that beautiful Meaghan…you never have to justify what your heart tells you to do.❤️ The roses are absolutely divine. Your garden is pure magic.✨🌹✨ And I LOVE your new blog name. 👏

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    1. Yeppers, I did get stung and believe you me, it was a big OW! I honestly don’t care about the test results now because my Chiro today told me of a natural way to treat myself IF I should get stung again. I’ll take natural any day. He has a son who has an epi-pen and yes he said he would use what he told me before the pen. My Meagan is precious beyond words and if anyone thinks I go too far, that is their problem not mine. My cats are my kids and I am their Mom. Simple. This is what Moms do. I agree my gardens especially my front ones this year are glorious. I cannot tear my eyes from off of them every chance I get. And THANK YOU on my blog name. Julie, I in every way will stand strong and tall against this black evil that has descended this earth and will not budge. Confirmation for me came today in the form of a Sheriff who told me NO ONE has the right to force me to wear a mask and IF they do what to do. I’m doing it! That story should be coming here …. the story how spirit/Mother/God works in me. As I told my neighbor, if we don’t start fighting for ourselves in every way possible, we are in big trouble. What is going on is criminal! The local police and Sheriff department will back the citizen who KNOWS what is being forced on us is wrong. OH does THAT feel good! I can breathe a little easier and don’t feel so alone! Much love to you, dear friend!! xo

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  15. Hope your test results turn out good, Amy, and you recover completely. Life throws us the unexpected every time we think everything is fine. Fabulous roses… Thank you for lighting up our day with those pictures.

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    1. Thank you regarding test results. Life is life and to get the unexpected happens. It spices things up a bit, you know? LOL My roses …. just Heaven!! So glad you enjoyed them! Much love to you this day! xo


  16. Thanks God, Amy, you are not allergic to this poison, otherwise… I do not want even think what could happen. Few years ago I had their nest under the deck but fortunately never have been bitten.
    However I had to kill these guys because my daughter is allergic and she panicked any time while see them.

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    1. Unfortunately it is not as simple as some would think. The next time I get stung IF I do could be fatal so I am taking every precaution I can especially when I am out alone on a photoshoot. Sorry to hear your daughter is allergic. So is my sister. Scary stuff!!!

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  17. We went through this also last month, my little dog got stung and she swells up instantly. I always carry benadryl with just in case. It works to help her pretty quick, her little face gets so puffy. The husband got stung twice also. Luckily they missed me. What a year for them.

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    1. So sorry to hear, Sandra. Those stings are nasty!! My Chiropractor told me of a natural way to treat stings IF I should get stung again. I’d much rather do that then go with the pen. Those stinging insects this year have been extremely aggressive!! Thank goodness you did not get stung!! xo


  18. OMG!! Hon I hope you’re okay ❣️The kitty is so cute ❣️And your roses 🥀 are sooooo very gorgeous dear,lots of love xox 💕 StacyAnne 💁🏻‍♀️

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  19. I am glad that you are fine after the yellow jacket stung. I did not know they can do blood test to learn whether next sting will have worse reaction to it. This can be a matter of life and death. I know this well. If you do please keep Epi-pen handy (or now there is a generic second source now)

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  20. I hope your arm is healing well Amy…. Beautiful images and those roses just beautiful.. As for our Cats… I remember feeding my aged Cat with a syringe to get liquids in her… And as you say, the bond is strong..
    Sending LOVE ❤ ❤

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  21. I’ve been ready all your lovely posts Amy, beautiful photos of nature… many clouds and divine roses. Love your new home gym, very creative and I agree exercise is a must… just not in extreme❤️ And what a Thankyou you receive from mrs wasp😓 Normally bicarbonate works to draw out infections… maybe her poison wanted to do you some unknown good! So happy you and your family, animals included are all enjoying this time of year❤️ Sending you love and continue having fun, love Barbara x

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