Introducing …

111 thoughts on “Introducing …”

    1. I knew you would love these, Gigi!! I am fascinated by these birds! And many others are as well as I witnessed eager beavers, so to speak, nearly running to get a sight of these amazing birds. Much love to you this day!! xo


    1. I am staying safe, Frank. I have no fear as I go about in the parks practicing as I do safely precautions. Many others are doing the very same. It brings such joy to my heart seeing so many overcome fear to go on living. I’ve waited all winter long for these very moments and I’m not about to miss out on it. Have a great day filled with love and peace!! xo


  1. A most enjoyable read (and listen). I was intrigued by the fact that the tails all looked as if they had been dipped into a pail of yellow paint! I am glad that you were able to have your annual day with the Waxwings.

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    1. Thank you! I am intrigued by these birds as I found out many others are too. So many people practically ran to go see these birds when I told them where they could be found. They are so unusual and unique. I hope my paths do cross with these birds again. Last year I captured one with a berry in his beak. May I have that experience again!! Much love to you! xo


    1. THANK YOU, Dana, regarding birds!! And yes I love this music. It would be great for your son. My cats were SO chilled yesterday as I played this music for hours. It brings such a sense of peace. You are so welcome! May your day be blessed! Much love to you! xo


  2. Oh the vibrant yellow on the tail and the red on the wings, it’s magnificent. The pictures are such a treat to the eyes and the video, I’ll be honest I have seen the first ten minutes and I am loving it!

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    1. Oh, thank you SO much, Parikhit! On the Waxwings …. yes their colors are stunning! Music …. I fell in love with this video as did my cats. SO relaxing!! Bless you for letting me how you felt about his post! Thank you! Much love to you! xo

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    1. Thank you SO much! I had more fun with these birds, and boy oh boy was it challenging to find clearings through branches upon branches to get the shots I did. Waxwings are amazing to me and when I see them I just feel as if I’ve won the lottery. So many people almost ran to go see them after I directed them clearly where they were. I went back 2 days later trying to find Waxwings again but I did not see one. Next time I go out with my cameras I’ll go to another park where I know they go. I don’t know if you caught it but many of the shots the Waxwings were looking directly at me. I was in awe! Much love to you!! xo

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      1. I did notice that there seemed to be an eye contact in several of your pictures, and that makes them extra special 🙂 I hope you’ll find these cute waxwings again, when you go for your next walk! Keep well and safe 🙂 Much love right back to you xx

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    1. Thank you, Kamal. There have been so many birds lately I am stunned! Perhaps it is the decrease in humans. I wouldn’t be surprised. And about that video …. I too felt such a deep peace and calm. My cats were so chilled listening to it. Much love to you!! xo


      1. So nice to hear about the cats you know Amy I have a golden retriever and her name is Amber even she can feel so many things and can understand everything. Yes I agree because we have become quiet and have let the environment breathe do the birds come in so many numbers to be one with nature. Welcome dear, Much love and light.


    1. THANK YOU for the feedback on the music, Sandra. I thought it perfect too. While I played it while writing up this post my cats were so laid back and peaceful. These birds make a big hit with the birders and photographers. They do not stay here long, not that I know of. But when they are here, the race is on to find them. That is why SO many birders and photographers who just “happened” to be there that day, showed so much excitement over these birds. I gave a lot of people joy that day! GRIN!! I’m crossing fingers I again see these birds. I know the other park I mentioned they hang out in. I’ll have to again check things out. Much love to you this day!! xo

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    1. Thank you, Scott!! SO glad you stopped by to see the Waxwings I stumbled upon. I hope I see them again soon. Hope you and your family are making the most of extra time we now have! xo


    1. Thank you, Erika! Bless you for commenting. I was so excited about this post yet it seems no one, or hardly anyone, wants to say anything. Are people getting extremely discouraged or am now being looked at as being “nuts” for still going out to the parks with my cameras? I won’t stop, friend. I’ve waited months for this special time of the year to document migratory birds. It’s an adventure! And every year I see birds I have never seen before. I LOVE “hunting” for birds. LOL And darn it! I will not be afraid!!! You have a really glorious day!! I am! (smile) Much love to you! xo


      1. Erika, just a side note that it is not the fact I have decreased comments. No. It is the fact that comments are not showing in my notifications courtesy of WP. What a hassle I have now as I attempt to get everyone’s comment and their response to my comment on their blog. What a mess! Grrrrrrr …..


    1. I love Waxwings, Donna!! They are just so unique. It’s not easy to stay in the flow with all that continues to bombard. Some days are easier then others. Our weather has been so windy and cold with an occasional break where I make a wild dash with my cameras. The birds this year have been in abundance! I’m in awe! I shall continue to grin and catch birds. I’m having so much fun!! Much love to you, dear friend!! xo

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    1. Eliza, the Waxwings are definitely on my favorite list. They are so unique! I hope to cross paths with them again. I know of the park where they tend to go so next time I’m out with my cameras I’ll check that park out. And yes, their feathers ….. hence the word waxwings. (smile) xo


  3. These are very lovely birds Amy, they do blend in but stand out at the same time. Those small dashes of red, yellow and white highlight them beautifully. As did the photographer, well done dear lady, your magic found their magic perfectly 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. I adore Waxwings, Mark, and when I saw this small flock I became so excited. And then to add to that excitement I was able to direct a lot of bird lovers to where I saw them. A lot of joy was generated that day in that park. Big grin just thinking about it. Thank you for your lovely feedback. SO happy you came by to see the Waxwings that played hard to get yet allowed me to capture them with my camera. Much love and magic to you!! xo

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    1. John, these birds are to only fabulous by in my opinion, magical. They are so unique! So many of us who adore birds go running when we know Waxwings are about. I hope to cross paths with these birds again and soon. I really enjoyed your comment! Thank you!! xo


    1. Thank you, Jude. I am extremely fascinated by these birds as I know many others who are impassioned regarding birds are as well. When these birds are about birders and photographers alike, go running. I’m crossing fingers that I see these birds again. These shots I took were very difficult to take with not many, if any, open areas to get perfectly clear shots. May you have a great day today! xo


    1. I too am entranced, Andrew, when I look at other birds around the world that I am not familiar with. What a thrill it gives me. I thank you for your compliment regarding my pictures. They show how passionate I am about my cameras and what I can create what I do. When you love what you do, you succeed. (smile) Have a great day today!! xo

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      1. I was also reading your most recent blog “Att: Friends” and saw that you’ve been having WordPress problems. I hope they clear up. I had my own issues with Wordpess about a year ago where my hostin company updated the version of WordPress in a way that completely nuked my site. So I’ve moved on and got another site. Loving it so far as it’s not WordPress, so there’s no updating anythin! Yay! A simple life. 😉

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      2. I contacted WP help through email this morning, and it would seem someone did read my email, (though no response) and yes my problems seem to be clearing up. I connect with a lot of people here and the only way I can keep track is through my notifications. Sorry to hear your misfortune. When problems hit it is terrible. And to have your site nuked … I shudder! I’ve been on WP for 7 years and the problems I’ve seen come and go are mind boggling. I’ll toast to a simple life. I live one! (smile)

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      3. The one big minus about switching was losing subscribers/followers, but I hadn’t got many as I’d only just started so it wasn’t too much of an issue. But if – like you – it had been seven years with seven years worth of followers… Losing all of that would’ve been terrible! All the best! I hope you’re keeping well through the current crisis!

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      4. Andrew, I would love to follow you but I don’t know how. The only way I do know of is if you follow me. That way in my notifications when you follow me, a small box will be available for me to click thereby allowing me to follow you. If you later want to unfollow me, that’s OK too. I’d still be following you. You are doing something very near to what I dream of doing. I am doing what you are doing to an extent, yes, but there is more to the dream. I think your work is incredible! And yes I am keeping well during this time of crisis. No worries. I follow the safety protocols as are many others and in so doing, am capturing birds I’ve waited many a long month to see. (GRIN!)

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      5. Thanks for the kind words. I’m following you already, but it doesn’t really work in reverse as my website is not based on WordPress, so you won’t get to see notifications when I upload anything new. You followed my original blog, so you are probably still following me, but – as I said – it won’t transfer across to my new site. Oops. The only other way is to follow me on one of my various social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, and so on – which get updated whenever I publish something new. I’m most active on Facebook. But don’t worry about it. I enjoy looking at your posts; I’m not fishing for followers!

        Take care and keep those photos coming!

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      6. Andrew, I will figure something out. I really respect and admire your work. I don’t have any other social media platforms. Just WP. Just for the heck of it, unfollow me then refollow. That way I will see the follow and even though you are not WP, the way I’m thinking to follow you may work. I used to go to each new follower’s blog but there are so many I’ve stopped doing that. Crossing fingers my idea works …

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    1. Thank you on my pictures! Bless you! Yes I did see this comment. I highly recommend contacting WP support. I sent an email due to chat not being available. Even though my email was not answered, someone must have read it because my problems seemed to have ironed out. Thank goodness! How exasperating! Sorry to hear you are having the same problems. Good luck!! xo

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    1. Hi, Drew. I always have walked to the beat of a different drum. I wouldn’t have it any other way cuz I really don’t want it any other way. I am safe …. I am strong and healthy and have every intention of staying that way. When I am out and about, I see many others who are observing the safety precautions, not allowing fear to suffocate them. I even see families with young children walking in the parks with huge smiles on their faces. How glorious to see! Much love to you this day!! xo


    1. Thank you, Cathy, for your feedback. I am thrilled the music took you to another level. It did me as well. My cats were so completely relaxed as I payed it. And I’m so happy you saw Waxwings, birds that totally mesmerize me. Much love to you today! xo

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      1. You have cats! – so do I, but the only one in the room when I played your lovely music is deaf, so the sound fell on stoney ground. Love to you too.

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  4. Sooooo took my breath away Amy keep mother coming so absolutely gorgeous 💁🏻‍♀️❣️ I’ve just been busy adjusting and coping hon but you’re truly an inspiration and matriarch don’t keep anything to yourself because you have so much and many things to share lots of ((hugs))love ya babe xox 😘 Stacy Anne 💁🏻‍♀️❣️

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    1. Hi, Stacy Anne! I’ve just begun taking a very strong supplement that is leaving me wanting to sleep, so my next post will probably be a little bit. No worries I’m OK …. just doing what my body wants me to do. (smile) I’ve been getting a LOT of shots at the nature preserve and to be honest with you I will not be able to show all I have taken. Birds everywhere!!
      Thank you SO much for saying I am an inspiration. I keep saying I will not allow fear to grab me and to steal my life from me! I will keep on shooting and keep on sharing! Sending much love to you as well. Big (((HUGS)))!! xo


      1. It’s because of you that I know what a kingfisher is hon and the woodducks and the other day I actually seen a freshwater otter but my eyes are open because of you hon ❣️I kinda feel like I’m an abomination🤦🏻‍♀️ because of what I’m choosing for myself and what I’m doing to make me feel like me is that truly wrong idk love 💕 ya lots babe big ((hugs))xox ❣️Stacy Anne

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      2. SO thrilled to know you are seeing more when you look at what Mother has to offer, Stacy Anne. And please, do not ever “think” you are an abomination! If you do not love yourself and respect yourself for what you deep within your heart know to be your truth, no one will love or respect you. It’s a journey, this self-love. You can do this for if I could, someone who was not taught love, anyone can!! BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo


      3. Thanks Amy for the kind and inspirational words it was an absolute reality check and it’s time to keep pushing forward and being the woman I am and should be thanks hon ((BIG HUGS ))back hon 💁🏻‍♀️❣️Stacy Anne xox

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      4. Any time, Stacy Anne. You know I’m in your corner! Love encompasses everyone and everything. Keep following your heart and things in time will smooth out. I do understand how rough some patches can get when we implement changes. Hang in there. xoxoxoxoxoxo


  5. So many comments! Beautiful pictures Amy! These are the kind I’d like to capture. I found an impressive library of bird pictures on Wikipedia. I plan to take them out of their pictures, and drop them into mine. Branches can be erased with the clone tool in Photoshop. Oh, and thanks for the relaxing music! I need it!

    It’s my one wish we’d all just clean up the Earth! That way, we could all stop arguing over the shortage of money from this Covid 19 thing… We got the bug cuz we’re dirty! LOL!

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    1. Thank you, Spartacus! Long time no see! It takes practice (LOTS!) to capture birds clearly. Yes branches can be erased, however the big branches when erased leave a smudge. I use the spot healing brush. I haven’t used the clone tool in PS so I will check that out. Thank you!
      I wish too that our Mother Earth gets cleaned up. She is right now if we would just notice. May those who can make a difference, change laws or whatever it takes to allow our Earth to continue to heal. I have my own theories about this bug. And it has everything to do with the abuse humankind has inflicted on this earth. May your day be truly wonderful!! Much love to you! xo


  6. I’ve also noticed how the birds are singing more, the clearer environment and different birds coming to visit. Such delightful fellows you photographed Amy, quite sovereign in their own right. Thanks for sharing❤️ much love.
    On another note I’m wondering if you would like to write about your grand dream of living in paradise… for my writing challenge. It would be my honour to showcase you on my blog Amy! Here is the post with details❤️

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      1. Barbara, I just saw what you want for a post and it is just too much work for me to do. I really hope many others join your quest though. I do my part every time I post at my blog which by far and above is a lot. Again I thank you for the invite. Know I am truly honored!! xo

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    1. Oh, Barbara, what an honor. I honestly am stunned. I’m actually living my grand dream of paradise right now in ways I never saw coming! Despite how much it pains me to say no to your offer, I have to. Between opening my gardens, my photography, my family, my blog, my own healing, there is not time for me to write for your writing challenge. I could however write a post for my blog regarding my dreams and when I do I could contact you so you could reblog. Would that be OK with you? One great thing that is coming out of this “nesting” time for me is realizing I am only one person and to stop spreading myself too thin. I am doing that too much as it is some days due to my life.
      As for the birds ….. they are making direct eye contact with me when I take their pictures. They are cooperating more with me. Twice a Chickadee flew up to me almost landing on me and at the last minute changing their minds. Both times I stood gawking in disbelief. Wow! The fear between mankind and wildlife seems to be diminishing as the “real peace” behind the illusion, is felt by all.
      Sending love to you!! xoxoxo

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  7. Hi AmyRose, thank you for sharing this lovely post. The music is so soothing and I got a little emotional while listening and looking at your photos. I hope you are doing well.❤ ~Steph

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    1. Stephanae, I am so happy you stopped by to see this post. I love this music as do my cats. It is so soothing! Emotions are a good thing …. and to know my photography along with the music touched you deeply motivates me to do more posts like this. Bless you for telling me!
      I am doing well thank you! And I pray you are staying strong and healthy! May your day be filled with laughter and love. xo

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      1. Yes, I really enjoyed the entire post! Also thought about the music over the weekend because I need to add it to my playlist of soothing sounds.

        Some days are really tough yet I’m so thankful for the moments when I can acquire some relief. I grab hold of those and tuck them in close to my heart to hold me over when the waves come crashing over me. ❤🤗

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      2. We all have some tough days, Stephanae, and on those days I try as best as I can to just chill. I’m filled with such gratitude that this music touched you the way it did. It did me too!! Big (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  8. Beautiful pictures Amy! I love this music and am adding it to my YouTube list right now! My first thought was it would be great for meditation and then I saw it was 3 hours lol. I am still saving it, this will be perfect when working on a project or even chilling outside on those rare days when the sun appears. Thank you Amy and have a beautiful Sunday!

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    1. I love this music as well, Zia. I’ve got this one bookmarked and listen to it often when I am answering comments or making up a post or editing pictures. I’m thrilled this music touched you so much! Keep chilling, keep noticing the wonders all around you, and keep gratitude high in your heart that you are alive. Much love to you! xo

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  9. Thank you for this beautiful post Amy. Those birds are simply gorgeous and the video you shared filled with so much peace and joy. What a perfect way to start my new week. 🙏💕 xx

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    1. Excellent, Miriam! I have a huge smile on my face as I type these words! So many people really enjoyed this music which motivates me to create more posts like this one. Sending you much love your way on this beautiful Sunday!! xo

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  10. An enchanting post Amy in every way, both pleasing to the eye and the ear my friend ❤ Much love your way Amy… Oh and I have saved that beautiful piece of music to listen to again and again and again.. ❤

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    1. Yes that music is beautiful ….. my cats and I LOVE it, Sue. It brings such CALM to our present moment. A lot of people have commented how much they enjoyed listening to music when they view my posts so that is what I will be doing more often. And thank you for saying this is an enchanting post. I’m hoping my paths cross with the Waxwings again. They are truly bewitching! Much love to you!! xo


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