
51 thoughts on “Three”

  1. Hi Amy! Sounds like you had a varied bunch of conversations!
    Happy to hear you are in good spirits and good health…way to go lifting that amount of weight!! I get what you mean…and I don’t think it was a bad thing for your hubby to feel a little pang of jealousy 😉
    Hope that the coming week finds the winds and weather much better for you! Make it a great one!! ❤

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    1. Hi, Lorrie! I honestly get confused sometimes the way Hubby interprets what I say. I thought he would feel pride and happiness that I, through dedicated workouts am so strong now. I dunno. This week is starting out gloriously! The sun is out today, the temps are mild, and I just pulled out my two cameras to use when I go to one of my fav forests today.
      I hope you have a great week too. Oh yes, Robins are here which means Spring is right behind them! YAYAYAYAY! Love you much!! xo

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      1. I don’t think you are alone in the confusion, Amy. The older I get, and the more I observe, I really believe that men and women think so DIFFERENTLY!!! That’s not a bad thing…sometimes 😉
        Enjoy your glorious day…hope you capture incredible things ❤

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      2. I’m back from my walk and to be honest there wasn’t too much that caught my eye. I did have a few really nice conversations and it felt wonderful to feel the sun on my face. I was actually taken aback to see how many people were there today. I’ve never seen such a high number as I did today. I’ve got mixed feelings on that. This is a Nature Preserve and with people comes noise and loud talking. IMO the wildlife that normally come there won’t due to the increased people and noise. I honestly wish this Nature Preserve would have a rule …. QUIET PLEASE.

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      3. Awww…I’m sorry you didn’t get some good nature captures. Yes…preserves should have quiet signs…
        But maybe it is a good sign that people want to be in nature. Maybe more and more people will feel connected to Mother Earth…and treat not only her better…but each other as well.
        I’ve no doubt you will be in the right place…at the right time soon 😉
        Have a great week Amy. I’m off to the shower as I am going to see the play “Brighton Beach Memoirs” tonight 😃

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    1. Even though only a few people voted, I find the results extremely interesting. I “understand” the psychology behind Hubby’s response yet it just never seems to cease from surprising me when it happens. If the roles were reversed, I’d be so proud and also thrilled at how my partner has worked so hard to get the progress that is so evident. I dunno. I’m me. Hubby’s hubby. What can I say other then that? LOL
      Spring is almost here, Mark. I saw a flock of Robins yesterday and Cowbirds as well. Of course today when I had my camera I didn’t see any Robins. Go figure. Right? xo

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      1. Of course. I’ve just had the same thing, some amazing Wompoo Fruit Doves and King Parrots landed in the tree out the front of my home. The doves are rarely seen, the King Parrots not so rare but I’ve been informed that between the drought and fires burning out a lot of their food they are moving into the town where there is food from a larger range of their food tree’s and seeds, and food out from locals to help them through. I just felt blessed to see them dear lady, they were beautiful xox 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘 🐬 🐳 🌺 🌹 🌈 🐦 🐤 🐣 🐥 🦆 🦢 🦅 🦉 🦚 🦜

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  2. What a delight this post is. I’ve just returned from my early morning walk here. I too had ear plugs in but I pulled them out when I approached a woman and her dog and we shared a few moments of light happy conversation. It’s the little things that bring us joy isn’t it. Thanks Amy for adding to that joy with this gorgeous post. Hugs and love to you my friend xx ❤️

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    1. Thank you, Miriam, SO much! I honestly thought this post was a dud, sinking like a stone to the bottom of the creek. The interest seemed so little. There were, I thought, messages behind each story and I thought I’d make things a little bit fun by having polls, which I don’t ever do. I agree it is the little things in life that count and so many of us pass up opportunities to experience them. Sad.
      So many have been so quiet and down in the dumps this month …. some days including me. The weather has been just so GRAY. Anyways ….. bless you for this comment. You honestly made my day, dear friend. Hugs and much love right back at you! xo

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      1. I’m so glad my comment helped to make your day Amy. Must admit that many of my posts haven’t been read this past month or so. It’s like people have gone into hibernation or something. Yay to the little things though and making our own sunshine. Big hugs and lotsa love to you my friend xx 😘

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      2. Whew so it’s not only me. WP has been so quiet this past month or so. And barely anyone wants to chit chat lately either. Again, thank you so much for leaving your words today, Miriam. They warmed my heart and gave me hope that people will soon come out of hibernation. Or whatever. LOL xoxo

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    1. I couldn’t agree more with you, Eliza! Again today I had conversations with people in the park I was in and it felt so good to exchange thoughts and laughs. Finally the sun and some semblance of warmth was seen! So many people’s energy was “glowing” today …. happiness just bubbled.

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    1. YAY!! Ditto all you said, Colleen. I “feel” energy before I attempt to begin a conversation. Some people just are not open to interact. That’s OK. There are times when I’m out with my camera I’m so focused on capturing something, I am not aware of who is around me. Thank you for stopping by today, friend. I SO appreciate you! xo

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    1. Thank you so much, Kamal! Not everyone likes to have heart to hearts. I first examine and “feel” a person’s energy and if that is open and warm, then I sometimes begin a conversation or just say hi in passing. Sometimes I just wish to be quiet as I absorb Nature around me. Hope you had a great day today!! xo


      1. Yes same here Amy. Where I go for a walk in the garden too we meet many persons but as u rightly said once their energies are open they will show ways to open a conversation. I too love walking on my own smelling the trees and nature. Welcome so much. Have a lovely day 😊❤️❣️❤️

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  3. I think that a lot of human beings, especially the old ones, enjoy striking up a conversation. And congratulations on your achievements with the weights. There is no real reason that a woman can’t be physically strong.

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    1. LOL I suppose I fit into the “especially the old ones”, John. I just have this curiosity about people and throughout my life, have begun conversations that if I had not, would have made me miss some truly spectacular interactions. And I thank you about me working out. I have worked so hard to get in shape.


  4. Cool post Amy! Makes people think a bit. Hard for me to tell if I’m going to start a conversations with others. Somedays I’m on a walk for some peace. Other days it’s ok to say hi or have an interaction. I love your hubby’s comment! Seems to me he was playing it safe – making a typical remark of a husband who wants his wife to know he’s still interested in her and cares about any perceived advances. Lovely! Have a great week – lots and lots of flooding here, historic river levels. Staying as dry as possible! Much love, Donna

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    1. Donna, the point to this post was [hopefully] to get people to think. Thank you for telling me I achieved my goal. I am the same as you … some days I just want to be quiet. Other days people seem drawn to me like magnets. And still others, I get the urge to strike up conversations. Most times, I am so pressed for time that I don’t allow interactions unless the urge is so great that I follow up on it. I only have mere windows of time right now. Just like last year, I find myself now saying, I really don’t know how I will open these massive gardens this year. I will do what I can do, just as I did last year.
      Hubby does play safe and IMO think it silly that after 36 years of marriage, he will still get a bit jealous. Boys will be boys and they do look especially when they see a woman in a gym doing something extraordinary. I know I look and admire those who it is evident work out hard. I call it “eye candy”. Teehee …..
      Anyways …. your rain sounds like what we had last year. It’s terrible. It never seems to end. Just stay safe and know some day those rains will cease. Stay dry! Love, Amy

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  5. Hi Amy,
    Nice to meet you. I happened upon your blog today and thought I would start a conversation with a stranger, Lol. There is a reason to everything.

    I enjoyed reading about your conversations, misunderstandings and miscommunications. There is so much that goes into communication; the sender, the receiver and the message. Much can go amiss in this process. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I hope to see you again on wordpress. Blessings, Lisa

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    1. Hi, Lisa. Thank you for stopping by to start a conversation. I couldn’t agree with you more regarding communication. So many times when I say something it is interpreted incorrectly. Usually when that happens, the receiver is busy “thinking” without really listening. Know any people like that? Much love to you! xo

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      1. Dear Amy,
        In this day and age, so many of us are distracted by technology or our own thoughts, as you said. Hey, it even happens to me! LOL. I find there are more opportunities for miscommunication but it gives us more reasons to slow down, be clear in our message and assertive. ❤ Many Blessings, Lisa

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