
I’ve had some unique conversations lately. One was with a young woman with lavender-colored hair. I could have chosen not to start a conversation because of her “odd hair color”, or I could have complimented her on her hair and see if a conversation developed. I chose option two. A very pleasant conversation ensued, one … Continue reading Three

Bungled Bombshell

For about a week, my sister and I had been playing phone tag. Very unusual for us because we do our darnedest to return voice messages with a prompt phone call. We speak on a [gasp] landline phone, not a cell. My sister normally doesn’t turn her cell on so any texts I sent I … Continue reading Bungled Bombshell

Nature Talks

How many of you have had a conversation with Nature lately? I had fun the other day as I really connected with some Beauties and had some rather interesting interactions. Wanna see? Well then, let’s continue!   “Gosh I just went through bird-birth and I’m pooped!” *Female Mallard Duck*   “It’s been such a cold … Continue reading Nature Talks

Small Fry

Bending down to get to her level I pointed out the turtles on a log. I heard an urgent whisper in my ear, as this little girl said, “Will those turtles kill me?” Turning my neck to look at her, I was taken aback, truth be told, surprise written all over  my face. I then … Continue reading Small Fry