February Funk

84 thoughts on “February Funk”

  1. Monday was cold but it sure felt like spring! The air smelled of it & the birds were chirping like mad! & the sun shining through my windows showed all the dust in all the corners so … instead of writing, I cleaned like a crazy woman! & then went out for a nice long walk!

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    1. I’ve been cleaning as well but NOT on Monday. I just had to get outside. It was pure bliss to feel that sun on my face. Good to know you did go for a nice long walk. That fresh air smelled wonderful! Have a great day today! xo

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  2. You look lovely, dear. I can’t even begin to think about spring. Daffodils don’t start to appear until maybe late March in these parts. Winter has been easier than the past two years, but still snowy and cold. But we’ve had more than two sunny days this month! Karma looks pretty pleased with her braid.💕

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    1. Thank you, Julie! Aging is “taboo” in this silly culture of ours, so I refuse to hide the beauty on my face that proclaims “with age comes wisdom”. (smile) Don’t be surprised if your early Spring flowers are early this year. I’m astonished to see what mine are doing …. I’ve never seen them this early. As for Karma …. the bond between she and me is amazing to me. We now seem to talk mind to mind. When she first arrived next door in September, she’d rear back whenever anyone went near her neck or face. Now she trusts me to braid her mane on her forehead. Wow! May you have a glorious day today! Thank YOU so much for stopping by. I’ve been MIA here … we’ll see how long I will be here. Day by day with me. (smile) Much love to you! xo

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  3. I can’t WAIT. SAD is making me slug like…gray, gray, gray, but the sun’s out this morning, so I’m out of here. 🙂 Beautiful pictures. It’s still cold and I want 80 degrees and balmy breezes with SUN ALL THE TIME. My daughter did see a robin, crazy bird came home too soon, but still…she saw one. They always come home too soon. But birds have been singing, so that’s a good sign. 🙂

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    1. Every year I tell my husband I need a large project I can get involved in to take my mind off the weather. Every year he procrastinates and does not start a project until around this time of year. I’m talking repair jobs that we really really need in this house. So, between taking care of our cats, which has become a major to-do, keeping up with this house, trying to photograph and blog, meet once a week with the woman’s group I’m in evolved in, go to the gym three times a week, walk a few times a week, spend time with Karma and my cats, I still have time to chill and watch TV. I can only clean so much, you hear me? LOL I NEED sun too, Gigi. I also tell Hubby I don’t know how many more winters I can do. These health issues I have worsen in the cold months. In the warmth, I feel and look so much better and younger. *sighs* Robins will be here any day now. I am on the lookout for them. They usually follow Starlings within a week of their arrival.
      Hang on, Gigi. I understand 100% what you are going through. Everything I am seeing shouts early Spring. BIG (((HUGS))) xo

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  4. The dozy woodpecker is so adorable. The one in our Florida backyard is wide awake and makes sure he gets his turn at the bird feeder. 😃 You look great without your hat. Can I please have some of your beautiful waves? I’ve never watched Greys Anatomy. Am I missing something? Love the photo of those greyhounds in their winter coats. 😍 Looking forward to seeing your daffs and crocuses when they burst forth in all their glory. 😘

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    1. Thank you, Sylvia! I honestly couldn’t believe I caught that woodpecker half asleep. LOL My beautiful waves I’ve had all my life and sometimes I would like to have straight hair. Curly hair can be a nuisance. Just saying. (smile) Grey’s Anatomy is a medical Netflix series that has 15 seasons. It’s addicting. Yes those Greyhounds were so cool to watch. Bless that woman for rescuing not one but three. Those crocuses and daffies should be up, weather permitting, in a couple of weeks. No promises, however. Everything depends on Mother Nature. Much love to you!! xo

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  5. I’ve learned to appreciate February more, since March brings Daylight Saving Time, which makes it harder to put schoolkids to bed at night, and thus harder to get them up in the morning. If only they would have left DST in April, I could be as impatient with February as everybody else is.

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    1. DST should be IMO standard time all year round. I cannot stand how time is messed with. And for some reason my life seemed to slow wayyyyy down in February, giving me plenty of opportunity to read library books and watch Grey’s Anatomy. And now I am getting squirmy. Every year I tell hubby we need a collective BIG project to get us through the winter months. That has yet to materialize. So I do my own thing.
      I totally get the “getting to kids to bed” scenario. Good luck on that one, Scott!


  6. We’ve had a few stormy days, but almost everyday has sunshine. I’ve been so busy with things I haven’t had time to be funky. That’s a really nice photo of you without your cap.

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    1. Hardly any sun here, Tim. Sun is trying to come out to stay today so with that in mind, despite the cold, I’ll bundle up and go for a walk. I also thank you for the compliment on my photo. I don’t do that often but I just couldn’t help myself … I was having a truly glorious hair day that day. LOL Women! I know. (wink) I’m one of them. Teehee …..

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  7. Spring needs to come quickly, Amy – I’ve given up on winter. These are all good signs you’ve shown us. I think the year is moving along faster than normal, but I don’t trust March – March can’t be trusted.

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    1. You would think that due to this mild Winter we’ve had, we wouldn’t [again] be panting for Spring to get here. I mean, what is up with that, Dan? I agree about the signs so I focus on those signs despite the snow that is coming down today. March is a tricky month ….. that I understand. Think positive. The groundhog did not see his shadow which means early Spring. My crocuses and daffies are coming up. My cats and the horse next door are getting spunky. Yup. Spring is a’coming! Have a great day today!!

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    1. Kamal, bless you for your wonderful compliments. I’m touched! I had every intention to find signs of Spring when I went out that day with my camera, and darn it, I found them. May your day be a great one today! Much love to you! xo

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    1. So sorry to hear about the flooding, Sonia. We too have had a lot of rain but thankfully no really flooding. Spring is coming. The signs point to it. Just hang on a little while longer. (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  8. Maybe a shift into a slightly warmer climate Amy. I know this place that has a lovely mid winter of about 25 C (77F) where I can see them walking around like its summer and not a hint of snow in sight. Mind you, I do personally prefer a little cooler so that I appreciate the warmth when it comes. Up north they swim in mid winter in the lovely warm tropical waters among the coral reefs. Heathens!!! And no, I’m not jealous…much 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘 🐬 🐳 🌺 🌹 🌈

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      1. I know I’m being a tease so I’m sending good energy so that Karma will sidetrack you and before you know it you’ll look out the door and it will be green everywhere, sunshine to warm your bones, and love from all your other animals too. And hubby 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘 🐬 🐳 🌺 🌹 🌈

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      2. I was grumpy last evening. Sorry, Mark. Today sun is shining and I am going to one of my fav parks to get “lost” in the forest. Of course I will have my cameras. I’ll find my mojo today. That is a promise to me!
        AND! In installing blackout blinds (hubby) throughout our home, including bedroom, I’ve been sleeping SO deeply I don’t know what to do with all that sleep. I didn’t realize that between the noise of the street and the electromagnetic waves coming through the windows when our trees are bare of leaves, that it was leaving me sleep deprived. Wow! I haven’t slept this well since a kid. Energy and healing here I come!!! LOL Much love to you!! xoxoxoxoxo

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      3. PS Complete darkness and zero electric devices plugged in (except for clock) make a HUGE difference as well. It’s actually disorientating when I first wake up and put the shades up. Even when it is not sunny the light is almost too much. Just wow! To sleep like this is a Gift!!

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      4. Yayyy Amy!. It is amazing when we do really get a good sleep, its only then we realise how sleep deprived we are in this current world of technology 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘 🐬 🐳 🌺 🌹 🌈

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    1. February is always the toughest month for me, Eliza. Understood about March as well. I remember last year how miserable it was. Crossing everything I can with the exception of my eyes that this year Spring really is early. My bulbs that are popping up tell me it will be. SMILE xo

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    1. I agree we’ve had barely any Winter. It was sunny this morning, again as usual clouded over, and it is cold. I’m tossing it around despite the cold to go out with my cameras. This waiting on Spring is driving me nutso. LOL Have a great day! xo

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    1. Aw, thank you so much. That red-bellied woodpecker was a very tough shot. I was shooting against the sun and he was quite the distance away. Karma is a beauty and the way we have developed a bond, her beauty to me has intensified. Thank YOU for commenting on my pictures. Not many others did. I SO appreciate everyone who takes the time to really notice my images. Bless you! xo


  9. Hi Amy. I know what you mean – it’s been a rough winter in terms of little to no sun. Here in the UK it’s been rain, rain and more rain to the point of major flooding and rivers breaking their banks here in the midlands. Lots of flooding with more rain in the forecast. Yuck. Not sure if spring will be any better. So trying to stay dry and got the sun lamp on (still)!! At least the nice flowers are out!! Much love, Donna

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    1. Hi, Donna. Hang in there! I’m preaching to the choir, so to speak. So sorry to hear about the flooding. A lot of folk seem to be having those problems. Thank goodness we aren’t. The grey and cold are bad enough, thank you! BIG HUGS!!! xoxo

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    1. Hi, Frank! Seeing that Mother Nature is in chaos right now, the “old patterns” no longer apply. Hence, “new” is arising and it takes someone to observe Her in order to see the new patterns being created. So with that being said, I’m going to have Faith that the signs I am seeing that Spring is just about here, is valid. So be it! (smile)
      Thank you for stopping by. I didn’t expect to see you anymore so this is a nice surprise. May your day be a great one!! xo

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      1. No problem stopping by. When I read you response, my head tilted in confusion – then I checked something out. No wonder I surprised you – you didn’t read my final post. (Come on over.)

        Patterns is a very powerful word, and to me, you used it well. I’m a believer that Mother Nature is very strong – far from weak. She just adjusts with a new pattern. Then again, who can’t adjust to that is another issue.

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      2. I will stop by, Frank. Tomorrow. I’m just closing up for the day right now. Sorry I did not before. I haven’t been here much …. going through a very critical healing phase (all good!) and dealing with the yucky weather …. I’m just hanging out more at home staying to myself then I normally do.
        And yes …. I will figure out the new patterns Mother presents. Right now so much is in chaos yet new patterns will emerge. I’m confident they shall.


    1. So glad to know you enjoyed seeing these signs of Spring, Jet. And I really thank you for the “good luck in the winter days ahead”. Despite it being a mild winter, the UGG is still there and the longing for warmth, sun and flowers gets to be overpowering at times. Today for example, the sun is out yet it is SO windy and only in the 30’s. I’m no longer willing to subject my face to a cold wind. So either I attempt to put a scarf on my face and go for my walk, or not go out at all. Very frustrating! Anyways …. Spring will get here when it does. Right? xo

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    1. Even though mild, Alexander, this winter was very tough for me. The grey … no sun … was agony. Spring is here! I saw Robins just today. It is only going to get better from here on out! YAYAYAYAY!!!

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  10. It is wet and windy here and cold as well. So, certainly, I cannot wait for spring coming soon as well. But it will probably take at least a month before it gets warmer.
    Excellent pictures, Amy.

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    1. Ah you found the funk post. I’m doing much better since I wrote this, Miriam. This time of year is so difficult for me. I’m a warmth and sun type of woman. The cold and grey just get so old. Thank you for the sunshine you sent my way! We actually had a gorgeous sunny day today! The park I went to was so crowded! Never have I seen so many people as I saw today. I’m not the only one itching to be outside and to have nice weather. Much love to you!! xo

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      1. So glad to hear you got some sunshine. I agree, cold and gray gets old and tiresome. I’m a warmth and sunshine woman too. Enjoy. And keep smiling xx ❤️😁

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    1. Thank you, Julie!! Here we are heading into Spring and you are on the other side of the world looking at Fall. Gives me a really funny feeling. Sorry to hear about the long dry summer. I have no idea what to “expect” here this year. None! xo

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  11. :oved your February Funk Amy and looking so good my friend…
    Glad your snow is melting and there is a breath of Spring in the air… Love that braid-work on Karma 🙂 ..
    Here we have had flood after flood after three huge storms in succession… Towns still underwater after several weeks…
    Thankfully we have our hill…
    Much love and enjoying your wonderful posts my friend ❤

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    1. This year SAD hit so hard not only myself but for so many around me as well. This constant grey and no snow made for a very difficult winter. I’ve heard all about your rain over there and hope that it stops soon. Now we are getting the downpours. My neighbor just today told me she was putting the rain gauge back out. We are drenched! SO happy to know you are enjoying what I love to share. Much love to you! xo


      1. Yes more rain today here Amy, but we did get almost two days of sunshine all be it cold… But it was nice to see some patches of Blue in the sky for a change… ❤ I think the World has to realise the weather is no longer going to follow the same patterns as it used to.. And we humans are just going to have to start adapting… Which means looking at where we live, on flood plains or near the ocean… And start to co-operate with each other and find eco friendly ways of sustainability and stop buying rubbish that is made of plastic… When we each of us take more personal responsibilities and work to create changes, we will then begin to overcome the difficulties We have as a population created..
        Hope you soon get some Sun to soak up that SAD syndrome my friend… So understand… I am sure you already take all the right vitamins to help…
        Sending HUGE hugs Amy…. Know you are loved and I love your Funk.. 🙂

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      2. I was just saying how I am trying to find the “new” patterns within the chaos found within Mother right now. My latest perusal in my gardens had my jaw hanging wide open. In my latest post, I stated that never before have I seen Crocuses, Daffodils, Tulips and my Peonies all coming up at the same time. There used to be a growing order but that no longer is holding true. I am keeping notes and hopefully will begin to see patterns emerge. If they are there, I’ll find them. The sun is shining today and even though it is my gym day, I will go for a short walk as well. I need to! Know you are loved as well!! (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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      3. Yes I have daffs out and crocus, pansies and cyclamen, And good idea on keeping a journal of the spring arrivals.. I would say here we are a good month in advance of what it used to be…
        Enjoy your walk Amy… Nature is what heals and grounds us.. ❤

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