Happy New Year 2020

91 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2020”

    1. Aw, thank you, Frank, for this comment. I’m glad you enjoyed my selection of “critters” both four footed and feathered. I wish you as well a glorious and wonderful New Year as well. Happy New Year!! xo

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  1. Happy New Year AR….May the new decade ahead be far more filled with peace and love than this last one! Wishing you and hubby and fur babies all the best and much happiness….Stay warm over there. Freezing rain/sleet and now snow cover everything. Miserable weather for driving. I hope everybody on the East Coast stays safe on the roads this new years eve….Huge & Love….VK ❤

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    1. Happy New Year to you, VK! I wish the very same to you …. more peace and love with each and every new day in this beginning of a new decade. I am staying warm, thank you! Temps have dropped but so far conditions are good. Much love and hugs!!! xoxoxo


    1. Happy New Year to you too, Timothy!! It took me a while to see Mr. Blackie’s eyes but when I did, I said “Oh wow!” Perfect camouflage. May your 2020 be your very best yet!! I so look forward to seeing what you can do with your new drone. xo

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  2. Oh how wonderful to receive the happy new year wishes from all your furry friends, Amy. Terrific photos! Sending happy wishes to you and all your loved ones and friends for a healthy and fun new year, lots of good light and visits from the wildlife.

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    1. Aw, thank you, Jet! Smiling about what you said regarding my furry friends. May you and your loved ones have a very healthy and happy New Year. I wish for you as well many adventures with your camera so I and many others have the opportunity to look forward to seeing what you captured. xo

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  3. ❦🎉❦❦🎉❦❦🎉❦❦🎉❦❦🎉❦❦🎉❦❦🎉❦❦🎉❦

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  4. Wow, what a way to start the new year Amy. Great photo’s, it’s like they all came out to play when they saw your camera 😀
    Happy New Year to you and yours also dear lady, may your camera subjects ever be near like these 😀

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  5. May your path be smooth, your way clear, and your heart be blessed in this new year. I wish you all of the best and brightest my friend…Happy New Year!! PS: I didn’t write that first part. 🙂

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    1. Aw, thank you, Stephanae. I wish the very same to you and yours!! Much love to you! And I’m thrilled you enjoyed my photos. I’m curious how you can see them. I’m amazed you can see them! xoxoxoxo

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      1. Hi AmyRose, I use a 32 inch tv screen as my computer monitor along with magnification which helps me to ‘see’ pictures, etc. on the screen. Sometimes though it depends on the quality of the images but if there’s enough contrast it helps out significantly. Thank you for asking.


      2. It’s been a lifesaver for many within the disability community. I’m so grateful to be able to take advantage of all the things technology allows me to do to make life a little easier.

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  6. Have a wonderful and Happy New Year Amy… May 2020 bring you all of your desires and dreams..
    I am so happy Santa was good to you.. and loved those images in the previous posts.. I know your passion for capturing Natures sweet moments of joy will both enrich you as it does us when you show us your magnificent photographs..
    There is never a dull moment when out in nature if we are the quiet observers and blend our energy with that of Mother Earth..

    Have a fabulous New Year my friend… Sending Love from my heart to yours.. ❤
    Much love Sue ❤

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    1. Neha, I’ve been getting unfollowed by WP from blogs I follow. I don’t know if it has happened to you with my blog, but that is the only reason I can think of why this post was not in your reader. I’m glad you did make it over here, though. Happy New Year to you!! May 2020 be your very best yet!! (((HUGS)))!!! xo


  7. Love you, Amy! My prayer for your 2020 is that your dreams are fulfilled, your hopes realized and your prayers answered. I pray that 2020 brings endless joy, new revelations and plenty of love to go ’round. Happy New Year my friend. Thank you for all you do and who you are. 💕

    These images quite literally took my breath away. My goodness, Creation is just absolutely stunning! (sigh) You’ve captured it flawlessly. Thank you for that!

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    1. Oh, Holly! Your words have put my heart in my throat. Wow! You have a way of saying something that really goes straight to the heart of matters. Right back at you:

      “My prayer for your 2020 is that your dreams are fulfilled, your hopes realized and your prayers answered. I pray that 2020 brings endless joy, new revelations and plenty of love to go ’round.”

      And I thank you for complimenting me on my photography. I was at a turning point here …. I have soared since I have published this post. Learning new all the time…. (((HUGS)))!!! xo


  8. Hi Amy! Happy New Year my dear friend! Thanks for the photos and well wishes from your nature pals…great pics! I agree with you…never have I seen a year fly by quicker…and not for anything…this month is almost half gone!!! It feels so ramped up. I wake in the morning and think about all the things I want to accomplish and I am lucky if I get to a quarter of it…and the next thing I know it is time for bed!!
    I truly hope that the year will be a wonderful learning opportunity…the kind of lessons that are learned with great love ❤
    Sweet blessings my friend!

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    1. Happy New Year to your as well, Lorrie! I know what you mean about wanting to get this that and the other accomplished and before you know it, it is time to get back into bed. Has time gotten faster? Or are we just moving as a whole much faster? Just yesterday our power went out and it felt SO good not to have internet. I realized then how much time I spend on my computer between editing my images, doing research, purchasing for our home, and blogging. Life was so much simpler without this technology we have today.
      I like you am hoping this year wonderful learning lessons are known that unfold gently. Last year was a tough year for me, as the previous couple of years were as well.
      Sweet blessings in return to you! Much love and big (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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      1. Yes Amy! This year is going to be more gentle…more carefree😁 The internet for sure has created…less time? At least less time for other things in life. It has made other things much faster…and even though I hate it sometimes, I can’t imagine a life without it. It’s interesting to really think about the impact t it has made.
        I do wish good energy and wonderful miracles for you and your family! 💜

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