To Know

71 thoughts on “To Know”

    1. Scott, we got FOUR inches of rain in one day. And then wind gusts of 60 mph. We are not under water but hubby had to dig out ditches in order to get water flowing. It’s been a muddy mess here. And of course you went trick or treating in the snow. Why wouldn’t you?


    1. Sorry for late response, Dan. Not all of my comments are showing up on my notification bar so I’ve had to go directly to the post to check. You’re right. This is one last look at Fall. What a difference one week makes.

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    1. Thank you, Frank. Good to know there is someone besides me who sees stories in all of life. This couple was so at ease with one another as they casually walked hand in hand, speaking quietly to one another. Thank you for commenting. Made my morning!! Have a great Monday!! xo

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      1. Trying to catch up from a busy weekend. I can’t remember if you have or not, but my Sunday evening posts are part of my Beach Walk series … one that I think you’ll like.

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      2. Just came from your blog, Frank, and saw your latest post. You moved me deeply as my comment reflects. I LOVE water and miss that aspect in my life as in huge bodies of water ….. aka ocean. Yes we have Lake Erie here but somehow that is just not the same as the ocean for some reason.

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    1. HUGE SMILE. Only another artist would see what you explained. Thank you, Jane. Red is also the color of “love”. Another smile. Bless you for this comment. You see what I saw. My heart dances!!! Have a great day!! xo

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  1. Beautiful photo, Amy 🙂
    Nice to know, that you saw and talked to this couple in person. This give you more connection.
    I need to look at their front to catch their emotions, but do absolutely understand, that you photograph them and other people in this way.
    We had a cold time here, where I thought it to be autumn, but for now we have sunshine in daytime and a little more cold in the night.
    Send you much love, dear friend ❤

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    1. Thank you, Irene!! I didn’t actually speak with this couple … I only overheard them speak. I’m not sure if they even knew English. There was something “European” about them.
      Sending you much love and big HUGS. Thank you so much for stopping by to leave such a beautiful comment. xoxoxo

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  2. Really nice photo. You got great colors before they got washed and blow away. The couple’s color combos complement the colors of their surroundings. There’s always good stories to be found in a good photo.

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    1. Thank you, Timothy. I’m so relieved I managed to get to this park this day because almost right after high winds with torrential rains blew much of the remaining leaves off the trees. Another thank you on noticing the colors in this image. Of course it was not done purposely but when something catches my eye, I do not pass that opportunity up. A book could probably be written with just this one photograph. (smile)

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  3. I always felt timid and awkward photographing people. Too bad because they are so interesting to capture in the moment…This couple seems at peace together sharing their moment. I hear ya about the angst about winter approaching with all of its whiteness….I always miss the birds and the colors so much. Already cold here now 😦 So not ready for this change in seasons this year. Be well AR and love to you and the babies….VK ❤

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    1. Perhaps with time I might be more comfortable photographing people, VK. I honestly don’t know. I could’t resist this couple though ….. there is such a sense of contentment with them.
      I’m really focused on keeping busy with my days full so that the weather doesn’t bother me. So far so good. I actually started out on a walk yesterday but had to turn around. I forgot my inhaler and the cold seized my lungs up. Some days are better then others. Thank you for the well wishes and I extend the very same to you and yours. Much love to you and your babies!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. Thank you, Kamal. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. I make it my priority that I do enjoy the Winter as best as I can. As a rule, I don’t allow the weather to dictate my mood. However, I must admit I have failed. Every blessing to you! xo


  4. Great photo, Amy. Like you, I avoid taking people photos – and like you, there was one photo I just had to take of a mother and her grown daughter sitting on a park bench at the end of summer. I did ask their permission, though, before I took the shot, even though I didn’t have to as their faces weren’t in the photo at all. I even showed them the photo after I took it to be sure they were ok with it. I’d never make it as a portrait or wedding photographer, I’m too nervous about the legal stuff.

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    1. Thank you, CM. I would not be a good wedding photographer and I know it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and when we know where are strengths lie, that is the direction we go in. When I do take shots of people, like you I ask permission. I have great respect for you because there truly is little privacy left in today’s world. I suppose you could call us old fashioned but in this case, it is good. Hope you had a great Monday!! xo

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    1. Thank you, Erika. Fall while it lasted, was extraordinarily gorgeous this year. Brief, yes, but the pockets of color I found mind-blowing! That couple and all in this image in my opinion, tells many tales. Much love to you!! xo

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  5. Lovely photo. And also the people on the other side with a couple of dogs (or is it just one dog?) I deeply appreciate that you respect people’s need for privacy. I have come across many people who take photos or videos without asking for permission.

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    1. Thank you ever so kindly! Yes I do respect others’ space and it just doesn’t feel right to take pictures of people without their knowledge or permission. You’re right. Too many take pictures or videos without asking for permission. xo


  6. Great photo Amy – it’s one of those “thousand words” photos – albeit in a foreign language!! LOL Great colors, it went too quickly this year, but so happy to enjoy what we had. My pictures usually have only landscape or a lot of people. For some strange reason, I don’t like photographing people in my landscapes?? The way you did it here – the “scene” of the people was the story and complimented the scenery! Brilliant – and nice story! Much love to you! Stay warm! Donna

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    1. Thank you, Donna, for such a fabulous comment. I agree Fall went by much too fast. It seemed I blinked and wham gone it went! This circumstance unfolded so quickly and I just “knew” something very special was in front of me. I honestly didn’t even take the time to properly compose ….. just winged it still nervous that I was taking this couple’s picture. I was very pleased by the symmetry and placement of colors and the composition when I opened it in my editing room. I suppose you could say that taking tens of thousands of pictures does have an advantage. (smile) I am very touched by your compliment! Bless you!! Much love to you and you stay warm as well. xo

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  7. Nice shot of the couple! I love taking candid people shots, but it is tricky not to be noticed – or seem like a creeper. Stealth photography. However, I try to be very sensitive with any image I may post to show them in a positive light. I take many shots from the back as well, which gives a bit of mystery to the image. A great place to take photos are at a parade, where there are masses of people enjoying themselves and many cameras about.

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    1. Thank you, Michael. Much of the time I am in isolated areas out in the woods or on a Nature trail. Not too good of a place for taking pictures of people because usually it is very obvious. Now something like a parade I think I would be much more comfortable in shooting with my camera. Thanks for the tip!!

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    1. I know, Michele. You can just about feel the love rays coming from this couple. There was something very European about them. When we have eyes that look through the lens of love, yes we do see love. xo

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  8. The rains here too Amy have moved in again today with a vengeance, and in the space of couple of days the trees are now looking much more bare..
    Loved your opening sentence ~”To know what love is ,what love isn’t , has to be experienced first
    and then, and only then real love becomes known to the heart.”~
    Beautifully said Amy 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thank you ever so kindly, Sue. Only someone who has traversed the unkind and rough path of “what love isn’t” knows what love is. Sounds to me as if you’ve walked a similar path I have. Bless you for your tears and heartaches and bless you for the pearl you now have nestled in your heart. Much love to you! xo

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  9. Very uplifting posts!
    Your photos always blow my mind! (showing my age with that comment)
    Like you, in my 60’s, I am trying my best.
    OMG!!!! 1″ taller. I want that. So, you hang upside down?
    You really are the bee’s knee’s…. or should I say ankles (being that you are upside down)?
    Thank you so much for all your positive energy!

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  10. Amy, as always, your photography touches my heart in a special way. The way you choose your scenes is perfect. This couple is indeed very heart touching. Few things are more powerful than seeing a lasting partnership, through the good and bad, ups and downs still filled with love and admiration for one another. Bravo on capturing that feeling!

    Sorry to hear that the weather was so wild. It has been very unusual to say the least. Some of our storms here on the coast have been downright dangerous. The heat has been horrific as well with relentless humidity. I must admit pining for cooler temperatures. Whew.

    My apologies for having been out of touch. I never forget about you! 🙂 Sending all my very best your way and praying that your day is beautifully blessed. ♥

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    1. This couple and how I captured them was a spur of the moment decision, Holly. My heart led me. As for the weather, it has calmed down a bit, thank goodness. Here and there we still are getting wild stuff, but overall improved.
      Never apologize. My life is so hectic and so challenging I understand about absences. I’m sending in return my very best, love and BIG HUGS!! Blessings, dear friend. xo


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