
99 thoughts on “Awareness”

    1. Bless you, Holly. The Higher Road is not always the easier one. There is something in all of us that wants to complain and moan. That however, doesn’t do any good, now does it? I’m glad you enjoyed my pictures. And THANK YOU for the Love! I’m grabbing it and holding it tight!!! xoxox

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  1. The critters look happy! Great pix AR…Hope things lighten up for you. I think humanity in general is mid-step into a new way of being right now causing us all great discomfort. That precarious place like when crossing a brook and you have both feet on opposite shores and everything hangs in your balance. Eventually we will get there, it’s a long journey. Hang on…Hugs….VK ❤

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    1. Your description of the place I’ve been in is perfect, VK. Hoping this week things go more smoothly. White rapids last week if you know what I mean. You hang on too! And thank you for admiring my gifts from Mother that I’m sharing with you! Happy Memorial Day! xo

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  2. Hello beautiful! Sending you lots of love and hugs. And yes, this too shall pass…it always does! And hopefully what it leaves behind makes us stronger…and wiser…and more kind and loving. I am totally amazed at how the ebbs and flows of this enlightening can impact our days. I think for me, when I try to fight the struggle you are now facing all it does is make it stronger. So, in an attempt to help you I would say to sit quietly with those feelings…no matter how uncomfortable they may be. Describe them…use your creativity to really feel them…see them…tell about them. I think when we give them their due…they teach us what they need to and then they go away!
    Happy Labor Day! So hard to believe it is the end of summer!! I am facing Hurricane Dorian…it has created much uncomfortableness!
    Much love to you, dear Amy!
    ❤ ❤

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    1. Bless you for the love and hugs, Lorrie. Yes these struggles do make us stronger agreed. I also really know that I’m about to go up another “stair” and in the meantime the gunk is targeting me in order for me to “see” patterns and aspects within me that have yet to be healed. All good. I’m also journaling, something new I’ve begun to help me release very painful emotions.
      As for Labor Day, I had written Memorial Day on this post. That ought to give you a clue where my state of mind is. I changed it to Labor Day, thank you! I will keep you in my prayers that you and your family remain safe in this hurricane. Hurricanes tend to stir up more then the “physical”. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! and much Love!! xo

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      1. Thank you so much, Amy💜💜 As for which holiday it is…are you sure I am correct? (I didn’t even notice you wrote Memorial Day.) I know how it is…and I am also in the middle of big changes. Here’s to moving forward…climb those freakin stairs…one by one!!!😁💜💜

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    1. You are welcome, Erika. My inner peace is returning, thank goodness. I was hit so hard I was reeling. And here I was thinking I was on a smooth sailing path. Much needed to be seen fears were revealed in order for me to continue the work. Much Love to you!! xo

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      1. Those seemingly setbacks which prove how far you’ve come. I am glad you went past it, Amy, and also glad you have nature and your camera for regaining your power and ground beneath your feet 💖

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    1. Wendi, again I am so grateful for your comment. You are the only one who mentioned the dragonfly …. she is a beauty! I know all about how difficult it is to focus on the positive when your life is falling apart around you. As I wrote over at Mark’s blog, that post on fear I decided not to publish, but because of your request, changed my mind. I will work on it and when finished, will publish it, praying it helps you slay your inner fears. Much Love to you! xo

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      1. AmyRose……….you pubishing that post for me is humbling and one of the nicest things someone has ever done for me. God bless you…….I am deeply and sincerely appreciative.

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      2. Honey, I think it will be ready tomorrow. I’m just now putting the finishing touches on it. It is very involved and I pray I was straightforward enough to really make sense. This is a vast and very complex subject. Sleep well tonight knowing you have a friend who cares. xo

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  3. These are beautiful kind lady, they show a magic only you can create 😀
    A thought for your journey…those things from our past will at different times show themselves again. They have purpose. To show us that we have changed and moved on even though (out of habit) we may still react to them. And that each time they hold less and less power over us because of that change.
    You will find that you will see that it is the ‘others’ that are going through something and it no longer concerns you. Yes, they may be family or close friends, but these things are still not yours. You have shifted and in reality they will find that difficult to face, you are no longer that ‘security’ because of those changes and they will either accept you for what you have become or drift away. And they can even become angry because of what they felt towards you. Your being ‘you’ now can feel like a threat to them, your changes are showing them another side of themselves, a fearful one, and with great love from you (because you have stood in your own love), you are reflecting that back to them.
    And even if it is just circumstances dear lady, don’t hold it against your heart. Just breeeeathe, and apply your new love to it. Try a new approach with your integrity and you will attract accordingly.
    Thank you for sharing your love in your photos dear lady, they are a reflection of what you have become 💜

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    1. Mark, my gosh! I read your comment several times and each time I’m asking myself, ….. Does this man have a peep hole or something that he knows what my life has been like? You stunned me, friend. I’ve been on the dark side of the moon where nothing makes sense! VERY painful, hurtful, discouraging, shocking, and even downright disrespectful interchanges with others that left me confused and very unsettled. So many times in one week I received attitude from women all because of how I look, for example. Come on! In my 60’s and still being hurt by women? *shaking head* Many others interchanges as well leaving me so taken aback. Circumstances that had me behind the 8 ball running in circles, panic ensuing, all having to do with some of our cats. Hubby …. we won’t go there except that he’s been very on edge. Pain way up there going through one healing crisis after another. Meanwhile, my head is in a bubble, fog, not feeling as if anything is quite real cuz you know, I’m on the dark side of the moon where nothing makes sense. Hopefully soon when I stop dropping things … yep that too … life will return to normal for me only on a higher level.
      BLESS you for your comment. I’m reading it again and again, even after I write this.
      As for my photography …. thank you! I close with a little story …. last evening, with my macro camera in hand, I was standing near the Hummingbird feeders looking at one of my plants deciding how I was going to photograph something when I heard very close by me a Hummer. This female not more then 1 foot away from me hovered in the air, then perched and fed for a long time. I’m with saucer eyes drinking up her beauty, for I’ve never been that close to a Hummingbird before. I couldn’t believe she had no fear of me. She kept looking at me as if to say, “I trust you. And thank you so much for this sugar water I’m drinking right now.” No way was I going to even attempt to lift my camera to my eye to capture her with it. I was not about to ruin a moment that will remain with me for a LONG time. Hummingbird means JOY. My JOY is coming and soon!
      So much Love to you, dear friend. Thank you so much for the wisdom you have shared with me. I still cannot believe it’s as though you were inside my head. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxo

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      1. It is just showing you loves wisdom dear lady, with great love 💜
        And it is because you have ‘opened’ dear lady that the animals can now feel that and now trust you, where before they kept their distance.
        I am still amazed at a very rare marked crow has decided to ‘chat’ to me. It is marked with a complete white tail feather. As you know crows are always pure black but this one amazed me with his marking and the fact that he wanted to chat each time I went outside.
        I thought he had ducked underneath a recently painted fence or something it looked so strange, but as he decided to chat and came closer I could see it was in fact a pure white feather. And of course each time I tried to take a photo, when I remembered to, he would disappear. But I realised it was a chat between him and me, not via a camera.
        Makes it more worthwhile knowing that it was a heart to heart share. BIG (((HUGS))) back to you also dear lady, may your journey open your heart a little further each encounter you make xoxo 💜

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      2. When connected with Mother, those of us who are, have to know when it is appropriate to take pictures and when a private moment is unfolding. What an honor it is to have a crow communicate with you. That is awesome, Mark! And then to have a perfectly white feather? Wow! xo

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    1. Emma, bless you! After finally getting a good night’s sleep last night after 4 consecutive nights of broken sleep the previous nights, I read your comment this morning. And having done so, you encouraged me greatly! Getting hit from all directions left me spinning, but today, I will do several things to really show myself how much I love me. Thank you so much!! xoxo

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    2. Emma, LOVED your last post. I’ve been working on seeing the truth when others strike out to tear me down or hurt me …. it just shows me how insecure they themselves are. Once the realization is known, the slap in the face feeling is vaporized. I do know my own worth for I have worked very very hard to find it!! Bless you for what you are doing on your blog! xo

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    1. I’m doing better today, Eliza. I’m recouping after getting a really good night’s sleep last night after many nights not doing so. I loved that picture of those turtles. As I was taking it, I inadvertently spooked a Great Blue Heron who was in rushes behind the turtles on the shore. I didn’t even see him. Hope your holiday is a good one today!! xo

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  4. Happy Labor Day to you to

    Just love this quote from Joseph Goldstein ( I’ve read his teaching about meditation).. Those are good actions that we should cultivate indeed.

    Awesome pictures Amy, they are so beautiful.

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    1. So far, Donna, just today in fact, I felt a change. I dared to go to a park near us instead of hiding in my house. The reception I have been receiving “out there” has been far from pleasant. At first I encountered the nasties and then almost run down by a car that was on the wrong side of the road in this park. After that, the air seemed to clear for me. Whew! Tough going but I am sensing a break …. I hope you do too!! I’ve fallen for that Green Heron. He’s stolen my heart! BIG (((HUGS)))!!!

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    1. Whew! Hi, Colleen! The comments I’ve slugging through …. holy moly! I’m finally on yours, brilliant artist! The tides changed as of today and I feel a relief, thank goodness. The BIGGIE last week we thought one of our babies was dying. Pure and absolute terror and panic ensued as we both ran in circles to pull her through. And we did. We are just not ready to go through another loss. Our last baby’s death was just in April. And then 2 others within 4 months prior to her death. A nightmare which totally breaks our hearts! AND there was a huge amount of “other” on top of this crisis. Thank goodness this week is ….. feeling calm. xo


  5. Sending love, and Amy, it is wonderful that you choose to focus on the good and positive my friend..
    I tried to leave a comment upon that magnificent Green Heron, but the comment button I couldn’t see on my screen like on the other photos..
    Such a shame there are those who are disrespectful of nature and fellow human beings.. Showing us just how far we have grown, and how far others yet have to..
    Sending continued love..
    Fantastic Images Amy..
    Sending love and Blessings always my friend ❤ Take care of YOU.. ❤

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    1. It breaks my heart to know that people honestly don’t care about anything or anyone besides themselves. I was so shocked when this event happened, I stood there as if no, this can’t be happening. I then turned towards those girls but by that time they were quite a distance from me. Yet my energy was so strong, they turned around, saw me and knew just knew both by my energy and the expression on my face, how totally disgusted I was with them. They got the message. Now will they follow up and stop smoking in a park? That I don’t know. xo

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      1. I doubt it Amy, but I agree we should be making others realise how their behaviours affect others.. Sadly though, the majority haven’t a clue..
        I had to smile at my Eight year old granddaughter.. We took her to a bird/lake/ park.. sanctuary walking in the woods. We had taken seeds and nuts to feed birds and squirrels.. There is a place designated to do so for the squirrels with tall tables etc to place your seeds and nuts.
        We were busy happily watching the Bull finches and squirrels along with bluetits and coaltits, when a group of Mothers and their young toddlers came through.. Making a huge noise.. She turned and scowled at them. After they passed, she turned to me and said, they will never see any nature making that noise,, and it really upset her that the moment she was enjoying was shattered.. I told her well, they were only young and had a lot to learn about nature..
        All it needs is for schools to educate young children when they are young to respect nature and each other.. I think its getting better, at least here it is in schools.. We have a school who has a class in growing their own food, they have a plot not far from us on the allotments.. So we can only live in hope.. ❤
        Much love dear Amy and keep on doing what you are doing.. ❤ Mother I know, KNOWS.. 🙂


      2. Tell your Granddaughter I know that feeling of disappointment when groups of noisy children disturb what I had been watching. It’s a shame the adults running the groups do not teach these kids to have respect for Nature and to be quiet. Much Love to you!! xo

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  6. I despise it when people smoke in public with absolutely no regards to the law or to the people in their vicinity. And I just can’t stand the stench! Hope you’re in a better place, Amy. Remember, this too shall pass. Those photos are beautiful! Especially the ones of the turtle and the green Heron.

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    1. My husband smokes, Shweta, outside NOT in the house but he is a very sloppy smoker and does not pay attention which way the wind is blowing. He comes in stinking of smoke to which every time he does, I very strongly tell him he has no right to expose me to second hand smoke nor to our cats either. Some people, including hubby, just don’t get the concept cigarette smoke to some is disgusting. I am in a better place, thank you! SO glad you enjoyed the turtle and the Green Heron. In 2 days recently I shot over 1,000 pictures of Green Herons fishing. So, I will be showing you more here when I get to editing these shots. (groan!) Hope your day was a good one!! xoxo

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      1. There was this guy in my office. He had to smoke at least once (read: God knows how many times) every day but he used to go outside, have his smoke, wash his mouth and then come back. No one could even guess that he’d been smoking! And then there’s this other guy, who smokes near the stairs. Everytime I pass through there, I’ll have a horrible coughing spell. The smell of cigarettes does that to me. Some people just don’t get it. They can’t understand that something they can’t live without might be irritating to others. Hopefully, one of these days, your hubby will get it, Amy. Wow, a 1000 pictures. You’ve got so much editing to do in that case, I guess. But I’m sure with your photography skills and newfound tools, those pictures are going to look amazing. Looking forward to seeing the pics. I’d a great day. I’m back home with my family. Hope you have a great day, Amy. Take care. And more importantly, don’t lose hope.

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      2. I won’t loose hope, dear friend. My hubby is mostly in his head all the time, thinking thinking thinking, not paying attention to the wind. As a joke I’m going to make a sign to put outside that says, “Be Aware of Wind Direction”. Knowing hubby, he’ll finally GET IT and pay attention while I’m laughing my butt off at my silliness. Bless you for your encouragement of me. My next post is not of the herons …. I’m getting to those. LOL I’m so moved that you are following me and leaving such wonderful comments. Thank YOU! xo

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  7. Dear Amy, I so needed to read this. I’m also in a difficult in between growing phase. The space between has lasted so long this time. Thank you for reminding me that it’s worth the wait. This too shall pass.🌹❤️🦋

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    1. And for this I am happy to have been here when you required to hear these words. Some phases don’t seem to end, Julie. I can attest to that. You have to somehow figure out how to keep moving forward in a positive way even if things are rocky. I know what I just said is far from easy and believe me, I’ve failed my own advice many times. I send you my Love and BIG HUGS and pray that soon this too shall pass. xoxo

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  8. The photo of the wounded warrior was touching and the roses were splendid. I wonder what your garden looks like. All the pics are lovely. And it sure would take you a lot of hard work to maintain them too. I appreciate your sharing them with us. Hope your health is better now. xo

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    1. Bless you for this comment. Yes it takes a lot of work to maintain my gardens. My gardens are seasonal meaning that at certain times of the growing season, different flowers are in bloom. My health is getting there …. it just seems lately it is an upward hill no matter what I do. Yet I do not give up! Thank you for inquiring! Much love to you! xo


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