Make Your Own World

89 thoughts on “Make Your Own World”

  1. Great message Amy! Amazingly, I’ve been having similar thoughts about what you experienced with that young boy. Mine have fallen along the lines of how much “spiritual” people around us seem to be focusing the timing of biblical events such as prophecies, rather than making sure that people are ready to see Jesus when He comes. That should be our focus because that’s the mandate that Jesus gave us, “make disciples.” Thanks for this message, and keep planting and watering seeds…..

    ps. I sent you an email!

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    1. Hi, Anthony! So glad you enjoyed this message and could relate to it. My part in God’s Kingdom is living by example the Word and being an advocate for those who do not speak man’s language in Mother’s Kingdom. Those are my Directions. Yes I am always planting seeds and then watering them, believe you me! May you know Joy today and much Love! Have a great day!! 🌟🌟🌟

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  2. Thanks for seeking out and finding the wildlife that remains. It’s sad when children aren’t taught to respect wildlife. I don’t blame the children, an adult dropped the ball on this one.

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    1. You’ve got that right, Dan. The “tour guides” are saying nothing about their outrageous behavior. And why this Nature Preserve is not limiting the amount of children that can be there at one time is beyond me. Management has changed and it is not good. How sad that the “keepers” of this gorgeous sanctuary are not being good advocates for who live there. I’m about to go to another park this morning which I have yet to visit. Wish me luck. I’ll be doing Google Map to find my way around. This park is tricky. I’ll be on over to your place when I can. In the meantime, have a great day!! 🦋🦋🦋

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  3. You are an angel in everyday clothes❤️
    I love the messege you told him🦋
    Thank you for sharing,
    and your pictures speak for themselves, need no words from me❤️
    I wish you a wonderful day.
    Bless you🌹

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    1. Well all I can say is …. if you recognize me as an Angel that is because you are one as well. (smile) Thank YOU, Lillian, for this precious comment. I hope that young boy heard me somehow and some day will realize I spoke the truth. I send you Much Love and BIG (((HUGS)))!!! 💜💜💜

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  4. I just had a horrible thought, Amy. What if you go to the park one day and the only thing left to take pictures of is unruly schoolchildren? That would be a great disappointment to me, as I already have tons of pictures of that species. Fortunately, you cheered me up with your beautiful offerings today. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shudders. NO thank you! I found another park today, thank heavens, Scott. And the birds and LIFE there blew me away! I actually spent almost one hour identifying a bird I captured (actually 2 of them) and to my amazement, I shot a species of birds I never even heard of. I’m so excited! I hope to post those pictures and more from today soon. See? How one bummer can lead to a glorious discovery? As for my photography, thank you! OH how I LOVE what I do!! 🌟🌟🌟


  5. Thank you for articulating, better than I can, what has been in my heart and on my mind in recent years ! Oh those birds are precious ! The Blue Heron– so elegant. We have Catbirds that nest in our park. I usually hear them before I see them. One of my favourite dive bombers. 🙂

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    1. I LOVE what a catbird sounds like. We have them here in our backyard and they serenade us all the time. I am so glad you stopped by and read this post. Kathy, just make your own world according to you and ignore the insanity of this world. Thank you about my photography. I absolutely adore my camera and I have so much fun with Mother as she allows me to see some very real magic. Much Love to you! 💜💜💜


  6. Imagine looking over your shoulder waiting for the world to end at that age…but more importantly, who is putting the fear of God into him in the first place.
    I do hope it is to give him an appreciation of your wildlife preserve Amy, before it too has its apocalypse…and he may be the one to save it down in time ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      1. And your encouragement and praise of my photography has a huge grin on my face. Even hubby who has been seeing my work lately is now determined to become my “manager” to get my work out there. Fine by me. All I want to do is to create. LOL

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    1. I cannot imagine, Mark. What a nightmare. What I didn’t say, this boy’s Grandmother was standing next to him, and when she heard my words, she flushed either from embarrassment or with anger. This family is strangled with fear and that is where this young boy is getting all this fear. (This conversation happened at my home) I honestly don’t see this boy growing up concerned about Mother.

      On a lighter note, I found my new “Heaven”. I just returned from a new park, in fact right next door to the one I had been going to, and there is SO much life I was stunned. I shot so many birds! And birds I have no idea what species they are. Wow!! Just wow!! I can’t wait to show you and everyone the “Miracle” that occurred for me today!! Much Love to you this day, dear friend!! 🌟🌟🌟

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      1. Aha, I knew there was a miracle in there somewhere. You found a new photography playground, and he has heard your wisdom and with that may now become the next National Parks & Wildlife manager who restores the mayhem countrywide 😀

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  7. So sad. Children need to be taught the beauty and value of nature. If they’re not taught now, then they’ll grow into people who have no value for the natural world. Beautiful photos, Amy!

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    1. I so agree with you, Rob. Today I received HOPE. I was in a new park and while there another large group of boisterous children were being taken on tour. I sighed heavily. Not again! But! Heading back to my car still on the same trail, I saw this group again. The tour guide actually stopped these kids, told them in a no-nonsense voice they are not to talk all the way back. Oh man! YES!! I gave them all a thumbs up and verbally said several times, “Great job, kids. No talking … the birds really thank you!” And, I thanked the tour guide for telling these kids to be quiet. Oh YES YES YES!!! Thank you about my photography. Bless you, dear friend!! 🌟🌟🌟

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  8. How sad that someone so young is already filled with dread. I lived that way for so long, back when I still consumed the media. It’s never too late to turn away from it and listen to Nature instead. I’ve also recently come to a point where I no longer believe that life has to be difficult/complicated. It is that way while we’re under the spell of our past conditioning and working through karma, but once the worst of that dissipates, a whole new world opens up and, as you said, we create our own exquisite world. Heaven on Earth. Have a beautiful weekend, Amy. 🧚‍♀️💗

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    1. I agree, Julie, it is very sad. Believe me I was really shocked when he said what he did. When I am plunged into a very difficult passage in my life, you bet the negative thinking is real. I have to fight it with all I have and even then I don’t succeed all the time.

      I just read last evening that our brains our conditioned to think negative. Isn’t that awful? I disagreed right away then stopped. No. I had to reprogram my brain to think positive. I had to retrain me in order to choose HAPPY. It was a long time coming, but I did it. Now if you knew my history, you would honestly be wowed over. IF I can create a world based on Happy, anyone can! It is music to my ears to hear that you too have reprogrammed your brain. I say GOOD FOR YOU!

      As for Karma …. I’ve got mixed views on that. An awful lot just seemed to happen to me, some really terrible things that even to this day I don’t know why. Perhaps these things happened to sway me to reprogram my brain? Perhaps my subconscious’ negative thinking attracted these things to me? I don’t know. Yes I do believe in Karma, however, some things in life just seem to happen no matter what. You know the saying …. When bad things happen to good people? Yeah, on that line of thought.

      I do know a Heaven on Earth. And it is directly connected with Mother. I know you know as well. (smile)

      May your weekend be a great one indeed!! Much Love to you this day, dear friend. 💞

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  9. That is a sad state of affairs. I read an interesting article about how parents are politicizing their young kids these days much to the detriment of their kids’ mental health. I think you got a good example of it. Beautiful photos of the various critters. I have only seen one or two bullfrogs this season. It’s been cool, and I had to scrape frost of the cars this morning.

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    1. Yes, Timothy, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Oh yes, family and unfortunately this world in general, is responsible for how this boy is thinking. It’s still been cool and very very rainy here. Even those bullfrogs didn’t stir as if they were trying to warm up the water around them. That water is still so cold!! May you have a great weekend! 🦋🦋🦋

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  10. Your outstanding photographs are a fine representation of nature at home!
    If one or two of those children came away after visiting this park
    inspired and renewed with a sense a wonder then something
    has happen that may be just what this park needs to protect its future.

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    1. Thank you, Eddie, for admiring my photography. So happy you enjoyed! You are not the only one who has said about the same thing …. if just one of those children becomes inspired and decides to do something in his or her future to protect this park, then a whole lot of good has been done. May you have a great weekend! 🌟🌟🌟

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  11. Beautiful and horrible post AmyRose. Horrifying that they are destroying that beautiful wildlife sanctuary. Terrible and I wish there was something you could do to save it. Petitions and your photographs might show them what they are killing. As for the boy, it’s happening everywhere. Our government and the violence around us, along with the destruction caused by greed is touching children, as well as adults. What should we do? Your pictures bring joy and humans bring death. I’m so sorry to read about this beautiful place being destroyed for profit.

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    1. Gigi, I know it is horrifying that this sanctuary is literally dying. I’ve spoken to “management” and the attitude is arrogant and all-knowing. And, they could care less about the Nature Preserve. The good news is however, the park next door is thriving and that is where I will be going from now on. What JOY it was this morning to be surrounded by LIFE and by so many bird songs. I was in Heaven.

      I HOPE what I said will somehow stay with that young boy. You asked what should we do. I know what I do. I continue to avoid setting my eyes on the government (though I’m far from uninformed) and do set my eyes on the Beauty that is all around me. I will continue to bring my message to all who have ears that if we do not do our part NOW, this world is on its way to destruction. I refuse to be pulled into the darkness created by so many in this world. I live my life according to me. Now that is however easier said then done at times especially when I have run-ins with corruption, which I do. Perhaps this beautiful Nature Preserve will be saved. I don’t know. Those who are running this place are blind and have deaf ears. Let’s hope that someone somewhere with enough “pull” will do something about the death that is occurring in that park.

      Thank you for your heartfelt comment, dear friend. It meant so much to me. Bless you!!! 💜💜💜


      1. I’m so happy about the place you can go. One problem is that so many people do NOT teach their children to respect anything, especially wild place and those who live there. That’s a huge part of the problem. Everything is so screwed up and disrespectful and backward, and we wonder why there is violence and death of beautiful places.

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      2. More good news. The park I was in today, had a tour with lots of kids. I sighed literally. They passed me noisy noisy noisy. On the return back however, the guide stopped them and told them (YAYAYAYAY!) they could NOT talk all the way back. When they were passing me (again) I made the thumbs up saying …. “Good job, kids, no talking! The birds thank you!” And I thanked the guide giving solid eye contact. Yes, SOME people are teaching these kids some kind of respect. Thank goodness!!!


  12. I can’t explain Amy… Reading through your words there were times I could feel love, times I felt the heavy weight of the world on my shoulders, times my heart and soul cried, and exhilarating moments going through your photos… I really relate with all you write, say, express… For me it’s a pleasure and privilege to be part of your journey! You are truly one of the kind!❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷

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    1. I can explain, Sonia. Your Heart is open. You are actually feeling my emotions. Yes at times it hurts to see what others are doing. Yet I CHOOSE not to stay in that hurt. If that around me is dying, or not happy, I seek that which is full of Life and that is where I plant my feet. I am in awe that you actually felt what I do. Yes I do get weary at times when I seem to be pushing against such a huge obstacle as evidenced in this world. I am the one that is honored, dear friend. And I am overjoyed that your Heart is open, even if that means you experience the harshness that I do. It is essential that those of us whose Hearts are open, to stay in the Light and Good as much as possible so we don’t get sucked under. Bless you for this comment. I was actually taking my “power nap” thinking about what you wrote and wanted to write exactly right what my Heart wants to say to you. I applaud YOU! BIG (((HUGS)))!!! 💞💞💞

      PS I found another park that has abundant Life just today! Will I return to this Nature Preserve? Yes. Perhaps miracles will happen as a result of my and others’ prayers. 🦋🦋🦋

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      1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ never, ever stop feeding that flame of love and hope you have in you! You may think you don’t, but you have them in abundance!
        Sometimes I know that things are out of my hands, that’s for certain. But what I have inside of me, my hope, my faith, my love, my beliefs… Well those ones are certain as well! Even when you can’t change everything around you, and changes most definitely will change, you can preserve memories, moments, places, things, and you can preserve and prolonged feelings, emotions, experiences forever. And sometimes miracles just happen, Amy! Embrace all of it as it comes! Big hugs, my dear!❤️❤️❤️🌷

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      2. Dearest Sonia. I had a “feeling” you would be responding to what I wrote. I came in from outside as I’m attempting to get these gardens of mine finished. You have NO idea how much you have encouraged me today. I’ve been hit so hard with so much that had taken a huge toll on me. I’m just now pulling out of the downward spiral I found myself in. To know I have what you claim I have in abundance ….. BLESS YOU! Life can be so hard, dear friend, especially when you have your Heart invested in living Life open and vulnerable. YOU don’t change for I “see” a beautiful Soul who has struggled to maintain her realness in a world that would in a heartbeat grab it from you. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart. BIG (((HUGS))) again back to you! I’ll be over to your place when I can. Promise. I am taking your words and bringing them with me as I kneel before my gardens, weeding and putting down mulch. Sending so Much Love to you!! 💞💞💞


      3. This life is a wheel Amy that goes around, and around. Some days you’re on the top of the world, some others you are stucked in mud.
        I am so happy to know that my words encouraged you, dear.
        I can only imagine how you are feeling, but I am sure you will pulling out quickly. You are so much stronger than you think. We all have unknown resilience sources inside of us. Yes, life is hard, but it is also beautiful and worthy and will show time and time again what you are made of, your strengths and true colours. You won’t ever give up of living your life with your full heart, open and vulnerable. I know that, and you do know that, even if some days you have doubts.
        In my heart I know that no matter what you will be ok, Amy.
        Just keep that joy, happiness, kindness and love, and know that after not so good moments, better ones will come. The wheel never stops, never ceases to amaze and surprise.
        BIG (((HUGS))) again back to you! Keep enjoying your garden, your photos, and the beautiful flow of life.
        Much Love to you Amy❤️❤️😘

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    1. Andrew happiness isn’t always that easy to choose when you are walking through the Valley of Death. I’m just now emerging from that Valley as the flowers and the birds and Mother Herself heal my brokenness and my weeping Heart. I actually sang this morning, evidence that Happiness is again beginning to appear in my life. May you have a Happy Weekend too!! (smile) 🦋🦋🦋


  13. The way that leaving the EC is going, “Brexit”, I think we’d have to wait six months to get our apocalypse. And when we’d got it, half the people would say that this isn’t the apocalypse they expected.
    Stunning pre-cosmic catastrophe photographs, by the way.

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    1. John, I must admit, I had to read your comment several times. I think I know what you are talking about but then again, perhaps I don’t. Have a great weekend!! 🌟🌟🌟


  14. I truly feel badly for kids today, trying to grow up and still be kids in the Information Age.
    Your photos are lovely, like taking a much needed vacation. 🙂
    FYI, I believe the bird you listed as a ‘bank swallow’ is an eastern kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus). Don’t you love the Latin name? 😀 Guess he has a bad reputation!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Why thank you, Eliza. Some of the pictures in my bird book are not all that great. Eastern kingbird. I do prefer the Latin name …. he looks like a bad ass with that mask over his eyes. LOL Thank you regarding my photography …. a vacation indeed! And the kids today …. am I ever grateful I grew up in the age I did. I couldn’t even imagine being a kid today!! Have a great weekend! 🌟🌟🌟


  15. The sad part is that a kid that age is worried about the end of the world. How in the hell did that happen?? WTF. That blows my mind. Was I thinking about that at his age? No – I was playing out in the yard, watching the Brady Bunch and dumb stuff like that! Wow, things sure have changed and not for the good. Love the pictures of the sanctuary, but the story about it is sad. perhaps the boy was channeling the wildlife?? Oh well, thanks for being there my friend!! Much love, Donna

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    1. Your words describe exactly how I felt when I heard this little boy say what he did. I really think that his family environment has effected him and he has not been taught to block out the news and media. For that matter, what do I know? I’m not a parent these days.

      I found another sanctuary, a playground, just yesterday, Donna. It’s a park right next to the nature preserve that is not doing well. This place however, is thriving with so much Life that my jaw dropped! I walked literally into another world called Heaven on earth. I don’t think this young boy was channeling about this park … this conversation happened actually in my driveway before I had come to the conclusion regarding the nature preserve.

      May you have a glorious holiday weekend!! Let’s hope the sun shines!! 🌟🌟🌟

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  16. “Regardless how bleak things may look, you can choose to create your own world based on Love and Joy and Peace. If the apocalypse does happen, you will at the very least have lived life the way it was meant to be lived.” … just so comforting and inspired by these Amy!

    Your nature pictures are truly lovely..

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    1. I’m so glad I gave you comfort and inspiration, YellowCable. This world is a harsh one indeed. This is why perhaps I am so strong when I say I make my own world and truly do not focus on what is going on the world outside of my world. This however, does not mean I don’t know what is going on, because I most certainly do. I just don’t focus on it. And I do thank you for the compliment on my photography. Mother truly is my Heaven! Have a great weekend!! 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. No, Julie, many kids are not being taught respect. I thank you about my photography. I’ve found another park and soon I will be showing some images from there. I’ve needed some rest and that is what I’ve been up to. (smile) Much Love to you! 💜💜💜

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  17. Beautiful captures, Amy…and the best advice you could give! We all need to listen to your words and find that place in our heart where we follow its guidance and live our purpose! Whatever else happens…well…HAPPENS…and there is nothing we can do about it! Fear has stolen too much from me for most of my life. Not any longer…I will keep my heart open and I will love!!
    Thanks for this important post, Dear Amy!! Much love to you, friend!

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    1. Lorrie, before I really get involved with my day, I’m responding to your words, words I have read several times. The more you discover how to find your Happy Place in your Heart, the more fear will be hushed. Yet, at least this is from my own experience, there are times, there are days, when fear rears its head. When it does I do everything I know how to do to hush it again, but before I do I at least attempt to understand why it came up to the surface …. what is the reason for this fear? And that, my friend, takes some digging. It may not be evident right away, but as you peel back those layers more of your “truth” will be seen so that you can continue to grow in confidence and happiness. This is a life-long journey.

      As for keeping your Heart open …. oh yes, dear friend, that is the Key to LIFE. Just the other day my path crossed with a man in one of the forests I frequent, and both of us many times had goosebumps. Both of our Hearts were wide open and we knew it. Conversations like that don’t happen frequently, sadly, but I KNOW the more I keep my Heart open and walk that state of being, the more people whose Hearts are open I shall attract to me.

      I’m touched you stopped by to read this post. I agree it is important for those who are ready to understand what I am saying. Much Love to you, dear friend!! Much Love!! 💜💜💜


      1. Ah…thanks so much, Amy! Your words of wisdom delivered in complete love touched me so. I truly feel like we were sisters in another lifetime! Seems we have had so many similar events in life…and we use our creative forces to navigate our way to freedom.

        The fear you speak of…I understand. And it’s funny because I never would have guessed just how fearful I was my whole life because I tried to hide it behind a false bravado. Digging deep…and having the courage to see things through truth usually yields a breath of healing.

        Thank you so much for your love, compassion, and advice. Many sweet blessings 💜

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      2. Once you begin uncovering the fears, dear friend, it can get rough. I’m speaking from experience. Some nights I wake up with fear tearing at me. I begin to pray. And pray. And breathe. And then deliberately set my mind to what I see when I am with my camera. I so encourage you, Lorrie, because I honestly know how difficult this work can be. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! 💜

        Yep, sisters definitely!! 😘


      3. Thank you, Amy 💜 I hear you…the pain can sometimes override the fear!! Ugh!! Fear AND pain! It is all worth it😁 I appreciate your love and encouragement more than you know. Sweet blessings my friend…I am here for you also…as I know the work continues! 💜💜

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  18. A beautiful post Amy, Fear indeeds eats away through many.. A young boy should not worry over such things. He should be enjoying the moment of Now, playing laughing, but sadly our society brings its burdens to the children. And we have failed them in not teaching them many of them to respect each other and nature.
    So sorry your parkland is no longer the habitat it once was..

    Finding our own hearts space is what we do in nature Amy, you teach so many who land here upon your blog the love and respect you hold for Mother Nature..
    You truly are a blessing to many who seek your peace and wisdom..

    Much love for all you do with your Lens and your heart. ❤

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    1. Fear is yet still a theme in my life, Sue, one that I have to first understand the “why” of, and then work to ease that fear, changing it into Peace. I agree about this little boy … far too young to be thinking such dire thoughts! As for this Nature Preserve, it is literally dying. I have found a new sanctuary, and it is there I am going as much as I can. Mother is the place to get into the Now Moment and to carry that energy back with us into our every day life.

      Bless you for understanding what my goal is here. If I don’t share what I have learned and what I am doing, what is the point of learning? Much Love to you!! 🦋🦋🦋

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      1. You share your heart Amy, and I adore how you do so, speaking from the HEART, which I clearly see as connected to the Divine Heart of ALL Creation..
        The NOW of Moments need to be spent in such ways.. ( The Fear, we all have, anyone who says its gone completely would not be speaking the truth.. The Unknown for us humans always holds trepidation.
        But I like you am learning to let it go more and more.. Understanding Amy that we are here in this juncture on our planet as the heavens align, and that what will be, we too are meant to be here to witness it and help it along, sharing the love and light in the ways we are driven to..
        And you share such wonderful Light Amy.. Be Proud of who you are and what you are achieving.. both inwardly and outwardly.
        Love and Hugs dear friend ❤

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      2. Sue, I have read this comment many times. So many. I have been so weary of late from all the gardening and not been here much. But even in my silence, I am reading and what you said here and other comments as well, moved me to tears. It’s been a LONG time coming, dear friend, but people are really now beginning to hear me. And accept me as well. Bless you! Love and (((HUGS)))!!! XO

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      3. Aww… I am touched my own words touched your heart Amy, but you are so deserving, I do not think you realise what impact your words have on others my friend, Accompanied by your beautiful images, They always speak to my soul.. ❤ ❤

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      4. I’m greatly encouraged that all that I do is being recognized as important work. This also humbles me for I’m just following my Heart …. and always will. We ALL must start realizing we can contribute to the Beauty of this world and not only that, realize how important Mother is. I have a story coming that gives me great HOPE that people are waking up to make a huge difference! 💜💜💜

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    1. Thank you, Irene!! Hope all is well with you and your family! Time has a way of flying! I’m finally out from under taking care of dying cats and for now, am going and doing those things I couldn’t before while I can. I am enjoying life!! Much Love to you!! 💖💖💖

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      1. Thank you Amy. I have had same job as you and still have with one, which I hope will be more stable now. Much have been changing here, possibly to give space for other things in life. I’m better in health, but the strong medicine take away my energy.
        Enjoy your life, dear Amy.
        Much love to you <3<3<3

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  19. This is a very nice post! You brought out some very good points in the article. First, you said we can’t worry about the future. Second, your pictures are amazing! I am always fascinated with creation. I like to research information about different animals and plants. I have some interesting articles online about some animals, may I share it with you?

    Liked by 2 people

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