Lies And Betrayal

83 thoughts on “Lies And Betrayal”

    1. Bless you, Mark. To have shown the degree of anger I did, took me not only by surprise but it shocked me. I don’t intentionally hurt others yet this time I did. In order for Ms. Anger to feel safe to be seen, means I have to be willing to allow her to be seen, teaching myself how to appropriately do so. I’m reading a book right now that distinctly states that what we as children experienced, stays with us our entire life and will manifest as dis-ease if the patterns set in our DNA and brain are not changed. Far easier said then done. May you have a wonderful weekend, dearest friend. Much Love to you. 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. Oh yes betrayal is hard on us, Michele, especially those of us with a sensitive Soul and Spirit. There was a huge Blessing in this event which showed me Truth and brought me to another person who I can faithfully trust. Yes even in the mess, a Rainbow glowed. Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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  1. I need some more inner work done as well, so give yourself a break because you are not alone.

    The blessing is we know it and are willing to work on ourselves.

    Yes, I take being lied to and betrayed seriously too.

    But the worse lies I ever heard were the ones I told myself.


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    1. Vernon, reading your comment had an “Oh wow!” coming from my lips. How true your words are. It is so easy to lie to ourselves and point the other finger …. oh no not me, but it is they. For those of us willing to work on ourselves is perhaps the most challenging work there is, for these patterns are set deeply in our DNA and our brains. We can, however, change those patterns. Bless you for this comment and Bless you on your own personal enlightenment Journey to become the person you know you are. Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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  2. Lovely pictures Amy…
    For the words you have here, I completely understand how you feel about anger. It is one feeling that I am sure no one likes it but yet the one that rewards nothing but series of regrets…

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    1. Thank you, YellowCable. I agree that anger (for some) is very uncomfortable. I know it is for me. I was not taught how to show anger in a healthy manner, so that being said, that is my quest now … to teach myself how to show anger appropriately when it is called for. May you have a great weekend! 🦋🦋🦋

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  3. Sometimes it is so hard being human. Fortunately we have nature to help us heal from the pain. Your photos here are spectacular, Amy. I was especially dazzled by the first photo, because that is a ruby-crowned kinglet and the ruby crown is rarely showing, yet you captured a dot of it. My best wishes to you as you heal your pain.

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    1. Yes, Jet, it is hard to be human at times and when we flounder, it is the hardest of all. THANK YOU for identifying the first bird. I did not have the time to ID any of my birds. I was so excited when I managed to get this one in as clearly as I did for these birds do not stay still long. And he was quite close so the image came in super sharp! I deliberately looked for an image that showed the red on his head (I have others) but this particular picture spoke to me to use with this post. Another thank you on your best wishes as I heal from this event. May you have a great weekend!! 🦋🦋🦋

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  4. Sounds like you have been on a rather unpleasant journey as of late! Sorry to hear that. Just when we get humming along and doing so much better, wham! It’s as if the universe keeps reminding us to clean up our stuff..I’ll email you AR…Hope things are getting better..Hugs and love to you. VK :3

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    1. The Universe’s pace with me has been brutal, truth be told. I start to get on solid ground and the rug is whipped out from under me. It seems as if once the concept of Light in all areas or aspects of my life has birthed, it is determined to find all nooks and crannies still not fully lined up with the Light. Whew! I’m doing my best to get my “nerves” back into balance. Hugs and Love right back at you, VK! 🦋🦋🦋


  5. No question Amy that the photos are stunning, as usual! But this post for me is all about the words, about the content, power and deep feelings entwined…

    Have you ever been lied to
    from someone you put your
    entire trust in?

    Have I ever, Amy! And how I understand both perspectives when the truth comes out and you feel a tsunami hitting you full force… But the important bit is knowing how to deal with the aftermath!❤️🌷😘

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    1. Thank you, Sonia, on my photography. My empathy towards you right now knowing you’ve been in my shoes, knows no limits. And oh yes, a tsunami hit, yet unfortunately it was directed at an innocent person. Thank goodness that person was big enough to accept my apology. As for the aftermath … I have some homework to do and also figure out what I do about the person who was lying to me. Much LOVE to you, dear friend!! 🌹

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      1. You will be Al, my dear! I think that most of the times our reaction is towards the person closer to us, most often than not an innocent person… You will find it in your heart Amy! No doubts about it!❤❤❤

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    1. GF, my trusting abilities are not all that strong as it is, so this incident really put a dent into my trust issues. That is something else I will be looking at …. that and my anger. May you have a great weekend. 🦋🦋🦋


      1. I pray for the both of us that with consistency of determination NOT to trust the wrong people, that will happen. I do trust some others where I have not misplaced my trust, thank heavens. I suppose you could say I’m weeding out all those, or my Higher Self is, that are not trustworthy. I’ve had more then several betrayals by those I “thought” I could trust lately and each one was a huge shock.

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  6. Beautiful photography Amy! Just gorgeous. Sometimes when our hearts are raw, we can create the most beautiful art or music as you have. May you see yourself as the beautiful daffodil, with your anger in the inside part that’s reddish orange, being surrounded by God’s love and light in the white petals. You will heal, whatever happened. You are surrounded by Love. So glad you did not lose a friend and are able to know the truth. Many blessings to you!

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    1. Oh, Linda!! You really put tears in my eyes! Bless you! I told my sis yesterday I am realizing I have been afraid of my anger all these years because we were so severely punished as children when we showed our anger. I have to learn how to show my anger in a healthy way in order to express my outrage when something terrible happens. We were given anger for a reason and darn it, I will fix this! This event shocked me as I was left shaking, blood pressure too high, and not even recognizing myself. Too many betrayals have happened lately …. just too much pain literally. I’ll be OK. My quest is to “talk” to my Ms. Angry so that she and I can work together to produce a better way then to explode when upset. I also thank you for your generous praise of my photography. May you have a great weekend! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. Thank you, Amy. My new camera has been incredible in getting these birds as the AF is tack right on! I have SO much to learn about this new camera, but in time, I’ll learn. And yes, you betcha! Nature is my Life Line. No doubt about that!! May you have a great weekend! 🦋🦋🦋


  7. I’ve been wondering if something was going on with you. I almost texted you but then thought you might prefer your privacy. I’m glad you’ve gotten through whatever it was, even if there are still issues that must be resolved. As for anger, everyone can be pushed only so far, and then there’s that one last push that sends you over the edge. My husband is the most mild-mannered man around, but I’ve seen him explode when pushed too far (fortunately never at me). Hugs, Amy. When it finally warms a bit, I’ll plant o meet you at the Woods some Friday. Maybe by then I will have figured out all the settings on that darn camera.

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    1. CM, too much has occurred over the past several months. I just keep getting these hits as life continually throws at me situations that are so upsetting and painful. I have been blogging but not much. Between what all I do for my cats, keeping up with me and home and marriage, going out on photo shoots, opening my gardens, and then trying to get here …. and then not coping well with deaths and shocks and betrayals (yes plural) …. well, you can see why blogging hasn’t been my main focus. Anger …. I got to my breaking point and then some. I didn’t even recognize me. I’m the calm one in this family, CM, and for me to loose it speaks volumes as to how frazzled I have been of late. Loosing so many babies in only 4 months is the big one. How does one recover from that, much less everything else that has been thrown at me? Nature and my camera is saving my sanity!! Thank you for your concern. I really mean that. My life has been a very rough go lately …. praying things change so that I can stand on stable ground again. Much Love to you, dear friend! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. Dan, there was an actual Blessing in all this that I did not mention, AND I saw quite clearly that what I “thought” was under control (my anger) is not. Just too much has hit me lately, shock and terror and trauma and betrayal, over and over again. I broke. I really broke. I’m not quite recovered … that is a work in progress. No matter what is going on in my life, I make it my goal to see the Beauty around me. That is my LIFELINE. Have a great weekend! 🦋🦋🦋

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  8. Betrayal is so hard to deal with, because there’s anger at the person who did it, but even more at yourself for falling for it. The worst lies are those we tell ourselves, as another commenter mentioned. The timing of this post…I’m dealing with the same issue right now. Even weaving it into my next blog post. I’m getting better at discerning who is worthy of my trust but still I falter sometimes. It’s so important to consciously forgive ourselves. Much love to you, Amy. 💗

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    1. Bless you, Julie! Your words have put tears in my eyes. Oh yes, the forgiveness of myself both for blowing at someone who was “innocent” but who I thought was lying, and then falling for the real liar. I’ve been asking …. “What was I thinking?” “Why did I fall for horse sh*t when I know better?” My ‘inner radar’ yes is getting better, thank heavens. I have so much on my plate that I just wanted in this instance to put some of the weight of responsibility on someone else’s shoulders. I’m working on forgiving me, dear friend. How shocked I was to see how I am capable of hurting someone the way I did. Just too much has been occurring and boy did I erupt. I do not want to miss your next post. Please let me know when you have published it because I really want to read it. (((HUGS))) for reaching out to me. This one goes deep. And IF you knew the full story regarding everything that has happened since our Max died in November of ’18, I don’t think you would believe that all that did happen, did. In return, you have my empathy for you that you are traversing such difficult waters at the moment. Much LOVE to you, dear friend!! XOXO


      1. Bless you! I may continue in this vein of thought of how lies and betrayal are so heinous. And let’s not forget that anger either ….. I don’t know. Wherever my Heart takes me that is where I go. I will keep you close in my Heart. I know how this has effected me which means I understand where you stand. 💖💖💖

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  9. Beautiful photos, as usual, great eye!! The birds are adorable and the colors so bright!! Sorry to hear about your misfortune/fortune. In my experience, anger will always live somewhere within us because we’re human. I resisted my anger for over 50 years! That made it worse. As soon as I accepted that anger is a part of me, then I could witness it without a story or reaction. Take it easy on yourself, you recognized it and made things right! Much love, Donna

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    1. The “scary” thing about all this, Donna, is that I have dealt with my anger, or at least I “thought” I did. This reaction just goes to show you that I really and truly broke, dealing with just too much. I would have staked my life on it that my anger issues were behind me. No, they are not. Now I go deeper. The betrayals, yes plural, that I have experienced since Cuddles died, (Feb. 4th) from every which direction, just climaxed within me and the pain literally exploded. I’m the “calm” one in this family. And for me to PA-BOOM speaks volumes. I’ve been asking myself, how does a “mature” person safely and healthily release anger? I’m working on those answers right now. This went deep and there is just so much to ponder and work on! Thank you for your compliment on my photography. My camera is literally saving my sanity! Much Love to you!! 🌟🌟🌟

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  10. Well the photos, as usual, are amazing and beautiful. You know in my head you’re “Amazing Amy” right? Which is funny, cause my eldest daughter had a doll called Amazing Amy, she ate and talked and gestured and needed diapers, so for a 6-year-old, Amy was amazing, but that’s nothing to do with you — it’s your amazing captures!

    Anyway, I’m pretty sure we’ve all been where you were when the anger took hold. No one wants to play the fool, and in those types of situations, it’s like playing the fool TWICE. Tsk. I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough go, but if, as they say, it brought truth to light, for the lie and your reaction, well then there’s a lesson there. We’re all works in progress.

    Love and Light to you, for healing and forgiveness. ❤

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    1. Thank you SO much for your high praise of my art, Joey! Amazing Amy! LOL Gee, that’s me!

      Those of us who are honest enough will admit that yeah, we all do loose our cool. I’m a Taurus (birthday today in fact) and it takes a lot, and I mean a lot for me to blow, but when I do, it is HOT and it is huge. Then it is gone. Just like that. I’ve only had blow outs like the one recently probably as many times as I could count on my one hand over my lifetime. Bless you for your empathy about the rough go …. lately it’s been something else for me. Many Blessings came out of this, more then I wrote here about. So, yes, even in those dark moments, true Light is seen. I’m working on forgiving myself …. Mother will assist me to heal as She always does! Happy Sunday to you! 💜💜💜 Signed, The Fool x 2


  11. I don’t know if you have ever thought of following the Dalai Lama on Twitter, but I think you’d like him. He does a lot about anger and the value of different emotions…good and bad.

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    1. Thank you, John. How I acted is not my norm, however due to being hit so many times with so many truly stressful situations lately, and then being betrayed (again), I in my humanness lost my cool. I will check out Dalai Lama on Twitter. Bless you! 🌈


  12. We live and learn, Amy, and what more can we ask of ourselves and others but to recognize our mistakes and make amends. I too wasn’t allowed to express anger, and an explosion let it all pour out – not quite in the same way, but similar enough to recognize myself in your words. ❤ And absolutely gorgeous photos!

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    1. Diana, my most utmost empathy to you for the unfairness of what was done to you as a child. I know how I’ve struggled for years to get in touch with my anger in healthy ways and to teach myself to express anger safely. My behavior shocked me truth be told. It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back that made me so volatile. I also am realizing I have a lot more anger in me that has not been seen or addressed, so, that is on my agenda to understand. I extend BIG HUGS to you! And THANK YOU about my images. I so LOVE what I do and lately, my camera has been my salvation in so many ways when life has continuously done its very best to slug hard balls my way. Oh yes indeed! We most certainly live and learn! Much Love to you!!! XOXO

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    1. Yet in order to move forward with our lives in a healthy manner, we must forgive those that hurt us and forgive ourselves as well for the part we played in the situation. May your Heart heal. Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. Yes, Prag, lies and betrayals hurt the most. I didn’t say but this situation did involve the safely and wellbeing of my cats …. and Mother Bear blew! I’ve been out and about with my camera and yes the birds and the flowers are healing me. My next post will show how IF you think something is impossible, it will be. I did something with my new camera I honestly did not think I could do, BUT! I tried anyways! I did the impossible! How powerful our thoughts are!!! You are truly so special and I thank you for being a part of my life. Bless you! 💜💜💜

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  13. So interesting, how we respond to hurt and pain and betrayal. I haven’t experienced this feeling in a long time. I think because I let go of high expectations of those I know and even those I love. We humans are not perfect beings. We have cracks and crevices that when poked, can let out dark putrid smoke. So I keep a mask on (in a way) and protect myself from those who may poke and prod. On the other hand, I try to find the light that shines within each of them, even if the brightness is as low as a 10 watt bulb. 🙂 I will say this – your photographs are so glorious they show how strong YOUR light is.

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    1. Pam, I normally do not react like this. This situation was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. And as well, it made me stop to take a good hard look at what transpired, and in doing so, I am changing a huge aspect of my cat care. I too look for the light in others, even if it is tiny, for that is just who I am. This explosion of mine, really shook me immensely, but, even though very painful, I’m certainly glad it did happen. Bless you for your last sentence. Even though I stumble and fumble at times, my Light is truly always there. Much Love to you, Pam. 💜💜💜

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      1. I know, I know, we all have hidden reservoirs of disappointment and anger, and sometimes it IS good to get it out. I’m laughing at myself, because two weeks ago I had a ‘melt down’ with a friend who wasn’t being very much of a friend. I have NEVER lost it with a friend before – ever – and I was shocked and upset with myself (lost a couple of nights’ sleep about it). But then I decided – better let her know how I felt then harbor resentment for years more. There you go – we’re human with still an abundance of light within. 🙂

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      2. It takes a BIG person to admit they are human after all. There are times in life you just don’t see the hard ball that is coming, and depending on where you are personally depends a lot on how you “react”. I believe it is better to clear the air then to swallow the truth about what is bothering you. I too lost some sleep over this situation, for I like you, was shocked at my behavior as well. Yes you did right, yet there is room for improvement on how you handled this. I say the exact same thing to myself! Sometimes it is NOT easy being human. Just give me my camera and cats and I’m a flowing …. people, however, tend to make messes of things. Yep, true. LOL

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    1. This situation brought much to “light”, Julie, and because of it, big changes have been made by me. I have forgiven myself, and am presently moving on. I’m realizing I’m only one person, with so many responsibilities, and due to the fact I am very much human, at times, I do break. I hope you have a really good weekend. I really thank you for the compliment on my photography. 🦋🦋🦋

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  14. “No matter how much you “stuff” anger, that anger will manifest either in a disease, or like with me, suddenly without warning, creating a huge PA-BOOM! “..
    I know some of that anger Amy, and I also know you will work upon your inner child, like me, the one who got betrayed, wounded and hurt.
    At some point in our lives that Pa-Boom, explodes… And when we do, its not pretty..

    But I love your honesty Amy in that we are all works in progress each working our way through the tiny explosions within that will keep uncovering as we expose ourselves deeper and deeper to the Light within..

    Excellent photos Amy, each so very special ❤

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    1. We are only fooling ourselves when we practice dishonesty. I know of someone who does this and believe me, I see right through the game. The only way we will ever heal, ever get to the root in order to dig it out (think Dandelion) is to face life honestly and then to open our Hearts to admit our failings to others. Hopefully when we do show our vulnerability to others, those others will in turn learn by example in order to do the very same in their lives. This “inner work” is far from easy, as you well know, Sue. As a result from this very painful situation, many Blessings came out of it. Within those Blessings, I saw “more” lies and deceptions and because I know see, I have the power to change some things, which I did immediately. Amazing how our minds work when we absolutely trust someone, and do not question. SO happy you can relate to this post. Keep on shining your Light into this chaotic world and some day we both shall see Love triumph. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! 💜💜💜

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  15. I could really feel this because I have experienced it, and it hurt so bad…
    You are so beautiful soul, and I give you a hug, because you deserve the best❤️I become very emotional now because life is both brutal and fragile, what is human must endure…
    Take care Amy and do things that give you love within.. 🦋
    A big hug
    Bless you❤️🦋🌈🌹

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    1. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! Betrayal hurts! You truly have my empathy, Lillian. Yes life is both beautiful and brutal …. yet we must in order to keep a “light Heart”, choose to focus on Beauty regardless of what else is going on. Thank you for your kind words. May you have a really Blessed day today! 🌟🌟🌟

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  16. Great message and powerfully transparent! The Lord will truly help us!

    “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath..Ephesians 4:26
    “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness…1 John 1:9

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    1. I am very human and I allow myself to be vulnerable to show that yes, I hurt at times. Yet …. in order for me to move forward, I forgive those who have hurt me and my family. Not easy at times to do and when the hurt is really deep, it takes time in order for the hurt to be let go of and the persons forgiven. God help those who deliberately hurt others …. they have God to contend with. Have a wonderfully blessed day today!! 🦋🦋🦋

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