102 thoughts on “LIFE”

    1. Thank you, YellowCable. Some were shot in bright sunlight that I had to figure out how to block in order to photograph in shade. The following day I shot other Crocuses and those were shot in partial sunny/shade conditions. The light. Ah, yes that light. Magical Spring Light has arrived!! Have a great Sunday!! 🦋🦋🦋

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  1. Amen! Amazing words and amazing photographs! Love the color!!!! You are way ahead of me. I am buried under a foot of fresh snow 😦 It just won’t go away. Hope will return when I can see color and beautiful flowers again…Soon tho’… Much love….VK ❤

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thank you, VK! This color may be small yet it delights me in ways that leaves me doing Happy Dances! Sorry to hear you are still buried in the white stuff. May this post lift your spirits knowing some day soon that white stuff will be gone!! Much Love to you! 🦋🦋🦋

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  2. Wow Amy!! Your photos speak a thousand words leaving me speechless! You really made these beautiful flowers pop with brilliance! The contrast and colors really are amazing – you are of great talent!! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!! Much love! Donna

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Your comment has a huge grin on my face, Donna! I can “feel” your excitement and amazement all the way through your words. How glorious Mother is when we really SEE Her! These Gifts of Life do not stay around long and believe me, I’m enthralled that I was able to capture these Crocuses in formations that absolutely left me speechless! You are SO welcome for this share! It is my pleasure to do so! Have a great Sunday!! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. Why thank you, Hien! I am thrilled by your compliment! I really focused on composition and when I edited these, my goal was to get these Crocuses just to pop off the page. I believe I have succeeded! May you have a great Sunday filled with LIFE!! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. Aw, thank you, Christine! I am very touched by your comment and appreciate it more then you know. Bless you! May your Sunday be filled with LIFE! 🦋🦋🦋


  3. Just gorgeous! Love all the vibrant color. Yes spring always brings hope with its hardly little flowers that survive all the snow, wind and rain. Beautiful light in these pics. Our spring is just a few shoots so far, no blooms yet.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Oh, Linda, thank you!! The light really has changed from Winter to Spring. You are not the first in the comments to mention the light. May my flowers bring you HOPE that your flowers SOON will bloom. May your Sunday today be filled with LIFE!! 🦋🌱🌱🦋

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    1. You are so welcome, Amy! I’m glad you were able to stop by to see these tiny gorgeous flowers that herald the beginning of Spring. May your Sunday be filled with LIFE!🦋🌱🦋


    1. Thank you, Dan. I deliberately shot into the sun while blocking the sun on the ground in order to keep all these Crocuses in shade. In shooting towards the sun, I was able to capture the light in these Crocuses. Amazing!!! May your Sunday be filled with LIFE today!! 🦋🌱🦋

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    1. Oh wow, Orkidedatter. When I hear that someone got the goosebumps, I know without doubt that you were really touched. The exact same thing happens to me! Bless you! May your Sunday be filled with LIFE today! 🦋🦋🦋

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  4. Amy, the photos are absolutely breathtaking. So, so beautiful and truly full of life in their message and their colors. AMAZING. I love your lines, too. Life can truly throw stones in front of our feet but it also removes them. Thank you for increasing the spring feeling 💖

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Erika. I am ecstatic Spring is here! Truth be told, Winter flew by what with everything that transpired here. Bless you for leaving me encouragement to continue future posts as I did this one. Spring is just too precious not to share, especially for those who are going through tough times. (me) May your day, or what is left of it, be filled with LIFE! 🦋🦋🦋

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      1. Yes, Amy! I agree 100%! Spring is like a cure and I am one of those who need it very much!
        Never stop sharing the blessings of nature. Lots of love to you 💖💖💖

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    1. Thank you for letting me know that my post made a lovely start to your day today, Mark! I so do agree …. truly truly there is Magic about! I am so very humbled indeed that Mother trusts me to show Herself in the ways She does! May your day be filled with LIFE today! 🦋🦋🦋

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    1. You may have a green shoot and not even know it, Gigi. These flowers are super tiny! And I thank you for your generous praise of my photography! Bless you!! May your day have been filled with LIFE today! 🦋🦋🦋


  5. What absolutely stunning photos Amy and your words are filled with hope. Beautiful post my dear friend. Keep focussing on the beauty and optimism of this world. It’s all around us if we keep our eyes open. xx 💜🌸

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    1. Bless you, Miriam. I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but I will say it again. One of the main ways I get through the tough times is by focusing on the Beauty in Life. Yes if we do have our eyes open, that Beauty exists. May your day be filled with Much LIFE today!! 🦋🦋🦋

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      1. Amy I am so sorry, I somehow mixed up my reply to your comment on Measure and I seem to have inadvertently deleted it and my reply now. If you wish to repost, please do!

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    1. Thank you, Zia, so much. Much is transpiring in “real life” for me so apologies for the late response. I am one person only … if you know what I mean. I’m touched you saw the “magic” and felt it as well. Bless you for telling me!! May this day bring to you much LIFE! 🌈🦋🦋🌈

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    Amy, each picture a masterpiece of beauty and each couplet line a tremendous introspection – so exact at how we sometimes feel heavily the brunt of life itself and how a certain brightness and lightness lies ahead – our willingness to crack open to this beauty and surrender to give ourselves up to this beauty – this is what is coming up for me through your post.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Bless you, my dear friend. Apologies for the late reply. Hubby and I have been very involved in saving one of our cats. Yes we did it! Our 17-year old baby who just isn’t ready to say goodbye. Thank God!

      Your comment I read a couple days back and it left me with such a big smile on my face, on a day I really needed that smile. Thank YOU! Your wisdom boggles my mind. You see. You know. You understand. How incredible YOU are!! May your day be filled with LIFE today!! 🦋🌱🦋

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      1. You fill my heart with such appreciation for just being what I be. 🙂 You are one of the few people who bring out my seeing and knowing so beautifully. Brings me such ease and joy in being me – not easily available often 🙂

        Huge Gratitude for your baby being blessed. I have been very saturated myself and very silent for long on wp. So no worries about your late reply.

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    1. Awwww, Michele, Bless you! I am so honored you stopped by to see this! And I am so very happy you were touched by the Beauty and the words here. Much Love to you! May your day be filled with LIFE today!! 🦋🌱🦋

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  7. Landing upon your post this afternoon is pure bliss dear Amy.. And the colours of your photos and words like balm to my soul..
    Life needs this injection of beauty dear Amy.. Truly wonderful..
    I have taken a more than a few days off from blog land, to rest, sleep, contemplate, meditate and Just BE…
    And if it were not for the words of a few good friends I may well have shut my blog down.. Sometimes you just feel you come to a cross roads, and you flounder as to which direction you should take..
    Then I come here, and you reaffirm that LIFE and all its tribulations has its opposite duality, From all the sorrow, and heartache, we need only search out the beauty..
    Long may you continue to share the beauty of your lens and your mind dear Amy..
    Love and Blessings dearest Friend ❤

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    1. My dear friend, I too have been on the exact same page as you. Between what I am experiencing in life and the hours I spend on one post, I’ve honestly been contemplating not to blog any more. I too seem at a crossroad. We’ve just suffered our third cat baby loss in 4 months time. Our Bella. She stroked and had a major seizure yesterday after being ill of so very long. She died in my arms. Somehow, in comparison, being here at WP no longer matters. I am not making any major decisions right now. I plan on being out in my gardens, being with my family, and being out with my camera with Mother. I just feel as if I have landed in another entirely new world, one I am not familiar with. Even though my Heart is again breaking, I rejoice that my Bella lived and died HER way, and is now free of all the bodily limitations she had during her life here on earth. May you find your way again as I too do the very same. Breathe. Just BE. Let this Moment count and allow Mother to guide you. I send you much Love and (((HUGS))) across the Big Pond. XOXO

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      1. Aww Amy so sorry to hear of Bella’s passing. You have had so much heart ache come in such a short space of time it seems..
        Like you, I step away, contemplate, and never rush decisions of any kind.
        On the one hand I have so much inner knowledge I want to share about what is to come in this world.. Yet to put that knowledge into words people would think me a mad woman, So How to go about it? I ponder, on the one hand you want to make others aware, and the others you do not wish to appear to be scaremongering… I want to spread Peace, Love and Light, yet a great inner sadness for the world holds me in its grip. I can not shake it as yet.. So I just follow the flow, of my thoughts, and do what my body feels like doing, and it sleeps alot.. 🙂 Shutting out the noise, while I work I think in dream state. I know it sounds crazy to some..
        I cannot tell you the amount of times I have tried to sit on my blog and write, yet I turn off the modem,
        Our politics is going crazy and people’s anger is ripe. I can not even escape it in the allotment plot as Brexit is pumped into our homes 24/7 the Media headlines which hubby watches like clock work, spews it out in its constant hype. So I take myself off to another room, to paint, read, and shut out the noise…
        I become the observer Amy seeing this Play Act play out its games.. Soon to come to a head that will affect hundreds and thousands of us..
        So ALL we can do dear friend is Breatheeeeee…. Meditate. Send LOVE into those dark corners and dark minds, and as you say, allow Mother to guide, heal and know she is her own deity who is on her own Ascension Journey too..
        So we live in the NOW of the Moment.. And may we make each and every second count.. ❤
        Much LOVE ❤ dear friend ❤

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  8. Ami, today only I registered in wordpress and on opening the reader I come across your poem, it’s a beauty and I felt hidden sorrow, then while going through comments I came to know passing of Bella. I share your grief as I saw my mother dog Jinny die in my lap at the 18 years age and now I am feeling last months of her son Browny who is 16 years old. I am sorry to make you sad once again and I am looking for more motiVational posts from you.

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    1. Death is a part of life here on planet Earth, Deepak. It is never easy to say goodbye to someone you Love deeply. I am so very sorry for your loss. You have not made me sad again for I carry tears in my Heart wherever I go until I can finally stop such sorrow from being in my Heart. It takes time and a lot of conscious choices for me to partake in those very things that bring me JOY and happiness. Come here anytime you wish. I’m touched by your comment. Bless you! 🦋🦋🦋


  9. Hi Amy,
    Life most definitely is Teacher Supreme.
    Experiencing it will give us the wisdom to know the difference between what can and can’t be changed.
    Beautiful picture and post.

    Liked by 4 people

What we think and write and say become our reality ....