Ode To Mother

70 thoughts on “Ode To Mother”

    1. Aw, thank you, Hien! My neighbor actually called me to tell me of a place not far from here where the ice was thicker making everything coated with ice. He told me it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. I wish I could have gone to photograph this Wonder, but due to all in this house mourning Cuddles, I did not. These images however, portray the Beauty that was here for a very brief span of time. Bless you! 💝


  1. your photos are touching and your words are so very heartfelt. I have felt this pain and in many ways, I still do. Some day I will post about by precious daughter Sydnee Pee……
    …..my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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    1. Truly, my Heart lurched when I read your words. I know how I suffer whenever we loose one of our “kids” and yes they really are that to us. The pain is indescribable. What you saw in this post is one of the ways I heal. My camera really is my therapist and the words I express in connecting with others, validate my Journey of Mourning. That in turn assists me in many ways to move forward through this pain in order to again gain my JOY. Extremely difficult to do, as the temptation to stay in misery is so strong. I extend to you huge (((HUGS))) as my aching Heart reaches yours. Bless you! 💞💞💞


    1. YellowCable, we all are not able to express how we feel when we are in pain that wrenches our guts and hearts. I totally get it. I thank you for seeing this great unusual Beauty I captured. I was blown away by all that I saw that day!! Everything was coated in ice! ❄️❄️❄️

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    1. Thank you, Jodi. You don’t know how much I just wish to curl up and do absolutely nothing. I must however, move forward and be present for our other beloved cats who are grieving, some even being ill. I do not have the luxury of grieving for long so even with my breaking heart, I deliberately do things that assist me to heal even when I do not want to. I am honored that I touched your Heart. Bless you! 💝

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    1. Thank you, Dan. Yes this is an extremely difficult time in my life, yet for my sake and the sake of those I take care of, I must pull myself together and move on. It takes me a while to feel JOY again due to my massively broken Heart, yet that is not going to stop me from doing those things that do bring me JOY, even if I do not feel it. Cuddles was a very huge presence in this house. We honestly don’t know how to step forward without him here. 💝

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    1. Yes, Emma, there is power in pain. Tears. I will not shove that pain away, nor will I miss this Great Opportunity to create Beauty from out of this pain. When I saw the indescribable Beauty Mother created no matter how much I didn’t want to, I got my camera and documented that Beauty. This Journey is far from easy, yet …. in memory of our Cuddles, I am using my broken Heart to create. Much Love to you. 💞💞💞

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  2. What’s coming to me is “memories frozen in time.” Seems like Mother has a way to preserve memories and you have come across it in your grief. Again, so sorry for your loss and glad you can find some comfort with your photos and in the arms of Mother. Love and hugs, Donna

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    1. Bless you, Donna, for sharing your thoughts with me. I am touched. The anguish I am determined to conquer I don’t know at this time how to accomplish. For the sake of all involved, I will again rise to JOY. No matter what it takes to do so. Much Love to you. 🌈

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  3. A loss that never leaves us. Beautiful photographs and I’m still having to shut down my computer all the time. The problem remains. “Not connected to the internet.”

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love and many hugs to you and the gang. I’m so sorry.

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    1. (((HUGS))) returned to you, Gigi, and a huge thank you for your heartfelt concern. This family of mine is in such pain right now. We were just getting over Max’s death and now this. Sorry to hear bout your computer problems. That is no fun whatsoever! 🌈


  4. Beautifully written Amy, there is much beauty in our world if we but open our hearts to see. And because of what you have experienced in the last few years you can now see clearly, with your heart and your mind, and expressed beautifully in your photo’s….which will also allow you to grieve with much love and know his connection will always be there ❤
    Big hugs dear lady ❤

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    1. I’m not able to see the glass half full right now, dear Mark, as my Soul screams for relief from the constant death I’ve had around me since the death of my Mom in Sept. of 2017. We have lost 5 of our family and now with Cuddles, I’m broken so deeply I’m not sure if I will be able to turn in order to put me back together again. Not sure of anything right now. All I’m sure of is this horror of infinite gut wrenching pain. Please pray for me.

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      1. I most certainly will pray for you dear lady, with much love and blessings that your heart will show you the way. It is very dark at the moment but I promise the light will slowly begin to light your path and you will truly ‘see’ all around ❤
        And to show you that truth, and as Eliza said, your images are responding in kind because you have begun to see the light all around, and it is why your empathy and love for Cuddles is so painful, your heart is becoming wide open. When you understand it all you will no longer be in pain because you will see that Cuddles, your mom, and all of the others are all around you are cheering you on to gain that understanding and find the most beautiful unconditional love that they are all now a part of ❤
        Big hugs Amy, your a strong beautiful soul, may their song of life keep you wrapped in their hearts ❤

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      2. God Bless you, Mark. I am receiving and feeling your prayers. Today was actually bearable. I hear what you say. It brings fresh tears to my eyes. And the more I feel, the deeper the opening within becomes, which in turn allows Light to touch the hidden dark in order for that dark to vanquish. I’ve been majorly “releasing”. There truly is GOOD in all. Cuddles’ death has not been for naught. Already Good is unfolding in more then just with me. Gotta stop or I’ll start weeping again. XOXO

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  5. Sorry about your losing Cuddles, so sad. Yet, your resolve to go on, going out with your camera to capture these exquisite images, shows your resilience. Sending Blessings to your tender heart, Amy. ❤

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    1. Thank you, Eliza, from all my Heart. There is a Blessing that is right now coming from out of this nightmare. Our Vet’s services have not been to our satisfaction for a while now, so what transpired on the day Cuddles died at this Vet’s office, has pushed me forward to look elsewhere. A Vet who has been highly recommended by our in-home Vet I am preparing documentation for in order to make an appt. to interview her. I have a good feeling about this. I refuse as of this Moment for anyone to treat me and my family with anything LESS then they deserve. I actually am holding this Vet accountable for the negligence he displayed which may have contributed to this death. Bless you for your Blessings. I cherish them. I’m doing all I can to get my feet back on stable ground. (((HUGS)))!!! XOXO

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      1. I’m not sure what you are talking about, David, but, I’m in the process right now in putting together a complete dossier when I go to interview a Vet that comes highly recommended. I will not ever allow our present Vet to come anywhere near any of our cats ever again! I hold him responsible for the death of our Cuddles.


      2. I’m relieved to hear you are doing well because your comment (to me) made no sense. It’s a bit difficult for me to be happy, truly happy, when we just lost another one of our family. We are all devastated.


  6. Amazing shots you got AR….Beautiful indeed!!! I think this next storm tomorrow will be another humdinger as they can’t say really where the rain/ice line will be. I pray we just get snow! I’m sure it will be wet and heavy to shovel. Groan…Stay warm and dry over there my friend! Hope everyone is adjusting to Cuddles absence as best as possible…Thinking of you…VK ❤

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    1. Were they not exceptional, VK? I was in Wonderland all over again! They are calling for winter weather hear again, high winds again, snow, then freezing rain again, then more snow. Gee. You’d think maybe Spring is trying to make a show. Rain? Hello, Spring!

      Cuddles was a major loss in this house and he died in a most terrible way. My consolation is that he lived a quality life with us for 15 years, every single day up until his last day. That is what I focus on. Without us, he would have starved to death. Either that or froze to death. Much Love to you! XOXO

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    1. Thank you so much. This post too is about Cuddles and what I am experiencing as a result of his death. I have to press forward for if I do not, the despair will overwhelm me and destroy me. One baby step at a time … crawling at best ….. Bless you. 💞


  7. What gorgeous photos, Amy, and beautiful words of faith in the Mother that nurtures and guides us. It’s strange and wonderful how nature holds us and shares her wisdom. I’m so sorry for your loss of Cuddles, and I’m relieved to know that you are finding some peace. ❤

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    1. Thank you so much, Donna. Your words touch me deeply. Because of the attitude I am adapting, despite the brokenness yet so present, I am gaining Blessings from out of this tragedy. I’m so very focused keeping this family of cats healthy (they tend to slip into their dis-ease symptoms, sometimes those being very scary) and as well, keeping myself healthy. Hubby? I “attempt” to suggest how to do what, but I’ve learned just to stay quiet as he handles another tragedy in his own way. We are healing together. As we should. 🌈

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    1. Bless you, Cheryl. This is our second loss within a 2-month span of time so as well you can imagine, we are reeling. I have some cats I’m truly concerned about. I’m not sure at this point if they are going to pull out of their symptomatic phase. This unexpected and horrible death may be just too much for them to make the turn back to health. In the meantime, I am doing everything I know how to do to encourage them to choose to live. Much Love to you! 🐾💞🐾

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