Yes Some Do Stay

70 thoughts on “Yes Some Do Stay”

    1. Thank you, Rabirius. If I can do shots like this with the camera I now have, I get excited to think what I will be able to do with the new camera I am getting which is suited for wildlife. I’m really glad you enjoyed this post. Happy Sunday! 💝


    1. Bless you for commenting, Donna! Yeah … that pinch me shot wowed me! I’m thrilled you enjoyed these Robins and look forward as I do to when I get my new camera. The same finger that pushes the shutter button is hesitating in pushing the “buy now” button in hopes this camera will go on sale. LOL Photography is a very expensive “hobby” or “career choice”. Happy Sunday!! 💝💝💝

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      1. I have to take it in to a repair place. The shutter is not working right. Maybe I will get my family to do that as a birthday present. Thanks for reminding me!!!

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  1. I’m running out adjectives to describe your amazing photographs AR… You just get better and better every post! The clarity and detail you capture. Loved the berry in the beak, literally caught on the fly…One can see why speed is so critical in photography if you want to go deep in your capture of the moment. I can’t imagine holding onto cameras on a day like yesterday and today! Single digits here and below zero temps at night and not much relief in sight 😦 Hope you are staying warm. Now we have two snow storms to contend with. I’m not looking forward to 8 ” of snow….Hugs to all the babies. Hope all is well….Love your way….VK ❤

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    1. Aw, VK!! Bless you for SEEING the incredible photography I managed to create. I am in awe of myself, believe me. What a feeling to be able to stop time itself in an instant. I was SO focused on those birds with every intention of getting pictures of them with the berries in their beaks without blur. And I did it! Gosh darn it but I really am getting good. Even Hubby when he saw these pictures said in awe, “Amy you were meant for fame.” And he was not joking around. Wow!

      It is COLD here too. IF I do go out it will be or a brief walk with my face really protected. Last time I looked it was in the teens. Sun is out YAY yet there is an Easterly wind that wants to wipe off the skin on one’s face. Stay warm, dear friend. My cats are stretching out in the sun beams on our floors. Happy Sunday!! 😘

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    1. Oh that is SO cool what you did with the gallery, Mark. I’m going to have to try it now. LOL Those Robins were a sight for sore eyes let me tell you. The color I was able to get that day it was all due to the perfect light I had. Happy Sunday! 💝

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    1. I too like the one with the wings at the ready. That particular Robin was actually righting himself after stretching really far to get a berry. I was stunned I actually got the shot without blurring (except for the wings a tiny bit.) The other Robin that I caught in the air I loved the effect I obtained with his wings. SO glad you enjoyed this post, Dan! I’m practicing for when I actually have my new camera in my hands that shoots 7 frames per second. YAY! Soon …. At least I now know which one I’m getting. I had to choose between 3 of them. Happy Sunday! 💝

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    1. You know, you are the only one who laughed about the tree. I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. You have no idea how many times this happens and then I have to come out from behind my camera to get reorientated …. Which tree again? Where is that bird on which tree? 😂 Those Robins were incredible. I shot over 100 frames of them alone. I chose so many for this post until I said … Ame, that’s more then enough. 😂 Happy Sunday, Erika!! 💝

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      1. Hahaha, I think this is because I would have reacted pretty much like you 😄Laughing about myself and then laughing that I completely lost track 😄
        Haha, hear ya here again! There could always be a better shot😄😄Keep it up, dear sister 💖

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      2. Erika, I love your sense of humor!! I can just picture the two of us with cameras, in a forest, attempting to capture a bird on a tree trunk, loosing that bird, and both of us asking, “Which tree is it again? Where did that bird go? Do you see him?” Surrounded by trees it is not easy to keep focus on one tree. Thank YOU for another laugh!! 😂😂

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    1. Aw, YellowCable, bless you and thank you! My husband has been so supportive of my photography lately that he even told me when he saw these Robins that he has seen no better in National Geographic and that I am destined for fame. That could swell a girl’s head, I’ll have you know. Just wow!! Happy Sunday! 💝

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    1. Thank you SO much, Eliza. I’m getting there! Practice makes perfect, or so the saying goes. In the Winter you really have to dig deep down to find the incentive to be creative. I got lucky with these Robins cuz the light was just perfect making everything “glow”. Happy Tuesday! 💝

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  2. American Robins are stunning birds I didn’t realise that you got flocks of them. That must be a sight! Some of those photographs are professional standard. Have you ever thought of sending them in to your local newspaper or magazine?

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    1. Robins normally stay in a group or flock, John. I thank you SO much for your high praise of my photographs. Wow! I am indeed touched! Our local newspaper is not interested in local artists, sad but true. My “manager” aka husband is confident when he gets the repairs out of the way, he is going to find me the path to fame. Now, that being said, I’m perfectly happy with what I am doing now. Happy Tuesday! 💝


  3. I think they look fabulous Amy. My Nikon D 7000 is always loaded with the 300zoom and always set to action mode because I photograph 90% animal and insect shots. The hawk shot blows me away. Lovely!

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    1. That hawk blows me away, period!! I have SO many pictures of this bird, Cheryl. To be able to get close like this is an incredible honor. I have a 100-400mm zoom, and soon will have a 1.4 extender + new camera. I am looking so forward to Spring and my chance at capturing many birds!! ☺️

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    1. Bless you for this comment. To get a bird in motion with a berry in its mouth and its winds spread, and do it without blur …. THAT is a major achievement! Thank you for the acknowledgement!! Oh I will be more then ready for the Spring Medley of Birds this year! (GRIN!) 😘

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  4. A week or so ago I thought I was seeing something (imaginatively) in my mind’s eye, because I was SURE I saw a Robin. A day later I saw the same Robin (well, she looked the same) and was confused, because I didn’t think they came back here in New England until April. Thanks for letting me know that I wasn’t imagining things. Your photos are incredible. xoxo

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    1. I too had NO clue that some Robins stay. When I was photographing these Robins I was saying to myself …. What is going on here??? After the fact I found out some do stay here, and a “huh, how do ya like that?” went through my mind. I lucked out with these pictures. The light was perfect! I’ve walked by this area a few times since these images were taken without the light and it is nothing special. LIGHT makes all the difference. And I thank you for recognizing how truly incredible these pictures are. I’m really touched!! XOXO

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      1. I could look at your photos all day long. I worry about the robins, though. This weather is tough for them – today 6 inches of snow and now sleeting all day long. Yikes. We keep our birdfeeder full, but robins usually like to peck seed/grass from the ground. Ugh. I do worry. ;-0 Your photographs are not only filled with light, they’re filled with love. ❤

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      2. I was told by an expert birder that Robins deliberately stay in forests to eat berries. I didn’t know they ate berries but I sure saw them eat berries. I’m going to adapt the attitude that these birds know what they are doing. They won’t come to your feeder, not that I know of. And I thank you about my photography ….. Bless you!!! My Heart can be seen in what I photograph. Much Love to you!!! XOXO


    1. As the saying goes … practice makes perfect. (SMILE!) Thank YOU for the feedback. I’ve worked a long time to get where I am with my photography. The only way to learn and to improve is by doing, observing, applying what I know, and expand that. 🤗

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    1. Thank you so very kindly! The light was absolutely perfect when I saw these Robins. I’ve since walked by this batch of bushes and they do not look anything special. Light makes all the difference. 💖

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  5. Your Robins are slightly different than ours in Britain, Just loved the shots you got of them eating berries so clear, and loved the one with wings outstretched with berry in his beak…
    Such great images and would make super cards 😀

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      1. That day will be here when it is meant to be, Sue. In the meantime, I Love my life, do my “thing” and know in my Heart that all is as it is to be. Bless you, dear friend! 💝

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