Miraculous (7 IMAGES)

105 thoughts on “Miraculous (7 IMAGES)”

    1. Thank you, Rob. We just have to hang on just a little while longer …. warmer temps are on the way! Oh thank goodness!!! Have a great day! Much Love to you! 💖💖💖


  1. You show such Love and Gratitude in your photography, inner self glowing outwardly and amazement that is why you are receiving what you have been: You deserve some of your beauty and caring to be returned. The kindness of strangers is Always good to mention, too. Wow, Amy! ((HUGS!)) xo 💖

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    1. I’ve been on the receiving end of random acts of kindness lately, Robin, that at the time just stun me and in turn, give me hope that mankind has begun to turn from the dark ways of this world to return to Love. Mother shows me the Way of Love over and over again and there is not a time when I am with my camera that I do not have a sense of complete awe in what I see and capture with the permission of Mother. And oh yes there are plenty of times when I don’t have my camera that I’m just drawn into the Majesty and the Wonder of my eyes see as I gaze upon Mother’s Creations. Thank you for your lovely and kind comment, dear friend! May you have a glorious day today! Much LOVE to you! 💞🌹💞


    1. You are just so funny, Scott! I am laughing out loud as I write this! A birdie flew by this morning telling me warmer temperatures are coming our way in a few short days. So enjoy the snow while it lasts because it won’t be here much longer. Thank goodness! Have a great day today! 😁🥀😁


    1. I thank you yet I am unsure which photograph you are speaking of. There are seven here. I’ve captured the essence of time. Huh. I do have to ponder upon this!! Have a great day today! 😘

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    1. Yes, Garfield, I am indeed Loved and I know it. The details on these flowers blew me away! I couldn’t tell you how long I laid on that cold ground, not caring a fig. And as for that man … I’m still stunned by what happened. The “chances” of this occurring especially on this busy street boggle the mind!! Just wow!! SO glad you enjoyed this one, dear friend! Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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      1. (((HUGS)))!!! And I mean that! I really do go to extraordinary means sometimes to get THE perfect angle and distance of what I know in my “gut” is THE shot to get. 🌹🌹🌹

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  2. Wow Amy,

    that is so wonderful. Magic in the front of our eyes. Life that awakens, that is real magic. It’s a pleasure to watch this.That is so kind from that man.For every beauty we need a lot of effort. There is no free lunch.Please,keep writing and stay blessed

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    1. If we have but eyes that see, there is magic all around us, Ben! I just returned from Photographer’s Heaven being in one of the parks I frequent. I showed hubby some of my “illusions” from today and he at first didn’t get what the picture was. After I explained, he was wowing. LOL

      And yes so kind and amazing about that man. I will not forget that experience for a long time to come.

      There is no free lunch. I understand. I’ve worked very hard to get where I am today. And still improving …. I will keep writing!!! Much Love to you this day!! 💖💖💖


    1. Thank you, Rita! I seemed to have captured with my camera an elemental being that someone pointed out to me and when I saw him, I wowed. He is in the first image and the second one. Magic unfolding in every way including kindness galore!!! Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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      1. I put it on private, Sis while I wrap up some projects before I retire. It’s a little break and gives me a chance to play some more. I’ll get you hooked up soon. Promise ❤️

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    1. Arbie, I Love hearing stories like this too and to have this happen to me AGAIN, I am wowing! This world is beginning to change!! Oh thank goodness!! SO glad you enjoyed my macro photography. I LOVE this macro lens and what I can do with it!! Much Love to you! 💖💖💖


  3. You’ve captured it beautifully! I tried a day ago to find something popping their head through the hard ground but nothing yet. Was it taken with your canon? Bless than man for checking on you.

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    1. Frazzled, all macro images that you see here are taken only with my Canon. The lens that I have for macro photography is amazing and I will use nothing else. And yes I have been praying for this man and his kindness to me. One act of kindness goes a very long way! Thank you for your compliments and may you have a wonderful day today! Much Love to you! 💕🌸💕

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  4. Oh I am laughing, seeing you lying down with your camera in the cold! Was the guy handsome? AND Iam filled with awe as I see the elemental being showing himself in your first closeup on the right! Do you see him too? You are certainly one loving lady that is attracting all the love around you…❤️ much love Barbara x

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    1. Barbara, I was so focused on that water drop I did not see what you saw! I I see!!! I honestly do see the elemental being! I am just in awe of what Mother is allowing me to see and to capture! I am filled with so much LOVE as I write this. This is so incredible! Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for pointing this out to me! Wow! Much Love to you, dear friend! 💕🌸🌹🌻💖💕

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  5. Thank you so so much for sharing Amy! This is absolutely beautiful and I really needed to hear about that care and concern and love today from our human race

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    1. Oh, Jodi!! May you be uplifted in every way by this post! I do believe I am seeing firsthand a shift in human consciousness, one that is making me say …. pinch me! BIG (((HUGS))) Amy🌹


  6. Incredible photos, Amy. That lens was worth whatever you paid for it, but of course it wouldn’t work without your skills. I admire your dedication to your art – if I lay down on my driveway I’d probably never get up again, at least not until someone came along like that gentleman did for you. What a good man! Years ago, I broke my ankle while walking the dog, and I collapsed onto the curb in front of a house with a picture window. I could see the occupants peering out at me as I sat waiting for help. But they did nothing. I had to walk home with my broken foot and then get someone to take me to the ER for treatment.

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    1. Thank you for the compliment, CM, on my photography! SO happy you enjoyed these pictures! I do believe my Mom is right there with me because lately there is a big difference in my images. If you think laying down is hard, try getting into a yoga position, holding it, and keeping the camera steady as a picture is taken in MF. Yep, that is exactly what I do when I am working with macro photography! LOL

      What you described to me is what I was so used in seeing in this world. How sad those people didn’t even come out to see if you were OK. I cannot even imagine walking with a broken ankle! You are one tough woman!! I will never forget what this man did. I am still in awe.

      Have a wonderful day today!! Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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  7. Beautiful little flowers and frozen water droplets!! ❤ The crocuses are inspiring and so is the story of the kind gentleman who stopped to ask if you were okay. 🙂 ❤ I hope you have a wonderful weekend and the little flowers have success with their adventure emerging from the cold ground. Love and blessings for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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  8. Such beautiful pictures Amy ! Little miracles happen everyday…and people like you are wonderful to share them…thank oyu and have a nice day. Delvi.

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    1. Delvi!! What a really NICE surprise! Yes miracles do happen every day, you are absolutely right! It is such a pleasure to share my passion for my camera with you! It brings me great JOY!!! May you have a wonderful weekend filled with Love and Laughter too!!! (((HUGS))) 💖💖💖


    1. Oh, Catherine, to know there are people in this world who genuinely appreciate the Beauty I show here, gives me all the thanks I could possibly need. I LOVE Mother Nature, my awe of Her every increasing with each passing year!!! May you have a wonderful weekend!! Much Love to you!! 🌹💖🌸

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  9. You have discovered ‘that path’ Amy, a journey we all must do. And suddenly we really begin to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ much beauty. And yes, begin to attract the love in this world simply because we have finally found our own ❤
    And speaking of such beauty, those flowers and their hearts are reaching for the light, as you have encouraged them to do 😀
    Great shots my friend, especially that tiny drop of moisture, another beautiful world of its own ❤

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    1. I don’t think it is only this, Mark, that I am attracting the Love in this world to me. Yes it is partly so, yet I feel strongly it is more. I am seeing a big shift in human consciousness, not in all, but in many. Last year, for example, at this same gym, it was mostly a pick up scene with the gals dressed almost like Playboy Bunnies …. I kid you not! Now? For the most part people are seriously working out! They mean business! Being involved in phones is way down as well …. the focus is working out (as it should be). I observed many “couples” fighting last year, having angry words. Now? Everyone for the most part are moving smoothly as ONE, (sure there are exceptions to the rule) with a softness in the air. I have felt such “harsh energy” in this part of the world, not just the gym, yet lately not so. Love IS in the air!

      Those flowers blew me away as did the kind man who stopped to see if I was OK. Another commenter pointed out something I missed in my first and second photo. She pointed out an elemental being. I saw it! OH WOW! Go see if you can see “him” especially in the closely cropped #2 photo. Look right and towards the bottom.

      Thank you thank you thank you for the compliment!!! Oh, dear friend, I am now walking into such a glorious world! I’m stunned and so overjoyed for I have waited for this for a very long time!! Much LOVE to you!!! 💖💖💖

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  10. Running late and catching up. These are beautiful and amazing, Amy. I love to see crocuses (I refer to them as croci) – and I think you already know how much I like seeing water drops.

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    1. Talk about running behind! Yikes! LOL Thank you, Dan, for the beautiful comment. If this post is any indication of what I will be doing with flowers this year, we are all in for a many surprises!! SO happy you enjoyed this post!! Soon, soon, warmth and sun and more flowers will be here!! Have a great weekend!!! 🤗

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  11. Amy, before I went past the first photo I saved it, blew it up in my Picasa 3 that Google keeps trying to take away from me, and I SAW IT! Absolutely fantastically, I SAW IT! What a miracle of modern day miracles. I have goose flesh right now just writing this. I’ve seen miracles before in my lifetime, but never one caught on camera like this by someone I’m acquainted with as closely as with you. Thank you for sharing this wonderful miracle with the world! I am so late in finding this. I’m finding so many lost things now, all my prayers being answered. I wrote a silly story tonight about my lost remote, mainly because it’s the only way I could deal with my relief in finding it! And also the only way I could explain how it was found where it belongs, in the first place I looked, and the place I checked several times, running my hand down and around that pocket and shining a flashlight down there as I searched! My own miracle and the power of prayer. We both have Moms watching over us! Love you, Amy!

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    1. YAYAYAYAY you saw it, Angie! Oh my goodness!! Goosebumps here!!! Angie, I could not agree with you more …. my Mom is definitely with me. If this is any indication of what I will be capturing this coming Spring and Summer and then Fall too, oh boy!! Your Mom is watching over you too!! Yes both our Moms are! No worries about being late. Look how late I am in answering you! Holy Man! SO many commented not this post I’m still answering them today! Wow!! SO excited about seeing my flowers …. And I’m happy for you that you found your remote! Much Love to you, dear friend! 💖💖💖

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      1. The whole thing gives me goose bumps, Amy. As soon as I looked at the photo my eye was drawn to that section of it and I knew I could edit it in Picasa. And the fact that I still have Picasa, with Google trying so hard to take it away, actually deleting it from my computer a couple of times, is a miracle. I keep my backup discs so I always have the programs I want even if IS retired by Google because it is “old”. I’m old too. Wonder if they are gonna delete me?
        The really strange thing about my remote? I always keep it in the place I finally found it, except the night it was lost. And on that when I began looking for it the pocket of my chair was the first place I looked. I used a flashlight a couple of times, and searched in there several times by hand and by opening it up and looking down to the bottom. Miracles, Moms and the Power of Prayer! My Mom was the one who always found places that had opportunities for amateur poetry publishing and she would tell me to submit one of mine. When I started being a featured columnist in our church newspaper she cut my article out each month and save it in a special folder. It hadn’t occurred to me to save them, but when my brother brought that folder to me I realized how much it really meant to have them again. Sometimes it’s not good to be a poet without a coffeehouse. With my Mom gone my coffeehouse has disappeared again also.
        That sounds so depressing but its supposed to be happy. She put that remote where I could find it just like your Mom put that gorgeous drop of water on the crocus. Your Mom gave me a gift also, she showed the drop to me! And the night I saw that gift I was listening to some music and thinking about today when my daughter will visit and suddenly a story started building in my mind. It was so silly I tried to shake it off but it wouldn’t leave, so I finally opened the computer and started typing it all just as it came to me.and it is one of my favorite stories, my second children’s story. Writing was fun again! Love you! 3 ❤

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  12. OMG Amy!!! What a thrillingly exhilarating post this is for me! It has filled me and left me dripping with Joy. The pictures, the drops, the snowflake, the dirt all so stunningly beautiful! Your post is a powerhouse of inspiration to open up to the exquisite beauty and joy of life for anyone who is willing to be nourished by it! I sure am and find great support for Being and just simply Being for no other purpose just like the flowers regardless of the conditions around – I am full even before dinner, with what you served here 🙂 May you magnetize the planet with this Love and Kindness!

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    1. Dearest friend, I can feel your excitement and your enthusiasm all the way here! I’m thrilled, just thrilled your Being became stirred up as you saw the magnificent display of Mother’s Creation and Masterpieces!
      I have another Gift for you that someone pointed out to me, something I missed. There is an ELEMENTAL BEING in the first and in the second photos. You can seem “him” best in the second photo. Look towards the right bottom and there you will see another Miracle. These Beings to my knowledge are invisible, yet they are now allowing ME and now YOU to see them!!! I am beyond privileged as Mother’s Trust in me is increasing. I am speechless with no words to describe the deep awe and wonder I feel inside!
      Let us ALL magnetize this planet with Love and Kindness every single day! I am witnessing a true shift in human consciousness, not in all, but in many! There is a New Softness within the Cosmic Energy, feminine in nature, and golden to “feel”. I’ve waited a long time for this, a dream of living in a world that remembers LOVE.
      Now go back and see this elemental being, Pragalbha. You will be blown away, I promise you!!! Much Love and (((HUGS))) Amy 💞💞💞

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      1. Dearest Amy, you infect, immerse and surround me in this Universal Love and Magic …with your faith and beautiful perspectives.
        I see something in the bottom right of the second photo. I am sorry to disappoint you but I do not know what you mean by Elemental Being. Kindly let me know or direct me to some information.
        ‘There is a New Softness within the Cosmic Energy, feminine in nature, and golden to “feel”. I’ve waited a long time for this, a dream of living in a world that remembers LOVE’ – How I am soaking in these words of yours!! Amy I had lost my way a bit from a similar magical world that I had created for myself – you are opening it up for me again and I am as if arriving home after taking a detour.

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      2. Elemental Being is the same as a Fairy. Now just bear with me because we who are “adults” know this is only a childish thing, yet what harm is it to believe? I know what I saw and as I stared I was already making excuses as to what it could be … etc. (smile)

        As for what you wrote here, you leave me in tears. We all loose our way for a bit. Heavens! I was completely broken at best just a few short months ago, not even sure if I was in my right mind. Now however I am experiencing such JOY and the people that are crossing my paths show this very aspect …. JOY and much Laughter! OH OH OH! I don’t know what is happening, but Honey, I’ve waited so long for this. Again today I had another “magical” encounter and the laughter that it brought forth from everyone …. and the LOVE …. just WOW! I got such a huge hug as well!

        Keep right on what you are doing … you are doing GREAT. Remember we sometimes must get lost in order to be found again in a new and better way. You touched me so deeply. I really do have tears in my eyes ….. 💞💞💞

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      3. And I too have real tears now 🙂 And also I am laughing as I am reading your words. I am filled with beautiful joy right now. I look forward to my own magical experiences now! I believe true laughter is a gift just like Joy. And I haven’t laughed in a while. Reading your experience has cracked me open. I feel so so happy for you and because of you!

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      4. And this is a secret I share with you …. I refuse to put “expectations” on anything. Expectations only lead to disappointment. Rather, I just “know” that good things do come, and then hold gratitude in my Heart that magic will somehow unfold. And it does. SO many stories lately …. How beautiful life is, with a deep thread of Connection that when experienced just brings me to tears at times. (((HUGS))), Sweetie. If I was able to cross the huge arid, dark, and extremely painful desert, and find Paradise …. so can you. Honest. How can I relay to you the years of yearning for a world I “felt” existed? And it does exist!!! 🌺🌿🦋🌹🌸🌷🕊🌼

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      5. I just “know” that good things do come, and then hold gratitude in my Heart that magic will somehow unfold – This was me few years go, trusting only this and nothing else. You are reminding me of the power I had in my conviction, that I deviated from recently. Yes I believe you, it does exist! I managed to let it get polluted for me. I had landed in that world after arriving from a painful desert too. And I took it for granted for a while or made it dependent on other people. You are right to point out about expectations.
        Magic exists!

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      6. Prag, I thought I found my Paradise years ago. I “felt” it. Then the dark hit and I mean dark. Years worth. I doubted everything in my life. Things happened that I thought would never happen. I was shaken to my very soul. All of a sudden lately it seems I’m coming out from the cloud of dark and the world is so different and clean and lovely and FUN! Magic does exist IF you but believe …………..

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  13. Great photos Amy! It’s like a sneak peek into the microscopic world of Mother! I always thought if I was a very small being living in the woods, my world would be totally different! A leaf would be a roof!! It’s nice to be reminded of this “other” world!! Thanks for your trained eye and observation skills and for seeing with all of your Self!! Another act of kindness!! Well, incredible!! Love to you!! Donna

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    1. Donna, I LOVE macro photography because it allows me to see a world that is SO small and it continuously challenges me. I am fascinated, blown away, just enthralled. I am SO thrilled you enjoyed this post! Yes I do have a very observant eye and it just seems to be getting better and better. What’s the saying that your eyesight goes with age? HOGWASH!

      And yes another act of kindness. Incredible indeed! May you have a glorious weekend and experience for yourself at least one random act of kindness. Much Love to you! 💖💖💖

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  14. Great pics AR….Amazing detail! Creator forgets nothing! Such splendor on so many levels. And I love the fact that guy came forward to help you! Such an important gesture of heartfelt care and concern for another! Gives one hope for humanity…People so often think of how much so and so saved them in a particular moment when in fact you gave a great deal to him as well. We all like moments to feel we did something good and were at our best and you were able to supply him with that. It was worth the frozen belly you probably had. LOL !!! Take care and happy weekending…VK ❤

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    1. Oh, VK!! I am SO happy you truly enjoyed this post! I never even stopped to think what I gave this man. I was concerned I hurt his feelings by laughing joyfully as I told him I was taking pictures. Now today I was told my laugh is wonderful …. perhaps I gave this man the Gift of hearing my laughter … so free and so full of LIFE. Huh. Wow! You really got me thinking here. THANK YOU!!! And yes this really does give hope for humanity. I had another glorious day today with people where I get my hair done. For hours we talked and laughed and joked until all of us had tears in our eyes. Glorious!! This is where I was told my laughter is so wonderful! And it is! It is infectious! Why? Because I feel when I laugh so free and childlike and you can hear it! You know how you feel when you hear a small child laugh? That is what my laughter is like …. oh wow! I am giving the Gift of Laughter!! Holy Moly! Happy Weekend, dear friend!! Laugh and laugh your way to freedom!!! (((HUGS)))! 🌼🌼🌼

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  15. It all comes to you because with what you share we all feel the embrace of your lovely heart and soul! You love blossoms forth daily in all that you share! That is the reason it is so easy to love you, my sister! Spiritual hugs and blessings always to you and your family!

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    1. Oh, Wendell! The words you say bring such humbleness to my Heart and bring tears to my eyes. Bless you, dear brother! Bless you! Much Love and BIG (((HUGS))) 💖💖💖


    1. Oh my goodness!! Such a compliment! Thank you! Yes I do have steady hands …. years worth of practice I have under my belt. It’s nice to be recognized as you did me. Bless you! 💖🌸💖

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    1. My neighbors have finally gotten used to seeing me on the ground and no longer run to see if I am OK. (smile) And thank you about my images …. I LOVE what I do! I’m encouraged to know that there are people in this world who do care! Lately I’ve been seeing a shift in consciousness as though some are coming awake realizing how far off the beaten track of human decency we have gotten. May you have a wonderful day today!! 💖


What we think and write and say become our reality ....