Up And Down and In Between

53 thoughts on “Up And Down and In Between”

  1. Beautiful photo, Amy.

    When we love, we do also risk to loose, but what is life without love?

    You are doing all the best for your beauties and they don’t ask for more than that. They are love-giving all their lives and we learn so much from them.
    Much love, healing and hugs your way, dear friend ❤

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    1. Thank you, Irene, about my photograph. I worked especially hard on expressing what I wanted to be expressed. I just got off the phone with a grief counselor and something she said struck home. There is a price we pay when we love someone deeply and it it is that cost that brings new growth into our lives. I am so relieved Rocky is no longer suffering yet his presence here is so very missed. I am making sure that those in this family who are really suffering get the best possible help so they do not go into crisis mode. Bless you my friend. May you have a very wonderful day today. Much love to you. 💕🐾💕


  2. Amy, sometimes life must take precedence over blogging. I know you know that, but so many people don’t. Any readers that left because you didn’t post often enough (in their opinion) were not loyal readers and will not be missed in the long run. Your faithful followers (like me) are still here – although sometimes we might not let you know that often enough because life has interfered with our own blogging efforts. A smaller, true following is better than a huge readership made up of those who are simply trying to boost their own numbers.

    I know things have been especially rough for you recently. Hopefully, things will get better. Hugs!

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    1. CM, oh yes life does take preference over blogging that one I do know in spades! Once Upon a Time the numbers meant everything to me but they no longer do. That no longer holds true for me. What matters is the genuine, sincere conversations and interactions that I do have with those who come to my blog. That is what matters to me. And yes I’ve had one hell of a time of late dealing with one after the other another death to the point that I do not know whether I’m coming or going. I am in contact with a wonderful grief counselor who is helping me get my head back together as well as my life. I’m hanging in there and I will not let go … you have my word on that. Thank you for the hugs by the way. They mean everything to me! Much Love to you this day, dear friend! 💕😙💕


  3. The picture up above is amazing, pure amazeballs! When I saw it, I immediately wanted to add it to my collection.

    The thought that crossed my mind when I read the post though was a bit more sombre. All things do have a natural end. Oddly enough, I’ve experimented with growing younger in this life, with marginal success. I’m getting better at it, but can’t say I have it mastered. People usually see me up to 20 years younger than my age, and pushing mid 50s, it is nothing but strange when young women seem to take an interest.

    Life prepares us for stuff in natural ways. The free flowing movement of events make us lock on to eventualities before they happen, so we are usually always ready. What is gone is gone, what is here remains. Enjoy what remains while it still exists.

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    1. I had just gotten off the phone with a grief counselor, when I read your comment and an actual real smile flashed across my face when I read what you wrote about my picture. Thank you! Amazeballs? Too much! And about the aging thing… When I am not in the mist of all this pain I too look younger then my years. I too can still turn heads and believe me at my age that is a true blessing! No none of us can cheat death yet I refuse to be a certain number and I will continue to live my life according to me. In doing so, all you have to do is look at my eyes, look at my skin, look at my hair, look at my entire body and know that I am doing something right. I am happy for you that you found the elixir of Youth. Good for you! Much love to you today. Amazing that I can actually say I smiled and it’s all because of you. 💕😙💕

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      1. Glad I could put a smile on your face. 🙂 A little laugh, a spontaneous smile, helps to change the tenor of things. 😉

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    1. I’m trying to figure out just how to do that very thing right now, Rita. I do not know whether I am coming or going these days. All I know how to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Love you! 💕

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  4. Such beautiful words of love you share with your natural photos of Mother Earth… with us all… Like yourself life is certainly happening for most people and we have to choose priorities… self love is no 1… real social contact and then blogging, but you’ll find true online friends will always keep popping into your loving space. Much love x barbara x

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    1. Oh life is certainly happening, Barbara, that is for sure! I was greatly encouraged by something my veterinarian said to my husband and myself the other day. In one year he lost nine of his cats and I look at his life today and I think to myself the reason why so many were lost to he and his wife was to make room for their new baby. This is how I am looking at my life with all these multiple deaths something beautiful and bright and shiny new is coming my way. And the only way that would happen is if it had room to come. Much Love to you this day. 💕🐾💕

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      1. Yes and you can know unconsciously people all choose to shift dimension and work with others on other realms… we have to remember we are multidimensional… and animals are true light beings who serve us always… understanding sometimes space has to be made for our new experiences. Love barbara x

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      2. Take my word for it, Barbara, I have huge holes in my life. Right now I look like a piece of Swiss cheese. I know in my Heart much had to leave in order for new to come in and because of the vastness of these holes, I know this new is going to be huge!

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  5. Much Love to you Amy! I would like to communicate to you from the stillness in my heart, upon reading your post. Words will not suffice for the experience you are conveying here, any attempt will make it small …

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    1. Your ability to perceive and to see is quite commendable, dear friend. I am in the midst of incredibly gigantic proportions life-altering changes all leading to New Growth. Having no idea of where I am heading, all I am able to do at this time is to put one foot in front of the other and take care to the best of my ability not only myself, but those who depend on me for their quality of life. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart for your great compassion. Much Love to you! 💕😚💕

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      1. I am in deep respect, honor, prayer and awe of what a profound journey you have been gifted, unseen to the ordinary eye, but I see and feel grace dripping off of every word you write about your journey. Reading you helps me stay real in my Being and intention as it can be easy for me to take for granted what I have been gifted.

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  6. We start blogging, sharing what we feel wants to be shared, we connect, we build up our blog, follow bloggers, read their posts, and at some point, this all seems to take over… until life teaches us differently. It is not easy let our blog rest but it is necessary. Life comes first!

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  7. Dear sweet Amy ❤ The photo is amazing!! I hope you find peace as you wander in nature with your camera. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤ Love and blessings to you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Thank you, Sarah. The original was taken in Monochrome on my camera and I added an HDR option in PS in order for this image to really bloom. I’ve been learning a lot lately as I allow my emotional pain to guide me to learn new with my photography. That and I am again allowing my Heart to express itself through my Therapist. Bless you for your thoughts and prayers. Much Love to you! 💖

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  8. The photo is breathless 💕! I’m sorry for your loss and suffering and hate the pain it must be causing. I watched the movie, Collateral Beauty, the other night. It made me cry and sob but really touches so poignantly on love, death, and time. You are in my thoughts, Amy🦋🌻💞

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    1. I too watched the movie, Collateral Beauty, and I cried as well. Love is forever. Time is cruel as is death yet both are only an illusion of what is Real. These thoughts and more I stay focused on to assist me to move through this extremely painful phase of my life. And THANK YOU for the compliment on my photograph. I’ve been given so much encouragement today to continue the “new” I am doing with my camera and editing room. Much Love to you, Anne! 💞🦋💞


  9. My heart goes out to you Amy, it does seem to be blow after blow, but it is guiding you. This is a big shift. Rocky has given you something so full of love that will make you so much stronger even as it hurts, because it is creating more self love. That ability to share from a cup that is no longer empty. Like the photo above, your ‘seeing’ something that others are aware of, but still cannot see. Thank you for sharing that love ❤
    Big hugs my friend, they all are in a most beautiful place with a love like no other. They are safe, they are free, and they are at peace…as they wish for you ❤

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    1. Mark, this shift is of a proportion that it is bigger then anything I have ever witnessed. My cats are realizing today the truth about Rocky (it takes about 4 days for them to reel and know) and I have been going to each one, comforting them, dosing them with Rescue Remedy and pain medication when indicated. Stress induces their symptoms to flair up and so I am doing everything I can to avoid another disaster. And my ability to share? Even though I am not feeling much, I know that I know my Love is still being felt. Bless you for telling me what you did. Yes I am seeing more, so much more and to be truthful I question how much more can I be stretched? Thank you for the hugs! Yes my babies are in the Better Place yet their physical presence are so so missed!! I had to reduce Jersey from a hole in the bales of hay because it hit her today that Echo is really gone and she was frozen in confusion. Oh yes these cats suffer when one of them leaves. Rocky never recovered from Karma (his soulmate) and that is one reason why he passed at age 12, which is very young in cat years. Much Love to you!! 💖

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      1. I understand their reaction, they are so sensitive to those around them. Especially their ‘mom’ who is trying to be brave under incredible circumstances. You are doing the right thing though by going out into nature and grounding. I know its cold but if you can find a good patch of earth, snow free, and put your bare feet on it for a few minutes you will feel a much better balance within. Winter unbalances us simply because we don’t get uncovered and outside to that grounding. It will be like the feeling you get on your normal hikes in summer. People don’t realise how healing and natural it is to our system within.
        There is a well written piece at this site (I won’t put a link in as each time I do my comment gets thrown in everyone’s spam folder) Just put a www in front of it. (Mind you, it still may be recognised as a link).
        Big hugs Amy, sending you lots of love ❤

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      2. I am still going to the forest, Mark. I also know that salt is a great balancer and a cleanser of the aura. Also, a good soak in an Epsom salts bath balances and cleanses as well. It really is too cold for me to put a bare foot on the earth at this time. I know you don’t understand what cold can be because you live in Australia but just take my word for it there’s no way I’m putting my foot on bare ground right now. I will read the link that you sent and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Know that I am doing everything I know how to do to get myself back together again in order to serve these precious cats in order for them to get through this very difficult time. May you have a great day today, dear friend! 💕🌸💕

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      3. I agree kind lady, I do not ‘know’ what cold is, so my suggestion may have been a little laughable 😀
        Your comments on salts says you are being very positive in your approach anyway and you have things well in hand. So instead I will just send oodles of loving energy your way to assist that beating heart ❤
        Much love also kind lady, and a great day for you all ❤

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  10. Amy…It seems everyone I encounter these days, including myself, are dealing with an issue or issues that keep repeating, I guess because we aren’t getting the correct message maybe? We are perhaps not understanding the lessons? It is exhausting, at times frustrating, infuriating and baffling. Sooner or later I know we will figure it out and the lessons will cease, and new ones will arise. Until such time stay strong, breathe deeply and be love…..VK ❤

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    1. VK, my Vet lost 9 of his cats in one year! Imagine! Yet this is the beauty I “see”. His wife who had a very difficult pregnancy just gave birth to a son. If they still had those 9 cats, they truly would have been extremely overwhelmed. Those cats who left made room FOR NEW! This is how I am looking at my life! New is coming … YES! 💞

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  11. Amy,
    “Death is not cessation of Life, it is cessation if the free will”. (Sh.Yawar)

    So, death is transfer of Soul from one state of body to the other, which is basically preperation for meeting of The Lord of mankind, The King of mankind and The God of mankind!
    So, let’s seek refuge from the evil of the whisperer, who withdraws, Who whispers in the breasts of mankind, and from the jinn and men.

    I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. God bless!

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    1. I know you really mean well, for I in the past used to say words like this. It is an entirely different story however, when you experience up-close-and-personal the loss of a dearly beloved one. I have lost many who I have love in a very brief time and the grief is immeasurable. Yet I seek the light and I seek the beauty and I seek ways to put myself back together again in order to keep on living with joy deep in my Heart. Life is precious and yes death is an illusion. The Soul lives forever but it is the physical presence in this realm that is missed terribly when a loved one passes. I really do thank you for what you wrote here and I mean no harm by what I have just said to you. Much Love to you this day. 💕🐾💕


    1. Knowing I have a truly genuine following of a group of people who like me for me and who really look forward to what I create, well, what more can I ask for? As I told someone else, the numbers used to mean everything to me, but not any more. What counts are the beautiful people I have come to know and respect. Thank you, Dan! 💖💖💖

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  12. Hi Amy. I have many ways to express what I might say in response. But I think I’ll just say your most recent post about letting go, changing perspective pretty well covers the topic. Now if the ‘like’ button would load on that post for me, I’d have hit ‘like’ for sure. 😶

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