Early Present

83 thoughts on “Early Present”

  1. Kudos to you for being able to get that pic Amy. Looks like it would have been a work of art. As for coconut oil, I can well believe that. It’s a bit of an elixir for everything. Great tip! xo 🌹

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    1. Thank you, Miriam, for the pat on the back on getting this photo. It was a challenge! Yes, I cannot think what coconut oil is NOT good for. I AM beating this dryness this Winter. Doesn’t help when the photographer (me) is outside for hours in cold and windy weather with her camera. LOL Have a great day today! ☺️

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    1. LOL@Garfield! Sometimes I look at my hair and look some more, just stunned how beautiful my hair now is. Of course I work at it and having curly hair in the cold weather here is a challenge. Every time I get my hair done I just stare as I ask my stylists … “That is MY hair?” It was my pleasure to share this tip. May you have a great day today!! 💝


  2. Beautiful looking hair, Amy. I use coconut oil to lubricate my dry, aging skin, especially the hands, before bedtime. Works wonders. Also, used it years ago when I injured my knee and it helped bring the swelling down. Have a great day! 🙂

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    1. Olga, I have been adding coconut oil to my smoothies everyday for my dry skin problem and I’m already seeing a big difference. Also I make my own body butter with shea butter as one of the ingredients and I am going to be adding coconut oil to it as well. If there’s one thing I cannot tolerate it is dry skin which is very irritating as you well know. I hope you have a really good day today! 💕🎄💕

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  3. It’s a good tip, and your result is great. What’s this about guys? If men choose not to care for themselves it is their loss. My friend owns a small salon, and I give her free rein with my hair. She chooses the cut and advises me on safe, quality, natural products. I’m not alone, but we don’t talk about it, lest we be judged. Thanks for the challenge!!!😎

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    1. It’s shame men feel they must be quiet about taking care of their hair. I must admit the generation I grew up with, men tend to be “macho” and scoff at the thought of actually incorporating a “beauty tip” in their hair routine. Everyone should take good care of their hair men and women included. I see lots of men in the salon I go to. May you have a great day today! 🎄💖


      1. My friend has many men as clients. Often businessmen and pilots. And a pedicure is a wise treatment for my paralyzed feet. It’s part of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for the comment about guys and inviting us into the conversation.

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    1. Oh no! Olive oil? Oh I would think at least two washings would have gotten it all out. At least you were on the “right track”. 😉 I was pleasantly surprised how easy the coconut oil came out of my hair. Merry Christmas, dear friend!! 💝🎄💝

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  4. Your hair looks amazing, Amy 🙂
    Coconut oil are good for many things and one day, I will try this too. Explanation will follow in a mail later.
    It is also a great idea to use in smoothies.

    Much love to you ❤

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    1. Thank you, Holly! I hope this works for you, I really do! I’ve been having a great deal of problems with dry skin and hair this year for some reason. Coconut oil is helping me! Good luck!! 💝


  5. Hi Amy 🙂 Thank you for the tip. 🙂 Your hair looks very healthly. 🙂 ❤ I haven't tried conditioning my hair with coconut oil. I have the regular kind which I use to brush my teeth. I have thought about trying deep conditioning with it. It is solid when cold, but quickly turns into liquid when heated up even by stirring. I don't have a shower cap. I will put it on the shopping list and give your idea a try. Why not? It could be fun. 🙂 Love and blessings for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Sarah, if you have Saran wrap that would work too. I was doing Saran Wrap but I got so frustrated because the darn stuff sticks together so well that in trying to put it on my hair I made more of a mess than anything else. LOL Coconut oil is good for just about anything I can even think of so let me know how this tip turns out for you when you use it. I use the liquid form of coconut oil on my hair and the solid form of coconut oil for my smoothies. But you’re right because the solid form does very quickly turn to liquid even held in the palm of your hand. Good luck! 😘

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    1. Yes, Marissa, coconut oil really does work. I was stunned by the great results I saw! Good luck if you try this. Caution… This is messy because the oil is liquid so if you are not careful the oil will get everywhere. Have a great day today! 💕🎄💕


  6. Great idea 🙂 I’ll have to try this because I have natural curls too and my hair is also naturally dry, so frizzzzzzz is always right around the corner (or Sammy Hagar, as I like to say) Im wondering if I can use any Coconut Oil? And how much did you use? a cup? half a cup? three tablespoons? I take a Vitamin E supplement this time of year to help my hair and skin, but it isn’t quite enough.
    Thanks for the Tip!

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    1. Morgan, I did not measure how much coconut oil I used. I just applied enough to get my hair wet enough and then I took a comb and combed it through. And those portions of my hair that still looked dry I added more coconut oil. It also depends on how long your hair is. The longer your hair the more you will use. I carefully applied it to my hair pouring oil in the palm of my hands and then applying that to my hair. This job can be messy so that is why I am stressing carefully. I too have vitamin E in my pantry but it is not enough for some reason this year. Good luck and let me know how you make out with this tip. Much Love to you this day! 💕🎄💕

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      1. You might want to try it on wet hair or damp hair at first. Like I said this job can be quite messy and I think because your hair is so long that it would be a lot easier for you to apply if your hair was already damp or wet. And you are really welcome! 😘

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  7. Looking good Amy, it does shine beautifully. Thanks for the tip but I own a No.1 electric haircut, grey, and it couldn’t wave in a cyclone if it wanted too 😀
    Mind you, I do have coconut oil on my toast of a morning, it replaces the butter that I used to have. Apparently very good for the mind as well, let alone nice shiny hair 😀 ❤

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    1. I too eat coconut oil in my smoothies every morning, Mark. I’m hoping that soon my dry skin will be history right along with my dry hair. I don’t know what’s going on this year but I’m really having a lot of problems with dryness. All the stress that I have been under doesn’t help any I would think. I actually put honey in my coffee with orange juice instead of milk and sugar. It really tastes good! Hoping you are having a wonderful day today. Much Love to you. 💕🎄💕

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      1. And to you also kind lady, may Santa be nice to you after all you’ve been through…and maybe hang around for breakfast, you might be able to fill him in on how to look after his beard 😀 ❤

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  8. My hairdresser recommends this treatment. Glad to read your testimonial, esp. about the ease of washing it out, which was causing me to hesitate. A timely post as I was thinking just yesterday that my frizzies needed to be addressed. 😉 ❤

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    1. I am so happy reading this that I was able to reassure you that what your hairdresser recommended is really good for your hair. Do not have any worries about how to wash it out because honestly it washes out like a dream. I hope you had a really good day today, Eliza. 💕🎄💕

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    1. I had a dream that is assisting me to move forward, Wendell. I’m seeking my Heart if I should share this dream with all here. This Dream is a Gift straight from Heaven and my most valuable Gift at this time of year. Love to you, dear brother! Happy Holidays! 🎄 PS … You make me smile knowing I made you smile. 🙂 💝

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  9. I am not in the least surprised. I use coconut oil for everything, that is my go to skin and fcacial conditioner and I have indeed done a deep moisture treatment on my hair. You just reminded me to domit again! Being sick and taking all sorts of drying meds aling with Winter’s harshness have left my hair less silky. Tha ks for the tip/reminder. 😀

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    1. I hope you are feeling better, Cheryl. You are very welcome for the reminder. As I said in this post, this year I am contending with a lot of dryness issues. Age also is a contributing factor, grrrrrr ….. Take care and may you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! 💞🎄💞

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  10. Girl, I am with you. The older I get, the less frequent I need to suds my hair. Gave up commercial shampoo about a year ago, took up coconut oil about four years ago. Curls have never looked better 😉 You got it!

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    1. One advantage to age is less shampooing. YAY! I still use commercial shampoo but it is a brand that has all the sulphates and other bad stuff out of it so basically it is just plain good shampoo. I look forward to having a lifelong relationship with coconut oil. Good to hear you do too!!! Thumbs up!

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