Before You Do

62 thoughts on “Before You Do”

    1. You win the Brave Award today, Dan. Yes this is a strong message, one that we all can learn from. It takes a strong person to comment on something like this. Thank you! Hope you are having a truly wonderful Sunday! 💕🌈💕

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    1. Smiling. Bless you, Donna for commenting. When the “flowers” speak to me I listen and do not question. This is an unusually strong message that I was given yet I know in my heart these words are desperately in need if being heard in today’s world. May your Sunday be wonderful! 💕

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    1. Bless you, Holly, for such wise words. No we do not know what another person is experiencing hence loving mercy kindness is the Higher Way. Granted not easy for any of us sometimes especialky when we get triggered, but we all can practice and as we do this world will become a better place. May your Sunday be wonderful! 💖🌹💕

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    1. Thank you, LeeAnn. You can actually give this Day Lily the credit for it was She who whispered these words to me. Yes this message is strong yet it is so needed in today’s world! Have a wonderful Sunday! 💖🌹💖


    1. Thank you, Erika. You are absolutely right about light dimming when criticism is at hand. It also shows the insecurity of the one who employs criticism. I too love how this flower expresses what these words say. I’m never far from awe every time this happens. Have a great Sunday, dear friend! 💖🌹💖

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      1. I hear you, Amy. Those moments when we understand without words are such blessings. Not only the insight but also realizing that we recognize them. That’s what moves me every time when I see the link between your words and your photos. Amazing!!

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    1. Yes, Olga, I agree. Many of the sayings here have been inspired by what I photographed. I’m not able to say how or why but I just know it to be true. May your Sunday be wonderful! 💖🌹💖

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  1. An old Romanian proverb says: You have to see the girder from your eye before you tell somebody about the straw from his eye!
    Beautiful picture as always, dear Amy 🙂
    Mo-hugs and kisses ❤

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    1. Thank you, Karen, times two! I’m having a quiet day, thank you, one that had been needed. I’m just about ready to head out to water my front gardens. I hope your Sunday was wonderful! 🌹


      1. It’s too cold over this neck of the woods for gardening, I just wish I could get over this flu bug so I can get out a bit more. Enjoy your gardens and the warm weather.

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  2. Wonderful stories here today! 😀
    Happy Belated Fourth of July! That was as a super piece. ⭐
    Your bike ride and 2 men stopping to help was reaffirming that many people are basically good and decent. And what the heck, you deserve to have 2 men trying to help you!
    I’m very happy to hear your hubby has shaken off some of that Nam horror! War is such a disgusting idea, and a worse reality. I did a movie once, for Showtime, about the Vietnam War. I’m still recovering from the movie.
    It was very interesting to read your post about which flower pics were taken with your camera, and which with your phone? I couldn’t tell, but from the first flower I saw here today, I kept saying to myself, Amy’s flowers just keep getting more and more fabulous!
    I suppose cameras have a lot to do with a picture, but Amy, your photos have captured more than what the camera reveals. They capture your love and heart!
    Have a wonderful week! xo

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    1. Aw, Resa! Whenever you come to visit and read what I have posted you make me smile because you so appreciate what I post. Thank you! What an ego booster with those two men … LOL. About the Vietnam War I don’t know how much longer I can honestly live with this man I am married to. His problems outnumber the small number of growth he has had. You think you have nightmares? I now have PTSD and at times disassociate from the way he acts. I don’t admit these things much but … I am now. What war has done to this man is beyond description and he just it seems is not able to recover.
      I’m falling more and more in LOVE with my camera, Rosa, and what I see. Thank God for the flowers that comfort me and bring me Peace and Beauty and a piece of Heaven. Yes it is evident how much I LOVE them. You have a wonderful week as well, dear friend. Keep on shining your Light!! You truly are beautiful! 💞💖💞

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  3. Bit of an angry poem but we all have things we want to say and get off our chest. As House or Heart mentioned, all of us have our own struggles and it can be very hard to understand what someone else is going through. Sometimes we can just try to be with them and be there for them. Love how you incorporated a touch of photography into your words – it’s your poem as much as it’s all for us to read and reflect on. Wishing you a good week 😊💙

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    1. Hi, Mabel. Where you see anger I see a strong message. Sometimes the words I hear are not for the faint of heart. The subject of critism here was not sugar coated nor should it be. Everywhere one turns today one hears reads sees criticism. Perhaps this is why I was given these words to really grab your attention. I usually don’t get such strong messages but I never question and so I do what I am guided to do. Maybe the loudness of these words are meant to smash down the complacency too often seen as eyes are averted and ugliness ignored. As these words speak I live and regardless of criticism I experience it is not retaliated. I see the emptiness, the low self esteem, the lack of love and so do not add to it. This poem is not angry. It is strong. Much Love to you! 💖🌹💖


      1. I like how you see it. Sometimes we are angry because we are angry, we have to take a stance, express ourselves and move along. Love how you see it as a means to be stronger and better, for anger is not a wrong emotion to feel ❤ ❤


      2. You’ve got me thinking here, Mabel. Anger. Trickster in spades. Anger is not wrong, per say, yet it becomes wrong when it is used to deliberately hurt another. There all kinds of anger. I’m hiking today and so as I do I will be contemplating the many faces of anger to perhaps do a future post on it. Thank you so much for this conversation. 🎀

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