When … (6 IMAGES)

83 thoughts on “When … (6 IMAGES)”

    1. Good eye! And now that the cat is out of the bag all those following you won’t have to guess as they read your comment. 😂 I should have taken all of them in “landscape” mode … my cell was portrait composition. Have a great weekend! 💞

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    1. Not all of these images were taken with my Samsung, Olga. Four were taken with my professional Canon 6D. But, the obvious quality of those taken with my phone compared with my Canon is stunning! Hope your weekend is great! 🌹

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      1. Yes. I read the prior comment who guessed it right. Just comparing. Wonderful roses! Great weekend to you also. We’re getting a bit rained out in our Canada day festivities. Got to take some photos at a Farmer’s Market and then the downpour started.

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    1. Hi, Erika, and welcome back to WP. Yes the first one is correct but there really is a second one in there taken by my Samsung. It’s crazy to think that an image taken by a cellphone is just as good or almost as good as one taken with a professional camera. That’s a pause for reflection! Have a great weekend! 💞

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  1. These are beautiful, Amy. I wouldn’ tbe surprised if yo took them all with your phone. More important today are your words. The message rings true and must be understood, if we’re to find true happiness. Have a wonderful weekend.

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    1. Thank you so very much, Dan. You are the only one who has mentioned what I wrote and I so appreciate your feedback that you not only understand but agree. As for these roses … my Samsung is surprising the heck out of me! Made my decision … I’m sticking with Samsung … no switch to the Apple. YOU have a wonderful weekend too! 💖

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    1. Oh, thank you, Rita!!! Everyone LOVES my Roses and I am just so fortunate I have any this year due to these insects which are very very troublesome. And thank you about what I wrote. You of anyone would understand!!! Love you, Sis! 💝

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    1. Yes they are from my garden. Oh yes! And I’m just so happy to be able to have Roses this year on account of the amount of insects this year. I’ve been kept very busy running about keeping my Rose bushes as healthy as I can. Whew!! The product of my work is so worth it as you can see here! Have a great weekend! I’m thrilled you enjoyed this post today! Much Love to you! 🌸


  2. Hi Amy!
    Beautiful roses!! Incredible photos as usual!! I could only hope to take photos as stunning. It really is hard to believe a phone can take pictures similar in quality to a canon! I noticed though, I favor the Canon shots, my favorite is #2, with #4 as a close second – the depth is superb! Lovely message too! Thanks for sharing, lovely!!

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    1. Hi, Donna. I’m as stunned as you are because my Canon 6D is a professional camera and to have my cellphone taking pictures “almost” as good, well, that gets me thinking about things. As for you taking pictures like this all I can say is practice continually. Play around with settings. Play around with how to take a certain picture from different angles or different settings. Getting down to the ground and NOT moving takes muscles and discipline. I highly recommend Yoga or some sort of exercise that both builds strength and allows for flexibility. I’ve put years in for both the photography and the exercise, and I’m still learning (in both). I allow what I see with my camera to connect to my Heart and then I seem to slip away into a world of my own. The message is Universal and so important for everyone to understand because in this world of ours we are taught Love is found in the “other” person. No. We must learn to Love ourselves first before we can even recognize what True Love is. (smile) You are very welcome for my sharing ….. I LOVE sharing. Have a great weekend, dear friend! 🌹

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  3. The one above the words ‘within the infinite lessons you are given to learn’, and ‘your heart is ready to accept’ 😀
    And I struggled to even pick them as the Samsung shots 😀
    But regardless, they are all very beautiful Amy, especially that magnificent one at the top 😀 ❤

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    1. Actually, Mark, the first and the sixth photos are the Samsung photos, believe it or not. I still am in awe that this tiny camera in my phone can even compare with my professional camera. Just incredible to even think it! 🌹

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  4. AmyRose, I use my cellphone photos occasionally and don’t feel any need to ID them as such, yet my phone is not the latest, greatest and only 5 mp. Still, my Sony takes pictures in difficult lighting and a phone can’t do that we’ll, no matter. But why would anyone buy an inexpensive camera these days when we have phones? You have some beautiful roses, for sure. 🙂 👍💛

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    1. Robert, thank you for the compliment for my beautiful roses, that I Love so much! I work hard to give those roses the best environment possible to flower for me. As for talking about Samsung versus Canon, I did so because my amazement was skyhigh to see such quality photos from my cellphone when compared to my “professional” very expensive Canon camera. I normally do not post pics of my flowers that were taken by by my cell but that is slowly beginning to change. I’ve been posting landscape pics and cat pics taken by my Samsung and there again the quality is up there. Just totally mind blowing to me. Sadly I think the “professional” heavy cameras usage will decrease over time due to the lightness and convenience of a cellphone. There is still something, though taking pics with a “big” camera. I still will no matter what. 🙂 ❤

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      1. Nothing compares to a full frame for poster size pictures and landscapes, for sure. 🙂 I loved the 6D but it was a magnet for the wrong crowd when travelling where and how I do at times. My little Sony APSC is great so no complaints. 📷

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      2. Totally understand about where it is “safe” to have an expensive camera. I also have a small compact Samsung camera that I use in those places I don’t feel comfortable having my Canon. I’m learning there is a purpose for each camera I do own. Nice! 😉

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    1. Welcome, Daisymae!! I use 3 cameras. My main one is my professional Canon 6D, and using my Samsung Galaxy S6 phone camera along with my Samsung camera. I love taking pictures to add to the beauty of this world. Many years I have under my belt with cameras and I’m still learning. 💖🌹💖

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  5. I think you have an artistic eye and whichever camera you use they will come out lovely. 🌹
    I thought the first and last ones look like my own pink roses photograph with “Raindrops on Roses” being the title. xoxo 💖 💕
    (I take all my photos on my blog, except awards, on my cellphone!)


  6. Hmmm. 1, 3 and 5? Only because they look enhanced. If they are not enhanced photos then they are mind-blowingly gorgeous roses. (Spellcheck tells me mind-blowingly is not a real word).

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    1. None are enhanced, Alison. I seem able to capture magic and I agree it is mind blowing. To heck what spell check says IMO. I fight with it all the time! And yes 1 and 6 are taken by my Samsung. 😉💕💖

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  7. Such wonderful Roses Amy.. and I would not like to guess.. But i know phone images are amazing now a days.. off the top of my head I would make a guess at the first two.. 🙂 were from your phone.. 😉
    Hope you are enjoying Summer. xxx I am.. xxx Hugs

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    1. Actually the first and sixth images are taken with my phone, Sue. I know. Pretty amazing that you have trouble telling what is what. I am enjoying my Summer, thank you, and hardly on here this year. I missed out last year struggling as I dealt with dying babies and a very hot summer. Hope you are enjoying as well, dear friend!! 🌈💖

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      1. Like you Amy I am on WP mainly moderating comments, and Enjoying a really HOT Summer here in the UK for a change.. And this past two weeks I will have my head in Tennis, lol as I love Wimbledon and watch it on TV.. About the only thing I do watch along with Nature programmes.. Enjoy Summer and your beautiful Roses. xx

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  8. People are always amazed by my iphone macro shots. It is difficult to tell. Indeed the only love which truly satisfies our soul is self love and acceptance. Beautiful Amy.

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    1. I’m amazed by what my iPhone can do, Cheryl. Sure beats carrying around a heavy camera and honestly, I haven’t been lately. I’ll pick it up soon planning on going to a certain park that needs the Canon touch. (smile) And about that self-love … we sure don’t know what the real deal is without it. (another smile) Thank you! 💝

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