Exquisite Magic

94 thoughts on “Exquisite Magic”

  1. Enjoy all that beauty and colour in your garden Amy. How lovely, (except for those pesky mosquitos). 🌹 Hope that Tee continues to heal. Warmest wishes and hugs to the two of you. ❤️😊

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    1. Thank you, Miriam! Once that color begins I find myself running sometimes to try to catch up with my camera, which in truth I never do. Bless you for your regards about Tee. This was one nightmare I do not ever want to revisit!! Much Love ❤

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    1. Thank you SO much, Benji! Tee is still in a lot of pain but the miracle of all what transpired he is walking because I saved his leg (more or less) with my quick actions. NEVER do I want to go through that again! Bless you!! Woof!! ❤

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  2. A beautiful photo Amy. Daffodils are delightful! I am wishing Tee a speedy recovery. Who would be so cruel as to entrap helpless animals in this horrendous way? It breaks my heart for humanity. ❤

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    1. Holly, when something like this happens my heart plummets at the callousness of mankind and that it is still legal to trap an animal like this in the states. It is horrifying! I am SO grateful Tee still has his leg. And thank you about my picture. I’m trying different shots for flowers this year. A few of my daffies popped open just like I knew they would. This time of year I just cannot keep up. Though I do try. 🙂 ❤

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      1. Daffodils really are a symbol of springtime Amy. I adore pics from your garden, they are amazing. I agree, not outlawing this atrocious traps and other cruel trapping techniques sickens me. Have they no connection to life?

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      2. Evidently not. I have a link with my post on Tee where people have been trying to outlaw this trap but Legislation balks. Outlawed in 67 countries yet this barbaric trap is still legal to use in the states. And yes it is legal to set a trap like this inside a barn where children and other animals are. Oh yes. We called the DEA and that is what we were told. Disgusting!

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      3. This probably has a lot to do with lob-biers for hunting, I have written of my disgust for game hunters for sport yesterday.

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  3. I did my gardening this weekend as well, although mine are nothing compared to yours. Just two, but they needed to be hand tilled to get all the grass, wild garlic and dandelions out. Then I Preened and mulched so hopefully it wont happen again! Enjoy the Sunshine my dear friend, I know you love it!!

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    1. Good luck with those gardens, Morgan. There is something about being with Mother with hands in the dirt. Very balancing! I am enjoying the sunshine and the warmth, thank you! ❤


    1. Oh, Scott, that is wonderful, really! They are learning about what is in the dirt and how important the earth is. You are giving your sons a great Gift whether they know it or not! 🙂 ❤


  4. Happy to hear that Tee is doing well and staying strong! yay! ☺️

    As for mosquitoes, ugh yeah they are back wiry a vengeance, dang rain has created puddles and they are making nests out of them. :-/

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    1. Thank you, Andy, about Tee. That is one nightmare I NEVER want to revisit! As for those mosquitos … seems the same is happening here. Now I have to remember which all natural insect repellent I used. *sigh* I’m not quite in garden mode yet. The brain has yet to wake up. 😉 ❤

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  5. Oh goodness, did I miss a post? Been so preoccupied lately but glad to hear things are on the up and up! Love the picture…at first I thought it was a small bag….like something that might hold a precious ring.

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    1. Tee, one of the precious barn cats I care for and Love got caught in a barbaric trap that could have caused his leg to be amputated. This is the kind of leg trap that when animals get caught in it they chew their leg off to escape. I shake just writing this. If I ever find out who deliberately set this trap IN THE BARN that man will have no balls left to speak of.
      As for my picture …. SO glad you enjoyed it. I’m trying to picture what you saw. Huh. I’ll have to go stare at it to see if I can see what you did!! Much Love to you, Marissa. ❤


      1. This cat is an outdoor barn cat, Marissa, that I care for and Love who resides in the barn next door. He is like one of the family, though. In the warmer months he can be found curled up in my gardens. He prefers to be around our house and property then the barn. He Loves us and we him. It’s as simple as that. 🙂 ❤

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  6. Stunning image. It is so good to hear that Tee is on the mend. Whoever put that barbaric trap in the barn should get his/her leg caught in it themselves. Then they will feel the pain and think twice about this abhorrent practice

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    1. Raewyn, you don’t know how much your comment meant to me. I am not a woman of violence, but if anyone threatens or hurts my family, which Tee is, there is a side to me that will attack. The law is not on our side, in fact it is legal what happened. Shocking? Oh yes! The only way I am able to get peace over this is whoever did this, what they did …. what goes around comes around. Poor Tee still is not putting weight on his leg, hobbling around and I am giving him pain medication as needed. I am just SO relieved that he did not loose his leg because this trap does crush bones. It could have been a lot worse! Laws need to be changed, darn it! I must have faith that they will. Much Love to you this day! ❤


  7. So beautiful! Your gardens are such a delight — words cannot express. I am so happy to hear that Tee is on the mend. Bless his little heart, I’m praying for a speedy and complete recovery. Oooo, those pesky mosquitos. I don’t look forward to that! LOL! Have a wonderful week!

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    1. Thank you, Linda. Tee is coming right along and looks the best yet today! My garden is slowly awakening (vey chilly and wet still here) and yeah those mosquitos I fear will make up with a vengeance for last year. I just got a tip that incense works well to keep those pests away. I will try that the the next time I want to sit out in my backyard. I have a ton of it and I LOVE it. 🙂 ❤

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  8. I’m so happy I can leave a comment, Amy. I have been so upset over the trap incident. I wanted to tell you I was sending love to your sweet baby and to you. I’m happy he’s walking and horrified by the cruelty of some people. Horrified, over and over again. Know that I’m thinking about you and sending healing wishes your way. ❤

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    1. BLESS you, Gigi. I could not handle comments open with so much going on here. I’m still to this day having flash backs and panic attacks. I know what to do in an emergency and can keep it together but afterwards it hits me. My rage towards the person who did this is breaking the sound barrier. I’ve told several people if I EVER find out who did this that MAN would have no balls left to speak of. It’s horrific to think that yes this is legal to do even though this trap is banned in 67 countries. This world is truly f’ed up! I am in tears right now thanking you for the Love you sent us because it was those like you who got me through this nightmare. My poor baby is still not walking on that leg today. Sorry, I’m just too emotional to go on. Just know how very very touched I am by your concern. (((HUGS))) ❤


      1. Oh it’s illegal all right to attack another person. Believe me I’d be in jail regardless of what that other person did because setting a trap as was done in a barn is LEGAL. Is that insane? Oh yeah, you betcha!

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      2. i meant illegal to set traps. Its not legal here in Perth. but I know in some states in the US its allowed. I have to keep all 3 my cats indoors, even so! because there is a big population in OZ of cat haters.
        I never, thought I’d have an ‘indoor’ litter (mess!!) cat.
        but if i did not, then I KNOW, what would happen to the cats here. one day in Sydney, a man swerved – to TRY to hit a cat sitting in the road. . you know what I did, I darted in front of the cat. and stood there. abusing the driver, my words were not nice.


      1. I get the shudders each time I think about how much worse it could have been. I hope the person — and I use that word loosely, has been caught and prosecuted for setting a trap. They are supposedly illegal here, but there is always someone who will try to get away with traps anyway. At least we have better laws here to protect animals from the two legged kind, something it took some horrible patterns of abuse to get passed, but now they are protected as well as the Humane Society can handle. Love you precious Lady!

        BTW, did you get your hair day? Someday I might get mine done professionally again, but for now I still love my hats!

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      2. Angie, I did get my hair done and there is now a pic on my blog on the main page. Scroll all the way down in order to see. I’m also putting a pic of me on my post today. As for that trap I have my suspicions who see it but no proof. They still are legal here. Barbaric!

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  9. I love the hair, Amy. You can’t even imagine how many times I’ve been tempted to use a temporary fix on mine — something like Kool Aide or Jello for the wild colors I love so much. The only thing that has stopped me is the mental picture of being attacked by fruit flies every time I open a door or window.

    Traps are illegal here now — I think. There was such an uproar on all news media the last time a trap was used that a bill was sent to the legislators about making traps a hate crime (someone lost a leg that time) and since it was an election year I would think they outlawed itl but I never saw any results..

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    1. Angie, those bills get caught in legislation and they never get passed. That is why these barbaric traps are still being used. Banned in 67 countries they are still legal in this state (NY). How these people can even think that animals are different when it comes to feeling pain, fear, terror, is totally beyond me. Tee’s paw is still healing and he still is guarding it. It’s even a bit smaller now then his other paw. I pray that is not permanent.
      Hope you are having a great weekend! ❤

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      1. I think they were finally banned here after someone got caught in one and seriously injured, but really not sure. The person using it was sued and had to pay, but in Kentucky we have to have 4 fatal accidents at stop signs before they will install stoplights, so if only a person is injured it’s anybody’s guess. On the bright side, if an animal is injured, they take immediate action and the person who set the trap is arrested and fined. People don’t seem as important here, and God help you if you are a Senior Citizen like me! Personally, I think there is something wrong with the system, but then again, it does protect the animals.

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      2. Animals don’t seem too high on the importance list, Angie. I have to fight so hard at times for them and what is right. ❤


  10. Around here it’s the people who don’t count for much! In my next life I want to come back as a dog! If it could be my pekenese. I’m pretty sure I spelled that would Max, I would be happy! I’m pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but it’s early and I’ve been up all night again, so I’ll use that as my excuse! 😇

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