
91 thoughts on “Path”

    1. I almost didn’t post today, Laura. I’m really trying to get back to my Bliss Zone, but everything I have been through is making it most difficult to do. I know what works and that is my photography, Mother, and doing those things I Love to do to get my Life running smoothly again. Bless you for your kindness!!! ❤

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      1. I’ve been thinking about you and your good and gentle soul. I’m glad you’re doing what you need to do to bring you back to you again. I know it’s not easy but you are a fighter and your work is so beautiful. Sharing it with us brightens the whole world, one screen at a time! (((((Amy)))))


      2. This comeback is the hardest yet, Laura, yet I am determined to come back. If things would just settle down into a smooth pattern here with my cats. Just too many are having problems, so effected by the loss of Karma. Day by day we all keep trying, and Mom especially works toward the day I see smiles again in this house. Bless you for caring. Your kindness means so much to me. Love, Amy ❤

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      3. Dearest Laura, I truly felt prayers today. My anguish has lifted and I feel and see a bit of light again. My next post will be a thank you for all those who have been helping me in this extemely difficult time of my Life. I hope you see it. God bless you for your caring kindness. ❤

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      4. Thank you so much, Amy, for letting me know! I’m so glad you are feeling the light and the hope. Someone spoke a word to me this morning too, and hopefully we can keep this positive energy moving forward. I am so, so happy to hear this, Amy. ❤

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      5. Tears are in my eyes. If it were not for “Angels” in our lives, what would we do, Laura? This happened when Prinny died. A young woman crossed paths with me and we talked God and Love, and her Compassion for my loss lifted my pain in that moment. That is what you have done for me today. I cannot begin to say how deeply grateful I am. (((HUGS))) ❤ ❤ ❤

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      6. Hugs back!! I don’t know how you do it, you’re like a wonder woman over there with all of your babies depending on you. And you manage to climb mountains! Wow, this is so wonderful, Amy! God is good! You’re a good woman with so much love to give, and I believe He looks out for people like you! Thank you again for sharing this with me! ❤

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      7. Seems to me as I see things, what you see in me is who you are. 🙂 ❤ God is good, my friend, even in the times it feels like He has abandoned us. Yes even those times!! ❤

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    1. Karen, it will take time to get over my huge loss and now dealing with the aftermath with certain cats not being well. I know what to do to get myself together and that is exactly what I do. 🙂 ❤

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  1. This is so relevant to me right now, it’s almost like this was written for me! Today, I woke up and I experienced the beauty that is around me… I have been so preoccupied by reaching my destination, I had forgot to enjoy the moment. It’s true! We should enjoy every simply moment, no matter how insignificant it might feel – we can make it significant! ❤️

    Thanks, Amy. I needed this today. My whole world feel apart this weekend, but now I’m starting to realise it was all for the greater good! I feel FREE!

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    1. Honey, I’m in your spam again. I explained in my post over on your place that you and I are relatively in the same place. I’m glad you are feeling FREE. I have yet to obtain that. I’m working on it. Love you, Amanda!! ❤

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  2. Oh what a beautiful place to walk, dear Amy 🙂
    I continue to send you abundance, peace and love and hope, that you soon will feel better again. I’m back home again now and if you wish help for any of your beauties, you just need to ask, as you know.
    Much love ❤ Irene

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    1. Yes I agree with you, Irene. This path was truly amazing how the trees seemed to arch over it. As for what is going on, I am still addressing issues and I pray these subside soon. I have one, Cookie, who is really grieving and pretty sick. This has been so hard on this entire family. Bless you for your assistance!!! ,3

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    1. I only stopped long enough to capture this beauty, Carol. I actually got caught in a thunderstorm downpour and had to find some kind of thick canopy to stay as dry as possible. I was soaked but thank goodness my camera had a rain sleeve and was dry dry dry. Isolated showers and I found it. When I returned home not one drop of rain had fallen. That’s life! ❤

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    1. It was a Bliss Zone except for the heavens opening up and bringing a downpour. I had to be quick to snap this shot before the real downpour began. I zipped through this path looking for heavy canopy for shelter but by the time I found it, I was dripping soaking wet. My camera? Dry courtesy of a rain sleeve! 🙂 ❤

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    1. You would not believe the incredible “high” I felt walking through this path. When I arrived at a certain point I knew that is where I would take this picture. Incredible how we are in a severe drought, yet the trees in this park are so green. I have one photo (I may show it) where the light green against the dark is remarkable. How are these trees staying so green when there has been no rain? Oops, on the no rain bit. That very day I took this picture the “isolated” thundershowers that were forecasted opened up smack above me, getting me soaking wet. Thank goodness I had a rain sleeve for my camera or it would have gotten ruined, along with my lens. Pretty scary when the thunder is right above you and you are standing in a forest of trees with no place to run. So I didn’t run. I may tell this tale in a post putting humor in it. 😉 I see evidence elsewhere where leaves are falling but not here. Just amazing. 🙂 <3. PS And as for that rain, the moment it stopped, the earth dried in minutes. It is like a desert here.


      1. Oh, that’s pretty crazy! Those isolated rain showers can be something else. i remember once it was raining across the street but not where I was. Well, it’s been awfully dry here. Sorry to hear it’s over where you are as well.

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      2. Oh yes, severe drought. I don’t even wish to see our water bill because I have been watering our gardens so much. Creeks are totally dry some places. Never have I seen it like this. Never.


    1. Believe it or not it had just begun to rain when I took this image. I took a chance to bring my camera out from under its rain sleeve and as fast as I could, composed this and shot. The feeling of walking through this was amazing!! As for not seeing the forest through the trees…. I do believe we all have the issue here and there, some of us more so. I like to see what is around me as much as I can. 🙂 ❤

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  3. What a pretty photo, Amy. I’ve been on paths like that and “what’s around us” is often overwhelming. I think you could count an endless number of shades of green in the forest along that path.

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    1. Dan, there are so many greens in this forest. No matter where my eyes roam the different greens are everywhere. Now do you see my amazement at how green this forest is in a severe drought? I did however, get poured upon in this same forest, in fact on this same day and as I took this picture it just began to come down. Isolated thundershowers and what do you know my luck that isolated shower was right directly above me. Right. I’m in a forest surrounded by trees with thunder and lightning directly overhead. Yep, I asked if I was ready to die. And the answer, simply was, yes. No fear. Just running trying to find a canopy of leaves to keep me as dry as possible. Thank God I had my vest that day and the rain sleeve that came with it saved my camera and lens. YOU saved my camera and lens that day because you recommended this vest. Thank YOU!!! ❤

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      1. Ha ha – I love that the vest worked for you. I think you had the right reaction. You’re deep in a forest when a freak storm crops up – not much you can do. Save the camera 🙂

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  4. Great to see this post. Been concerned with knowing everything you have been going through, Love the picture of the path and what a true poem. I always make a point to see what is around me. Huge my dear friend and prayers and thought for rain for you ❤

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    1. Thank you, Kathy. I wasn’t up to blogging …. Between my pain and the outpouring of kindness I could not handle it. Plus my exhaustion had me on the couch most days. Throw in there some cats getting sick, one very and us ending up at the Vet office not once buy twice with two different cats. Both have renal disease and both I feared they were in renal failure. Good news they are not. Still waiting on the culture (urine) on one cat to try to figure out what is going on and on the other one, no answers. Ruled out a UTI and no kidney disorder at this point. Cookie was not eating, very dehydrated, coughing, and vomiting. She scared the beejeebers out of me. I thought oh God here goes another one!!! Today I am giving her fluid pushes and feeding her and yes! she is bouncing back. It’s been a very very rough ride, dear friend!! There is more to the story, but isn’t there usually is? Cookie when she realized about Karma, went into shock and stopped eating all together. I didn’t notice right away due to my overwhelming grief. All is calming down, OH OH thank goodness!!! Love you!!! ❤

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      1. Aww, thank you, Kathy!!! I “feel” as if all of us have turned a bend in the road today. My “kids” are all relaxed right now in the living room, listening to classical music. Oh yes, they do have selective taste in music. 😉 ❤

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    1. Very astute observations, Ulli. You are the first person to notice those roots, and yes isn’t that just like Life when we get tripped up on obstacles? I was waiting for someone to say something …. Thank you for seeing those roots, for seeing the whole picture!! 🙂 ❤

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    1. OH the feelings that overcame me, Julie, as I walked through the arching branches. Magnificent path! I must go back and experience this path again. This was the first time and I will be going back!!! ❤

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    1. Usually while I am hiking I’ve learned how to keep one eye peeled for those roots while also looking around me. Don’t ask me how I do it. I honestly don’t know. So glad you saw this post and enjoyed it!!! Thank you! ❤

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      1. I cannot remember a post of you I did not enjoy… not matter what it was about. Because it is part of you and that matters to me! I know what you mean, with observing everything at once. You are aware about your surrounding which si wonderful!

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    1. Yes, isn’t that light something, Raewyn? Beleive it or not this image was taken just as a thunderstorm was starting. I was shocked to see the light come through like this. Amazing!!! ❤


    1. CM, perhaps next week we could try? Bless you for your kindness. It’s been a tough path. Karma’s ashes came home yesterday and again, my family feels complete. This may sound strange or morbid, but that is how I feel and for the first time since Karm’s death, I feel “lighter”. Bless you, dear friend. And oh, Cookie, seems to be turning around for the better today too. OH OH OH! I can breathe again!!! ❤


    1. Thank you, Eliza!! This picture reminds me of a child’s story as well in a magical book. Forgive the late response. Many days still I am getting hit with complete exhaustion and this day is one of them. Thank you for understanding. It makes me SO happy to know you enjoyed this image! Then feeling I got when I actually was there … just surreal! ❤

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