Real Or Not? (6 IMAGES)

83 thoughts on “Real Or Not? (6 IMAGES)”

  1. Brilliant as always Amy, it is a gift you share with us beautifully, thank you 🙂
    I’m now just waiting for you to enter a few competitions…and put your gift ‘out there’.
    Or maybe hang a few and donate them to some place that would appreciate them too 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bless you, Mark!!! Your comment wrapped itself around me and gave me a huge hug! Thank you!! I will keep what you suggested in mind and when my gardens are all ready for Winter, I’ll begin to see what I can find in order to submit my work. I’m so involved with my “healing ministry” regarding animals right now but when this comes to an end, as all things tend to do, time will be readily available for me to chase and live every single one of my Dreams. In the meantime, I practice, I grow, I experiment, and I learn new and more. None of Life is a mistake. This is my time to practice so that when my “time” rolls in, I am ready. This is how I see reality. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Oh, Carol, now I am smiling to know how much you enjoyed this post today!! Thank you for telling me! I really had fun editing the images, and I honestly couldn’t wait to show them here. (((HUGS))) ❤

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      1. You are most welcome, Amy 🙂

        I was on a self imposed hibernation due to a great personal loss, my father passed away after years of struggle.

        It’s time to move on and be with all you wonderful people again..

        Great to be in touch and have a beautiful day ahead 🙂

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      2. My Dad passed as well, Sreejith, along with 3 of my fur babies. It’s been a really hard year. I cannot allow myself to go into hibernation because I have so many others to look out after and I also have struggled with depression all my life. Knowing that, if I crawled into a hole (which I would love to do) it would be all over. I am so sorry for your loss of your father, my friend. I understand the ocean of pain. ❤

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    1. Amanda!!! What is up with you and me? Now I find YOU in my spam and you find ME in yours. Grrrrrr ….. Bless you for complimenting my “experiment”. I had so much fun photographing these and then in the editing room I just played to my Heart’s content. Hoping you have a great weekend. If you have something new up, I’ll stop on by later. I’m going on a photo shoot today. 🙂 Oh YEAH!!! Love you!!! ❤


    1. OMGOSH!!!! I know!! You are not the only one who is saying this!! YIYE! I will have to do just that now. I have pics up on my wall now that are years old and need to be changed. Yes, I will do this!! Thank you for the motivation I so need. I know just where they will be going!! 🙂 ❤

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      1. I’ll try to remember, Marissa. Lately my mind has been blipping due to all the stress. I’ll write down your request and hopefully I’ll remember where I put the note. 🙂 ❤


    1. Alok, are you referring to filters in the editing room or filters for a camera lens? I always have a filter on my camera lens, a UV-haze filter, to not only protect my lens but to make sure there is no glare in my photos. ❤

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      1. The whole point to this post, Alok, was for viewing pleasure. I feel sad for you that you did not receive the sense of awe that I had wished for all who viewed this post today. ❤

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    1. Oh, Amy, you really brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. I just had a comment criticizing me for my art you just saw. I worked so hard on these to express the emotion I was feeling when I gazed at what I saw through my viewfinder. Yes I enhanced the colors. But nothing more. ❤

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    1. I am so happy you enjoyed this post today, Dan!! I could hardly wait to publish it I was just that excited about it. Wonders never cease what I can find just laying in grass. I should do it more often. (smile) ❤

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  2. As an artist you can’t make everyone happy……in fact as you love your work….that is all that can matter, as you are really the only one in the room!!!!
    Thank you for sharing your feelings with images.
    If we could “see” nature in every single moment was translucent, and with its energies and colors,,,,,,,we wouldn’t need a camera.
    Happy day!!!!

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    1. Much Love to you, dear Michael. It is just that I am so very sensitive right now, dealing with my loss of Karma so soon after Prinny. Yesterday I truly had a Bliss day yet today the emotions are hitting me hard again. The energies and the colors are what fascinate me in Naturee in so many ways. I “feel” the energies and that evening, they were passionate, fierce, yet tender, wrapping themselves all around me as I lay there on the grass, my head at one point on my white sage. Bless you for reaching out and virtually hugging me. Know you have helped me greatly today on a day I am struggling. It’s a good day for me to get my hands in my dry pastels and draw to music. And so that is what I shall do. Depending on what turns out, I may be posting that for another day. I’ll see. Thank you, Michael. Bless you! (((HUGS))) ❤

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    1. Thank you, Kathy. So much. I also think the Creeping Phlox is really cool. 🙂 I think this series does deserve to be on my wall, as a Testimony to Karma, for it is the pain of loosing him that is pushing me to try different with my photography. Hope you are having a good day, dear friend!! Bless you for hanging in there with me during this difficult passage of my Life. ❤ ❤ ❤

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      1. Yes, a tribute to Karma is perfect my dear friend. Having fun this week as EAA air show is in town and it’s been neat to watch the amazing shows. We have bought a couple of lawn chairs and we can see quite a bit. My birthday is Saturday so we are making it a fun week. If you have time look up Oshkosh EAA air show 2016. Love you ❤

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    1. The light is what caught my eyes in the first place, Laura!! I am so glad you enjoyed these! That low sun makes my pictures look golden. Just LOVING it!! I should lay in the grass more often! 🙂 ❤

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    1. I found you and one other in my spam which truly is irritating! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. The sage I actually had been laying with my head upon and when I saw what I saw, I just knew I had to photograph it. I am definitely journeying upon the road less traveled upon. 🙂 ❤

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      1. So happy that you freed me from the dark depths of spam. Always love partaking in your spiritual journey. ❤


    1. Thank YOU, Monica!! I should lay in the grass more often. 😉 May you have a Blessed weekend, and find somehow, JOY in whatever form It comes by. I’m walking the same road right next to you!!! ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Hi Amy,
    Sorry for my behaviour. You closed comments on your last post but I could not resist to say couple words.

    Your question about where these words came from to you reminded me Neal Donald Walsh book “Conversation with God”. He said in this book that he heard the words from somewhere and his hand just made the job of writing. The same idea with what happened to you. By the way, the book is worth to read. It is not about religion it is about the place of human in our complicated World.

    Have a nice weekend! I wish your plans will come alive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alexander, I have his books. 🙂 I have the entire series. I truly do know where these words do come from yet they never cease to amaze me as I look at what my hand wrote down regarding the words in my head. Best to you!! ❤

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