Splattered (2 IMAGES)

95 thoughts on “Splattered (2 IMAGES)”

    1. I’m in the splattered phase today, Monica. I’m doing my best to get back together again. Life really can be hard at times as it sounds like you already know. Thank you for your kind words. May you have a wonderful weekend. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Wow, I made you speechless? Really! Well, wonders never cease. I am just so thrilled you liked this post. Isn’t that design just fab? I was amazed by what I created. LOL Have a great weekend, Susan!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Um, yep! Sure thing, Laura!! I’m having a splattered day trying to put me back together again. I mean, really, I could say a few things here but just …. when it rains it pours. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. My Mom found out the cancer is back yesterday, Laura, and it is growing rapidly. Her time is running out. And we along with her, have to come to terms with this. This came as a shock for the doctors alluded to the fact she would be OK after the drastic surgery she had. Don’t ask me how I feel about doctors right now. She was flat out lied to and manipulated. They are still doing it now, and that is why those of us in this family who know a better way to leave this earth with grace and compassion, are coming together to help our Mom figure out what is best to do. To say the least, I heard in her voice today realization that she does not have long. Very hard position, my friend. I’m also going to start teaching hubby how to take care of these babies so that I can get down to see her at least once. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      2. Oh no. :((( My heart sank reading this email. It makes me angry actually because western medicine really sucks. Your poor mom enduring all that, getting her hopes up all for what? Oh Amy, I’m so so sorry. I will say a prayer for your mom and your family. HUGS BACK

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      3. God bless you, Laura. I’m reeling. The sooner I see her the better I will feel. Yes western medicine sucks. My mother went through hell with those surgeries and now the cancer is eating her alive. Thank you for your prayers. Bless you, my friend. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Raewyn, I totally forgot about the 3 day challenge. I really am sorry. I’ve received some rather shockingly bad news about my Mother’s health and I just wasn’t thinking. I’ll try to remember next time. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Yes, Eliza, we have, and I am having one today. I received devastating news about my Mother. The cancer has returned and is devouring her body ferociously. Family (those of us who have knowledge of alternative methods of healing) are working together to try to come up with a plan to help our Mom choose the most compassionate and gentle course of action. I also have to make plans soon to get down to see her. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Dan!! Needless to say when I put this post together I did not feel splattered, but today you bet, I do. I think I better start watching what I write for heavens sake. I’ve noticed a trend that what I post I always seem to experience. Hmmmmm ….. Glad to know YOU are together again smelling like the sweet rose you are. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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  1. Two stunning photos, Amy. I must say, the first one looks a bit like a butterfly. That’s my imagination 😀 The second one is so sharp, almost as if the rose is jumping out of the screen at me. Wonderful work.

    Love your poetry as usual. We all have those days where we feel like everything is going against is. The other day I felt that way – when it was a hard day at work and I had to finish up a blog post and think about, and on top of that chores. But somehow, everything always comes together… Sometimes we have to fall apart in order to fall together again and realise why the pieces all join together. There’s a lesson behind every moment 🙂 Best wishes to you, Amy and hope you are doing well ❤

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    1. Mabel, I agree with you about the first one looking like a butterfly. And the second one I really carefully edited it to bring all the attention to that Rose. Thank you for the lovely confirmation that I succeeded!!
      My first rendition of this poem said something to the effect that when you do come back together you will be better then before the breaking began. My guidance told me to change those words, why, I don’t know, but I am sharing them with you. I’m so happy you understand the “thought” behind this post. Great job, my friend!! Hope you are having a good weekend. (((HUGS))) Amy<3

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  2. You used special effects! But I have to say Amy, it looks way cool! I like where this is leading me… That whole idea about falling apart and coming back together again; just the way you said it made me wonder how the pieces all find the right places to fall into! I all makes me realize, we are much more complex than we realize! Have a wonderful weekend Amy! I’ll be thinking of you… Hugs and Drool: D xOxOxOx

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