Between A Hard Rock And …

112 thoughts on “Between A Hard Rock And …”

  1. A work in progress…you can always change things once you get going. You have to live in the real world, Amy. Do what you feel needs to be done and it will all work out. Kiss the cats for me. ❤

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    1. Thank you, Gigi. This decision is not an easy one for me at all. Such a huge part of my Heart just wants to focus on my artistic abilities yet that is not the Life I chose. My husband even said to me that if I had gone with my talents as a photographer etc, I really would have gone places. Well, perhaps next life or perhaps later this life. For now though what IS is. Things have a way of working out …. (Smile) I Love you!!! Amy ❤


      1. You have to do what you have to do…absolutely. You have a lot of things going on and they all need your attention. sometimes we have to let something go so that we can concentrate on different parts of our lives. If we try to do everything we don’t have time to take a breath. The cats all need care, that’s a life or death situation and cannot be put on hold, blogging and answering posts an be:) Just be happy and do whatever you have to do. ❤

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  2. You know that I understand and support totally your need to get this under control. We are all given on so much TIME and it is up to us to use it in the most productive and wise way. I carry you with me daily so there is no need for you to take out any precious time from what needs to be done. Send a kiss on the wind and I will receive it. I love you, my soul sister. Rita

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    1. I Love you, too, Susan. Once I get all in smooth running order (and I will) I won’t feel so overwhelmed. Changes sometimes are not easy to deal with. Balance is the key in all aspects of everything!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Happy New Year to you, YellowCable, and thank you for understanding. I have every faith that I will get all organized and running smoothly again. I just have to figure out how. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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  3. You will find a new rhytme dear Amy and if one doesn’t work, then try another. You need to live your life outside being online too. You got the gift to keep your mother for longer time than expected caused her sickness, which you also need to handle and enjoy without too much stress.
    Your lovely cats are so very important and they need you more than we do.
    Much love ❤ Irene
    NB: Remember to contact, if I can do anything to help you. I hope, that you can use, what you got in your email.

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  4. I think we all get to this point eventually. Blogging takes time, but the interactions are the best. I’ve had to comment less on other sites, and try to follow less blogs too. This gives me more time to interact with those on my site.


    1. I really appreciate your feedback. It is the relationships I have developed that I just don’t want to say goodbye to. What you have said here is basically what I am doing now and I still struggle to keep up. As I flounder to find a new rhythm, I just know things have a way of falling into place. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I of anyone understand the challenges of Life. Love, Amy ❤

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  5. This is something I think we all struggle with Amy. We have to figure out ow to respond to a supporting and caring community but we also have to get on with life. However it works out, know that I’ll be here. I’ll follow along regardless. Happy New Year.

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    1. Dan, I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment as I try to get the Wheel of Life moving smoothly again. I must remind myself that when I “design” my “next life” not to be so PIGGY! I really have SO much on my plate! There is such a big part of me that wishes I could just concentrate on my photography and writing, but, alas, there are other apsects of my Life, at least right now, that I will not walk away from. Thank you for your support. Your friendship has become to mean a lot to me. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Thanks, Dan. IF I allow myself to think about things, that would sink my spirits too low. My Life is what it IS. It’s a shame I was not encouraged when I was a child for in thinking back I see potential as an artist in the things I did. It is too bad I discovered this passion in my adult years. BUT! Perhaps I will be born next life a child prodigy. LOL OR in my golden golden years I will be able to run with my photography and writing to fill all the empty holes left from saying goodbye to all my babies. I don’t know. I will make the most of LIFE NOW and not sulk or think WHAT IF … That certainly will get me nowhere. The JOY of what I do at Petals fulfills me in so many ways. I ain’t dead yet, not by a long shot. 😉 LOL ❤

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  6. Wishing you all the very best for the new year, Amy. Blogging is so time consuming, but also such an enjoyable way of keeping in touch with interesting and special people. I’m sure you’ll find the right balance. *hugs* 🙂

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    1. Oh dear friend, Bless you for understanding!! Thank YOU for your confidence in me as I find that balance that is so needed. This began actually before the New Year, and now that I see for the most part, all the slices of the pie, now all I have to do is get this pie in order. We will be in touch. That is a promise!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Lynn. I so do cherish all of the relationships I have that have developed because of my blog. No latter what I do, I will and AM doing my very best to get my life smoothly rolling. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. I Love you, Van!! You made my day, believe me!! I’ve really been wresting with this blogging issue in trying to make it fit better in my Life. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  7. I struggle with balance here too. I think we all know how much you care about this community and sharing your wonderful posts with us as well as commenting on ours too! No worries from me. I know you love me hehehehe. I think whatever works for you is what you should go with. I’ve had to back off a bit myself. Life ebbs and flows which means adjusting priorities constantly. Beautiful image with this post by the way!! Much love!

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    1. Aw, Laura, I knew you would understand!! Thank you! Yes I LOVE you, no doubt! Once I get everything in smooth working order, I will feel so much better. And thank YOU for the compliment on my my image. I recently went to a park where I felt NO inspiration and the ONLY image I took that I really liked is this one. I was even surprised with this one. All I saw was mud and ugly. I stood there asking …. HOW am I going to create beauty from this??? So your compliment means a lot … I really worked with this image to bring its best features forth. Much Love to you, Amy ❤

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  8. I feel ya… Life has a habit of testing us at times. I keep saying this, but if ONLY THERE WERE MORE HOURS IN THE DAY! Finding that balance… well, that’s what keeps us sane. I had to take 4 months off (I’ve been going through a tough time recently) but I always had my blogging friends in mind. I also thought about you and wondered how you are doing. You always give so much to your readers – your gift and your time. The very least we could do is accept that you need more ‘time. Amy, we are always going to be here for you… whether you have time to comment on our blogs or not. Life wasn’t the same without petals. I’ve missed you, my friend. And I’m back now… Still struggling a little, but I’m hoping to write through it. Much love.

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    1. Amanda, for now I will not be replying on your post but I did read it. I see parellels in my life regarding my marriage, so I totally GET IT. 2015 was SO hard for me and now that 2016 is here, I am reorganizing, restructuring, and focusing on balance. YOU have been on my mind a lot, I kid you not, wonderful how you have been. And here you are, with a brand new look, a brand new blog, and I am just SO overjoyed to have you back in the blogging world. I’ve missed you! Honestly I have! I’m right there in the struggle department with you and I really don’t know where Petals is headed, but know this, I am doing my very best in all aspects of my Life. We are not going to loose touch, I promise you that. I LOVE YOU!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. We will always be there for each other. You’re right, and I feel/see it too, we are going through similar changes. I’m not quite sure how to make things better yet, but I’m glad you are looking after ‘you’. You’re doing the right thing. Lets hope 2016 gives us all we deserve, as well as, much happiness. WE DESERVE THAT! I love you ❤ *HUGS*

        Ps; No worries about replies. I am honoured that you read my post and got to see the new blog. I'm pretty proud of it 🙂

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      2. Hey, Amanda, you should be darn proud of your new look. You put in a lot of effort into building your website, something I really know nothing about. As for 2016, I have this “feeling” 2015 showed both of us the areas in our lives that most need attention and change, and all the toxicity that came to the surface, has been released so that NEW and HEALING can come in. Hang in there!! I have total confidence in you. And getting back to your website … I will be seeing a lot more of it. I’m thinking of doing exactly what I did with you here … Going to my friends’ blogs, reading their post, but combining my comment for there and here into one comment. It makes for less to keep track of!!! Bless YOU for showing ME this!!! YAY!!! Celebrate!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤


  9. This is a great plan you have ~ you will get more out of your time, and also continue to enrich the experiences of the blogging community. Your posts will become more treasured and you will be able to spend quality time doing the things you love. Wish you great success in ’16 ~ take care.

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  10. Life is complex, and choices are never easy. Don’t stress yourself, Amy–do what you must, spend your energy where it’s most needed and trust me, no one will love you less. Share your light and thoughts and photos as time allows and your schedule permits. May this new year bless you abundantly and treat you gently. Love and hugs to you! xo

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  11. What a beautiful image! I also understand about changing as you can only do so much. I value our friendship and you do need TIME with the full plate that you already have. Sounds like you have a good plan and I think it will work. Love you, Kathy ❤ xoxo

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    1. Thank you SO much, Kathy, my dear friend!! I must stay strong with myself because I find I shoot myself in the foot after attempting something new and not going fully through with it. Anyways, I honestly don’t know when the next time I will post and when I do, most likely the comments will be closed. I don’t like feeling so tired and overwhelmed so something must give here. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  12. Amy, first of all I admire you as an artist but you must take care of yourself and your family. Now I have to tell you this – I think your plan is inspired from above. Before I got to the part about once a week posts, I thought, “Amy should cut back to once a week.” No I’m not kidding!

    So my friend be blessed, be at peace, and continue to be led by the One above. Peace to you and many rich blessings!

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    1. Wow! Talk about a confirmation for me!!! Thank YOU, Nico!! Know I shall do my best with these changes both here and in my Life, and promise that the relationships I have in my Life will still be present. My Life as a whole is Inspired from above … In more ways then I even know. I just follow my Heart which is the medium by which God speaks to me. Peace to you and your wife!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  13. Hi Amy! First of all, great picture. I love how the rock just seems suspended there. I totally get your dilemma. I am lucky to have a job where there is so much down time that I’m able to blog at work or else I’d be in the same boat for sure. Here’s one thing I recommend…I notice that you spend a lot of time conversing with your readers which is great but to save time…there is a blog I read, not exactly sure how she did this, but you can comment on her blog and she can comment back and after that, the readers are only given the option of hitting the like button. That way the conversation can’t continue after the initial comment and response, which really is all that’s necessary. Keeps the bond open but no one feels obligated to keep the conversation going for too long. What do you think?

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    1. Marissa, I do not have that option on my blog. I do know what you are speaking of. I am trying a few different things to see what works. There have been many times, for instance, that I could have continued a conversation but instead I chose to like the Comment. This is far from easy for me because I just love to talk to my friends. The difficulty ratio for taking care of our special babies has increased and they really require a lot of help until we can get there Healing schedule sorted out and down pat. Also the stress of taking each of our cats to the vet for some of them, is giving me nightmares already. Our cat that we took in yesterday was so extremely stressed yet she must be seen due to she having kidney problems. My marriage has been really rocky of late and things have to be addressed which they are. So much more than what meets the eye when it comes to my life, my friend. Know that all I do I do my best! Much love, Amy ❤

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      1. Sorry to hear things are so stressful for you! I’ll make an effort to keep this one brief but please know, I am always okay with a like. Sorry my suggestion didn’t work out for you.

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  14. Amy, I did this same thing last year when I decided that I would no longer do portraits all the time. Now I only do them when I feel like I have time. Life and its demands can cause one to lose the time to photograph every day. That is to be expected but it is okay because when you do have the time to photograph it will mean so much more to you. I wanted the best of both worlds so now I take portraits when I want and take pictures of everything else when I feel like I have time.

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    1. I Love photography, Sonya, and Mother Nature. To be away from both is so difficult for me, yet when I do manage to make time for those walks and my photography, you bet I cherish those times!! I’m not liking how tired and overwhelmed I’ve been feeling, never even able to recover from the “burn out” condition I was in taking care of Molly, our cat who just passed away last October. Taking a good long look at my Life, there just has to be a give and take in order for me to keep going. Thank YOU for understanding. It is going to be a constant tug on me to keep to the new schedule …. Becuase I just LOVE to talk with my friends here and I just LOVE my camera. Other responsibilities are taking precidence, so I do what I must. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Amy try to make time at least one time a week for nature and your photography. This will be your relaxing time and the time you can just breathe. I try to take pictures at least 2 times a week now but I use to do it everyday.

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    1. Thank you, Val, for your encouragement!!! Beginning tonight I really focus on putting my feet up to nurture me, and to focus on getting the care of these cats smoothly under control. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  15. Take your time with blogging, Amy. It can be time consuming and it can even take over our lives…enjoy life, others need you out there. We’ll always be here for you. Best for 2016, and take care 💜💜💜


  16. Whatever plan you come up with is great. You do what you have to and we’ll just keep on enjoying your posts, comments or not. It’s just lovely knowing that you come to visit from time to time. I pray that you have a marvelous New Year and that you soon find a groove and a way to handle everything with as much ease as possible. Although retired now, I still remember how hard it was and how thinly I’d get stretched trying to do as much as I had to do. And althought this blogging experience is very rewarding and fun at times, it does take A LOT of work. My thoughts and prayers are with you and for you Amy. Just make things as easy and workable as you can. Love and hugs, N 🙂 ❤

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    1. I won’t be retired until all our special babies go Home. I just returned from a very challenging walk to get my head together and my stress level down. I accomplished both. Thank you, Natalie, for your continued support of me. May your Nre Year be Blessed indeed! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Aw, Maniparna, it is people like you who give me the incentive to keep going. I am deeply honored you feel the way you do. I really Hope you have a wonderful New Year 2016. I Love your blog as well, and look forward to what you will be creating this year. I Love you!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Julie, I have responded to everyone else, and yes I will respond to you as well. That is just me. When my posts with comments closed that are coming soon, I so enjoy the moment to interact with my friends when I do have comments open. So many changes right now are happening that are leaving me quite stressed. So what do I do but go out for a long challenging walk in my favorite park where for hours no thought of my life is possible as I traversed a very tricky trail. I hope to post about where I went today next week, and that post will have comments open. 🙂 I wanted to see if I can bring my Canon back where I was today but the going in some places, one false move, I will fall. The trail at one point actually became a creek. So, the Samsung photos I took today are probably going to be the best I can do …. unless I get a GoPro Camera Hero 4. I have to see about that though. Lots of overhead right now, so I must be careful how I spend on me.
      Anyways … you got all my latest news. Happy New Year, dear friend!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. I look forward to reading about your adventure, but be careful with that camera and yourself. I’m curious about the camera you mentioned and will have to research it. Mine has taken to working only some of the time which has made me miss many a beautiful shot but forced me to focus on enjoying the moment. I encourage you to stick with your resolution of turning off comments if that is what that little voice is telling you to do. You have a big heart and need to take care of it. Blessings to you.

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      2. I found the GoPro Hero 4 on amazon. I won’t be getting one at least not for a while. My Samsung photos I’m learning how to edit better to make them look as though I took them with my Canon. And on a day like today, sunny but cold, I will bring my Canon along with me, just not on off road trails. 🙂 ❤


    1. I’m trying, Neihtn. The pie that I am trying to organize is a bit messy at the moment and yes I find myself so overwhelmed. I went for a LONG challenging walk today where I could not think about one problem because I had to focus on staying upright! Between the snow, mud, ice, and creeks, I had to make sure my feet remained on the trail and did not fly out from under me. I hope to publish a post next week with comments open about my adventure today. I only had my Samsung phone with me and I honestly don’t think it is a good idea to bring my Canon where I was today. One false move and both me and my Canon would be hurt. I’m considering buying a GoPro Hero 4 IF picture quality is better then my Samsung phone.
      Anyways, Happy New Year 2016!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Oh, thank you SO much, Julie, for your kindness. I KNOW my photography has improved because of what people say. AND today I think I figured out why I have been feeling so tired and so unwell. I have Hashimato’s Disorder and I would bet due to the extreme stress of 2015, my thyroid levels are off. When your thyroid levels are off, your entire body/mind is off. Thank God I have a doctor’s appt. this week and I will know for sure about this. But I have been through this before and today the lightbulb went off! No wonder I feel as thought a truck hit me!!! I’m sharing with you because I just HAD to share with someone. To understand why I have been feeling so darn bad … Now something can be done about it. Wedsneday is my doc’s appt. I will know then and I can get my medication adjusted. Thanks for listening!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  17. I was thinking about the same thing… I understand how stressful it can be. Thank you for letting us know the change that you have to make, and continue to share your beautiful photos. 🙂 ❤

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    1. You’re welcome, Amy. For now I must cut back. I just figured out today that my thyroid levels are most likely way off, and that is contributing majorly to me feeling unwell. I have Hashimato’s, and what with all the stress of last year, my Dad, Molly, my Mother almost dying, the care of all these cats, my marriage tough …. All has led to me being hypothyroid. I’m miserable right now, to be honest with you. Thank God I have a doctor’s appt. on Wednesday. My medication will be adjusted and given time will again feel well. So until then, I must do what I must. I’ve never recovered from taking care of Molly because with that nightmare, a lot of these other cats turned for the worse so I had to attend to them. By the Grace of God, I will again get my life rolling smoothly. I even went for a walk today, so I am still of the mind I will not give up! Just a lot going on …. And this too shall pass. Love you, Amy!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Oh, no… It was a very stressful year for you, I really don’t know how you went through, your dad, cat, and mother…and I recall you lost all your beautiful photos. Please do take care of yourself. Btw, I had hyperthyroid problem some years ago, I know how you are going though. take care, dear friend. ❤

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      2. Thanks, Amy. Your words mean a lot. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone!!! YOU stay healthy. I know how stress can trigger someone with a thyroid condition to dip into hypothyroidism … It took me forever to figure it out. My brain is just mush. After my blood work in am I will up my medication myself. I have an idea of what the doc will put me on. Now that I understand I can finally do something about it. At least I can get myself going in the right direction again … It takes a while for the med to take effect. Buggers. Bless you for understanding, Amy. Only someone who has the condition can understand. (((HUGS))) ❤

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      3. Stess makes impact on our health, say the least. So Glad you are going to see your Doctor. I didn’t know until my heart rate got real high and my hands were shaking terribly. Take easy, stay healthy. (((HUGS)))

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  18. I have increased my posts in number and totally understand how you feel, Amy! I only have 1/2 the commenters you have but the people who “like” my posts only hear from me every other day. I work 40 to 46 hours a week in a physical position. This is almost (but not nearly) as hard as caring for cats and renewing a relationship with her mother. The cats and your mother ALWAYS should take priority to blogging. Personal moments between living entities in your life should not be replaced by nice strangers. I admire your honesty and hope it is okay for me to state my opinion on this subject. Real friends will like your posts without need to comment and no one should keep track of visits, Amy. ((Big hugs)) ♡

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    1. Robin, regardless of the pressures of this world not to be honest I believe honesty is the best policy to have. Years ago blogging was so simple compared to what it has become today for me. Because of who I am, people respond and such wonderful relationships have developed. I treasure those relationships and I can say without doubt that I feel closer to some people here on WP then to most in my own biological family. I’ve learned where to set my priorities and even though it is not easy for me to back off for now at least with the blogging, the interacting, I must. I’m pretty sure I’ve dipped into hypothyroidism and will know for sure on Wednesday when I see my doctor. The stress of loosing my Dad, loosing Molly, almost loosing my Mom and the care of both my cat and husband family pushed me over the edge. I have Hashimato’s which is a thyroid condition that at times finds the thyroid going nuts. This condition is sad because it is my own body that is attacking my thyroid and still medicine has no answers as to why. For now I must focus on getting myself back to health and with both an increase in my thyroid hormone and time it shall. I also must now focus on getting these cats as stable as possible. Some are getting older and with Molly’s passing, their symptoms are not good, so hubby and I have been running to treat them with Homeopathy as best as possible. Taking them into a vet for complete blood work also is a must which we have begun to do. That is a huge undertaking in both the actual event (my cats are terrified of humans other then hubby and I) and all the work involved in documenting their histories, treatments, symptoms, and getting all previous paper work from other vets. Whew! So, I am still turning to Petals for my sanity saver only this time I must keep comments closed on most posts. When I am involved with my photography and writing, Robin, it is my escape.
      Anyways … I wrote you a book. (Smile) I no longer focus on numbers, FYI … I used to be obsessed with my stats but no longer. I am so grateful for all who do come to see my work and to interact with me. For this time of my Life this (Petals) is my main source of communication with people, my friend. So now you know why I am so chatty. LOL I Love you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Sorry, Laura, for this late response. Either I am missing comments in my notifications or I am not getting them all. I have to now double check each post to make sure all comments are answered. And thank you for encouraging me!!! Your words are really appreciated. Love, Amy ❤


  19. Dearest Amy.. I so can empathise with all you have said.. Today I am finding it difficult to even type as I cut my hand this morning.. Stupid accident.
    You must do what you feel.. and I too am cutting back on comments.. I was on my blog and doing the rounds yesterday for 5 hours solid.. So I know how much precious time it takes up..
    We have to be firm with ourselves and I think you are doing exactly that which is right for you your family and your cats..
    Sending you Huge amounts of Love and Blessings dear Amy… Love Sue xxx

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  20. Im not sure that I am writing this on the right day so forgive that, but please don’t feel pressure to reply. You’ve been on my heart so much that I was planning to stop by and say hello and wish you love. You have helped me a lot my sweet Amy🌹. You have been a source of magical inspiration to me, a hope of new things, a deeper insight, a view of beauty and love without walls or judgement. You’ve given me a fierce connection and new visions. There is something so strong in the way of connection with you. I admire you so much. You are precious to me and you really have helped me through my dark days. You’ve been a sun that came to shine when I couldn’t move from the shadow to receive any light- then there you were making me feel worthy of warmth upon my face. Thank you so much Amy for exactly who you are and the depth in how you move through life. Love you 🌹

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    1. Honey, I’ve been reading this comment of yours over the past couple of days, and as I have, tears have come to my eyes. If you knew what I overcome just to do what I do to connect with others like you, you would have tears in your eyes. For the first time since I have opened Petals, I have stepped back from blogging to give me space to again breathe, to rest, and to renew. I honestly don’t know how I connect so strongly for when I do the words via fingers just seem to fly of their own accord straight from my Heart. There are times I read what I have written, in awe of myself. To know I have helped you is all the thanks I require and the incentive to keep on going. So many times I have questioned if I am making a difference or if I am just another entertainment source for those who turn to the internet for distraction. Thank YOU for encouraging me. Thank YOU for telling me how I have affected your Life. I am touched, deeply. I pray your 2016 is a Golden Year for you, SG, and that your Dreams that you focus upon come into manifestation. I am so happy we have come into one another’s lives. May the Light shine on the both of us bringing Love and JOY to us beyond imagining!!! I do Love you!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you my beautiful Amy 🌹. I completely understand where you are coming from. Being a single mom and working full time, I have little energy to spare. When I do my blog, like you, I want to reach back to everyone who reaches for me. I am at a crossroads and want to make sure the little energy reserve is going where it should. Right now I am a little lost as to where I need to go- I have been praying and seeking guidance, until then I shall just be still :)) you are such a beautiful soul- I love you sweet sister. You take care of yourself and applaud what you have done- look out and see all the hearts you have watered with their faces now looking toward the sun in a new growth. You have made a sacred garden and now you must move on to water other bits and know what you have planted here will continue to grow. All of my respect and love and thanks 🌷🌹

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      2. You will not go wrong with prayer and seeking, Sweetheart. I myself have been having some pretty intense conversations with God lately, not bothering to butter up the conversation because it is known what is in my Heart. I’m never been let down and neither will you be. Your words bring new meaning to my Life, to my Purpose. I’ve never seen what you have written here, and now that I have, I am stunned. A sacred garden. I’m not sure where the next phase is, or what it is, but just going for the ride I know I will get to my destination. I Love you too! You as well have my respect and gratitude … you opened my eyes in a new way today. Bless you!!! ❤

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      3. Thank you Amy! That means so much to me. Yes I’ve been having those raw conversations- on my knees crying out type. Wow you are such an encouragement to me- thank you. You do more than you know or can be explained. You truly do. I just adore you and send you the most meaningful soul hug that I can. My sister, my sweet rose. ❤️🌹

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  21. No apologies or explanations needed! Most of us have had to determine the best way to incorporate time into our lives. Blogging is an incredible blessing, but also demands time. I too am blogging once a week (one time for each blog). Figure out what works for you, otherwise it just becomes a chore.
    No need to comment!
    Good luck as you figure this out and peace,

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    1. Bless you, Laurie!!! I am deeply grateful for your support. Changing my rhythm here at Petals is far from easy, but I must stick to my new agenda. When I began dreading to answer comments and go to my friends’ blogs, I knew I was spending far too much time on my computer. Thank you for understanding!!! Love, Amy ❤


  22. This sounds like a “great plan”! I know I’m not always around, but I also don’t have unlimited time.
    I came by to see your latest pics & say happy New Year, but mostly to say I was thinking about you a lot lately.
    My 2 cats stopped eating for 4 days. I kept thinking what might Amy try? Well, after 4 days of trying different things, they are back to eating & being hungry 24/7.
    Patience & kindness goes a long way.
    Thank you!

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    1. Hi, Resa. Happy New Year 2016 to you and thank you so much for stopping by! I am SO relieved to hear your cats are again eating because I know what it is like to see a cat not eating. I am presently hand feeding 2 cats, at times 3. One of them just came from our Vet and there, no reason was found why this cat is not eating. So, I keep feeding him with HOPE that he again will begin eating on his own. What I have noticed is some of the younger boys bump him out of his dish and because he is not an aggressive cat, just walks away. This is the nature of the cat. Karma is older, being 16 and these younger boys are only acting upon instinct. I don’t like it one bit, but I cannot fight Mother Nature. Hopefully with time this will be resolved. Yes, patience and kindness goes a long long ways. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  23. Oh, Amy! How terrible yet a Blessing for that poor man who must have suffered so badly. I will keep this woman close to my Heart. God knows who it is. What a thoughtful and beautiful act on your part to light a candle in the church they went to. Brings tears to my eyes …. ❤

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      1. I can only imagine, Amy. It is so hard when we loose someone we Love. You did a really good deed, my friend, and I am sure the Angels were right there with you. May you be Blessed for having such a huge Heart. ❤


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