Eloquent Grace

64 thoughts on “Eloquent Grace”

    1. Dan, it is all in choices. My first instinct is to curl up in a ball and not see the light of day for a long time. Or, I can gracefully come to acceptance and know my Molly is with me no matter what. Life is not easy, my friend. IF I succumbed to the broken pieces of my Heart, I’d never make it. I have chosen to focus on Beauty and to keep on living, all the while practicing to again smile. I also focus on the fact, my precious Molly is no longer suffering and hanging on just because of her huge need to be with the family she Loves. She is finally no longer struggling to breathe. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. *tears* Thank you, Dan. It was an honor to take care of this very special spirit known as Molly. She is the one who taught me so much. She will always be my Molly Girl. ❤

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  1. Such a beautiful picture Amy! I love the way the branches dangle down in such a seductive and feminine way. It’s good to see you back here and ready to converse again. I have been seeing your blogs and want you to know that you have been in my thoughts.

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    1. Laine, when I was standing under that giant of a Pine Tree, surrounded by tree trunks and branches, I stood rooted to the spot, unable to move. My breath nearly stopped as I absorbed the Peace, Tranquility and stunning Beauty that completely surrounded me. I am so glad these feelings transferred with this image, because this experience was truly magical. Thank you for telling me how this magic made you feel. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you, Nico. In encouraging you, I encourage myself, believe me. When I stood in this spot the tranquility experienced was sheer Bliss. The view took my breath away and in sharing this image, I extend what I experienced to you. I am so happy you enjoyed this. Peace and Blessings to you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  2. Hi Amy;
    I see you have those terrible weeds growing over your kitchen window too… Spoils the view… I just cut mine all off one night, and served it up as spinach. Who knew? I sent a sardine to the: ‘Save The Whale’ fund, just to do my part. You know? I love how you describe nature: not making it’s trees look like buildings. Great post Sugar Pop! Kisses and Hugs: XoX

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    1. Thank you, Darrell. Those weeds can become a hassle can they not, but these you must admit are really beautiful. You are so thoughtful to the world’s causes and don’t let anyone tell you that you are not. Sugar pop reminds me of the Rock candy I ate as a kid … small crystals when place in mouth would explode. I LOVED the pop pop pop!! LOL You brought memories back alive, how nice. Kisses and (((HUGS))) right back to you!!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. Now I’m smiling also. Dreams are filled with memories, good and bad, so I tend to stay awake until I crash, but I smile again, and sometimes even laugh. I hope the peace and healing come to you very soon, but again, don’t force it. For me, it only takes something small, and the rain starts in my eyes, but I try to keep it out of sight so no one sees or knows it but me. Most people don’t understand dreamers.
        Bright Orange and Kentucky Blue HUGS, Angie

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      2. Angie, how right you are … not many people understand dreamers or artists for that matter. I am turning to Mother for Peace and Solace. So much has happened between the day before Molly went to the Angels and today, I honestly don’t know if I am coming or going. Regardless of what happens, I will keep my eyes on Love and Beauty. Bless you, my Kentucky Angel Friend. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. It’s a choice, Gigi. One step at a time looking at beauty rather then bleak. I’m doing my best. Your book I am reading truly is helping. It makes me laugh. You have quite the imagination. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  3. Beautiful ~ surrendering like Mother Earth “who ebbs and flows without resistance or drama” sounds so easy, but it is her understanding that nothing is ever really lost or gained…as it will all remain with us forever. Wish you happiness as we enter the autumn season and getting out and getting lost in all the world has to offer.

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    1. You are right, Randall. Nothing ever is really lost or gained. If we can wrap our heads around that thought alone we would become enlightened in a flash. Wishing you every happiness this Autumn season. Love, Amy ❤


    1. Ulli, I am doing my best to stay up on my feet and Happy in Heart. I am pacing myself as I go. The support found here on WP means more then I think many know. I am a survivor and shall continue to choose Life over death. Much Love, Amy ❤

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  4. Like Mother, you exhibit Eloquent Grace, Amy. You have made a wonderful choice to surrender to “What Is” and find light to heal your heart. Much love ❤ Tiny

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    1. Dearest Tiny, if you knew how it has been pouring in my Life, you would know how precious your words to me are. Bless you for your kindness and encouraging me to continue to focus my eyes and attention on the Light and Love. Even though my Heart hurts so much Molly would not want me to be sad nor withdrawn, which are two of my instinctual responses. No. I am not up to speed yet but the day is coming when I will plunge back into my “normal” life. For now, what I am doing is sufficient, and is leading me little by little to wholeness and healing. Much Love to you, my friend. Thank you! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  5. So often we are hit and double sixed with Complexities beyond our control which affect us deep into our core.. Amy thankfully the New Moon on Monday is about to change things around for us, so now is the time to manifest those desires which are closest to your heart..
    I know love and Light will always win through. And your own love and strength like those men digging that hole will see you determinately through with Grace..

    Love and special hugs my lovely friend xx


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