Blown Out Of Proportion

73 thoughts on “Blown Out Of Proportion”

  1. I definitely have been held back at certain points of time by my fesrs. This was a beautiful and distinctive photograph to accompany su h inspirational words. Loved this, Amy. I have been busy helping out with new baby arrival, ( 8/10/15) I took 4 days off from work and had a wonderful but hectic time sleeping over at my son and daughter in law’s house with their combination of 4 school aged children. Their now 3 children together and his 2 stepchildren really pulled together, Amy.
    Hope you are reaching a time and place where some of your many responsibilities are lessened, eased and you are finding tranquil moments.♡♡
    It was certainly a blessing to see little baby Hendrix with his sweet, healthy and precious self enter this crazy world we live in!:)

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    1. I am so happy for you that baby Hendrix arrivred safely and healthy!!!! Perhaps this baby will grow into someone who will contribute to the health of this world. As for our fears, oh yes, many times I myself have been held back and once I take the plunge to do what I had once feared, I realized my fear really was far bigger then warranted. Strange how things like that work out. You take care, Robin, and enjoy your family!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Smiling my Heart is as I read words that so encourage me to continue to do what I do. Thank you, Nicodemas. I just recently stepped out of fear so this is where these words originated. I’m so glad this assisted you in your life today. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. I’m glad too, Kathy!!! You just stepped through major fear to achieve all you did and I am just so proud of you! I know how fear can actually paralyze. And sometimes it is near impossible to take that first step from out of that fear. Love to you, dear friend. (((HUGS)) Amy ❤

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      1. Thanks so much, Amy. Looking back it felt more like excitement then fear but sure glad that we did it. You have taken that first step many times with fear and I am proud of you, also. HUGS Kathy

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      1. Don’t worry, Amy. My sparkle is still intact. I have just been rushed off my feet these past few months. With the kids being off, it’s difficult to find ‘me time’ and even more tricky to sit down and read my favourite blogs. Just know that your words and pictures are getting me through. I’m sorry I have been as available as I have been in the past… Two weeks to go and counting. The kids will be back at school and I settle back into a better routine!

        Thank you for thinking about me. You really are so kind and thoughtful. Much love to you 💗

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      2. OH, Honey, I understand how difficult it is to get ME time. I couldn’t get to my Yoga class this morning due to unexpected um surprises. It”s so challanging to blog, to photograph and all that is involved plus live my life. I barely went anywhere this summer due to very ill cats and I am still hoping to get to some shoots that I really want. So you take care … two weeks and counting …. now I wish I could say that!!! LOL MUAH! No need to reply!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      3. I’m sorry to hear that you, too, have been so rushed off your feet. When the hustle and bustle of life calms, it will be such a beautiful moment… It’s so close I can taste it. I do hope you will be able to find that moment of tranquility too, as well as make it to yoga next week and get those shoots in! That ‘me time’ is so important. How you keep it all up, I do not know. You’re doing well, Amy. Trust me, you’re doing well! 🙂

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      4. Amanda, you have just encouraged ME in more ways then you know. Bless you, friend! I have said I seem to be able to split time because of all I do. Lately I am so far behind in my ordinary household “chores” and the deep cleaning I have not done for so long …. yet I just don’t even care. I will be stepping into major jobs with hubby on this house soon enough and for right now, I just exhale it seems, after healing two very ill cats plus taking care of all the others. I am hoping the nice weather stays so that I can get to the places I still would like to go yet before the cold weather sets in. If I had kids/grandkids believe me that is where my focus would be. As it is, these cats are a lot of care. I will really look forward to your um *long* posts once again. Tee hee …. they are well worth the read …. GRIN!!!! Love you! ❤ Amy ❤

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      5. If it makes you feel any better, I knee-high in house work, too. I’ve actually given up… As soon as I tidy things are untidied by my three messy kids and equally (if not even messier!) husband.

        As for my next post. It’s already been written and scheduled for Tuesday. Its a piece about opposites and it’s – in true Amanda fashion – a LONG one. lol. It was actually so good to write again. I thoroughly enjoyed it! 🙂

        I’ve got a hectic couple of days ahead. We’re taking the kids to Legoland. So, I might not be able to stop by for a couple of days, but I’ll be back on Tuesday. Love you ❤

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      6. Love you too, Amanda!!! It will be so good to have you back here on WP. Yes I’ve given up on the house. Just what has to be done so it is at least livable. I’ve given up on trying to train hubby. Wherever he is a mess is. *sighs* Can’t wait for your next post!!! Good night, Amanda!! ❤

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    1. Marissa, this is a waterfall that was only 2 inches high but what I captured truly is not of this world. It is mythical. I have stared and stared at this and still am seeing more and more. I am seeing a lot of symbols and a wreath like the one Hercules had on his head. This one gives me goosebumps! I used no lighting …. the sun hit the water just right when I took this image. NOW you see NOW you know I really do walk into magic, another realm, when I am photographing. I am not joking when I say I blow myself away. There are NO tricks here …. this image is exactly as I shot it. I am SOOOOO glad you saw this. I SO love your comments!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. I was on a marathon yesterday Amy.. trying to catch up and I so enjoyed all of your captures and verses, I always come away uplifted and brighter knowing there are wonderful people like your good self who so so love Nature as much as I do.. And who notice the small things in life.. xxx ❤ Big Hugs.. Sue xxx

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  2. “Saying a firm no to fear’- that’s what is needed when we feel apprehensive. We have to be triumphant over fear to realize our dreams…I think this is the price one has to pay to make the dream come true and this is not an easy job.

    Profound words as always Amy 🙂 What can I say about the picture! ❤ 🙂

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      1. I didn’t realize you saw her post, Alexander. Thank YOU so much for reading it. In looking back, I am amazed by how far I have come, both as a person and as a photographer. You are one of the few who have witnessed this journey having been with me right from the beginning. I am truly honored. Love, Amy ❤

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      2. Alexander, I have been in tears on and off for the last two days. You have just got those tears going again. I am just so touched by the outpouring of support of me. I’ve really worked hard to improve and I will continue to do so. If it were not for people like you, I don’t think I would be where I am today. I have so much to be grateful for. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. OH, Tiny, I am just so happy you saw this!!! I really walked into magic, my friend. The sun’s rays hit exactly the spot where I wanted to photograph and I could not get my equipment set up fast enough. The sun was kind and the rays stayed …. just 2 inches high and how magnificent She is!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Oh, and so true, Ngobesing. Fear tends to paralyze us and so much of the time if not all the time, is so much bigger then it really is. I know the many many times I myself have had to rise above fear, take control of my “imagination”, and to do what was deemed to be scary. In looking back, in hindsight, that so called fear was really blown way out of proportion. Thank you SO much for visiting me today, my friend. Love, Amy ❤


    1. Those negative thoughts will arise and sometimes threaten to consume. We all are human, every single one of us and in walking the human walk, those negative thoughts will want to drag us down. At times it is tempting to let them. In the choice to rise above those negative thoughts that is where one finds the Victory of the Truth of who that person is. Love, Amy ❤


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