
81 thoughts on “Experimenting”

      1. I did write a little about this on this post and why I chose to experiment. I shot this photo today at a creek in slow shutter speed but I did not like how it came out …. so, I started pushing sliders in editing rooms to see what I could do. I suppose I could have continued, but I like how this looks now. 🙂

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    1. I Love it too, MM. To me it is so sensual. Thank YOU for commenting about this image. I may be doing more experimenting in the near future. I am well, my friend. I hope you are too!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I just buried myself under a whole lot of comments. GRIN! Why do I do these things to myself, Marissa? And thank you for telling me I amaze you. I amaze me and as I write this I am laughing out loud. Hehehehehehe See what happens when you let go of what you are supposed to do and just PLAY???? LOL 😉


    1. Now I thought dragon. I saw a dragon face emerging and when I started it was just a rock. LOL I just Love running away with imagination, and lately, I have been itching to play in the darkroom. 🙂 Thank you, Dan, for your feedback!!! ❤

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    1. Thank you!!! I was not happy with the photograph so I played in several darkrooms. As someone pointed out, I need to start writing down what I do so I remember. LOL Love, Amy ❤

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      1. So, why are you not now? If it brings you such JOY, why stop? My Life is so full yet IF I did not play, I would go mad. It is vital for me to be with my camera and editing to balance my Life. I know you take pictures for I have seen your blog. How are you not in a darkroom? Oh, wait, what I meant by a darkroom is an editing room. LOL Is that what you meant …. a real darkroom?


    1. I was in SO many darkrooms, YellowCable. I just kept on pushing sliders to see what effect I could get. I used PS CC, LR, PS Express, LR MOBILE, Leonardo, and let me see, anything else ….. thinking …. And then I think I went back to PS Express and finished there. I go from my laptop to my iPad apps. This one was a lot of fun!!!! 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  1. I’m going to be writing down what I do when I experiment so I will remember. LOL A notebook just for the NEW I am learning. It’s good to push the limits in order to learn things you did not know before. And OH I Love to learn!!! 🙂 I’m so happy you like it, Maverick! Thank you! Love, Amy ❤


  2. To me it looks like an alien lizard slinking through the gold slime of it’s atmosphere. Be a great Sci-Fi cover. 🙂


    1. YOU WIN!!! That is what it looks like!!! Someone said a snake, I said no, a dragon, but a lizard …. PERFECT!!! A giant lizard!! And what did you win?? (((HUGS))) !!!! GRIN!


      1. I’m so honored! “I’d like to thank the academy, my agent, my mother…”
        (((Hugs))) 🙂

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    1. Then I will just have to do more like this, now won’t I? I am pushing myself out of what I know. My friend Laura suggested I begin writing down what I do. I have a notebook in which I am going to do just that!!! I am SO happy you enjoyed this image. It is rather mysterious, isn’t it? 😉 Love, Amy ❤

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  3. I like it! It looks very dreamy, sort of like floating on top of a big red cloud. Looking at it again, it looks like I’m looking at another planet 😀 Playing with images is always fun. You never know how they will end up when you’re experimenting and I hope you enjoyed it 🙂 ❤

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  4. The abstract creation in any kind of Art is interesting because it generates the watcher’s imagination. See how many people left comments and every single person has seen the different things. I see there flame. When you watch the burning wood for a long time you can see how the flame is flying and changing its shape, colour and size. It is one of the things that you can watch for a long time. The same feeling with your picture.

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  5. It looks like an areal photo of two volcanic islands in the sea. One has erupted already, the other just waiting to do the same…with some imagination applied to the scene, of course 🙂 Love your experiment, Amy!

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  6. Nice shot Amy. It made me think of life and how it may not turn out like you expect but it is still beautiful beyond measure ❤

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