Raindrops On Petals

111 thoughts on “Raindrops On Petals”

    1. Oh, Dana, you honestly have put tears in my eyes. I am just a tad weary … the stress from taking care of these cats has been tough to deal with. Bless you, my friend, for your kindness to me!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Amy — the love you share with your flowers, your cats, your family, your friends … I imagine you are a bit tired. Hoping that our loving vibes build you back up during this stressful time!! Much Love!!

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      2. I wouldn’t know what to do without my WP friends, Dana. And that is the simple Truth!!! Bless you for supporting me and understanding! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. I have a whole lot pics of raindrops on grass, leaves, petals, flowers …. exotic looking. This Rose I chose to show because She asked. So I complied. 🙂 Have a great holiday, Dan!!! And thank you for your wonderful support of my work!!! It means a lot!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  1. Oh, same here, Amy, my roses are not doing very good this summer. I dread the 4th fireworks because Tide is very nervous and it is really stressful for him. Have a wonderful week , many hugs!!!!

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    1. Can you imagine 14 cats and a husband who associates fireworks with gun fire? EEKS!!!!!! Hang in there, Holly!!! I know I will have all the windows closed and music on as loud as my cats will tolerate. Peeps don’t get it how scared animals get, and I am not just talking cats. Even wild animals are very scared. Much Love to you, my friend! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Wow, well I guess you will batten down the hatches on 7/4….good luck with that and much luck with your sweet kitties.
        Love, Holly

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    1. Oh, George, thank you! I am relieved to hear from you. You have been so quiet!!! I’m going to be offline for a few days, so don’t worry about me. I need some R&R. I hope your holiday is a good one!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you, my dear friend. When I stop that is when I will drop. I know myself. When my cats are all stable I hum. When they are out of sorts I resort to heroic efforts to help them. They are responding…. thank goodness!!!! And that is when I will drop. ❤


  2. There’s so much inner glow in this beautiful image, from the rose and from you ❤ I wish you & all yours a calm and serene 4th of July weekend. Please take time to rest and relax too! Hugs, Tiny

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    1. Bless you, Tiny!! I promise to rest. I have such a mess to attend to in my gardens, yet that is therapy in of itself. These downpours have brought so many petals down. My cats are responding to therapies, so with that knowledge, I can visibly relax. When I do, I will be snoozing, believe me! You have a great holiday, my friend! Mine will be at home, with windows closed, and music perhaps a movie playing, just hanging with my cats to keep them as calm as possible. Maybe this year with the new herbs I have been giving hubby, he will not have such a hard time as he has in the past. Love you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  3. Oh yes, she is lovely. There’s something to the way she hangs under the raindrops and still blooms so radiantly. I was never much of a fan of fireworks either, although the kids like to go out and see the displays. You always have to worry about someone setting them off near you though!

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    1. What I don’t like, Marissa, is peeps who set off fireworks in our neighborhood who probably really don’t know what they are doing. The noise is deafening. I used to really enjoy firewords when only the town was able to set them off. Nowadays you don’t know who has fireworks which can end up seriously dangerous. You have every right to be concerned. Be safe, my friend!!! ❤


      1. Oh yeah, we have the Starlight Bowl nearby and every year they do a display that we can see from the street. That I like. It’s the people who stand around looking at them that scare me. You never know when one of them is going to light one off irresponsibly. I have a 4ht of July horror story but I’ll spare you the details. It’s rather upsetting.

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      2. Thank you for sparing me, friend. I have enough on my hands to handle with all the cats I do and a husband who freaks out. *sighs*


  4. Lovely photo……we have the opposite; no rain for almost two months and then the heaviest infestation of Japanese Beetles have decimated my roses.

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    1. I’m sorry to hear that, Mom. Our Roses are really struggling no matter where they are! What a shame! I cannot get mine to grow. These insects are totally out of control! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Thank YOU!!! The f/2.8 100mm macro lens blows me away, as does the fine tuning I can do with some of my editing programs. Thank YOU again for the magnificent compliment!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. *sad face* OH there will be fireworks. Plans are being made now to keep windows closed, music or movie on, and both hubby and me constantly with our KATS. Drats on those noisy awful boom booms!!

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    1. I would be SO glad to send some rain your way. We are up to our eyeballs in mud right about now. Brings to mind your post on camping. Hehehehehe RAIN!!!! 🙂


    1. Maniparna, I cherish your prayers, thank you, my friend! The emotional toll sometimes when my cats are struggling, is high. I have to be ever conscious as to when quality of Life no longer outweighs the days of struggle. I believe in quality of Life, not quantity.
      As for the remark you made regarding my flowers, I am not surprised you understand.
      May your weekend by glorious filled with glowing flowers!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  5. So beautiful Amy and I also love the raindrops on the rose. Although they may not be blooming as much this year the ones I have seen sure have glowed. Happy 4th of July in advance and playing the music may help cover up some of the noise. Take some well deserved rest my dear friend. I sure treasure our friendship. HUGS ❤

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    1. Kathy, I was in contact with a WP friend all day yesterday as I pushed to get everything on my agenda finished. His last comment was: REST, Amy! And that is an order! Now that I have the work out of the way, I am resting today through Sunday. I’m sitting writing this on a bed with Karma who is all relaxed and sleeping and as I do, I’m planning to go to at least one park that is close by. I don’t know how long this dry, sunny weather will hold, so I am taking advantage of it. Yesterday I really had to clean even though it was sunny out.
      I hope you have a good holiday, my friend. I personally do not look forward to this one due to what the noise does to my cats and husband. Last year I actually took pics of fireworks. This year I will not be doing so, but instead, staying close by to Karma and a few others I have in mind. I have some cats right now that are not stable.
      I will probably be back up and going on WP on Monday!!! Until then, know I carry you in my Heart. I Love you, Kathy!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Your friend is right and glad you are taking some much needed REST. We don’t normally go to fireworks but we are this year since we are in a new town and state. You will be in my heart also, Amy ❤ HUGS ❤

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      2. Have fun, Kathy!!! I used to really Love watching the fireworks. Life has a way of changing things. That’s OK. You enjoy then for me!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Erika, this is MY Hope too. The year is NOT over yet as I keep telling myself. I plan on ferilizing my Roses over the weekend and getting them sprayed as well with insect deterrent. Because I am using an organic insect product, every time it rains, I must reapply it. Even doing that, the insects are still getting through. *sigh* I also have my alarm bells going off. My Lavender is beginnig to flower, and every year when it does, hundreds of bees delight in it. I am seeing NO bees, a first. My stomach dropped out from under me when I wrote that.
      I hope you have a good weekend, my friend. Let us both HOPE that bees start showing up!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. That is really confusing with the bees. You think because of the insect product? Hope they are coming back soon.. the bees not the other insects! Some years the roses are bothering.

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      2. I do think it is because of the chemicals and all the “waves” in the air from our cell phones. Only a few bees have showed up, and even then, their behavior is puzzling. I watched two bees fighting in mid air, down to the grown, and really fighting each other. I was shocked. Never have I seen bees act like this. If we loose our bees, we are in big trouble, worse then we are now. 😦

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      3. That is really disturbing. This issue of the disappearing of the bees is an issue or quite a while again and again. What you tell about the fighting is scary.

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      4. It brings great concern to me, Erika. I don’t understand it, and to observe, is a far cry from normal bee behavior. Bees work together, happily, buzzing about harmoniously. This? Why? Do the bees sense their steady decline in number? If my Lavender does not attract bees this year, nothing that I know of will. I HOPE that the rains which we have had is the reason why no bees yet. I am keepin a sharp eye on the lookout.

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    1. Beautiful interpretation, John. Very touching as well. Mother has much to cry about, in my opinion. Hope your weekend is a good one!!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Thank you SO much for the compliment, Alexander. You are one of my WP friends who has been with me since I first started here on WP, so you of anyone know how much I have improved. I am learning SO much, and as I do, am falling more and more in Love with my camera and Mother.
      I am officially off from blogging until Monday as I am dealing with some unstable cats and a husband who dreads the 4th. I am attending my family right now, in fact, sitting on a bed with my Karma, who is sound asleep. I also am planning to visit at least one park close by using this sunshine that is finally here to my advantage. I should be back on Monday!!!
      Have a wonderful weekend!!!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. I just looked at your new gravatar and I see you are using the exact same camera as I do. NICE!!! I hope you are enjoying yours as much as I am enjoying mine. 🙂

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    1. Weeds and the hundreds of baby maple trees that have sprung up. Yep, know all about it! Every time I am outside, you can find me pulling weeds. I do it the old fashion way …. one by one. Have a great weekend!!! OH! Your book arrived in the mail so I plan on reading it soon. My nose is in a good book now, so when I am finished yours is next!!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. I have too many weeds to pick one by one. I have to do handfuls. The little maple seedlings are the hardest to pull – they hold such beautiful potential. And thanks again for your support!


  6. You ran out into the rain so we could have a rose to enjoy? It is gorgeous, Amy. What a sweetheart you are! My Mom’s dog when she visits seems distracted. Since Mom fell 2 months ago, 11 year old pup, Nicki, lives at brother’s house. She was happy to go off with Mom for a little walk. I am sure it is confusing for the poor thing. Anyway, Nicki doesn’t like fireworks either. My oldest daughter and 2 sons are coming today so we are busy beavers straightening up, Amy. I hope it doesn’t rain so we can go 15 minutes to Lake Erie or to my little town’s fair in Bay Village. xoxo Happy 4th, hope you get to relax 🙂

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    1. Where do you live, Robin, because I am near Lake Erie as well? I will keep your Mom in my prayers and her dog too. Please enjoy your family. Life is precious and is far too short. Have a great 4th, Robin!!! And I really thank you for your gratitude to me. It means a lot! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I live in Delaware, Ohio but was raised up north first, Sandusky, second, suburbs of Cleveland and then college. Lancaster, Ohio and as a single mom chose D-town on a map. My college sweet heart and I were divorced, he was from Cincy. I like mentioned, from Cleveland. 2 of my 3 kids stayed in Delaware. They had children who go to school where they did.
        Mom and 2 brothers and a sister in law all live here in Westlake, Ohio. Mom taught at Westlake H.S. Today we went to Bay Days Fair and Huntington Beach. Hope to hear if we are close in distance and maybe meet sometime, Amy. ♡♡xo

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      2. Disappointingly, no we don’t live anywhere near each other. I live near Buffalo, NY in WNY. I’m about 25 minutes from the Canadian border … the Peace Bridge. I was hopeful there for a while when I saw you live near Lake Erie. Lake Erie is a BIG lake. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  7. Beautiful shot Amy. The rain adds such a freshness that we don’t see here very often! I hope hubby is still doing well on those supplements. We aren’t going to see the fireworks either. We have a big day the day after the 4th and can’t be out late so we will stay home. Happy 4th to you and see you soon.

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    1. I’m just answering comments today, Laura …. so not officially back here yet. Thank you for your compliment! We’ve had so much rain here that one day I just decided to start shooting all these glorious flora and flowers that were covered in raindrops. I’ve captured some really cool pictures.
      I’m holding the hatch down here my friend, as I am the hub of peace. Last year I actually photographed fireworks. Not this year though. I am staying close to my cats, especially Karma. I think he has gently begun his journey to leave. Even though it is so peaceful and loving, tears spring to my eyes knowing my days with him are numbered. I LOVE him so much. He will be 16 this month and I have had him since he was 6 weeks old. He and I have been through so much together. Now he is tired and just slowly (I think) slipping away. It is natural, it is beautiful, and it is so peaceful. He is my King and always will be.
      I should be back online on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend, Laura!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I’m staying home too. We have a big day on Sunday so we need to just stay home. Much love to you, your kitties and your hubby. I’ll see you next week!


    1. For you, Amy, I break my silence. LOL I’ve been quite busy in my gardens today, and have just come in to feed my cats before I go on to the next agenda of the day …. shampooing furniture and rugs.
      Thank YOU for the great compliment, Amy!!! This Rose to me is so sensual, so gorgeous, and yes She really is glowing. I’ve been really noticing with my eyes the glow in my flowers this year. It’s not just my Roses either. My other flowers are glowing too!!!
      Hope you are having a good day!!!! Sending Much Love to you, (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  8. As a child and an adult I have loved the beautiful displays created by fireworks…. Two years ago I developed asthma and comprehended how painful and traumatic it could be for people and animals ….. My sympathies for yours poor cats, who have to endure loud humans….. 🙂

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    1. I am so touched by your words, my friend. Most people don’t have the understanding you do. Already fireworks have begun to go off and I have been doing my best to keep all in this house calm. I mean it when I say I really am touched. I’m truly sorry to hear about your health problems, yet, in this too, you have gained a Gift of seeing beyond which you used to. All things really do have Good within them. Sometimes we just have to really dig deep to find them. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Hold down the fort till the morning light ….. I sound like Aragon in Lord of the rings…. Lolz I hope You and your cats came out okay. 🙂

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      2. A new day has dawned, the sun does shine, and all is fine. Bless you for your concern. Another 4th behind us. Now we move forward. 🙂 ❤


    1. I am at that, Irene. In fact, today I plan on fertilizing my Roses (again) to try to get them to flower. Between the rain and the insects, it has been very challenging!!! ❤

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  9. Such beauty as always AmyRose! I love your name and if I had to pick a rose that looks like you it would be this one! This is beautiful! My roses have not done well this year at all! Maybe this month will be better I think! I wanted to come visit you since I haven’t been over much! I hope all is well! So wonderfully beautiful! ❤

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    1. I’m HOPING this month is better for my Roses. I just fertilized them yesterday and nw with RAIN again on the horizon, I wait to reapply the insect repellent. *sighs* The rain here has been atrocious! Thank YOU for your glorious comment and your compliments. I am honored and very humbled. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Awe I love your photos and your blog sweet AmyRose I’m so sorry I don’t visit more!
        My work has demanded almost all my time so I stopped getting online at work! Then life took the rest of the time! Not an excuse just facts as you know life demands a lot but we can dream in our gardens with photos and in our happy quiet place! I’m there now responding to this! 💜💜
        Have you heard from Matthew?

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      2. No, I haven’t, MM. (about Michael) All has been quiet. As for time, lately I am on a running marathon which I am really coming to detest. This blog is SO huge and has so many comments and what not, and then the blogging …. then my photography …. learning new there …. my cats and all I do .. dealing with a Vet in a husband … my gardens …. I have got to slow down! ❤


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