Light Of Love

94 thoughts on “Light Of Love”

  1. Now that’s impressive. Is the blurred image in the front another flower? Almost looks like a flame. And then more in the background that almost looks like it came from another picture….so much to see here Amy…I could look all day.

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    1. How I treasure your feedback, Marissa!! The blurred image yes is in front of what I was shooting at, hence the blurriness and the “overexposure”. I was not sure if I would post this one, because of the overexposure part, but! when I began to really look at what I captured, I said wow! Then these words were birthed yesterday and I just knew I had a perfect post for this photo. Yes, there is a lot to see in this image. I really took my time in the editing room in order to get the shadows to pop more in order to see better. SO glad you enjoyed this one! Love, Amy

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    1. Bless you, Stormie, for your wonderful feedback. I almost did not keep this image because of the overexposed part of it. But, when I stopped and really looked at it, I knew I had something really unique. I push the limits of photography and this image is proof of just that. And I am SO glad this post touched you today! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Hi my lady rose-ski – and I know you are noted four variety – but I was never expecting this fire-hot image – and it was delightful amidst the spring buds and food photos I seem to have been soaking up – but the glow feel was a treat too – and you really do have such a wide range of taste – ❤ ❤ so nice


    1. Wow, Kathy, thank YOU. I am just so excited that so many are seeing what I did, and that this Rose “fooled” some of you thinking She is fire when she is not. Amazing what photography can do, my friend, especially when I, the photographer, is pushing beyond into the Great Frontier of the Unknown. And Loving it! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. (((HUGS))) I can’t wait until you see the image that just jumped out at me. Oh, Kathy, just thinking of it brings tears to MY eyes. This makes me SO happy to be able to do what I do for others. So happy, Kathy! Love, Amy

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      2. Likewise. This conversation will be with me as I now head towards some pretty intense “on hands and knees” cleaning. Your post should be up tomorrow. Saturday is becoming one of my days I go into Silence away from Petals, as well as do what I do in this house. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  2. So firey and provocative Amy. Like a painting….so much depth and so much to look at. I love the risks you are taking with your work. And you are living up to my motto, Live life in FULL bloom….check!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you, Lisa. Bless you, my dear friend. When we branch out into the Unknown, it is only then we gain more of who we are. I’m suddenly feeling free to ignore the “rules” of photography and be unique. I am discovering more of the pieces of me doing so! LOL I Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. YES! Always there is “fear” in the beginning, but when you just jump into Life with both feet and don’t look back, just forward, your Petals open JOYously to the Sun! Yippee! Lisa, another saying again just popped out! I’m on a roll here, actually getting hot. Whoa! I LOVE you! Keep on shining, my friend. I feel your Heat and with it, you allowed me to create. (((HUGS))) Amy


  3. Per usual, I’m in total awe of your photography work and words :)~!! That beautiful image does look as though the world of flowers is a-glow. I adore this- as I do all of your work. This photo is especially beautiful when put in contrast with the frozen Niagra Falls :)~! Have a good weekend!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melissa, you are a GENIUS! YOU have told me WHY I am being pulled to all these glowy, bright, fiery images. It is because I am bringing Balance to both Petals and me. I brought forth so many frozen images of ice and snow when I did the Niagara Falls series, and because of that, my Heart has been pulling me towards images lately (and more are coming) that are just so BRIGHT and WARM. Wowowoowow! You put things into proper perspective for me and for that I am SO grateful. I kept asking myself, “But isn’t this a bit much of a good thing?” as I kept posting these brilliantly lit flowers. Now I know why!! Bless you! (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. I would not have believed this until just recently. It’s very true and when you experience this, you are set free to be the very best you can be. I believe you wrote this for me, too! Lol….just kidding! It does resonate within my soul though! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post! You made me smile a little more brighter! Hugs to you!! ❤

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    1. Dearest Lady, this is written for me as well. With my Dad’s recent death, I literally was cracked wide open, and in that cracking, what had been hidden was now seen. I allowed the Light of Love to bring healing to previously unseen areas within me, and in so doing, something incredibly powerful is being birthed. I am just so happy that you can relate to this, and as well, have experienced this most incredible “enlightening” experience. Your feedback is so appreciated which in turn, truly Blesses me. Many Blessings in return, Love, Amy


  5. I have been in bliss all day after reading this post. The photo is phenomenal! To know that I inspired you to post this, has me walking on cloud nine today. I have been out most of the day running errands. Smiling and sharing love with others complaining about the rain. I walked between the raindrops, and saw the light. I love you

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    1. See what happens when we reach out to the other, in honesty, and friendship, and LOVE? I too have been in Bliss all day today, just knowing I did something for you. I am SO happy you LOVE this post and the photo really resonates with you. Things have been falling in place lately like dominoes, which just blows me away. You have a fantastic weekend, my friend! I am thrilled you are in my Life and what an honor it is for me to call you “friend”. I Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. The same to you Amy! Keeping the faith makes a world of difference. We are not put here to live in pain, and suffer. We are creatures of love! Peace be with you! 🙂

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    1. Hi, Suzie. This one encourages me too, friend! I’ve just recently been set free after being torn asunder after my Dad’s death. *tears* My work is changing, my voice stronger, and the pieces of me coming together again, in a New and Different Way. I am SO glad this encouraged you too!!! Hope you have a great weekend. Love you! Amester


    1. Not so much this one I had in mind, Karen, due to the “brightness” of it. No I have some others that will be posted soon. I thank you from the bottom of my Heart for leaving such kind words for me to read. Bless you! Love, Amy

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    1. Bless you, Sue, for all the beautiful comments. I have been ill with a nasty virus so am doing minimal here. My Heart guided me to post today yet I am not blogging. I’ll catch up over at your blog when I can. Love and (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Arrgh sorry to hear you have been under the weather Amy… nothing gets us down more than a nasty virus… And they seem to get stronger these days too…
        I hope you do find time when you are better as I posted my next to last post with pictures I took of the Eclipse of the Sun.. and I was proud of them with my little hand held digital camera.. LOL…. 🙂 Love and Hugs .. Keep warm and I hope you are soon better.. ❤ Love to you .. Sue

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      2. Yes, nasty is not the word for this and yes, it hit me from out of the blue. No warning. Just BAM. I haven’t had a fever since a child, so this occurrence is not the norm for me. Now I have to begin eating again to gain my strength back. May you have a Blessed day, my friend. Love, Amy


  6. This is like the flame of passion, the flame of faith or the flame of friendship. I enjoyed how you created this photo and your words match it perfectly, Amy! Love not only heals our wounds, as you mentioned, you also added that it sets us free! Such a wonderful interpretation and a blessing in its message, too. Hugs, Robin

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    1. Robin, dearest friend, you comments have today, lifted me so on high, and I thank you so much. To read words as yours, knowing that you truly took the time to describe what you felt and experienced when you viewed this post, has me so filled with JOY. YOU are a Great Blessing to me today. Please know this. Your Light is so Bright and I so encourage you to keep on shining. It is with great JOY and humbleness I call you friend. Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


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