When You Know

102 thoughts on “When You Know”

    1. Not only this young woman, but all of us can embrace these words into our Life. I know how good it feels not to be pulled into someone’s drama and remain unattached and calm. Hope all is well your way, dear friend. Love, Amy


  1. Oh I LOVE THIS, because THIS is exactly what I do!! I too live with someone who wants to rule me… Now? ‘She’s a ligand in her own mind!’ – Clint Eastwood

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    1. So glad you LOVED this, Darrell. We all, I think, can relate to this. It is when we can maintain our calm and our cool despite the whirlpool of refuse whipping around us, that we have truly Mastered our emotions. Easy? Heck no. But the more we do this, the more confident we become that regardless of how malicious someone is, we won’t be pulled into their ungliness. No on has the right to rule another. (((HUGS))), my friend. Love, Amy


    1. Amy, I am always surprised myself, truth be told. Honest. I had these words in the back of my mind, and the image I just molded into the exact mirror of what these words were seeking for. I knew it when I saw it come in as I kept making adjustments. When I saw the final one, my Heart said YES and so it IS as you see. Thank YOU for validating my work, Amy. Bless your from the bottom of my Heart. Love, Amy


    1. WE all can actually apply these words to our own lives too, Melissa. I know I can. (smile) It feels so good to be able to master lower emotions and stay calm even in the middle of chaos. Oops, as I write these words, I realize how upset I got today from a “surprise interaction” that left me in shock. Next round, I must practice (again) to stay calm. Love, Amy


    1. Tiny, I am so touched by your ever constant support of my work. With words like yours, I fly, fly high into expanding my horizons more and more. I learned new again with this image, really focused on presenting a soft essense of Perfection. When I made the final adjustment, I just sat there and stared, so taken in by what I did see. And yes, these words are a very powerful reminder of what all of us can strive for each day. I do Love you, my friend. Love, Amy


  2. Oh, that photo is so so stunning!!! 🙂 ❤ I am sorry to say that I am no master, when confronted with cruelty and anger I just crumble…..but it is only when I am there next to the energy, afterwards when I can tune into my own soul again, I pick myself up and I am fine. But in the physical presence of hate, I stand no chance.


    1. Trini, don’t beat yourself up so much. Just today, after just writing this and publishing this, I fell apart due to insensitivity on someone’s part, and on another’s part, fear and coldness. This is a process and some days are better then others. It is really difficult to maintain composure in the presence of hatred, anger, rage, meanness, cruelty. I know. I used to fall apart all the time, but over years worth of trying, I have managed to stand strong and brace myself, and NOT get pulled into the darkness. All I can liken it to is standing before a destructive heat that will burn if allowed to. These words I posted today, my friend. are far far from easy to do. Don’t give up on yourself, OK? You are so sweet and you wear your Heart on your sleeve. I’ve learned how to put the wall of of LIGHT up and keep it there and staying behind it calm as cucumbers. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  3. Hello Amy, I just saw your post on ‘how your posts went to trash’.

    In fact, I was trying to comment on one of those posts some time back and got a message that, it’s failed and when I checked in your home page, it was gone.

    Glad to see that you were able to recover it 🙂

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    1. Dearest Sreejith, you don’t know how I felt when I saw my posts were gone. All that work! And to find them in my trash? I was ready to walk away from WP this morniing, believe me. Now I have to figure out a way to create posts outside of WP, save them, back those up, and then copy them to WP. This means more time needed for each post, which is so unfair. I no longer trust WP with my work, so to insure that I do not loose any of my work, I will do what I just said. I’ve had one problem after another, but this one took the cake. It took me hours to get my heart rate down to normal. NO joke. (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. truly a sweet gift for your friend – and I like the blue in the frame around that angle of the rose – has that white-blue glow (and I am lady blue ski after all ) ha!


    1. OH, Yvette, you are the thoughtful and Loving one!!! Bless you. I have not been on WP much these past few days, due to pushing too much with Niagara Falls so soon after my Dad’s death. I have been taking it easy and now am feeling better. I also have to reorganize how I do things at Petals because my gardening days are almost upon me. Probaby what will happen I will post with comments closed and I will be doing minimal blogging. My Life has just gotten so big, my friend, and I am not willing to run myself into the ground. I do that enough to a certain point now as it is. THANK YOU for this HEART. You made my day!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. thanks for the reply – and I like when you post with comments closed – it allows us to view and kind of has these warmth feelings with boundaries in place – and so just keep doing what you do – and also – the process of grieving and all that can be so up and down and so thanks for sharing about that too – and well, sending you warm wishes – and hugs ❤ – (and gardening season is so close – woo =- and for me because I have less and less time each year – I started doing almost container for any veggies and wow is this pretty easy – for me at least – )

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    1. Hi, Laura. Thank you! I don’t know how you did it, but I have your “germs” and have been down for the count. I did put up a post today with comments closed when for the first time this year I saw new life in my gardens. Of course I had to take a pic no matter how I was feeling. I’m really nurturing myself right now especially seeing all the stress I’ve been through with my Dad. I do not want this “bug” getting worse. I really thank you for sharing. It was so kind of you. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Oh noooo! I hope you didn’t catch it from me virtually! :-P. I hope you feel better real soon Amy and I pray you don’t have what I haave. Geez! Take care of yourself. Hugs!

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      2. I am beginning to feel better, Laura, but I am taking it slow. I may not be doing much this week on WP but we’ll see. I seem to feel better, begin to do what I normally do, then wham, I seem to relapse. So, nice and slow and easy. I am doing what I can to get back to normal, whatever that means. LOL Yes, I still can laugh at me. Good thing too! Hehehehehe (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Oh do I know what you mean Amy! It does come in waves. So strange. You feel better and then boom…it hits. So yes PLEASE take care. You know, our humor is very similar. I swear if my husband read what you wrote, he’d think i wrote it! hahaha Back to normal hahahahaah! I TOTALLY get that lol. I feel much better this morning thank goodness…I still have the cough a bit but I don’t have that sick feeling. Hurray! Hopefully we will both be “back to normal” (lol) soon!

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      4. Hey, you, I am really glad you referred me to Leonardo. I was playing with it the other day, and of course, I didn’t read the tutorials, but instead just jumped in to see, what this option does, what that option does. I came up with a really COOL image …. And I had SO much fun!! That program is really powerful, Laura, in all that it can do. I am finding myself using LR5, PS, then if I am still not happy, go over to my apps, starting with LR Mobile, to PS Express, then maybe Snapseed, but this time I went to Leonardo! Hehehehehehe I just wasn’t happy no matter what I did with this one image, so I PLAYED and created with digital art. That is coming this week …. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


      5. Yay! I’m glad you like Leonardo! It really is powerful! I jumped in too lol. Tutorials are for photoshop! 🙂 I also like Pixlr Express and PicsArt. PicsArt has some awesome flares that you can widen and change the opacity and tons of presets. It also has a masking ability…not quite as cool as Leonardo but it has some nice effects!

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      6. OK. Now YOU have me playing in PicsArt because of course I had to get it, and yep, I just did something that I will be posting this week. So that is TWO so far. Hehehehehe To heck with study and manuals for PS. OMG! Talk about headaches? I LIKE TO PLAY! PS is for adults. LOL Sure I did try the fare effect ….. way COOL!!! LOL


      7. LOL! I’m so glad you like PicsArt! I can’t wait to see what you’ve done. I’m behind in my following blogs….I will see them today or tomorrow for surrrrreee! And yes, let’s be kids! 😀

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      8. I haven’t been blogging much so there is not much to see new on Petals. I’m contemplating on putting a new one up today with comments closed, but I don’t know. My fanny is just dragging, and what doesn’t deeply ache I don’t know. YIVEH! I am not used to feeling like this. I do HEALTHY, not this! And agreed …. let’s be kids. I had SO much fun! Just one option I used on PicsArt and when I placed what I did in the exact place plus adjusted the opacity I said wow. LOL I’m always getting a kick out of myself. Hehehehehe ….


      9. Yeah this cold kind of knocks you on your butt doesn’t it? Finally I went out today without konking out. Oh yes, the opacity is amazing! I love all these apps!! Pixlr is good too. I like all the effects they have as well.

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      10. I have Pixir. Hehehehehehe Good for you for going out today without being sent back on your butt. This one is a winner! Hands down. Hubby too is under the weather, though he must dramatize and constanty moan, “I think I am dying. I sure feel it.” Really? Sorry, Honey, but you don’t look like you are dying. Not time yet. Oh well ….


      11. LOL You are SO funny, Laura. As I am eating my breakfast, I thought of you and these apps you keep passing on by to me. My brother is a photographer and a darn good one. He uses Aperature, which I know is only for Mac, IF I am not mistaken, which he claims he loves to use. Not sure if you have heard of this one, so I am passing this on to you. And oh, my brother is the type to read a 700 page manual to learn everything about a program. He is very techo minded, SO with that in mind, I don’t know how Aperature is. He claims it is “easy” and he LOVES it. GRIN! Now it’s my turn to get one more in there! LOL And here I have to buckle down to create posts for this week. See what you do to me? LOL


      12. ha! I am on a Mac and used to use Aperture but I am a photoshop gal. It took me so long to get up to speed on it…especially when google was my source for along time. Finally I bit the dust and bought a course from Adobe on it and wow did I learn a lot! But yes Aperture is great!

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      13. Laura, what course did you buy to help you out with PS CC? That program is so daunting to me, even using PS Elements 6. I have a book, but even that gives me heart palpatations. I really LIKE PS and want to progress from PS Elements to PS CC. I think a course woud be just the thing for me. I saw a few of them over at amazon.com, and I think I saw one by Adobe. But if you could recommend the program you used, I will go with that. I trust you. 😉


      14. Now that my eyes are back in my head where they belong, I agree. This is expensive. I have to think this one over. If circumstances were different in my Life, we would have the means to say, “OK, I think this will help me out a lot. I’ll get it.” Nope. Our babies come first. (smile) It’s good discipline. Especially for hubby. It helps in the self-control area. (smile) I will google Dave Cross and as I said, will really think about it. Why does photography have to be SO expensive? Thank you, my friend!!! xx Amy


    1. Oh, Holly, it is just SO good to hear from you! I’ve been under the weather so really not blogging much the past few days. I am so glad you made it over here, and this post spoke to you. I hope all is well your way. Don’t worry. I will be back to “normal” before you know it, whatever that means. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Also Amy relating to your lost photo post.. I would change your past word on WP just in case your blog is being hacked.. Which happened once to a previous blog I did, not on WordPress, but Live Spaces..xxx And so pleased you retrieved them. x

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      1. I changed my password, Sue. Thank goodness I was able to retrieve the posts. Talk about heart failure? I was also to the point in changing my theme to the Awesome Theme to show my work even larger, but now, I am really hesitant to do so. I am slowly working in getting all my work on Petals saved and backed up, but I can only do a few posts per day. Honey, I have over 1,000 posts on Petals right now. I should have been doing this all along, but, when I started blogging, I knew next to nothing. I kept thinking iCloud would be enough for backup. No. No longer true. I need something on MY hard drive and not only that, copies of that as well. My work is too precious to loose. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      2. Yes its a little like my poetry, I have them backed up in 3 places .. And you are 200 posts ahead of me.. My last post was number 800 🙂 xx Have a great week xxx Hugs back xx Sue

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