Mistakes To Mystical Magical (10 IMAGES)

151 thoughts on “Mistakes To Mystical Magical (10 IMAGES)”

    1. Before I go back to the darkroom, Erika, I just want to say in all gratitude, what you and all who have left comments, have done for me. I have tears in my eyes right now. This project has been like I said, THE most challenging I have ever attempted, and the exhaustion at times is overwhelming, as is the despair when I see destruction on such beautiful images. I wish there was some way I could single this reply out (to you) so that everyone who comes here sees it. I am so honored that I have the audience I do, for without you and all who come here, I think I really would have given up. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Amy, we only see what you show. And what we see is breathtaking. Believe me, I too had tears in my eays reading your appreciative words and seeing the breathtaking pictures of my falls. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I understand how grateful you are that your work is so welcomed and cherished. I experience the same. We have found a great place here. A place of home with a wonderful big family. Have a wonderful day, Amy, and feel strongly hugged!

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  1. Any photographer has shots they consider unusable….from personal experience, it’s sometimes a matter of growing and learning. When I revisit some of my older images, I find possibilities I didn’t see when they were taken. Photography is one part what the photographer sees at the moment of taking the shot, combined with a heaping helping of magic. I can’t explain it any other way. You make magic with your images, Amy; thank you, from my heart, for sharing them with us. xo

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    1. As I am finishing up my coffee, Celia, I am answering comments while I have the chance. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for being one of my cheerleaders. I am not able to put it into words how deeply grateful I am. Magic is happening in my editing room and when this happens, never does it cease to make me “wow!” I continue my journey today with images hubby took, which should not be too challenging to edit, and then I finish up with closeup shots of the glaciers at the American Falls. Those too, I don’t think have the noise and movement to contend with. Thank goodness!!! Bless you, my friend. I will be back into blogging as soon as I can to come over to see you, of course!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I could not bring myself to do so, Angeline. The beauty that was captured was just too precious for me to throw away. That fact, and all the truly Heart touching comments I read, gave me what I needed to not stop until I created another version of the beauty I captured. The rest of the images from this shoot should not be as challenging to edit. Thank goodness!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. *blushing* and *tears* Thank you, JM. What you see here is truly magical. I know it. It is that energy created between my friends here, and what flows through me, that just would not give up until another version of the beauty I captured was created. I am so deeply touched you came over to view my work. Thank you. Love, Amy

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  2. These are just wonderful…don’t even know where to begin…love the top one…just looks like what is erupting from all that is going down, like a volcano effect when just the opposite is happening. Love the lamp post frozen over, looks like a supernatural act of violence, like a villain trying to overcome a superhero. It may be my inexperienced eye, but I see nothing wrong with these pictures, and admire the sheer brilliancy of yours in finding these images, like photographing a cliff against the falls, rather than the falls itself. Truly a labor of love well worth it!

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    1. How much enjoyment I get out of your comments, Marissa. You are so observent and so imaginative! A volcano! Wow, now that thought never occurred to me, yet now when I look through your eyes, I see what you saw. You are not seeing much of any faults in these images because I worked in the darkroom to transform them. Now IF I had published one of the images with the red pigmented noise you would see for yourself what a vast difference that is compared to what I did to it. As for my “eye” I see things from a perspective that is a bit different, just going with it, and capturing as I know it when I see it. It’s hard to explain. Something in me gives an excited YIPPEE when I see something, and that is my signal to capture that image. I am just thrilled you are enjoying this series. I have two more posts coming, one hopefully tomorrow where I will show hubby’s images (2 are of me), and then the ones of the glaciers at the American Falls, closeup. A work in progress here ….. SMILE! Love, Amy


      1. Oh, can’t wait. Always nice to see the woman and story behind the photos. Wasn’t quite sure from what you wrote whether you had managed to completely eliminate the red noise or whether there was still some lingering, so now I know you have completely eliminated it. Good for you! They look terrific! Can’t wait to see more!

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      2. Working on hubby’s photos now, and getting ideas on what to write. The story in my last post will have you laughing SO hard, I promise you. The darnedest things really do happen to me. ROFLMAO!!!! Love, Amy


  3. Your speculations make a lot of sense. But, your editing, wow!!! I’m afraid to ask how much time you spent… You have turned the ice, snow walls of NF into fantastic sculptures. This whole set really shows your passion and commitment for the perfection and for photography. I admire your talent, Amy!!!

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    1. Amy, you must have missed it in the post where I stated the editing took approximately 10 hours to do. Speaking of sculptures, that will be my last post of Niagara Falls. One before that one, hopefully up tomorrow, will be images hubby took (6) and a story how my trip ended. (smile) I almost did not complete these images, for real. When I saw the “mess” they were in, I began to cry. To work so hard for something and not to have it turn out the way you had planned, is devastating. Then when I saw the comments yesterday, I renewed my focus and would not stop until I have what you now see in this post. I admire YOUR talent, Amy, and the encouragement you give me ignites me to keep going, even when the odds are stacked against me. Remember that! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I remember you said about 10 hrs. I meant for this set. You changed them into such a art work. I do for fun and don’t go the extra mile to take pics. You give it all… amazing!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      2. Oh, sorry, Ame. I thought you meant how long for the editing. I shot for about 2.5 hours roughly. I could have gone for at least 1 more hour, but hubby’s fingers were frozen and really hurting. When I post hubby’s pics you will see the conditions under which I photographed. I look back and don’t know how I did it. Really. Cross your fingers I can get hubby’s post up tomorrow. Am in the middle of cleaning and if I plan it right, I’ll be able to edit his photos (he still does not know how to and it is like leading a horse to water) so I guess in order to show them, I do what I have to. I don’t want to, believe me, IMO he needs to learn how to edit. It’s all a part of digital photography. (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Amy, please forgive me if I hurt you in any way. It was not intentional to do so. I would feel terrible if anything came in the way of our friendship. I honestly misunderstood you. Love, Amy

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      4. I don’t really know what you are referring to… hrs of work? You are one of the few always deliver positive comment and inspiring words! I’m sorry I didn’t respond your previous comment that probably caused you to wonder. But, you are so busy…! Thank you for your sweet note. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      5. OH AMY! I’ve been close to tears thinking I hurt you. My friend, I’ve been so weary from this huge project I am doing. I am always so careful how I speak, both in my personal life and at Petals, but with this weariness, my intention of speaking Words of Love only, at times seem to slip. Bless you for not being angry with me. Now I can breathe again. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy

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      6. I try to make my comment (conversation) short to give you more time to work this enormous project. 🙂 You have brought so much joys to us. Hope even more people will appreciate your work. 🙂

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      7. I needed this time to again converse with my friends, Amy, which in turn will help me so much as I return to the editing room. I have not had the time to do the blogging, nor try to get the attention of people in order to bring them here to view my work. That’s OK. What is important to me is that those who do come here, truly enjoy the Gifts I give them. When I step back into blogging, there will be more people coming here, so no worries. This whole project has been a real Test from start to finsih. Wait until you hear my story in my last post how my Journey ended, or just there abouts. The darnedest things really do happen to me. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. Oh, Amy so glad that you didn’t scrap them. They are simply breathtaking. I can’t pick just 1 as a favorite because they are so beautiful and unique in there own way. You have brought JOY to my heart just looking at them. {{{HUGS}}} and much Love ❤ Kathy

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    1. (((HUGS))) back, Kathy!!! I’m so glad I did not scrap them either!! LOL I am learning SO much just from this one shoot. I was just taking a 5-minute cat nap and thinking, “It is much more FUN when I just do a photo shoot on the spur of the moment … the way I prefer.” This trip involved just so much, and had to be planned. I would very much like to go back, just to BE in the Moment, without working. When I tell you the “story” of how my trip ended, or just there abouts, you will both laugh and understand why I am a wee hesitant to go back again. LOL That story coming up with my last post. I’m thrilled you are enjoying this series, my friend. Bless you for commenting on each one!!! Love, Amy

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      1. Yes, enjoy the spur of the moment, also. Will look forward to the story coming up with the last post. Always enjoy reading your posts and LOVE your pictures!!! On a side note just got the word tonight that we are going to be able to rent the house we looked at yesterday in Oshkosh, WI. YEAH!!!!!! ❤

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    1. There is massive ice formations at the Falls right now, and yes the river is totally frozen. When the river is flowing and all ice is gone, probably late Spring, yes there is a boat that goes to the foot of the Horseshoe Falls called the Maid of the Mist. (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. I am thrilled you enjoyed this post, Amanda!!! I am indeed so touched that so many are coming to see my Niagara Falls series even though I am not officially blogging. I MISS everyone, and will rejoice when I am able to go to my friends’ blogs again. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Next week, Amanda, I should be back to my norm. I also am running out of flowers OH NO! so I am thinking of buying a bouquet of them at the grocery store to get me to Spring. I will not fuss about this, because I have learned, that always and I mean always things do work out for me. It will be SO good to return to my friends’ blogs. The last time I was at yours was all about the 90’s. I left a comment but I did not see a reply in return, which I thought odd. Either you didn’t see my comment, or it never posted, or it ended up in your spam. Hmmmmm…… Hang on, soon, my friend. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      2. Oh Amy, I’ve just checked and I did reply (if this is the comment regarding the 90’s fashion?) but perhaps you didn’t get the notification? I’ve had this happen a few times to me – my comments have gone missing and then I miss out on people’s comments! Such a nuisance 😦

        Anyway, I’m sorry if you thought I was being rude. I always try to reply to people, no matter how hectic life gets.

        Anyway, I can’t wait to see you back in the WP community. I’ve so enjoyed your photograph this week. But to be honest, I always enjoy your images. You really are inspiring, and I know I’ve said this before, but your photography is some of the best I’ve seen on WP! You make me want to get my own camera out again! 🙂

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      3. Amanda, YOU are the furthest thing from rude! My goodness, never once did it enter my mind you are rude. I’ve been so busy with this Niagara Falls series, perhaps I missed your reply. I too, like you try to at least “like” a comment, but to be truthful, I would rather comment. I just LOVE to talk to people. That’s quite evident, LOL!!!

        Wow, ya better stop with the compliments or my head will be so large I won’t be able to get my glasses on my face! LOL Seriously, I am SO touched by your words of praise, and to think you consider my work some of the best on WP, brings heat to my cheeks. Thank you, my friend. I consider you as an inspiration as well, for to have a long distance relationship with hubby is SO not easy. And to know you are improving your “health” makes me beam like a sunbeam! If I can encourage you to get your camera out, oh, Amanda, please do it! Yes it is a lot of work, it is time consuming, but the effort is SO worth it, IMO. I am where I am today all because people like you come to view my work and encourage me, lift me up, all giving me the opportunity to want to keep improving for your viewing pleasure.

        I am going back to the darkroom for the last time for the Niagara Falls images. By next week, I shall be back to blogging and talking as per usual. As it is, I am gabbing to you instead of buckling down and getting busy in that darkroom. Hhehehehehehe Much Love to you!!! Amy

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      4. Phew *Mops brow* I thought I had upset you for a moment. It’s hard to keep up sometimes, isn’t it? I have been feeling the pressure even more so lately, so I too have been taking a ‘well-earned’ break. Plus the hubby is home for an extended holiday, so I have been making the most of him being home.

        I’m still yet to fix my lens, but really ought to get it done so I can get out there and take some pics. And yes! The healthy living is going well…apart from my husband introducing ‘takeaways’ into my diet again *Hangs head in shame*

        Well, you better get back to your darkroom. You have been working so hard, but boy has it paid off! Your images have been simply stunning, and you should feel very proud 🙂

        Can’t wait to see you back in the blogging world and back to your usual chatty self… This is why we all love you, Amy! You bring a little bit of sunshine into our lives 🙂

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      5. *tearing my hair out* *screaming* … That ______ red pigment is fighting me all the way to the end, Amanda. I still am not finished, and I still have the post to put together as well. Of course, I’ve had other things to do, but every chance I get, back to the darkroom I got. Ask me when will the next time be when I photograph waterfalls! *eyes falling out of head*

        I bought a bouquet of flowers to photograph *says LadyP who is running low on flower pictures* and just the smell of them and the sight of them, melted my Heart, taking all the stress away. I will be going with my camera to “talk to the flowers” as soon as I am done with these ________ waterfalls.

        Please do not ever feel shame. There is always tomorrow to try again. SMILE!!!

        Hubby is quitting smoking *another silent scream* who is driving me to drink and I don’t drink. I am SO proud of him for using e-cigs to get off the cigs, but man, OH WOW, where did my HUSBAND go???

        I really do miss the blogging world and all my friends. I really look forward to the FINALE of Niagara Falls. In all seriousness this has been one HUGE project. Wait till you hear my story of what happened to me at the *oops* ….. nope, not gonna tell you. You will just have to read the story yourself. I do promise you will laugh. It’s one of those *yep, can only happen to AmyRose” stories. GRIN!

        MUAH!!! Kisses and (((HUGS))) and more kisses!!! Love, Amy


      6. Sorry for the late reply. My husband left today and I have been feeling a little deflated. *sad face*

        Good on your husband for quitting smoking. It’s not easy. My husband has tried several times, but sadly has always gone back to the cigs. He has tried everything – The patches, the e-cigs, the sticks, everything.. and boyis he grumpy when he DOES quit…I have to stay out of his way! Eeeek. I feel for you, Amy..I really do. Wine will definitely help!

        I need to catch up on all my blogs…i’ll keep an eye open for this post…I’m curious!

        Lots of love xxx *HUGS*

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      7. Regaining much needed strength and stamina before I post the FINALE of Niagara Falls. I’ve been in a very quiet place, trying to figure out where to go from here. My supply of flowers is exhausted, and this time last year the early bulbs were beginning to come up. We still have about 2 feet of snow on the ground! *sad face* So, I may not be posting for a while, just blogging. I don’t know. I did buy a bouquet of flowers and still have yet to see how I did on those … took some pics of them yesterday. Sorry to hear hubby is again gone … that is really hard, my friend. And yes, my hubby IS grumpy and yes I AM staying out of his way. This habit is SO hard to break … I know, cause I did it. Hhehehehehe Glad to know you are curious re: what is to come. You won’t be disappointed, Amanda. At least I hope not. (((HUGS))) Amy


      8. Oh Amy, whatever you do is AMAZING. You could never disappoint 🙂

        Congrats on giving up the cigs. When did you pack them in? and how? (need some inspiration to help my hubby quit!)

        What a pain the snow is – as beautiful as it is. I hope your flowers will grow soon 🙂


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      9. I used the filter system, Amanda, which is NOT being sold anymore, to my knowledge. These filters I put on my cigs, and each one would take out a certain % of nicotine. I slowly weaned myself off, and when I got to I think 90% nicotine taken out, I then stopped. It really wasn’t easy. Hubs is basically doing the same thing with e-cigs. Have you considered hypnotism or acupuncture? I’ve heard good things about both.

        As for my flowers, I’m watching the snow melt slowly. Too slow. Hopefully by the end of this week, I’ll catch my first glance of GREEN grass. And believe me, I will be kissing that GREEN grass!!! Have a great day, my friend. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      10. Thank you for the advice – my husband is yet to try hypnotism. It’s quite pricey – but then again, so is smoking! I’ll suggest it… He has been smoking for 12 years, so it’s going to be tough!

        I’m laughing out loud at the image of you kissing grass! Hehe. You do make me laugh. Have a wonderful day to, my dear 🙂

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      11. PS I am going to wait for a NEW post of yours to comment. You have SO many comments now and I am one of them. LOL Hang in there!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. You are SO welcome, Melissa. To read the comments and know I have brought great Delight to my friends, gives me great JOY. The FINALE (not next post but the one after that!) will be an OH MY GOSH one! LOL Bless you for viewing my work, my friend!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  5. They are stunning Amy! I look forward to seeing every shot posted. I only see sheer beauty! Thank you for sharing, and your beautiful words! Blessings my friend. 🙂

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      1. really, it isn’t incredible 😉 we are one 🙂 nobody in body else that i know uses the language of light to travel, mostly i just sense them, most i know so well that they arrive by name or just thought, you know 😉 xo


    1. LOL I am not officially blogging, Nx, but yes I have been given time today to respond to most comments today. I am cleaning, and when I take breaks, I come here. I hope to have time this evening to edit hubby’s pics. No, he does not know how to edit yet, and it’s been like trying to drag a horse to water. Anyways …. hehehehehe …. YOU are right about me being here! I’ve been SO focused in the darkroom, that is all I could do. I’ve been give a bit of a reprive today, a much needed one!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Aw, Holly, your words are making me blush. Thank you, my friend. My last post will show the incredible power of the glaciers at the American Falls. Two more posts coming, one of hubby’s pics and the last of the glaciers. Whew! My dedication to bring to you what I saw has been a testimony to my determination to follow through and see this to the end. I’ll be so happy to get back to blogging!!! Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. You really made me smile, DellaAnna, knowing that you are reading the story that goes along with these pictures. Thank YOU! I have two more posts coming which will complete this series of Niagara Falls, both with stories that go along with the images. All in all, I learned so much, my friend, from a very very challenging photo shoot. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Bless you, Raewyn, just Bless you!!! I honestly did not think I could pull this off, and in fact, I was seriously thinking of NOT doing these images on this post. Like I said, when I read some comments on the post prior to this one, I began to cry, and a renewed sense of “I WILL DO THIS!” surfaced. So I dug my heels in refusing to give up! And boy am I ever glad I did not!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. Oh, Lisa!!! Wow! You have got the tears going again! I’ve really put my everything into these, and for you not only to say what you did, and to reblog this post, I am deeply SO deeply grateful. See what happens when we all keep our eyes on our goals and don’t quit, no matter how much the odds are stacked against us? I Love you!! Bless you from the bottom of my Heart. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. I have been in one of those dark places where your just swinging the sword and just hope you hit the enemy waiting on the endorphins to kick in before the sun comes up! (How do you like that run -on sentence! ) Anyway, I keep coming and looking at your photos and showing them to everyone too. I’m in awe of your talent. So you totally pull me through too. Love, love, love you!!!! HUGS!!!! ❤

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      2. Aw, Honey, I know that place only too well. I will be praying for you. I am just so happy that Niagara Falls is assisting you swinging that sword. FEEL (((HUGS))) from me knowing I really mean them. Keep connected to these Falls, my friend, for they hold True Power. Feel that Power, Lisa, and KNOW you are going to make it. I Love you! xxoo Amy

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  6. Amy, these are AMAAAAZIIIIIING!!! My sister was just at Niagara falls this past weekend and to see the beauty you have captured in your photos…just goes straight to the heart, no words can truly describe it ❤ ❤ ❤


  7. Amy, my Angel, if these are “mistakes” I can’t wait to see the real ones. I know you posted the best ones first, but really angel, they just keep getting better. As things are going, I can’t wait to see what you consider the worst of the shoot. It will probably be a prize winning photo. And I still say, I would love to have any of these hanging on my wall. You have something most photographers never find–Heart, Love, Peace and Feeling for the subject at hand. You see what isn’t there and it comes thru in your work along with what others see as well. It doesn’t matter the price of the equipment, the Love in your heart and Peace in your mind and soul are what give your photos the Beauty that shows thru to the world. A world of hugs Angel. Angie

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    1. Angie, these tears that have not stopped for days, are now coming again. Your words mean more to me than anything this world could give to me. I am so touched, so honored that you think of my work in such a manner. I admit that something truly mystical and magical happens when I am behind that camera, for Mother really has allowed me entrance into Her World in a way that I know is a privilege. To gain that Trust and then to be able to have my Heart show in my work is the Greatest Treasure I own. I hope to one day be able to sell my work, my friend, and or to publish a book or two. For now, though, Angel, my “work” with my special needs cats, is very time consuming, and until that work is complete, I really don’t see my photography going anywhere except Petals, unless that is, someone comes into my Life to help me promote my work. I am only one person, my friend, and my days are filled. If I walk away from Petals, then I could promote my work, throwing my energy into that. But, what gives me such pleasure and where I have found such good friends, I am just not willing to turn my back on. All things work out, Angie, all in Perfect Time. I am so happy my work of Niagara Falls you are enjoying. I have 2 more posts coming, one of hubby’s work that may be posted today, and then the final one of the American Falls, with “macro” of the ice sculptures. As for my flowers, I am running short, so either I have to hunt again through my treasures to see what I can find, or I go to the grocery store to buy a bouquet of flowers. Either way, I know I will get Petals to Spring until I can start photographing the NEW flowers that are almost ready to grow. I Love you, Angie. Bless you for your words that put me to tears and gave me such a boost of happiness to help me finish up with this series of Niagara Falls. This truly has been a test of perseverence for me. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Oh, no, never leave Petals, and never leave the kitties. They mean too much to so many. I will look forward to the posts of the remaining photos, yours and hubby’s eagerly, and fully Understand you have priorities in your life, Hubby first, of course, and the special needs Cats. Too many people would abandon those Precious babies, but Special People like you are put here for the purpose of caring for God’s creatures, especially the ones who most need love and attention. You have passed the test of perseverance, with an A+, doubled, and I think we are all praying for spring. I would even love to see a single blade of grass or one new leaf on a tree right now after all of the snow we had last night.
        Love and hugs, Angie

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      2. Angie, I know in my Heart that what I do in my Life is the right way for me. I may not be a success according to this world, but that matters not to me. What does matter, is how HAPPY my Heart is. I could be no happier than I am now. I do admit, however, that my Life is far from easy, and there are some days I wish things were different. Many hours of hard work are a fact of Life for me every day, and not to be able to apply myself to photography as I would like to, is not easy either. I was just with my Karma this morning, my oldest, and tears slid down my cheeks as I looked upon him, stroking him, talking to him. I cannot imagine my Life without him in it, yet, that too shall pass some day. I treasure what I have in my NOW Moment as much as I can, and even with that, due to how much of Life I do embrace, I do not spend enough time with those I Love. This Life in 3D is truly difficult at times for always, bar none, there is loss. I too am yearning to see just ONE blade of grass as are my cats who by the way, are climbing the walls in anticipation of Spring. Love, and (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. I know I KNOW, Tiny! It is like a dream world, isn’t it? And to think this dream world was created from a base of images that truly were a mess. WOW! Just wow!!!! Hope all is well over at the Salt Marsh. I’ve missed coming on over. I’ve had to focus my all in the darkroom but next week I should be back to normal. YAY!!!! Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Amy,
      I do understand that you worked very hard and take your work seriously. I too appreciate your honesty and candor…and enjoy reading your stories of how you get the pictures. I meant no disrespect and certainly didn’t intend to upset you. All I was trying to say is that the pictures are fabulous and your hard work paid off as well as your talent. I may not be a “regular” here…though I do stop by and have always tried to offer support and encouragement…. I still remember our email exchanges over at A4P. I apologize if my comment didn’t come across as intended.

      Wishing you healing and happiness.


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      1. Melanie, my apologies. I’ve been so tired lately, and I have been so out of sorts on account of my Dad’s death, that I spoke last night from a place of weariness. Forgive me, Melanie. I was wrong to say the words I did to you and to be truthful with you, you were the first person who came to mind this morning when I awoke. I knew I had spoken not from a place of Love, but from a place of exhaustion, and instead of waiting until the morning to answer you, I chose instead to write last night. I sincerely am truly sorry. This matter will not be settled for me until I know you have forgiven me. With Love, Amy


    1. There are no mistakes because I spent 10 hours fixing them, couz. LOL I again am thrilled you enjoyed the Falls with me. I have two more posts coming and then that is ta-da, all finished. I plan on jumping back into blogging next week and I can’t wait to see you over at your blog. I’ve missed my friends’ work and commenting on their blogs. *sigh* The sacrifices I make to bring to YOU magice! LOL (((HUGS))) couz from the west


      1. With gratitude such as this, it will help me to finish up the course. Truly, cousin, this project from start to almost finished, has been a lesson in perseverence. I miss you over at your place … soon Niagara Falls Series will end and I again go back to blogging to visit you. (((HUGS))) Amy


  8. These really are gorgeous and you should be proud of having hauled them off the midden heap. In fact, I’d like to see a post where you show the before and after of a few of these shots! 🙂

    By the way, one thing I have done in post processing when I get a color cast is to switch the photo to black and white and see what I can do with it there. This approach is also especially helpful with good scenic shots taken on dull, cloudy days. Then, by lowering the exposure on the clouds you can draw the sky out as dramatic and turn the photo around. 🙂

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    1. John, I really thank you for the information you passed on to me. I have so much to learn yet and everything I am given I cherish. I have never seen this reddish cast until I went to the Falls. I really worked each image until that reddish cast was just about invisible. I may do just what you suggested here, to show an image before I edited it, and then an after image after the processing is finished. I still have one more post to do, with about, I’d say a good 10 images left to edit, so again, I am going to be disappearing for a while. This project has been the most challenging I have yet done. In a way I will sigh a huge sigh of relief once it is finished. Whew!!! You talk about learning immense “new information”. Huge learning curve for me with these. Just huge. Again, thank you for the tip!!! I take it!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. For me, when I am in the middle of such a project I become obsessed with it… Can’t think of anything else, can’t wait to get back to it, can’t stop hating it because it is so hard and consuming. But then, when I’m finished, I feel at loose ends and don’t know what to do with myself. Gosh, but my poor wife puts up with so much!! 🙂 Good luck! I’m looking forward to seeing the rest!

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      2. I laugh as I write this because you just described me. I am dreading going back to the darkroom, but once there, nothing will pull me out. I will work until I drop. Hehehehehe We are something else, aren’t we? I know I will be relieved to finally be done with this project, but already I am saying … WHAT NEXT? LOL


  9. I’m in love with the 7th one, most of all. It’s so magical. I have no idea what you go through to make your pictures turn out so perfectly but whatever you do, you have mastered it. Thank you and look at all the amazing things you learned from your shoot. How the water picks up color, how it makes the earth vibrate. That’s fabulous. Now you know and you can allow for those things:) I’m happy for you. I’ve never been to the Falls but you have shown a side of them that is amazing.

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    1. Gigi, your words leave me breathless and I do thank you. I LOVE the 7th image too for some reason. It is just SO cool how the ice formed in such a way it looks like the lamp is shaking it’s head! LOL I have created a system with editing that I am comfortable with where I use several different editing rooms. I am not able to use PS CC because it is just so huge and so complex, I really don’t even want to try learning it. I am in and out of LR which I have a better hold of, but I mainly use LR Mobile. Just tinkering with different options has given me a wide range of selections and now when I edit, I do my primary editing in PS Elements 6, then from there to my apps on my iPad. It’s intensive, and it is a Labor of Love. This PS CC is just too much, my friend, with no end in sight. PS has made editing so complex, and I’ve lived too long to do anything but simple. I really thank you for this wonderful comment. I know I have been showing many posts of Niagara Falls, and the thought occurred to me that maybe peeps are getting tired of seeing them. After my last post I have to figure out what to do. I must either hunt in my archives for flowers or buy a bouquet of flowers to photograph. Spring cannot get here fast enough!!! For real! And yes, I learned SO much from this one shoot alone, I don’t know where to begin to tell you. I am always learning, and am open to keep learning to learn new. I was thinking what would a flower look like in slow shutter speeds in the wind? I have lots of thoughts to apply to when I can get back to my flowers. And other things as well …… (((HUGS))) Amy


  10. These are really a stunning set of photos ~ each one so special and different than the others… I found myself really enjoying the middle photos (#3 to #5) but then on second & further review I bounced between the beginning and ending photos and thus a wonderful series of shots. Mystical and magical indeed.

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    1. I am so honored, Randall, that you are enjoying and appreciating these very special images of Niagara Falls. I am working on my final post of the Falls and I must admit, I will not be sorry to say goodbye to them. This project has been enormous from start to finish. Bless you for witnessing a most important milestone in my photography career!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  11. It is hard to believe the things that you went through to make these pictures. They look great – the 3rd picture and the last one are really cool look of the fall.

    For the red dot noise in the image, another possibility for them is due to long exposure. I found them all the time when shutter speed in several seconds. A decent photo editing tool should get rid of them easily.

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    1. YellowCable, I am thrilled you really are enjoying these Falls. I have one more post to put up and then I am finished. As for the editing tool, I have yet to find it. I do have PS CC but that program is just so huge and I really am not in the right frame of mind to study. The red noise was seen on hubby’s photos too, and his were not long shutter speeds. Although, the noise on my long shutters was much more evident. Very baffling, because I have used long shutter speeds with waterfalls, and have not experienced the red noise. When I am up to it, I will look in my PS CC book how to get rid of red noise. One option is to turn the photo into black and white.

      This photo shoot held many valuable lessons. It really wasn’t fun, a lot of work, and many things went wrong that now I think I could rectify. Thank you for your kind words. They meant a lot to me. I’m very tired at this time, my friend. Between working almost continuously in the darkroom, the photo shoot, and missing my Dad, I’m truly beat. Yet from nervous exhaustion, I am just not able to stop right now. I really am touched by your continual support and your wonderful comments. Thank you so much. Love, Amy

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  12. Terrific works Amy! Long shutter speeds and speed. Race track effect. Where do you want the blur. You got spectacular blur in the fall of the water and even with the vibration of that location the static scenery is wonderful.

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  13. My Dearest Amy…… you know, you really have got to stop being so hard upon yourself.. I know I am not a professional photographer, But I know what is pleasing to the eye .. And as an Artist.. These pictures are far from scrap-able.. But are beautifully captivating.. Each one has something the eye is drawn to.. I LOVE them all.. and I am so enjoying my catch up today xxx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was suggested I show what some of these images looked like BEFORE I edited them into what you see here. I’m serious, Sue, they were a mess. I recreated beauty in these images in the darkroom. In fact, this lesson has spurred me on to now study and learn LR5. I experimented with a flower today and posted it, and now getting very excited to learn how to use this program. I’ve been using LR Mobile but what I have seen today I am confident that I can go beyond what I do in LR Mobile. I am thrilled you are enjoying catching up today. I am really busy in the darkroom, so I will answer the rest of your comments when I can. Love to you, Sue! (((HUGS))) Amy

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I can feel your excitement Amy, And know you will soon master yet another skill within your Darkroom xx Hugs and Blessings for your weekend.. and no worries about answering.. Your Love here and Hugs are all I need xxx ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Cool, let us know how LR is, I’m toying with the idea of getting LR5.
        I believe it frees you up to do what you love to do,,,, outside of winter snow days that is…….Shoot images!!!!!
        Well done.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Amy. I came back to your Niagara Falls post numerous times. You know what I can tell you, if you did not write that a lot of pictures were done with mistakes, nobody could say that. It looks like everything done with the reason. All of the pictures are looking like an Art. Your huge efforts with post-processing have been paid in full. Wonderful project!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Alexander, you put tears in my eyes. I never worked so hard on a project then with Niagara Falls. The hours I spent editing these images, I paid a huge toll. I really overdid it, and bam, got ill. I am feeling much better! I put my entire self, Heart and Soul, into these photographs, from start to finish. I am SO happy you are enjoying them. Thank you SO much for telling me. YOU made my day! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Is all well with you, Alexander? Are you OK? Is it something I said to you that got you upset? If so, I really apologize if I did, for my intention is never to hurt anyone. (((HUGS))) Amy


  15. Would these be half as magical without the behind-the-scenes drama that almost killed them? Perhaps, but unlikely. I’ve thought and said so many times, and this post reinforces my belief, that those who haven’t labored in any field would be astonished and often truly overwhelmed at the immensity and complexity of what happens behind the scenes and before the tiny visible portion of the action that they will ever see. Some of the humblest seeming tasks take enormous amounts of commitment and determination, patience and endurance, to come to fruition, not just the skill and knowledge and talent, any of which alone should give us pause.

    I commend you, Amy. You didn’t let this grand undertaking of yours get the better of you, but gave it the best of you instead, and this lovely result is worth its weight in gold for both its visual beauty and the incredible journey of learning and courage that led you to complete it. Heroics come in all varieties, and you should be very proud of how far you have leapt from the beginning of your Niagara plans to the moment of pressing Publish!



    1. It is not without dry eyes that I write this response, Kathryn. I honestly don’t know what to say. I have read this comment over and over and over again, not wishing to let it go for even one moment. What you have described speaks of what you yourself know, for yes, in order to be able to write what you have, you have lived it. Not only with my photography can I apply your words. No. *wiping eyes* Your words sum up my Life, how I have dug so deep within myself to bring forth Life when all I was taught was death. Unwilling to quit, and with unwavering determination, I fought back so that my past would not destroy me. It is with this strength that I have found deep within myself, that I applied to this Niagara Falls journey. I have not ever felt so scared, overwhelmed, and questioning over and over again if this huge undertaking was even within my means to accomplish. I was shaking, literally with nerves. I didn’t even really get into my zone at all due to being so nervous. Then the hours, endless at that, in the editing room, I didn’t think I could do. I was so exhausted by the time I completed this Niagara Falls journey, I slept just about around the clock for days. To pour myself into something that grand and to see the results, is almost too much for me to handle. I gape in wonder when I view my images and in astonishment I realize I did this, me. Kathryn, your comment means so much to me, that I am copying it to put on my external HD. I would like to ask your permission to some day put these words of yours on Petals matched with one of my images, of course giving you the credit for the words. These words hold magic, and I so want to share them for all to read. You have given me a Gift today, so great, that I had to go for a walk to get grounded by Mother. Never has anyone paid me this much attention and for this, I am extremely humbled and honored, that such a great writer as yourself, would say what you have today. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart. I will never forget these words or how they affected me so powerfully. Thank you, Kathryn, for being so generous, so kind, and such a Great Strength yourself. I see you in your own words reflected perfectly. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Sweet Amy, now you’ve made *me* cry. Happily, though. You are so much more powerful than you know, and I hope that you continue to see that strength and beauty yourself as you let it blossom, my dear Rose. Of course you are free to do what you will with my note: it’s yours, written for and given to you.
        (((HUGS))) right back. 🙂

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      2. Please pray for me, my friend, so that I see what you see in me. Rising above what was given to me as a child, has been many years in the making. It is now I wish to see, to know, and to feel who I am totally, without barrier. I do to a certain extent, yet I desire more. I’ve come so far, so far …. Bless you for being so kind to me. May you BE Blessed beyond Measure for what you have given me this day, Kathryn. Much Love, Amy


      3. Sweet one, you are such a delicate flower. You will always have my prayers for courage and confidence in your own value. Your kindness and gentle spirit are both part of your tremendous gifts and part of what I know will always be a struggle for you. Humility and generosity are great treasures, as long as you don’t let them turn into unfair internal critics that make you question your worth or agonize over the value of what marvelous artistry you share. You really do matter. Know that. Be at peace in it.

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      4. Again I say another very sincere thank you, Kathryn. Since my Dad’s death in January, the solid foundation of me, crumbled. The years of inner determination to feel good about myself and know these Gifts I have are just that, a Gift, seemed to have dissipated and instead, a huge void opened wide. In that void, doubts arose, low self-esteem arose, real despair arose, all leaving me reeling as in astonishment I found myself feeling about me as I used to years ago.

        It is said all healing comes in circles, and so it seems with me. I’ve come face to face again with those left over feelings that were created in my childhood, and as I do, I again dig even deeper to find that Inner Garden I know exists within me. Niagara Falls was the catalyst. And now after Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, I put myself back together again, rearranging particles in order to present a Whole once again with the knowing my Dad is no longer present on this side of the veil.

        You it seems have found a place in this world, and I couldn’t be happier for you. Thank you, Kathryn, for making this world brighter by just being you. We are sisters, following the beats of our Hearts and as we do, all around us changes for Good. All this day I will be thinking upon what has been shared between you and I.

        And yes, you are exactly right about how I struggle and why. This world is not accepting of a kind and gentle spirit but rather has shown fear towards me. So I have created a small world of my own and this is where I have found myself and my Inner Garden away from the noise and rush of the world. This is why I am able to “hear” what I do in order to write that which I write on Petals. And this is why I am able to understand that Mother has allowed me entrance into Her World in such a way that is not explainable.

        I leave you with an experience of mine. When I was in college, an English Professor ripped my writing apart and actually gave me an F, the first F I ever received. I was devastated, for writing at that time was the only thing I brought with me from my childhood that I felt good about. Because of this woman, I stopped writing and I stopped believing in my ability to express myself through the written word. Through online forums I found about cats, I slowly began to gain confidence in myself as a “writer”. I went from a cats’ forum to a “New Age Forum” and from there I made the leap to Petals.

        I am telling you this for I saw you had been an English Professor. I know I express myself uniquely and now today I can say, I really am confident in myself when I do write, for I Love it.

        May your day be wonderful! As I go about this day, you will be in my Heart and on my mind. (((HUGS))) Amy


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