Getting As Much Dug Out Before Phase Two Begins (6 iPad Images)

123 thoughts on “Getting As Much Dug Out Before Phase Two Begins (6 iPad Images)”

  1. Gosh, what a nightmare for you and this is only November! You’re in my thoughts and prayers for a safe weathering of what Nature continues to throw at you. Blessings. (Pls. get some rest!!!)


    1. Bless you, Eliza!! I treasure your concern and Blessings. We are keeping as safe as possible. I will rest when this is all over. Right now I have my hands full. (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. Dear Amy of course you must document this natural disaster, there will be plenty of time to see your lovely flowers later on. Best wishes, and hoping you get through this bad weather with no flooding, soon.


    1. Your support has not been overlooked by me, Karen, and I really do thank you. My usual I would go to your blog immediately, and since you are new, I wanted you to know this. This is just not about me, but all who come here to Petals I honestly do try to get to their blogs as well. ALL who comment I do go to those blogs, that is a given. But I am not doing that now, on account of what is going on. I really thank you for your presence and your loving words. They mean so much to me. When this disaster is over, I promise to come to see you. (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. aww don’t worry about it at all…stay safe and thank you for taking the time to share the breadth of the damage with us…we will await your return and hope that snow slows down for you…Much love and hugs!

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    1. I haven’t been able to go far due to a driving ban and being told to stay off the street so that you don’t get injured from any clean up machines. I am doing my best and I really thank you for the compliment. Bless you for the encouragement! When this is all over, I will be coming by to see you. That is my “usual” policy. (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. Oh, Dan, you are ever so welcome. Thank YOU for thanking me. Many don’t understand that even with an iPad there is work involved. Especially right now, making sure I don’t fall and slip on ice or snow while balancing an iPad in my hands. I really am touched by your support, my friend. Love, Amy


      1. Again, I would never guess that these were taken with an iPad. I will use my phone, but I don’t even try taking pictures with that device. I hope you escape the 2nd wave.


      2. This is is a high compliment, Dan, and I really do thank you. My camera is too heavy for me to take out and try to stay upright on the treacherous snow and ice. Once the snow starts melting I hope to get some pics of this continuing situation. The only thing with the iPad I had to have BARE hands in order to use it. God is good. My hands stayed warm, believe it or not. (((HUGS))) Amy


  3. Honestly, I am finding all this fascinating and you’re definitely raiding awareness. I wish there was more I could do. If I was there, I’d grab a shovel. These pics look more hopeful but sounds like it’s just the eye of the storm.


    1. It is just the eye of the storm, Marissa. At times I found myself becoming anxious and I had to talk myself out of it. What good would that do? None. I hope that my posts bring much prayer our way, because we really need it. Bless you for your Love to me. (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. The snow is too deep to even play in. We have a minimum of 5 feet on the ground, YellowCable. And the temps are so low too that again it is not safe for kids to be out. Everyone is being told to stay indoors. (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. Thanks for posting these Amy. I’m impressed with how well everyone’s getting it cleared out. Hopefully the next storm’s not as bad but keep us posted. Get some pic’s of the polar bears where you live. šŸ˜‰


    1. They’ve called in the National Guard and the entire state of NY is sending equipment and man power. These machines I see on the road I have never seen before. They are HUGE. They remind me of Avatar. (smile) Love, Amy


  5. I agree, please document it. Hope you and your husband stay warm. It like white walls along the street. I saw the cat was eating on you previous post, so she is okay. Your neighbor did a good job making a path. I heard on the news that it will get a little warmer. Take care, Amy (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I’m not going to any blogs right now, Amy. I just can’t. This snow deal is taking a toll. And now tomorrow more to come. I miss your pics. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I will keep posting, Mark. And our neighbor with the back hoe never offered help. Do ya believe that? No surprise there. Though you would think in this emergency peeps would help peeps. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. That Karma is coming my way, Mark. I guess first all the bad had to be “washed away”. As of tomorrow it shall be washing away in the floods. And then, OH LET THE SUNSHINE IN! šŸ™‚ Love, Amy


      2. I am already worried about what the BIG MELT is going to bring to Buffalo and, most importantly, your Lancaster, Amy. Get the ark ready for you, hubby, and Rusty and the barn cats. Be careful, my friend. šŸ™‚


  6. This has truly been an epic storm. I am amazed at the ability for me to look out across Lake Erie (at times) and see these snow bands coming your way. Our snow fall as of now has been much less although another blast has dropped several more inches as of now. I am very grateful to find your post here and to know that you and yours are safe. You are in my thoughts and I send you nothing but positive energy…my angels are joining in with yours my cherished friend! Love and Light. ~Matthew


    1. Thank you, Matthew, and I as well am relieved to hear you are OK across the border. This storm has been surreal, something you might see in a movie. Yet, I am living it. You stay warm and safe. I am so glad you made it home. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  7. I went on my run today and it was brutal here in Dog Pile Ontario. It was -15 at 8:30 this morning. I slipped on some ice in front of a show and landed right on my hip! People were paying to see me instead of the movie! I tried eating the snow, but there’s just too much out there… One plan I have, is to open the front door every time I fart. Maybe added atmospheric methane will hurry up global warming. At any rate, I know how you feel… Like a Popsicle! I still wanna lick your face :O)


    1. Please PLEASE be careful!!! Taking a fall like that could break a bone! Wait don’t fart out the door. It is global warming that is causing this snow here. Point the farts elsewhere. OK? You are too funny .. I’ll be over to see you when my head comes out from all the white stuff around here. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thanks, Doc! Really do appreciate your feedback. I miss YOU and your blog, but um I seem to be otherwise busy right at the moment. Just about dropping from exhaustion but hey, what can I say, I still have a heartbeat and I seem to be breathing still. šŸ™‚ When this “excitement” is over with I will be sure to see you. Really. I DO miss you. Think I said that already, but I’ll say it again. GRIN! (((HUGS))) Amy

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    2. No wait. I cheated. I remember now. As I was ringing everyone’s doorbell via the reader, I stopped to read about the Ninja turtle. Hehehehehe …. Couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry …. your son will want to be something else a few months from now. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  8. Oh, yes, please do keep the photos coming! They are unbelievable and your documentation makes the rest of us who are not stuck in that mess realize how fortunate we are. (Not to mention that they make us pray that it doesn’t dip a bit further south and bury those of us who are sitting pretty at the moment!) We’re also praying that flooding doesn’t become your next problem. If it does, maybe you can pretend you are getting a head start on your seasonal waterfall shots. (ha ha :))

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    1. You know, Mary, I do have ONE filter I have not used yet and I bought it intentionally for waterfalls. LOL This just might be the occasion that I use that filter. What do you know about that? IF I can get to waterfalls close by I could get out of this world phenomenal pics. Can you imagine the runoff from 8 feet of snow? I may have to get there by boat. Hehehehehehe So tired I am getting punchy. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  9. Dear Amy,
    So thinking of you and sending many prayers and spirit helping hands your way. In my younger years I was caught in and lived thru a few blizzards in the rural wilds and don’t really care to again. Praying for you and yours and all the animals both domestic and wild. Your pictures certainly catch the breadth of all that crazy weather. Keeping my fingers crossed for a dry basement.
    Forest Joy


    1. Dearest One, I do thank you for your prayers. So many have opened their Hearts to us and those who live here, praying for us. I am so touched that you took time to come here and write such Loving words. Bless you, my friend. Bless you. Love, Amy


  10. Amy I can’t even imagine what you are going through. All day long anytime somebody complained I told them “it could be worse, there could be 4ft of snow outside!” How do you even begin to dig out of that? When that melts……sending heartfelt thoughts and prayers your way. šŸ™‚

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  11. I’ve been thinking about you so much. I’m delighted to see that the streets are in good shape. It’s going to take a LONG time for the snow to melt. I hope you’re still getting that 50 degree day. I’m glad you are okay. Nightmare, for sure.

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  12. Oh Amy I am so glad that you and your husband are safe. Yes, keep the pictures coming if possible. This really reminds me of 77/78 winter except all in a couple of days. Pray that your roof holds and that your basement doesn’t get flooded.Take care! Love you, Kathy ā™„


    1. Kathy, today we prepare our basement in case of flooding tomorrow. I am answering as many comments right now as I can. I have kept the pics coming…. I hope you saw them. Love you, Kath! (((HUGS))) Amy

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      1. Amy, yes have seen all the pics. Just unbelievable and thank you for documenting this epic snowfall. Hope your basement doesn’t flood. Love you too, Amy ā™„ ā™„


  13. So last night I posted that I’ve lived in the south all my life where folks panic over an inch of snow. I also said that I would like to see a big snow just once.

    I take it back. Looks like a nightmare.

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      1. We dug through 6-7″ of snow, a tunnel of sorts just to get to our heating vents the bird feeders. We have our driveway cleared out as well as our front door. Now we prepare the basement today in case of flooding tomorrow. Love, Amy


    1. Sheri, Luv, you have no idea what a nightmare it is until you see the real thing. I hope you saw the rest of my posts, to know this is really serious. When this is all over, I look forward in getting to know you. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  14. Amy, my dear, I will say a prayer for you and yours when I pray for all of the critters suffering outside in these horrible storms tonight. My heart really does go out to you (and your neighbors). Stay warm. Stay safe. šŸ™‚


    1. I saw an owl last night on one of our trees and yes, these birds and animals really need prayer, along with the people here. I prayed for that owl, telling him hang on, food will be available again soon. Thank you for your prayers. Bless you. Love, Amy

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  15. I like this clearing out of that insane amount of snow … and I’m hoping that you guys are doing well with the next phase. Shaking my head over how much snow you’ve had to deal with.


    1. I hope you saw my other photos, August, that I posted yesterday. Today we prepare our basement in case of flooding expected for tomorrow. I too shake my head over this, not quite yet able to believe this is really happening. Love, Amy

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      1. I did see your other photos. And I have my fingers crossed that your basement doesn’t flood. Hope all goes well for you in all that snow.


    1. Uncle Spike, I hope you saw my other photos too that I posted yesterday. You won’t believe your eyes. I can’t believe my own eyes. Now today we prepare our basement in case of flooding. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Thank you, Uncle Spike. Now the rains and floods come. I again shall try to document this. I don’t know if I will be able to get out of my home. Love, Amy


  16. Great snow pics… Keep it coming… Stay save… This is an awful lot of snow. I’m from NJ originally and in all my days, I’ve never seen anything like what is happening in Buffalo.


    1. Lor, if you understood how awful this is, and what I am going through just to get the photos to you …. it is treacherous outside. I have the boots and I have the clothing so I did stay safe. We were being told to stay off the streets, even walking … but I went back in a small suburb off the main road. I either cannot believe this is happening. Today we must prepare the basement in case of flooding tomorrow. Love, Amy


  17. Nice remembering, of when I was a child and the snow in upstate New York was this high. dug tunnels just to get to the road(rural).

    Cool.Cleared that road quick!!!
    If your flooding, get the boat out!!!
    Sending love and bright light for easy water transition,,,ice to water,
    hmmm maybe to wine???


    1. Oh, I am depending on that wine and whole lot of LIGHT along with it. Good is coming in! First the dross had to be cleansed, and believe me, there was a TON of it. Tomorrow flooding starts so today we clear out our basement. Love, Amy

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  18. Amy, we are living in the real World where not only good things happened. This is why we appreciate and feel taste of Life when bad things have been going and good coming. Keep going with your reports, please, if it is not really hard for you.


    1. I have been keeping the reports coming, Alexander. I hope you saw them. I even got a pic of half my face, trying to show you the mountain of snow in the back of me. Today we clear out the basement for flooding due tomorrow. Thank you for being with me on this journey. Love, Amy


      1. Amy, I’ve seen all of your posts (including half of your face picture). Hopefully, the snow do not fall anymore. But now you are waiting for another possible trouble with the flood. What is going on on your roof? With the temperature going up the snow become wet and heavy. It is too hard for the roof too hold it. This is why it is better to clean it up. I know it is not easy project and to make an advice easer than to do the job. Undortunately, it is all what I can do for you Guys. Sorry.
        Wish you all the best.


      2. Bless you for your concern, my friend. We have all ready here. Including the means to pump the water out of sump pump in case we have to. All it go here. Nerves are a bit stressed, but other then that, OK. (((HUGS))) Amy


  19. It has been major news here in New Zealand. I have been thinking of you every time I see it on TV. It means so much more to me when I know someone who is affected. I know what it is like to see so much snow but your photos are great and really show us up close what it is really like. So keep it coming and I will keep praying for you to stay warm and cosy. šŸ˜€


    1. Raewyn, from here on out, I don’t know if I will be able to document the rest of this situation. Flooding is expected and that, my friend, will be too dangerous for me to be outside. Authorities here are telling everyone to stay off the roads still, even though the driving ban has been lifted. Life sustaining supplies like food and medicine are trying to get to us so travel that is still treacherous will be made more so with people driving. Thank you for your concern. Love, Amy


  20. OMG! The last couple of days I have not checked my blogs that I follow. I just recently started catching up and I saw one of your posts about the snow on Ron’s Facebook. I didn’t even know you lived there. I’m so sorry to hear what you and your neighbors are enduring up there. I hope it ends soon! I will say an extra prayer for you and everyone there.


    1. Thank you, Laura. It has been a real nightmare. Total snow accumulation is 90″ and then the weekend we are going to get warm temps that will melt this massive amount of snow. Hubs and I are getting prepared for flooding. Bless you for your prayers. They mean so much to us. Love, Amy


      1. Not living in the snow, the numbers really don’t mean anything to me because I have nothing to related to. But when I see your pictures and I am watching the newsā€¦ It is just horrific! The country is in such an imbalance with weather. We are in a dire drought and you are getting deluged with snow. Big big hugs. I take it you have a generator.


      2. No, Laura, we don’t have a generator. We are so grateful we have not lost power. Now we prepare for the floods. I don’t know from here on out how much I can document. I cannot get on the roads and besides, this is going to be very very dangerous to do so. Love, Amy


      3. Thank goodness you have not lost power. I can’t even imagine how scary it is. Prayers for you my friend. (BTW…I reblogged your post so you would have even more prayers and support.)


      4. Laura, BLESS you! *tears* I haven’t checked my email so I didn’t see that you reblogged my post. I’m getting a bit anxious about now, not knowing how much more I can do. My face is so white right now, I’m getting dizzy episodes, and I feel so so tired. We still have to clear out the basement today and then face flooding. I have to go read one of my inspirational books to get lifted up. Thank you for you Love and concern. (((HUGS))) Amy


      5. I wish I could do more! I really feel for you. More prayers coming your way right now! You’re welcome is the least that I can say. Big hugs and take care! ā¤


  21. I truly hope that you can look back at these photos many years from now and thank god that you haven’t had to endure something so drastic again. But no one knows what’s going to happen in the future. With it only being just the end of fall it’s crazy to think what could happen if the snows just keep coming. I hope everything works out for all of you having to go through with all this, but I’m happy you are photographing the experience so we all can remember as documenting something like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


    1. Yes, Justin, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Even though it took a lot of effort at times to document, I am glad I did. The worst is yet to come. Now we are facing massive flooding with warming temperatures. Everyone is just so exhausted and stressed. I don’t know if I will be able to get out to document the floods. That might just be too dangerous with over 7 feet of snow on the ground rapidly melting. I will do my best. That is all I can do. Love, Amy


  22. Thats a crazy amount of snow – hope it doesn’t cause too much damage. We have the opposite issue down here – summer is coming with it’s skin frazzling high temperatures – to Perth – snow seems like something from a story book


  23. Amy I commend you on getting out and taking photo’s to share.. We are all of us thinking of you and the first thing Hubby said when I showed him your photo’s was about your roofs carrying that amount of weight.. I hope when your snow melts it does so slowly so those floods you are expecting are curbed.. Thoughts are with you.. xxx Hugs


    1. Sue, I posted yesterday pics during and after hubs and I cleared off roofs. Today our neighbor’s gutter is torn off, in the exact place where we cleared off snow and ice from our house. IF we had not, our gutters could have been torn off as well. LOVE YOU! (((HUGS))) Amy


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