Glen Falls (6 IMAGES)

55 thoughts on “Glen Falls (6 IMAGES)”

  1. We may comment again, I see … HOKAY ! My Swedish mate Stefan has just been kind enough to produce a comparative study of water using a huge variety of shutter-speeds, Amy me love: here’s the reference, in case you’re interested …
    Tell me what you think …


    1. I went to Stefan’s site and his waterfall photos are fantastic! I LOVED them, M-R. I like the way he captured the water and even though the water is “dirty” I still think they are beautiful. Thank you SO much for sending me this link. (((HUGS))) Amy

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  2. Sincerely Amy, your photos are simply wonderful! You are a true great photographer…I feel like a young amature compare to you! I hope you’re feelin well..I think about you every day my Sunshine Amy. God bless and have a wonderful week-end. Delvi.


    1. Delvi, Bless you for visiting and thank you for your Loving words to me. I have been so busy lately I haven’t been able to stay in contact with you. Life has taken off and my blog continues to flourish. I have several emails right now that I just am not able to answer. I was running myself right into the ground, and no longer am I willing to do so. I had to make changes and follow through with them. I hope you are well and your life is all you have dreamed it to be. With Love, Amy


      1. Everything is going well for me. I’ve been working on my last revision on my new book…that’s why there are some changes over my primary blog. Now it’s called Symphonie de Mots and it is almost all Gigi, but I still continue to write on my new blog associated wit my officiaal website. If you wish to come and visit, I’ll give you the adresse, but no pressure at all. I know you’re quite busy and I thank you for taking the time to answer this message. The adress of my new blog is . Wishing you all the best alway, Delvi.


      2. I am thrilled your life is going as well as it is for you, Delvi. I’m just thrilled! You really do deserve all the very best and my prayers are with you that your newest book is a great success. All the hard work you put into it will pay off. Bless you for your Bright Light in this world. Bless you, my friend. Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Michael, for stopping by. I have been reading your poetry and I really do thank you for the work you do. Life has thrown me in a busy cycle and I am just barely keeping up. Just know I really do appreciate you and your work. Love, Amy


  3. Your flower photos are beautiful, and your waterfall photos bring a wonderful energy — these are amazing!


  4. Beautiful, dear Mom Bonzo! 🙂 Sorry we haven’t been around much lately. But the human is super busy. And since we haven’t figured out how to type yet… 😉 Happy Sunday to ya! Purrs and love, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    1. I was JUST THINKING about you two! BUSY you say?! I KNOW! ME TOO! I understand purrfectly. I have been trying to get a new system together for blogging, and still I am struggling. Life’s BUSY has been turned up a bit. No need to apologize, my friends. Know even if you are not here or I am not at your blog, you are furever in my Heart. I really mean that!!! ((HUGS))) Mom BonZo


    1. This is how Mother works through me, Chris. For real. I do not know how I do what I do, but I do know I fall into magic. It is a great honor to know that Mother trusts me to capture her Magnificence. I am thrilled you SEE it. ((HUGS))) Amy

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  5. They’re all absolutely beautiful Amy, I couldn’t pick a favourite one if I tried. The blue filter really brings out the highlights of the water, sorta separating the individual streams. I really like the results it gives.

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    1. I did not use a blue filter, David, but I did do that in the editing room. You are in for another treat today because I caught water magic again yesterday. Two posts will be going up, the first one very shortly. You will be amazed, I promise! (((HUGS))) Amy


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