Will You Know Love When It Comes?

87 thoughts on “Will You Know Love When It Comes?”

    1. I’ve just realized how big my husband’s energy is ie loud, making noise, always talking …. and the house seems so empty without him. It is raining here this morning, hoping it is not where he is. And the temps dropped too. I’m sure glad I’m not tent camping right now. It is just too cold and damp. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. And I won’t! Bill may not be able to show his emotions but he does show me Love in ways I now recognize. Perhaps one day he will let go of the fear he brought home with him from war, and finally be able to show me love through emotions. Now that would be nice!! And then some!!! Have a great weekend, Mom. Love, Amy


  1. I can only laugh a little. When I travel, I tend to show an OCD tendency. I like to know that I have everything I might need. I don’t cook. I can, but mg wife cooks better and, if she traveled, she would likely leave the fridge like that. It’s the little things that show love. Enjoy your long weekend. I hope his trip is a success.


    1. Ah, you caught on to the OCD. Yes, he has OCD in spades all the time, which um drives me batty, but this is the way he knows and this is how he survives every day. It’s too quiet in this house, Dan. Darn, but that man makes noise no matter what (and messes) and now not to have that, is well, culture shock I guess. LOL Love, Amy


      1. I make noise and light. My wife is quiet and comfortable with minimal light or natural light. I slam and I go light switch to light switch “click click click” I think she’s ok when I travel 🙂


      2. Dan, I am laughing. My husband makes noise, messes, and light. I am fine with minimal light but he? He must have lights on all over the place and I seem to follow him, shutting them off. Every day we go through at least one garbage bag to be put out in the garbage. Since hubs has been gone, I still have the same one not even full yet. (Today is Sunday, he left on Friday) Yep. I am quiet (don’t get the Mama Bear going though) and hubs all he has to do is walk and he shakes the house. Doors slam as he goes from this room to that room, out the door to the garage, ahhhh …..peace for a few moments …. back in the house, slam another door, paper towels bundled and all over the counter. LOL He leaves trails of paper, messes, lights and noise wherever he goes. He constantly complains how much garbage has to be taken to the curb and I have to NOT say it is mostly yours, my husband. Too funny. Hope you have a great Sunday, Dan. Love, Amy


    1. Marissa, my hubs has trouble showing his feelings, but he makes up for it in what he does for me. He spent more years sunk in depression then I care to talk about and I was the one who did everything, and I mean everything while he was a vegetable. I got to a point I just could not go on, so I faced him one day telling him he had to start doing things in this house because I just could no longer do it alone. He chose which responsibilities are his, with a little coaching from me, and now he has swung in the other direction where he wants to do everything for me …. minus cleaning and laundry. That still somehow has remained mine. LOL He is learning to stand on his own two feet, to make his own decisions, to care for someone other then himself. I really am proud of him, because I can recall when he just existed, and now he has begun to live life. This is 45 years after he came home from Nam. Many a time I wanted to give up and the times that were pure hell I did walk away. Yet I continued to be with this man with HOPE in my Heart he would one day learn to stop being afraid of life. He still has many fear issues, but he has made huge progress.
      Have a wonderful weekend!!! Love, Amy


      1. Thank you for sharing that with me Amy. It sounds like you did what is best for both of you and, honestly, it’s amazing how far you (he’s) come. I’m sorry that your story is not a completely happy one, but it sounds like it’s getting to be a very happy ending.


      2. I followed my Heart as with all else I do, Marissa, even when my mind was saying BUT WHY? Now I see why. Oh, Honey, when you have gone through the tough times to walk into the Golden Light, you tend to want to just kiss the ground and shout to the world YES! We did it! (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. LOL Oh you better believe I am going for that chocolate. I wonder how many stomachs that man thinks I have? I’ve already been in that dip and it is really GOOD. OH YEAH! Movies and munchie time! LOL Thank you for coming to see me!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank you on both! I am hoping he gets rest and just unwinds. He loves fly fishing as does his brother. He’ll be happy to come home to his own bed. Sleeping on the ground can get old really fast. LOL Love, Amy


    1. Me rest? I go all the time, Lisa. I must admit I did watch movies yesterday and now today it is raining so I am scratching my head …. what to do? I’ll think of something. Hope you are feeling well!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Lorrie, as I explained to another friend in the comments, my husband has a tough time showing his emotions, but he does things like this to show me how much he Loves me. He’s come a long way since the Big Depression, (LONG story) and to see him begin to live life again is an answer to prayer. Hope you are having a great weekend!!!! Love, Amy


      1. Oh Amy!! Answered prayers are amazing aren’t they?? I’m so happy for you…There are always “long stories” but it is the way we withstand these struggles that speaks so much about us! If you are happy then I am more than thrilled for you dear Amy!! Much love…hope you are enjoying your own company! ! ❤ ❤


  2. Dear Amy,
    Could you read the missive before, Mothers. We wrote something for you!
    En-Joy your weekend, best wishes from here!!! 🙂


      1. Michael, for some reason, I just don’t seem to be getting to the bottom of comments. Just SO many to interact with, but I think I am getting there. Bless you! Love, Amy


      2. Michael, I just came from the pond and the missive you referred me to has over 500 responses. I scrolled down quite a few and found no message for me. I honestly don’t have the time to go through 500+ messages looking for something left for me. I did not find what you wanted me to read. Love, Amy

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  3. Oh, Amy, what a lucky girl you are! What a dream to have someone cook for me, but to do so when they go away? Beyond wonderful! Enjoy your alone time and go easy on the chocolate sauce! 😉


    1. Hubs is definitely something else, Eliza. Cooking is NOT a pleasure for me, so for him to cook dinners every day, AND to prepare everything for me while he is gone, yes, it is a dream come true for me. I am SO grateful believe me!! Love, Amy


    1. Lisa, I wouldn’t go that far, LOL, but I do know I am Blessed. He is just now coming back to Life after shutting down for more years that I care to think about. War does awful things to people and to see hubs walk away from that horror is a JOY to behold. Have a great weekend!!! Love, Amy

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  4. What a sweetheart Amy! I think we both are very lucky ladies indeed. Enjoy your weekend sweet thing…I mean I KNOW you will, but from my heart, enjoy the peace and serenity that comes from solitude at home with your meow meow! Hugs – Lisa


  5. Pssst!! If you need a hand with consuming that chocolate, let me know. I’m your girl! Haha! That’s so wonderful that he did that for you Amy, enjoy it! *Hugs*


    1. Ohhhhhhh, so enjoying that chocolate, Michelle. I had some on my ice cream last night with salty pretzels. OH! Salt and sweet ….. what a way to eat!! Yummy!!! I do have to be careful because I really do not eat a lot of sugar. But yes, there are exceptions sometimes and this is one of those times. LOL Love, Amy

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  6. That is so great and he really does love you. My other half loves to cook and I love to make bread so we have a good combination going. Enjoy that chocolate and have a great weekend. HUGS ♥


    1. Yes it does, M-R. Hubs does not show his emotions but he does things showing me those emotions. He’s learning to let go of the fear, the war, and to allow Love back in his Heart. It’s been a LONG road just take my word for it. Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy

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  7. Your story is funny but means a lot. Actually it is not about food and how organized is your husband, it is about how much he cares of you. Good Man! Respect. And you are lucky Woman. Bless both of you Guys.


    1. Thank you, Alexander. Yes this man tends to drive me nuts with his OCD tendencies, but that is how he survives and copes with life. I am just the opposite … free spirit. I am lucky, Alexander, because I am witnessing this man start to come back to life after plunging into the deepest depression. War will destroy a man. But LOVE is stronger then war and that is where I came in. LOVE is winning! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! Love, Amy


  8. Now – that’s love!
    Hubby did the same thing for me when he’d travel away on business.
    A few times his mom would send me stuff too.
    Yep- I got lucky too. 😉


    1. Oh, RoSy, that is wonderful that you have a good man as your husband!! I personally did not recognize hubs’ love because emotionally he was unable to reach out to me. That too is slowly changing, which makes me weep for JOY. I was determined that LOVE would win over what war had done to hubs’ mind, heart and soul, and here we are 30 years later, and I am just beginning to see this man coming to life again. When we were dating he was alive. Then after marriage he crawled back into a shell. You talk about shocked, and not understanding? I’ve been there for him through deep depression, I’ve been there when I had to have him arrested and put in jail, I’ve been there when he kicks and shouts and screams like a 2 year old, and I’ve been there to see him responding to my Heart’s Love. He’s my soulmate, RoSy, even though he and he alone has the ability to push my buttons until I burst into tears. I am so happy for you that you have found a good man. I really am!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Oh dear Amy – what a path to be on. But – am soooooo happy that things are are changing for the better. So sorry that your husband went through & goes through post war depression. I can’t even begin to imagine.
        He chose well when he chose you as his life partner. You are a wonderful soul.


  9. WOW! That’s PAWSOME! Your hubby can stock our kitty fridge any time! 😉 MOL 😆 What a sweet thing to do! Your hubby truly loves you! 🙂 He sure is a keeper, huh? 😉 Love Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    1. Yes he is a keeper even though we are polar opposites. DANG it is just too quiet here! I really hope he is having a good time! We don’t even have cellphone access due to where he is way up in wild country for real. Once when we both went there, he took me up into the mountains to see how the mountain people live and I was shocked. No electricity, signs all over the place no trespassing or you would be shot (no kidding!), run down shanties, poor as poor can be, men with LONG beards and hair carrying shotguns ….. it was scary and it was SO sad to even think that people still to this day live like this. xx MB


      1. You’re right! It’s really sad that people still to this day live like this. It’s kind of unreal too…

        Have a wonderful weekend, sweetie! 🙂 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  10. Oh, THAT is LOVE ❤ Never seen anything that neatly organized in a fridge…ready to be enjoyed! He made sure you'd not starve while he's away 🙂 catching the fish for a number of meals…you're lucky, Amy dear 😀


    1. I am lucky, Tiny. His OCD tendencies drive me bonkers, but with a touch of tenderness as well, as I read his little notes, “this is to eat for Friday’s lunch”. He must have lists and structure for him to function. Me? I fly by the seat of my pants. I am learning though, structure is good. I actually wrote a post with my husband as the inspiration for it, all about structure. LOL Tiny, this is a LONG story, but to sum it all up, my hubs is finally starting to come back to life after a major shut down due to Vietnam. It’s been quite the journey. A book’s worth!!! Have a wonderful weekend!! Love, Amy


  11. Amy, OCD or not, those containers and notes are nothing less than stinkin’ ADORABLE! So glad you got a photo of everything. That’s a frameable piece of art, for sure! And the chocolate? Pure heaven, right? He’s a keeper! 😀


    1. Susan, I am SO glad I got a picture too. When I opened the fridge and saw how everything was so perfect, and how it looked so darn pretty, I just had to take a photo. His printing is even so perfect. Now when he writes notes and lists for himself he scribbles but for me, he prints like a Prince. That and the chocolate tells you how much he cares. He has come a long ways and to see this, versus me doing all the cooking and all the preparation for his camping trip (Yes he prepared all the food for the camping trip too!) is a miracle. I am a witness that Love truly wins over anything. I could write a book about him, and what we have been through, and that just might happen when he is gone. I am pretty sure he will be the first to go, although, you never do know. But, since he has been gone on this fishing trip I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. This house is too quiet! He is “fire” and when he is around he combusts …. his energy is just huge. When he is not around, it’s like someone let the air out of a balloon. I am getting a taste of what it will feel like when he goes permanently, and let me say this, I will need very good friends to be there for me because I just will not know how to go on. This is an eye opener, Susan. We are as different as night to day, yet being together for 30 years, one tends to not know where one starts and the other ends. It is SO weird. I really miss him. Lately especially he has been opening his Heart little by little, saying goodbye to the anger and fear, and I am seeing the man I have known who is the real man appear. Wow. This really is a life changing event for me. I have an honest to goodness lump in my throat. I can hardly wait until he comes home. Our cats our lost too. They are moping around just like I am. We all are lost without this man in our lives. I never thought I would feel like this. Ever. My Heart has changed too. You become so darn vulnerable when you love someone. Wow. You got a book from me. I Love you, Susan! (((HUGS))) Amy


  12. He must love you very much… Not many do that… But it is also nice to be alone and that’s how we learn to appreciate those little things they do… Enjoy your time off and you will see how much he will be missed…


    1. I’m alone even with him home, Lor. I am discovering some revelations on my end. I really and I mean really miss this man even though he is the one person in the world who can make me want to scream. Yes, he Loves me. I’ve known that all along, but I have not seen it. He buried it in fear and depression. Just lately he has begun to come to life, and begun to do things to take care of me. I have been determined that Love will win over anything, including the results of war. I have hung in there for many years loosing many family members in my life due to my choices. To see this man come back to life has been worth every miserable moment I have had over the years, every hardship, every tear, every hurt he caused. To see his Heart open to Love is allowing my Heart to open to him in a way I have only dreamed of doing. Yes, he was alive when we were dating, but then when we married, it was like someone slammed his door shut and he left me out in the cold. It was shocking. I will write a book about this someday, I know I will, probably when he is gone permanently. Dang, I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. This is a total surprise because I was looking forward time without him. Now that time is actually here, I want him back home. Life changing event going on with me, Lor. I don’t even want to blog right now. I am just answering my comments. Astonishing. (((HUGS))) Amy


  13. That is an incredibly sweet present! You are indeed loved. But then, helping to prepare the fully loaded truck for 3 days’ fishing is also a tremendous gift of love. Yes, you’re absolutely right: love is expressed in so many, and often overlooked, ways. Thanks for the delightful reminder!


    1. Kathyrn, as I explained to several people, I am in the middle of a life changing event right now. I am astonished how much I miss this man even though I was looking forward to some “peace and quiet” when he was gone. Our history together is such a long and complicated one, one in which I will probably one day write about when he is gone from this earth. I have a feeling he will be the first to leave, yet one never truly knows this for sure. He shut down after we married, scared to love within a marriage, and it is all so mixed up but it has everything to do with war. He was so afraid of loosing me he shut me out and he himself sunk into major depression. To see this man come back to life after being one of the walking dead for more then 25 years and to see his Heart begin to soften and trust Love, is the most rewarding thing I have ever had in my life. I honestly don’t even know what to do with myself right now. Even my cats are moping around waiting for Daddy to come home. This is SO weird because I did not foresee this happening. Major life changing event going on now. Just unbelievable. Thank you for your comment and reading my words about my husband. Thank you, Kathyrn. Love, Amy

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      1. It’s been a journey, Kathryn, that I will admit, bringing many a time to me where I really asked what I was doing. My Heart just would not let me give up, even through years of not understanding why. Now as I see a glimmer of light and life, the understanding begins to come in as well. Thank you, for your words of Love. May you be Blessed in return. Love, Amy


  14. So sorry,really I am. I have trouble spelling it out sometimes. I’m so visual!!!
    You left those flower picture and we wrote how lovely they are, then you answered our post right there. Me and B or Bixie wrote back. So if you can,t find those pink/red flowers you posted in the missive just before the Mother one, we will catch you another time as it wasn’t, meant to be at this time and space!


    1. What I don’t understand, is, why did these comments not appear on my notifications? That’s really odd. I feel badly I was not able to find what you pointed out to me, but as you say, it is meant to be. I really do appreciate you taking the time to tell me there were some comments waiting. (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. He is different, in so many ways. I am missing him a lot more then I thought I would to my own surprise. I really am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. Give him a day or two or maybe three to recoup, and then I start talking Niagara Falls!! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I will no longer be in a matter of minutes. He still is not home. We may even miss each other for I have a Yoga class at 7pm this evening, when I will be attending. I’ve had some revelations oh believe me! I will probably be back into blogging tomorrow, or Weds. This week is turning into BUSY with many appts. on the calendar. I am going to do my best to get one post up as soon as I can. (((HUGS))) Amy


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