More of Glen Falls (7 IMAGES)

98 thoughts on “More of Glen Falls (7 IMAGES)”

    1. Thank YOU, Dan. My eyes just about fell out of my head editing these. My sensor was dirty so I had all these splats of black dirt across each photo which I had to remove. By the time I was finished, I crashed on the couch to close my eyes. (((HUGS))) Amy

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    1. I didn’t reshape them. What you see is what I saw. I don’t understand your words, “TY of reshaping them.” Hope you have a great day, sunsetdragon! Love, Amy


  1. Amy…we just spoke of hearts being moved…and as I viewed your photos I could feel my heart filling with love!! I am sure that your energy comes through with the lovely sight to our eyes. Spectacular! Just amazingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us ❤ ❤


    1. You are SO welcome, Lorrie. It is not I who moved your Heart, but Mother. I have the privilege to capture Her beauty to bring to you. Bless you! Love, Amy


      1. Thank you, Lorrie. I plan on that very thing today in a magic garden. (smile) I have to get permission first from the owners. I will. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank YOU, Diogo, for your compliment! Thank YOU! I only worked with what Mother Nature had before my eyes. Pure Magic. Her personality has another side (Glen Falls) as you will see in my future posts on my second visit there. Lots more waterfalls coming. (smile) Love, Amy


  2. Amy, once again you have captured Nature’s brilliance! The third and fourth ones, with the rocks visible, are my favs, but then I am always drawn to stone! Thank you so much! Love and Hugs! Phyl


  3. What impressed me is the way some of the falls are so much more powerful than others. It may seem like an obvious observation, but it really gives the pictures character.


    1. Marissa, I see separate pictures within the Falls themselves and it does seem yes, they do have different personalities. Yet they all merge together in quite the magnificent way they do in order to create the Whole, Glen Falls. How awesome! Love, Amy


    1. I’m sorry, Barbara, I don’t know what you are talking about. IF you are referring to Artists4peace, I submit my work to them just like you do. I am not one of the ones who run the site. If this is about something else, could you let me know? Thank you. Love, Amy


      1. Barbara, do you have the email address for Artists4peace? I have been associating with a woman by the name of Melanie who seems to be in charge of things on that blog. The email address is: I hope this helps you get things straightened out. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. OH MY GOSH!!! Really??? Tell your daughter from me that if this is her Heart’s Passion, she will fly high as the Stars. How exciting!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. each one holds a special image within it …
    making them mystical and etheral?
    Thank you….they give me lots to wander in and wonder about….
    Take Care…You Matter…


      1. Honey, there is something so primal, so powerful with these, they take my breath away. LadyBlueRose saw the face of The Lady in one, and I did too. I am seeing other images as well. Why I am being called to Water this summer is totally beyond me, but the urge is so strong!!! I am so happy that they are really touching you too, Melissa. So happy! Love, Amy


    1. You are welcome, Maverick. As I told Dan, my sensor was dirty and I had black splats across these. Took me a LONG time to edit these babies, and when done, I crashed on the couch. Yep. Labor of LOVE. I have ONE more set of these coming from the first visit (and yep I have to remove black dots) and then oodles of pics from the second trip. That time my sensor was clean. Thank God!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Very beautiful photo set.
    Speed ​​of the flow of water, has been represented as shades of brightness.
    I like this, especially the first three.
    But, all photo also beautiful. All of them are Art anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Chun, thank you SO much!!! I think these are my best yet in how I edited them. I LOVE these and I keep looking at them. I am SO happy you like them, and may these Waters somehow Bless your life!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The quality of the photos you’re getting better and better.
        You’ve learned a great technique to take pictures of waterfalls.
        Is splendidly.
        It is wonderful. ❤


      2. Sorry, I am a few words now.
        Your great their efforts.
        Photos of this waterfall too.


    1. No, YellowCable. The current is very strong, plus there are many many dangerous rocks. There are signs everywhere, “No Swimming allowed.” If they did, I would not be surprised if people got hurt or even killed. The force of these Waters is really strong!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. They look soft because of the slow shutter speeds I took them with. In reality, if you saw them, you would understand that they are nothing to play in. I have some more “little falls” I have yet to present. Those are OK to play in. And when I get to Niagara Falls you will truly see how powerful water is. Have a great Friday!!! Love, Amy


    1. Thank YOU, Charlie. The inspiration came from Mother as I did my best to bring to you what I saw. Magic. Power. Pure Bliss. Have a Wonderful Weekend, Charlie! Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Lor. I agree. This series is yet my best. Let’s see what is to come. I am looking forward to it. Have a wonderful weekend!!! Love, Amy


    1. Thank you very much, Alexander. I am creating with slow shutter speeds, and I am having so much fun doing so. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Love, Amy


    1. Harold, you are the second person, no, make that third person, who tells me they lived here in this area. I hope your memories are good ones, Harold, and if not, I can help you re-write the script by what I show you here. May your weekend be a great one!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  6. These photo’s are spectacular images Amy.. you really are a professional in taking these images… I love water falls they seem to have their own energy and vibration as water rushing sounds so resonate with me. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Sue!!! More are coming this week. I should be finishing up with the first trip to Glen Falls. I have yet to start with my second trip. These Waters are powerful and in their presence, I was just in Awe. (((HUGS))) Amy


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